(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

SK: come come u slap my HB for me, u dun mind i can do that to ur HB too... can't stand them saying “yah, your family THE BEST, my family lots of problem!” “I tot your mum the BEST? Why are u complaining?”

Kaoz !! PISSED !


Less germs better lo, cos if bbs are sick (choy, touchwood), the mums will suffer too. But think as they grow older, a bit of germs is ok, so they can build up their immune system?

My bb also perspires quite alot..so is the norm hor..my bb botak head but still can perspire so much, can't imagine if he has lots of hair!

I also like my in laws to kiss my bb. Sometimes I dunno if my fil got shower cleanly or not, go bathroom shower like superman, v fast come out.

Another thing I dun like abt my mil is the way she cleans things, always not v clean one, dunno she wanna save water (money) or wat. Got one thing I inspect the milk bottles she clean den got the milk clump still sticking on the bottle!! Faintz. Her own house dishes also like that one, not v clean but the milk bottles is used to feed bb must clean thoroughly mah. Anyway so I tried whenever I can to wash the milk bottles myself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My hb always tell me must b grateful his parents help look after but pls lor some things like basic hygiene how to compromise????

Sorry for the grumble

My bb perspire a lot one until she stinks! She quite fat so got some body folds will become red, I suspect cos of the sweat accumulate in the folds. Not sure got any bb like that?

Any remedy?

happybee: have many btl (i have 5) then wash all at 1 time lor. I buy a medium pail to carry all used btl from last nite feed to mid night feed to morning feed (3-4 btls) all wash at 1 time.

I do that becos kitchen got "xiao qiang", HB give excuse say stay 2nd floor is like that one. I tell him, "xiao qiang" visits dirty/unclean/unkept places for food only.

I tell him like that Kopitiam at ground floor cfm got alot "xiao qiang" patronise liao lor, then Kopitiam can tell NEA ppl that ground floor is like that one lor...

Then i only wash clothes and shower aft bb slp at 9pm n HB is to look after bb. but for sure if he is out station, i cfm pack n go back my parents there to stay. hahahaha !


You brought your bb for jab at baby bear clinic this month? There's 1 nurse always very pushy want to sell me products like their isomil small tin and even want to sell me sunblock !

Damn sickening nurse,somemore commented twice that my bb needs to drink fm from cow, said Breast milk and SOymilk is not nutritious enough for my bb,WTH!!

Beanie, I have 6 bottles, the sterilizer can only hold 6 max den my mil likes to feed my bb water (which I v against but she still does it) so the bottles used up v fast. I dunno y old folks always like to feed bb water one! Everytime burp den give water please lor, my bb can burp many times a day one lei, anyway I sick of arguing with them abt this water thing. Sometimes I work a bit late den the mill bottles used up before I get to my pil place den my mil will wash them liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] den I have to be inspector again. Sianz.

I like your kopitiam analogy! Lol.

I also dun like my mil wash my bb clothes cos she also like the milk bottles again, the clothes she wash one smells sometimes. Haiya when it comes to bb things I just v particular abt cleanliness but they dun have the same standard.

my baby perspires quite a bit too, but only on her hands and feet. feels clammy

happy bee,

ya, it's due to sweat. have to keep it dry lor. wipe it as in pat dry the area. over the weekend, hubby "opened" up her skin folds and air dry them. kept saying that baby is fat. hahaha


i've only put my baby in it yesterday to test and it was only for a while. the true test will come this weekend when we take her out. but i think should be ok coz she's been in a carrier all this while with similar type of fabric, and she doesn't perspire in it

this is a pic of her in her new carseat (but not in the car. hehe!) she thought she was going kai-kai [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sito i going on Mon! Huh... y the nurse sounds like as if she's a salesgirl. Think the nurse not educated enough, ask her go do her homework, BM better than cow milk lor. I no choice then feed FM de then always scared my girl immune not as good.

LT: i went to check during lunch, its $850 after subsidy (phew... heng not $14xx)but its still expensive then have to buy own mattress etc

My main worry is kids spread virus v fast rite? So scared of HFMD etc... if put at IFC cannot prevent right? i scared my girl immune sys not v gd


pros n cons for putting bb at IFC, me also put my boy in IFC. so far so gd, just that when he sick, have to take leave to take care.

