(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

fairfield -- ooh texas where?? must be very hot for you when you were preggers!!! are u coming back to SG anytime soon?? do u want anything from SG? if small, i can try to bring back and mail to you!!


in dallas. Yeah, preggie in summer is no joke! we're going back for cny next yr.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nope, dun need anything, thanks!

u load up on all the yummy food lah.. thats 1 thing i miss.

fairfield -- haha yes, i miss the food the most! but now so stressful coz i haven't lost all baby weight, belly so big...eat also scared..but i think if i dont eat, i regret more in US hahaha. but u know how it is in asia, pple are quite ruthless in their comments, the other day, my mom's friend asked if i was preggo again...sigh so depressing!!!! so lucky u can come back for cny! i very long time never come back for CNY liao! how many kiddos do u have? they can get lotsa angpows!!

ya, i havent celebrated 7 cny liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i have the bb who just turned 4 mos yest, and a 2.5 yr old.

this ur firstborn? how old liao?

ooh, u got msn? add me. [email protected]

But phy, I always imagine tripping & falling with barangs & Bb.

90% confidence without barangs, carrying bb with arms (gg downstairs)

20% confidence taking barangs and carrying bb

0% confidence taking barangs+baby+stroller!

When I go my mum house, I will faster take everything, go down, take cab, faster step into my mum house then heaved sigh of relief...

Yesterday I so angry wif my mum lor! I went c bb after work then my mum ask me feed, help me make milk. Midst of feeding I notice her milk quite thick. After finish I pass empty bottle to my mum then burp bb. My mum look at me cheekily then say u never notice anything in the milk meh? I reali want faint lo wah biangz!! I flare up say I don't want give baby any semi solid stuff & I reali mean it lo, how can u still tell me u put it in knowingly tat I object!! I say u don believe me then next jab u go to the PD wif me ask!! She shouted back "throw away la, later I go throw away then u go find some1 else help u take care bb!" pls lor all the while I patiently tell u y I don want give so early then u must wait till I angry then understand meh? My bb I cannot make decision meh! My granny heard it then say me aiya ur mum won't hai ur girl de la... I know I know she won't hai her but I don't want her start early oso for her sake then u mean I will hai her meh???

quartzie: wah sian. So now you have to closely examine the milk before feeding if your mum makes the milk. My mum suggested feeding semi solid in bottle when bb turns 4mths old. Cos this was how she brought up my nephew and niece last time. But now I keep reminding her to wait till 6mths and this is what the pd said too. Now I am taking care of bb fully, so no chance of her feeding bb with semi solid. I think the elders scare bb grow hungry and they want them to be full and can zzz longer.

hi ladies, for those of you who has stopped breastfeeding, what did you do to wean off your baby and stop milk production? how long did it take? Thanks!

quartzie: not me alone lar, a few mommies here go out alone with bb too, some of us meet up few times already! so next meet up u should join in. Aiyo gal, think u are not firm n fierce enough, dont want to teach u bad, i myself is stubborn and fierce in a way especially matters of bb n my 4-legged kids. I dont like useless n pointless comments about them. Like telling me this n that abt bb, and asking me to give away my 4-legged kids, if give them away, i rather give away those that can talk. exccessive barking still got bark collar, exccessive talking no medicine can help !

SK: ya hor, slip off my mind, hahaha can use sip cups ready.

LT: my bb loves the warm water too ! I can just wipe my bb in the night for sure, but is bb dont want, bb wants to get into water for that 30-50s, and i only use 1 drop (abt 20cents size) of shampoo to wash her pampers area only. and wrap bb in towel back into the room, and ya lock the door.

Charlie: problems cfm have, but u will be smarter to plan where to put ur things to get it easy and u will react faster each time u see the problem.

Problems i encounter is:-

1. pacifier cover drop and cant find it, as it's transparent lor, either get someone passing by to help u get it or just forget abt the cover.

2. want to make milk for bb, nursing room occupied for the longest time u ever felt, so i get so anxious with a crying bb in arms, so it's good to have some warm water or cool water in the btl 1st, when need to feed, add only either hot water or cool water, add in the FM, then feeding time!

