(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

hey jace.. relax girl. I know how it feels. Baby G has his moments too!

Maybe he is teething and is uncomfortable? Btw, for the record.. i have never one successfully put baby down onto the cot and "pat" him to sleep. He always needs to be rocked, then put down to sleep. I know thats a bad habit to cultivate.....but its e only way he sleeps! =X


Sun_tan: Same here. Eversince grandpa and the maid look after K, I have not been successful at putting him to sleep with patting on bed. He has to be carry to sleep. Tonight is even worse. Harder to get him to sleep tonight. Cry and cry eventhough he wanna sleep liao but cannot sleep. Hai...

cheese: yishun got children clinic?

how is the charges like?

i went one @ TPY, i don mean she not gd, but it only open in the morning and evening, so the waiting time is long.

then i saw one at AMK, call to check, 1st time consultantion is $80, after that will be $50, quite ex compare to TPY, 1st time is $50, then follow up is $40 (GST not include)

Hi mummies

how everyone new year?

me celebrate my new year @ KKH, E had fever since 20th, so 24th i bring him to kkh, since he had fever for 5 days, then on thurs 30th, his fever was gone, who know, fri 31st, fever came back again. no choice bring him back to kkh, so this time round got admitted as fever was way too long, even through he did stop for 1 day.

jaclyn: high 5.. my gal can only be carried to sleep. and worse is, she dun wan anyone else other than me at nite. whenever she stays overnight at my mum's, my mum has such a hard time making her slp! i also have another bad habit to slp with bb.. everynite she slps beside me even though she has a cot. i cant bear to put her in the cot lei..

have been on leave since xmas eve. now feel abit sian to think of going back to work on tues!

Jasmine, your bb fever subsided? Usually children have fever for more than 5days is caused by infection. My elder girl used to have fever for 5 days and was admitted to kkh, the dr did an Xray on her lungs and found out she got lung infection was prescribed on antibotics den her fever subsided.

sito, each time i go is less than 50,depend on e med cost too..

my boy also nid to pat to sleep...n he zz veri little lei..he also will have nightmare, sum folks say he played too much during the day le.

gosh,holiday end liao, gota work!

Beannie: Shocked to read your post! How is bb today?? Hope she is getting better.

My bb has been fussing these few nights..crying with eyes closed for a few times every night. Last time he could zz thru the nite..Any bbs behaving same? Could he be teething or is he hungry? Cos I have not fed him solids yet..

I am so sleepy now at work..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sito - i agree with the other mummies, that pd sounds dodgy! my girl was only 6.9kg at 6mths. but pd said she's growing well every month, drinks and eats well and is very alert, so all is good! if you're worried maybe try feeding avocado? it has lots of good fat and is vv good for babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


mummies, i see that i'm not alone. my bb was able to sleep by herself when she was 3 mths+. after feed, just put her in her cot & she will fall asleep by herself. she did this for about 1 mth. now she won't sleep unless she's carried, rocked to sleep. and at night, she can only fall asleep if she's latched on. i have no idea how to get her to sleep by herself anymore. i also know it's bad habit to get her to sleep while latched on, but i'm too tired at night to listen to her cry and cry.

beannie, how is bb c today?

Good morning mummies.

Last night Kayden also torture me. 1.30am, 3.30am and 6.15am. At 3.30am, I kanna kick out of bed to sleep in the other room cause he took my side of bed again. At 6.15am, he woke up for milk. Daddy fed milk and he refuse to sleep though tired. I just put him on the bed and tell him "Mummy very tired. Can I just pat you to sleep instead of carrying you?". So I started patting him and sing to him. Miraculously, he fell asleep without carrying. Heng ah. Haha!!

Porridge: Any mummy using slow cooker to cook porridge? My MIL bought me one but I do not know how long to cook the porridge for to get the puree form.

Baby Biscuit: I saw those baby biscuits which indicate baby can eat at 6mths. But baby dun have teeth, can still eat?

Cheese, so much difference in price, mine every visit for bb flu or cough is min $100 and above..dr teo like 砍菜头 lol! Bb E 6 month jab is $315!!!

Do you have the Pd no.at yishun?

Sito, I PM u le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I find them quite good and that time haven buy car, so Yishun is the nearest to my home... but now im sticking to this.

vernie: Is it? Ok.. maybe I go buy one box to try. Hubby say must teeth then can eat. I was wondering why the box write for 6mths then? Not many babies have teeth at 6mths lei.