As for HFMD, what the cc do, every morning, when i send him in, they will check temp., hands, legs etc, see got any rashes, injuries (haha, in case we accuse them) before he ws begining bring in the rm.

mummies! what is your bb's favourite toy so far? My bb only likes his cot mobil (he will really kick punch shout laugh eyes big big) and this one particular Sesame Street story book. Other toys like rattle, lamaze inchworm, he like not v interested leh. Even the sophie he afterawhile like dunno what to do with it...

ica: your bb really looks ready to gai gai!! lol


virus spread easily at IFC, that one can't be helped. same thing will also happen if your baby is with a babysitter who is taking care of more than 1 child. my friend's children are placed with a nanny. so when #1 falls sick, then #2 will follow, then she and later her hubby. then another cycle will begin

quartzie - yeah cant avoid...everything expensive bt i rather put her in infant care at least they can explores themselve rather den always be carried ard and being constraint...

Jasmine - hw muz is urs for putting inside IFC?? i oso scare of virus bt no choice at time..haiz

My bb fav toy is also her cot mobile. She can play the longest with the mobile. Other toys I give her she play a while den dun wan liAo.

Recently I bought some fish stickers to stick on the wall den she also like it a lot. My hb against it at first say will spoilt his precious wall, after c bb like it so much he ask me to buy more to stick. Haha

My bb redness is on her neck then v diff to dry cos she dun like to lift her head.

Ica: ur bb looks v happy in her car seat! N she look like she can hold her neck v well!

Beannie: no problem! Pls do it to wake my hb up!

Happy bee: my gal had redness on her neck folds from sweating too. The skin there was peeling and raw!

She was always crying when we bathe her cos I guess is painful when get in contact with water… that time I dunno still put baby powder on it, tot can absorb moisture but it got worse when the sweat + powder mixed to become clumps on her neck.

I went to the PD and got this Bactroban ointment, very good! Within 2-3 days it recovered.

my mum tried applying on her hand when she scalded herself during cooking, also recover very fast. I was given the same cream from doc when I had surgery for my breast abscess. Best is, it doesn’t sting even when u apply on open wounds.

Happy bee: my bb does not like to lift her head to clean neck too. So what I do is use her toy to distract her when she is lying down.

wave the toy above her head, but slightly behind so she will look up and lift her chin. Then another hand quickly wipe with cool boiled water, dry it and put cream etc.

happy bee: your bb talks to the stickers? haha.

Did you try using any cream to cure the redness? I tried physiogel cleanser/ cream before. Work awhile but the rashes and redness still come back. the much hyped CB cream I tried, I like the smell but it does not work on my bb. Nowadays I just put loads of moisturizer on bb' skin. The neck area v prone to redness, cos could be sweat plus milk drip into the folds..but this coming Monday I am going see Pd for vac. I will ask her about the rashes and redness. See already I feel so itchy for bb.

sweetkiss, happy bee,

mine is only on her neck and her arms as well. it developed into fungal infection. so now we very careful when the weather's hotter than usual


she's very nice to carry/cuddle but arms get tired easily. think she's past 7kg liao. shudders to think what's her exact weight now. anyway, next fri will do a weigh in - like that "biggest loser" show? hahaha!

Very pissed again. My mum called and say my bb dun want milk. Say she feed FM baby take.

feed my BM baby dun want. Then now become my BM problem again. Forever anything wrong is me, my milk, me!

really very sianz. I have been trying so hard to maintain my supply, give bb BM then when hear all these get very upset.

and my mum put the warmed up BM back into the fridge, say later try to warm and feed again. why cant she understand logic one?

my milk spoil liao lar like that!

Jasmine - hw come so cheapppp....aiyooo where...

SK - they just dnt seem to lik us feeding our gals BM...hugz...must determined k...BM is still e best..if i can i will definately still feed her wif tat but haiz...

LT: me too i am trying very hard.. my supply dropped a lot that's why she keep saying dun feed, wad for waste my time pumping when each pump yields so little milk. but since bb already 4 mths le.. i was only hoping to see if i can do it till she 6 mths.

Oh dear, like that I must faster bring to pd to get the cream. I see my bb neck v red also like v raw. Daytime I not ard depends on my mil to clean but she always dun air dry den put cream, now I use avent magic healing cream but like no magic yet lei, everyday c still red red one.

I must try the method used by sweetkiss to distract my bb.


It locate at whampoa. hmm.. i also don know y. maybe it is non-aircon. plus i work at balestier, so easy for me to send/ fetch them.


now i don pump out anymore. so when my bb is in IFC, i let them feed FM, when back at hm, I latch him on. not that IFC don encourage feeding BM, just that seeing the amt when i pumped out, feel so sad, so i rather latch him on.

