(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


just went mph and saw that if u buy the Young Parents magazine fm mph, u have free gifts. One is Nestle Cerelac Brown Rice 350g (for 6mths baby) and another is a thermal bag (got nestle logo)



my baby recovered from fungal infection a long time oredi. that was somewhere in Sept, i think. PD prescribed daktacort, had to apply for 10 days and this med need to be kept in the fridge. but after 5 days, skin was back to normal oredi. maybe you want to check it out with PD again? i mean so long liao still have woh...

happy bee,

i know! coz baby wanna show to PD that she can do it. kinda like show off lah. lol..my baby also like that. take her swimming at hwa xia, when we are the only ones looking at her, she will kick a while to entertain us. when she senses ppl looking thru the glass, she'll turn and starts kicking vigorously.

i agree - our babies can be angelic and horrid at the same time. when they are sweet, they are very, very sweet. but when they get mad, aiyoh!

Organic baby food,

passed by this store at Harbour Front, level 3. think i saw some organic baby food on display there but i'm not 100% sure. didn't go in to check it out


lamaze is quite good - bright colours and every page has diff texture. my baby has this clothbook about the farm (can't remember the name) and i can confirm that is her fav book. 2 nites ago, she was crying, so i showed her the book and she stopped and looked at it intently. yesterday, during her bedtime reading session, i showed her the book and she smiled


My bb flip at 3months, crawl at 4months, now 4months plus can sit.

You can go to my Facebook view flipping and crawling video [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My Gp prescribed me mild" steroid" cream and i have shown it to my PD. PD actually prescribed me stronger steroid cream but i refuse to use as i know there are some side effects and now still using the mild steroid cream prescribed by my GP. my son got a lots rashes on his face. Did your girl feel itchy ?

Sito: you took what special supplements? hehe!

Sweetkiss: the 37.5degress is measured from ears also ah? alamak, why my pd said is 38degrees..piangz.

Although lamaze toys are abit costly, but I think is good investment cos they are v nice and good material. I am now more active in looking at toys for bb, hardly shop for myself also. haha

Charliebrown: I Brought my girl for jab at KKH. The nurses told me for ear temp, fever is >37.8.

Sue: Our bbs seem to always be doing something ard same time right? Heh. That time also collected passport one day after the other ;) My girl is a small eater. She'd only drink what she can take. Usually I'd even pump after she latched on cos she really drinks very little. Now even worse, I rarely latch her on cos she has 'bitten' my nipples several times already! like how she does it on her bottle teats! It hurts, no kidding! I dunno why only she seems to be doing that and not other babies (cos i dun read anyone else complaining!)She can still smile at me after I scream some more.. Tsk Tsk

Anyway, thanks mummies for answering to my query. I've called up the nurse. She explained it's normal for their fever temp to fluctuate after vaccines about 2 or 3 days. As long as baby is still as active, shouldn't be a problem.

Can I just check if she already has fever now, will giving barley water help? Or shall I just wait for it to subside on its own?

Carol: I bought my Lamaze cloth books at Mothercare. They have such a good range, BUT expensive of course. If you could try n get from sprees, They'll be cheaper, I guess?

jasmine: i am using "snow cream" hazeline brand i think (very cheap only) works well for my bb's face rashes n pimples (white dots/red dots)

maybe u can try that, u can oso use it ...

thanks fazzy! the first 5 in 1 jab my bb got fever, it was around 38degress then I pasted the cooling plaster on his head.:S But I had fed him the fever medicine once I got home as advised by the pd, even b4 the onset of fever.

Going for another jab soon this coming Mon..which marks another month for bb too. times flies~

why noone mention bb sighing? my bb likes to sigh quite alot but it sounds v funny!! haha.

Sito: yr baby is v advance. which gynae did u see when u were preggie? maybe yr medication was diff with ours hahahha... dont know when my bb can sit without assistance..

Sweetkiss: yr bb is v smart to auto lift up her leg when u change her diapers....so cute..hahaha.. Mine will auto lift up his leg when we hold his hand pretending want to carry him ^-^

Ica: yr girl is v cute... so young already know how to act good girl infront of stranger hehehe

xbeaniex: i think our baby sometimes did not fully sleep 100%.. few times i whisper" mummy love u", he will smile in his dream ....

Hi Charliebrown,

my baby will sigh especially if he managed to make us give up feeding him when he is awake...He does not want to drink milk these few weeks...

if we feed him when he is awake, he will close his lips tightly & keep turning his head... then after we gve up.. he will sigh quite loud, then follow by showing us his "boh geh" smile....


hahaha! so cute! could your baby be thinking "sigh...my parents dunno what i want and i can't speak yet. how?" i always imagine that's how my baby thinks every time she cries and she can't be pacified

haha, thanks for the info from all mommies..