As for the pouch carrier, come out n see some of mommies here using or maybe u can be more daring, approach those mommies u see in the mall using the pouch, ask them for guildance, most mommies willing to guide u along but of cos if this one teach u, u cant pick up in the short time, nvm, say thank you n move on, see another nice mommy, ask again, google to see instructions and try at home to make perfect.

ica, Charliebrown - haiz i oso trying to one ear in one ear out...they always say they brought up 3kids and all is so well...please tat was like 20over years..tings hv changed..they can even ask me hw come e poo is dark green color whereby i told them tat PD say its Ok due to e milk powder...den they ask me to change the Milk powder to wat she use to feed...but i know wat i am feeding my gal..they wanted to start her on porridge at 4 mths,..i tell my hub if they freaking going to feed her and i discover i will definately "fan nian" wan..arghhhhhhh y cant they juz let us handle our own babies...time hv changed...n n n...lost for words....yesterday when SIL came home immediately carry my gal without washing her hands.... -_-!!

but i am really glad that i blast it out to u ladies..thanks alot for listening...

xbeanniex-ya exactly..my baby oso juz like to soak in e warm water...n she will be damn hapi after tat..but they juz cant understand...always tink tat i am harming my baby...

LT: hahaha seems like i am really not mommy to be mess up with, No one touches my bb unless i say so, this includes my mum.

Maybe i m like this, I shown everyone in the family that i can TC my bb good n well. I dont need u to assist or help me since this is SGP which $ can work n buy alot of things includes buying someone's time to TC my bb. I dont meant to put it this way, but I have to do it this way to get my ILs away from my BB. As their daughter shouted at the way her own parents TC her kids thou she dont like it but she is lazy sort, so she can just let his parents nvr mop the floor n allow her 10mth bb crawl on the floor the next moment u see fingers n fist in bb's mouth. I am like W#%#^ ! ever let me see my bb doing that I cfm will not say anything, I take my bb and hp and take cab go off, i will call my elder bro or sister to meet me somewhere to pay my taxi bill.

Charliebrown: How to closely monitor? need to work... at first i tot own mummy easier to communicate but hor think got disadv oso...i angry her she angry back at me, open mouth say "u ownself take care!" faint!

Beannie: Last time i always tink i quite fierce leh but hor as i aged ar i think mellow down liao. I always hope to get msg across nicely then at least my mom can understand y i want it dat way. But now ar flare up liao no need nice nice say le. Any way Final= stuff(dunno cereal or wat..) thrown away & my mum knows i not joking on this. But the process = quarrelling...

Ppl ar always like to take things the hard way, explain nicely don want listen, must 发脾气liao ar then go into their ears...

LT: cant describe when u see ur bb satisfied look after shower and enjoying the good feeling right? my bb will give me a smile sometimes in a very shy way (smile n look away) and rub her face in my arms/chest etc, telling me she is ready to pat pat and watch TV with me in bed.

Quartzie: my mum do not insists her way to TC my bb at 2 nights when i attend nite class till 10pm. usually she will give a text abt what she want to do or she suggest to me and i let her know if its ok to proceed.

Like my bb presently cant finish off 5oz milk at all (max 4oz) but bb not satisfied, so i added a tiny scoop of brown rice to bb milk and tried for a week. and it works well for bb, no allegy, poo poo as usual, contented feeding with a smile and goo-ing, willing to slp on time rather then making noise n gets cranky for hours till the next feeding then willing to deep slp.

Quartzie, oh dear. Not right of your mom to do that, even if she didn't have bad intention. Lucky for me, my mom respects my decisions. The only thing we don't agree on is how she thinks bb must be covered all the time in case catch a cold. Sgp is so hot, and it's not like my bb is naked all day.

Xbeanniex, I also get a lot of "advice" about my fur kids. The strongest from mil. Lucky for me she lives far far away, so quite easy to ignore.

Allie, it'll take us 24hrs via Paris or 30hrs via New York. You're very brave. How long are you staying here?

Beannie!Decide to 拜u为师!u so gd at handling ur mum unlike me... text abt wat she want do then waiting for me to nod my head?? tink my mum won't do tat... Plenty to learn from manx, how to get my way through mums, IL, HB, how to handle bb alone. Ok onz! When u all next meet up? tis my Lesson #1!

babycoco: i wondered what's the problem with bb growing up furkids ?! mine also from MIL, the more my MIL wants to KPKP the more I put my furkids to "guard" my bb. and true enough my eldest furkid "guarded" my bb like his responsibility, anyone he is not familiar with comes near bb, he watched, touch bb he watched, carry bb he watched, dont put bb back to where bb suppose to be, he cfm snap n snap till u let go bb back into bed/cot.

hahaha didnt knw my this furkid who doesnt really like kids (usually he avoid then having contacts with kids himself) can protect bb so well

quartzie: i think is mainly character n what msg u want to bring across to the ppl u wan to communicate and have to be mentally prepared for whatever worst might comes. my HB n I quarrel so many times till can have words like "divorce" "separation" come out. be it real or just anger words or threatening words. non affected me becos I am prepared for the worst since what the point of staying back when ur very own partner doesnt support/assist/protects his wife in his family. So whenever my HB say that i will tell him to go find lawyer and get the papers for me to sign, no need to drag here n there.

most of the time he will just carry on do his things n ignore me.

xbeanniex - your furkid is so protective... very good...