Any mummy using Mucci carseat? Hb just went to baby kingdom and saw Mucci carseat only at $168 and it's the material is quite comfortable


Aiyoh,think your mum really made you mad..old folks always like that but my mum don't dare to said my bm not good,she said drink bm can save $ so 1 day my bb will drink 3 times bm and 3 times isomil.

Hello mummies!

Today my complain is about the maid. Super fed up with her. I think I complain about her not long ago too. Last night, I reached my in law place and I play with my boy.. then I think he wanna drink milk liao since 3hrs plus since his last feed. So I ask her to make milk.. she went to make milk liao then I wanna feed my bb.. she dun wanna give me the bottle.. tell me to go eat dinner.. but the dinner table is not set at all.. eat what dinner? Do you mean I have to go set the dinner and you can have the luxury of feeding bb? I told her no.. i will feed. I took my boy to the couch and feed him.. he drink abit and struggle... Don't wan to drink. Try again and he don't want. Then the maid came to the living room and tell my boy happily "You wan me to feed you is it? Ok la, I feed you". She took the bb from me and the bottle. She feed bb.. but same thing happen.. drink abit and struggle. In my heart is like "You think my bb has a preference of you over me is it? Now my bb also dun wan milk from you".

Then she play with the bb while my FIL set the table for dinner. WTH!! I quickly took bb from her and my hubby's sister told her to set the table for dinner. After setting, she come and take baby from me again and ask me go eat dinner. FIne.. I went to eat my dinner. After I finish dinner.. I play with my son and she go do housework, take her dinner and bathe. After that, she come and wanna take my son away from me again. I told her nvm, i can take him and carry him off to see what my hubby's sister is doing.

Then when I see Kayden's cue that he wanna sleep.. I quickly ask the maid to heat up the milk and i bring him in to my in law's bedroom and feed him. While he was drinking the milk, she came into the room again. I told her to get out.. she keep walking nearer and nearer.. had to repeat myself 3 times before she go out. My son was already sucking milk and falling asleep liao lo.

After putting him to bed, my MIL also come home liao. Then I complain to my MIL about her. My hubby's sister also told MIL that the maid refuse to let her carry bb when she is home from work. She had to take the bb away from the maid. Hubby's sister even told my MIL that the maid might be thinking that she is the only one whom Kayden wan to put him to sleep and no body can do it. That is true only when I or my MIL is not around lo. Frankly speaking, when i come over to visit bb, my in law and hubby's sisters also don't dare to take bb away from me lo cause they know how little time i have with my son. How dare she come to snatch my son away from me?

Just now I went to visit my boy in the afternoon during lunchtime since I was nearby..at the same time bring milk powder and linen up. She quickly ask me "You not going home now?".. I told her no and I stay for 2hrs and play with my son and put him down for his nap before I leave.

Before I left, I went to drink water and found a window cleaner bottle filled with water at the drinking area. I asked my FIL how come use this bottle to put drinking water.. my FIL say no la.. and question the maid and told her she cannot put this bottle with the drinking water jars... the maid super not happy lo.. face black like hell... close cupboard also with sound. I ask my FIL does she do this to him often.. my FIL just keep quiet.. I told my FIL cannot let her throw her tantrum at him like that. My FIL say human all the same.. got tantrum one.. I felt he too soft lo.. always kanna bully by maid. I sms my hubby's sister and she agreed with me lo. She say this morning before going work, she ask the maid to let her carry bb to play for a while and the maid said no to her lei. Once again my hubby's sister took the bb away from her also.

What kind of attitude is this? Did she get her work duties clear or not? She is a maid lei... not a baby snatcher. Why keep trying to take away bb from everyone?

Sorry for my long posting but just super buay song with her.


aiyo, sorry ah! I went to cold storage just now and saw Avent pacifiers 0-6 mths! My eyesight is really failing liao. I see closely, there are 2 types, orthodontic and for sensitive skin. 0-6mths is from the sensitive skin range. But looks the same, very subtle diff if there are

ica -- your baby is so cute!! and looks v happy in her carseat!

ann -- sorry you have to deal with this. I don't have much to comment because no maid, but you definitely get priority to spend time w your bb, and not the maid! don't back down!!

Ya.. I think it is high time that we put her back in place. Just now my hubby's sister sms me saying that when she bath come out, she see the maid playing with bb and my father in law is the one setting the dinner table.. she quickly carry the baby and ask the maid to set the table.