Im going to browse the links given 1 by 1..

like to post enquiry here cos can get many lobang fr you gals..

Thanks & have a nice weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Xbeannie & Ica,

I did try "snow cream" hazeline brand before , but still cant cure it lor... My boy's face seem very itchy lor and i need to hide his hands in his pants all the times.... to avoid getting worse

charliebrown -

yah bb perspire alot! legs clammy and cold. back alwiz wet. Tummy time pattern like urs. Looks like our boys r very similar! haha

p/s: does ur boy sleep well in the day? My boy @ night nowadays always raise leg up and kick kick kick... very noisy! Dun think he sleep much @ at!

jasmine: PD got say anything else abt the itch ?

u got try using boiling hot water to rinse ur bb's clothing n towels ?

as last time my cousin bb time got lots of face rash n body rash, everyone thought was about food n skin problem etc. then turn out to be, bb is allergy to the detergent use to wash bb's clothes n thus cause rashes when bb wear the clothings. wash till clean clean the clothes ready but still got rashes. once change the detergent, the rashes goes off within 1 week.

claudia: jus sharing what works out fine for my bb lar... we are all mothers right ?!

indeed online makes wonder! I get to find alot of useful tips n lessons learnt here plus get to know lots of lobang to get for bb here !


At first my PD said is milk rashes then became ringworms and now enzymes... she said need long time to recover...

i did not use boiling hot water to rinse my bb's clothing n towels ... but i did change the detergent to wash his clothes...

i m thinking maybe food allergy as well cos he is still B/f... thinking to stop breast milk and see how ...

did you cousin BB feel itchy at all ? my boy seem very itchy...

jas: i dun know if its itchy as my bb cousin use her face to rub anywhere else pull this n that to rub her face ... to me seems like wanted to put everything to her mouth as teething stage ma... but thinking back i think is itchy ... i think u shouldnt stop BF-ing... stop what u r giving externally. BF should be better but maybe u got to trial n error what u eat ... as what u eat = what bb eat.


if let my bb rub his face ,his face will become very red and like very bad mosquito bites mark there ... if he dun rub , think his face still look ok... i have to use towel to tie his hands up ... so poor thing lor


did you take peanuts? since you're breastfeeding? also dairy products. may cause allergy in baby. or maybe your baby's face is dry/dehydrated. that will itch, too

Hi Jasmine,

Did u take chocolate? it happened to my bb twice after i had 1 bar of chocolate. But the rashes disappear by itself few days later.


highly recommend that u use calendula cream plus calming body wash. This is a scratch-itch cycle. Gotta stop it. My #1's ezcema was very bad. #2 got an outbreak 2 wks back when I had peanut butter. Then the haze. I applied steroid but it didn't clear. Out of desperation, I got a tub of calendula n keep applying on his face. Once he smears saliva on his face, I will wipe then apply again. At night I swaddle him n also keep applying. After a wk of doing so, his rashes clears up quite alot already.

For bfing, avoid shell fish, peanuts, dairy products(if possible) and berries like strawberries.


I'm so happy today,my baby can sit by herself without any support,so proud of her.

Sito, your baby is so cute[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my one is still learning how to crawl. She is 3 months + now.

Jasmine, my gal also has ezcema. Kept having the rashes on and off. It is making her itchy also. We have to give her antibiotics to stop the cycle.So poor thing but no choice. At least now her skin condition is much better.

Give me 5, me too..so scary.

Did hair loss trt today and went to do acupuncture a few days back to prevent from dropping so much

Good morning mummies.

May I know is there going to be a Tangs sale again? Anyone receive flyer abt it?

Sito: My boy also like starting to sit like that but then still toppling down. Hehe!!

baby skin: I think California baby products are quite good. Maybe those bb with skin problem can try.

mrs long -enjoy ur trip

xbeanniex-dnt tink our inlaws belief times hv change....

sito - aiyo so nice of ur parents to tink tis way...and ur bb so fast can sit liao so good....

I just rented the Bright Star Exersaucer for Kayden but his legs too short to reach the floor to move on his own.. Haha!!

LT: Oh.. 12% rebate but 16 Nov is on a Tuesday!!! Working day.. sob sob!!

thnaks sillyhp & valerie & chelz,

i am very desparate and heartpain. just want him to be recover asap...will try your remedies...

How to swaddle him ? he oredi 3 months +++

is it normal that the rashes will getting worse when he cry or scratch?