Ann: As for the porridge, you would still need to sieve it to get the puree form. Slow cooker will only make the grains meshy only but it's still grainy and not suitable for a 6 mth old tummy. My girl had porridge fr slow cooker sans sieving before and suffered bad indigestion like 3 days later from her 1st fed. So pls rmb to press thru the sieve at this stage.

Biscuit: Yeah...like what Vernie said, they melt when the baby gnaws on them with their gum. I thk teething rusks are gd for them to try now. I can't wait to see my girl gnawing on her rusks soon. Im sure the babies will enjoy smthing apart fr milk. =D

Sleep Problems: Well, just remember our babies are still babies and are ever growing, changing. Behaviour, habits change too. So just be prepared for that I guess. =D

Hwever if you do sense sm changes not right (eg: suspect the child is nt well, child is cranky all the time), we shd trust our Mummy's instinct. Do ur research on the symptoms or see the PD to get a pro's point of view.

I'm sure as they grow and get smarter now, things can get wee more challenging. They are no longer so easy to be "manipulated" by us but vice versa. =p I read babies at this stage will begin to use "crying" to get attention and sorta of things. So we just got to react whichever we are comfortable with.

Hi mommies,

Havent been a good start of the yr for me. Been sick since eve..and today first day back to work, I am on half day MC. Just visited the doc for cough and flu and the doc prescribed me with antibiotics. I did told the doc that I am breastfeeding..but I tot we are not allow to take antibiotics when breastfeeding? Any mommies have any idea?

hello mummies,

looks like my boy is not the only one who needs to be rocked to sleep. He can only fall asleep when rocked/carried. Then we can put him down on the bed/cot when he has fallen alseep or 80% asleep.

Other bad habit also include being carried while drinking his milk. Think my MIL (who's the main caregiver) spoil market liao...cuz since my boy was 3mths old, whenever he drinks his milk half-way and make noise & doesn't want to drink liao, my MIL will carry him & walk around the house while feeding him.

So now become a habit le! And now my boy is already 7kg, how to tahan.

Yvonne: Can I use a blender to blend the porridge to puree form like what we did for those fruits and vegetables?

Any recommendation for teething rusk? I not very sure of what to give. I saw those rice crackers for 6mths.. can give those?

I do agree baby is always changing. And I totally agree that baby is crying so often now to get our attention. Baby K love to pretend to cry so that I will pick him up. Yesterday, daddy was playing with him and he pretend to cry so that daddy will pick him up from the exersaucer but then daddy didn't. He pretend for very long and in the end, he really cry out very loud, tears were flowing like river. Daddy pick him up but no use liao.. he just keep crying untill I carry him then he stop. Very notti boy sia.

avocado: How do you mummies prepare avocado for baby? Can I puree it and freeze it like the rest of the fruits puree? Wanna bring over to in law house one.

Bring bb C to kkh to see skin specialist. Update everyone later. Her shoulder blade n behind ears can see obvious scald marks. But lucky my mum can't see through. Only keep saying I nvr wash bb C bed n clothing clean enough then got rashes

Ann: I mashed the avocado with milk manually just before feeding bb. Very tiring lei and still got some small lumps after that. The first layer of the leftover avocado that i store in the fridge will oxidise (turn a little blackish). So i eat those layer myself and scoop the green part to mix with milk for bb's next meal. Dunno whether frozen avocado will oxidise or not, so i gave fresh avocados to nanny for her to prepare fresh to feed my boy.

vernie: I scared the maid dunno how to prepare then anyhow do for baby to eat. You know la.. they are not as careful as us mummies. That's why I handle all the puree on my own so far.

pear puree: Mummies, what type of pears to use? The chinese pears or packham pears (Aust or South Africa ones)?

stock for porridge: Anyone knows the recipe to prepare the stock (chicken, fish) for cooking porridge? We can prepare batches of the stock and freeze them right?

Ann: I also handle all the puree myself too except the avocado. I'm also a little worried when i pass the avocados to the nanny this morning, not because she is not careful (she is super careful) but more because she has not eaten or prepare avocados before. She looked at me strangely when i said to mash the avocado with milk. Hope she will prepare properly later. My boy likes it when i fed him avocado yesterday.

Hi all, i m in aug2010 thread, came here to learn how to feed my gal solids next month.. Actually she is a July baby in e end.. Don't mind me joining in some of the discussion?

Sito.. I agree wif u abt dr Teo leh.. I brought my gal to him last month coz she got runny nose.. Guess what!! He gave me cough mixture, flu n probiotics. Scare my bb might get tummyache so give probiotics. Said most runny nose cases will become cough so gave me cough mixture. Still predict might become worse and said might need nebulizier.. But in e end my gal recovers quite fast though her phlegmy throat took abt 1 week or so to clear.. I think he is a bit kiasu n talking to him make me nervous coz he gave lotsa prediction..