So angry.. sms my hubby to complain abt her even though he is in Shanghai and he replied that we seriously have to consider changing her.

xbeaniex and other mommies who have done belly massage -- how many sessions before see results? how many sessions did u guys do in total? since i am starting so late, i wonder still got any use or not....


Your maid is from which country? my new maid also very engrossed with my bb, kept wanting to feed her, bath for her,carry her,make her sleep like my bb is hers[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


ann---ur maid machiam lik owner lik tat...wow tink if its me i will ask her do e housework and tell her i can handle bb myself..reali tink BB prefer her more den mummy arh...she tink too muz liao forget her job scope...cheer up k,,,

Sito: She from Indonesia. Must be strict with her lo. Like my MIL, when MIL step into the house, the maid will run to hide one lei. She stay away from my boy when my MIL is ard.. Got one Saturday, I brought my boy to in law house to have dinner.. my MIL open the door.. I think the maid forgotten about my MIL and run out from the kitchen and wanna carry my son. My MIL stand next to her and stare at her.. she faster run back to the kitchen. Wahahaha!!! I think she kanna "hit" left, right & centre with my MIL's lecture after we left.

LT: Ya lo..she think she very big and no one dare to sack her cause MIL working during daytime and FIL cannot take care of him alone.. but frankly worse come worse, I can sack her, get my son a place in infant care and wait till a new maid come lo. What's so difficult?

Just now my hubby's sister told me she purposely put my boy to sleep when they having dinner.. I told her, don't worry.. my boy will wake up one.. cause not his sleeping time so he won't sleep for long. She 7plus put him to sleep and 8plus he woke up for milk le. I am his mum, of cos I know him best.

Just now my MIL put my boy to sleep.. he cry very loudly, my hubby's sister told me. I told her that they had exceeded his bedtime liao cos normally by 9.30pm he should be in dreamland le but they put him to sleep at 9.45pm so my boy will cry.

Hey gals, anybody got any light weight stroller to recommend? Preferably 3kgs or less. Thinking of getting one for travelling. Thanks!


I love my aprica! 4.8kg. Been with us to HK, Bintan, Batam, Perth. Easy to move ard with it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: conflict with parents/ ILs

it will get worse when bb starts solid food-- the old folks will keep making bb try all sorts of food, try to make them eat more cos i notice old pple always think eat more = good.


ur bb still dun want to drink milk? if he arch his back and kick and scream, most likely he got gas.

Ann: I also cant advise you. For one .. baby is with me and not with my inlaws. So i understand that when u're with him.. u want time with him. Its only natural! And you shouldn't need to fight to have time with him lor. Perhaps the maid dont really understand this, so sit her down and tell her that when u are around, u want time with ur son. She dont need to fuss around u and baby.

Charliebrown: you should really try to bring bb out alone. Jurong Point is a good choice. Their nursing rooms have hot water & several individual cubicle with lock. If you scare bb cry, can bring along pacifier. I find that using bb carrier would be more convenient to move around. But if you want to bring stroller, must remember to figure out the route from your house to JP first. In my case, the shortest route has some steps, so I go by a slightly longer route that has slopes instead when I use the stroller. My boy’s fave toy is also the cot mobile. The rest like Lamaze inchworm, kick & play piano he also like but fave is still the mobile. He also likes to watch those educational video. I letting him watch “Your Baby Can Read” now.

Ica: your girl girl looks so comfy in the carseat! She look so excited too. Guess she can’t wait to go out in the car seat =)

fairfield -- he is eating some now but still not the usual amt...usually feeding session is 20 min, now only about 10...but at least he is eating!


My son just turn 4 mths old yesterday. Anyone has start giving solid food to your bb? My boy still cannot flip properly without assistance. One of his arm will stuck & he does not know how to adjust it. Any of yours start flipping without assistance?

quartzie, beannie,

crunches, sit-ups..such a nice way of describing it.

my girl flipped yesterday but there was no one to witness it. aiya...my mom was busy with the laundry. she placed baby on her back and some time later, din hear any sound from baby, so she got a bit alarmed and came out of the kitchen to look and saw baby on her tummy. and she managed to free her hands. my mom congratulated baby and clapped, and asked her to do it again but she couldn't. so hubby's asking whether it was my mom's imagination...hahaha!


ica: some bb like to do things at a start w/o ppl watching, just like us adults, we dont like ppl to watch us doing something new to us.

I got few cousins till 6mths only know how to flip still where others are learning to be on 4, hee maybe ur darling shy shy lar... dont want let ppl see her flip incase she cant flip over she "pai seh" ma...