However some of my thread frenz like him.. So I guess is depend on individual ba..

AMK has one SBCC.. Charges about the same as baby bear but doctors won't give so much medicine..

Suntan, I was also on antibotics last nov for flu and cough , I stop Bf for that 1 week completely.. Coz the medicine goes into our milk and the taste very bitter and funny too, doubt my bb will drink.. After the whole dose of antibiotics, I let the medication drained off for extra 1 day before I start feeding my bb again

Ann: Blender shd be ok I reckon. Saw on website that they recommend this. I suppose any way that can get the porridge to puree form can be used.

Another way, my mum recommend and some books, soak the grains in hot water for a couple of hours, before cooking. This helps to soften the porridge.

Ann - just gave my bb Heinz teething rusks over the weekend. she loved them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but once she "chews" through one part, it gets too short to hold and must give her a new one. she finished 2 while we had our new year's day lunch.

I receive the Heinz teething rusks for the exchange of gift in Infant care

but i haven let my boy try yet.

He is drooling a lot now, within 1/2 hour, I need to change hanky for him already..

maybe I should wear bib for him le barz..

Hai, i tink my mind is controlling me already. cos my aim is to BF for 6mths. Now my SS drop..

*giving myself a pat* still

heinz teething rusks are sugar free. there's a tiny bit of salt tho (to make the rusks hard). but there's not much taste to them. they taste like wheat heheh.

cheese - give yourself TWO pats! any mummy that BF at all is super weida [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh.. seems like mummies are starting to give rusk to babies. I let my hubby know or else he think only have teeth then can eat. Wanted to buy and give K because he keep wanting to put things in his mouth. I dun like him to put his fingers in his mouth cause bad habit la so wanted to buy some snacks for him to try out. Hopefully it will keep him quiet in the car. Haha!!


Thks for the advice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] have asked my gynae n he mention that the particular antibiotics which I was prescribed is safe for breastfeeding.

Ann: Not yet, not yet...bought the rusk only, haven't let bb try...haha...but will let him try soon...like your bb K, everything also he wanna put in his mouth...he opened his xmas present and attempted to eat the wrapper! *sigh*

thks peanuts! yeah yeah!

Seems like our bb is in drooling stage, putting everything inside their mouth..

me gave my boy cold drinks and he wanna suck the straw! so dangerous...

any one know where to buy boy's CNY clothes?I saw ger got "Du dou"

very cute!!! but boy one dun noe why dun have small size one...

sun_tan: Sun, usually if u tell ur doc u r Bf, they will prescribe one that is suitable. Hwever, one doc did mention that the antibiotics might caused diarrhea to ur baby but I dun thk it's serious lah. Probably, softer, runnier stools. Coz if u r BF exclusively, baby has to still drink ur BM no matter what.

Vernie - i oso just bought Keila's CNY clothes from Cuteeland. Went over to her place to let her try a few.... think Keila bigger in size now, she can wear those 12-18mths one

Ya lo, I told hubby that we can start Kayden on snacks and he ask if I wanna buy xiao man tou for him. I think that one cannot right?

Nan HA 2: Any mummy wanna exchange with me with Nan Pro 2? I have 1 tin of 400g to exchange. Alternatively, selling at $12 too.

Ann: hmm...xiao man tou might be too small n choke-hazardous. Rusk is better as the baby cn hold but still we must watch as small bits might crumble (in case baby swollow). besides, the baby does nt have the ability to hold the xiao man tou with pincer grip (finger n thumb hold). Rusk is more managable and thus giving your baby the confidence to self-feeding. =) Most importantly, take baby steps when introducing food and remember not to get overly eager and overfeed our babies with a wide variety of food. Must rmb there's the 4-day rule for every new food we introduce as well.

Ann, I saw this while browsing on the website. It might be useful for u - on the different apparatus to use to prepare puree.


Eliss: Wow, really? Keila can wear 12-18mths? Maybe the cutting for ger is small? Boys 6-12 mths is OK for Ian. Or maybe he is small? haha...

Hello Mummies!

Any good blender to recommend? Anyone is using the U-like Blender? Have not bought any blender but intend to soon.

Ann: Your bb cried at nite too? my bb like similar to yours..cried at nite but need to be carried and he will sleep again, but after awhile will cry again. Haiz. Also dunno what is wrong with bb.

Eliss: Haha...dress cuter mah...gers got so many designs to choose. Boys < 1 year old, very limited designs...only those romper type. Those 2pc ones are mainly for 1 year and above.