Allie - you can buy a new adaptor from medela service centre. I replace mine at $85 cos I didn't have the warranty card.

Medela Service Centre

81 Toh Guan East

#03-01 Secom Centre

Singapore 608606

Tel: 6562 6298

xbeanniex - steady leh u...*salute*...n ya its very satisfaction to see the way they smile at u after e bath..there was tis time when my Hub family have this funeral event wich i dnt wana bring my gal there n got to leave her wif my mum..my MIL reaction was HUH..ur mum can handle or not?? or u stay at home n look after loh i was lik !!! wat e hell made u tink my mum cant handle..i got so pissed off i yelled at my hub lol..knowing its nt his fault la...i juz tell him tat i wan to let who take care of my BB is my business y ur mum bother so muz its nt her bb juz e grandkid and she has equal share wif my mum..den my mum tell me after taking care of my gal..(i did mention to her tat she might nd to be rock to slp but i noRmally ignore tat n juz put her down to pat her)juz nd to b firm with my gal and she will listen..SEE tat e point she can slp on her own but why why nd to be rock!!! i realli envy ur character, mine is juz too soft scare later my hub got stuck in between, but i did tell my hub tat i am a walking time bomb so better dnt push me too far..i explode n tat it ...THE END...lol..'

quartzie- i totally understand where u coming frm..but den they will nv listen and always feel tat they are right in e way they bring up kids. i know ur concern of nt feeding her semi solid now...but haiz tings juz wldnt go ur way at times.

now for me is juz have to endure endure endure and hopefully get my ass off there asap...

LT: its just u or ur HB gona get sandwiched between PILs.

But I nvr give chances to get myself sandwiched between my parents becos of my HB becos I am firm with my talking n decision.

When I tell me parents off mean I tell them off infront of my HB but i will explain when my HB is not around why i do that.

But my HB didnt do anything to appease me at his place at all. And I still get those unwanted comments coming in and piss me off like hot steam. Thats why i took things into my own hands even if i have to offend anyone in his family.

Eg. I dont greet his 2nd elder sister - can slam door, quarrel with her HB over tiny issues, can carry on slping n let bb cry n cry, can accuse niece of bullying her kids when its her kids that started the fight and bully ppl first, the niece is just being nice to block those fist from the kid brother showering at her, like that also kena from the aunty like "u cannot give in to kid brother ah?" but hey! its showering kicks n fist from a 4yr old, not pain ah ?

Re: Bathing BB at nite

I also let my BB bath twice a day cuz he perspires a lot & he also enjoy his "pom pom". So he will bath once in the morning & once in the evening...sometimes, when the weather is cold but my BB still perspires, we will let him bath still but for a very short time.

keropi -- thanks for the info. I looked in my medela bag and can't find my warranty card, think still in the box in US. i already ordered the US adapter online, hubby bringing here next week, so hopefully it will work with converter. but later if i see the manual pump also expensive, i might just buy the Asia adapter..don't want to spend unnecessary money but sometimes really cannot avoid!

babycoco -- i am here until dec 12th! (but 2 weeks will be in indo for my sis' wedding)

my baby has been refusing to eat...anyone else have this problem before? he will arch his back and kick kick cry cry and scream....he never does this before...urgh..dun know what to do...headache!!

Re: I also bath my bb twice a day, morning n evening. My bb perspires a lot n she stinks if we dun shower twice, cannot tahan the smell till the next day. Keke. I just make sure the window is closed n the fan switched off when I take her out from the bath.

Re: in laws

I also can't stand the ways my in laws handle my bb sometimes. A few weeks ago also wan to start my bb on solid food, but I told my hb to tell them cannot. Sometimesi find it v strange, whenever I m the one who go n tell them something they will dun wan to listen but if come from my hb den they can take it. v double standard so I v pissed off sometimes.

I really pei Fu beanies n mummies who are so firm, Cos I always Soft hearted scare to hurt them den I ve to ren n feel v unhappy myself. Sigh

I am very cowardly, I dun like MIL to do this or that but I dun dare to say. If I complain to hubby he will say I am very unreasonable, this and that cannot.

End up I relented and the unhappy one is myself.

Now I am learning to be braver! I still dun shoot directly at my in laws cos I dun want to be disrespectful but I “show” through my actions.

Like I dun wan my MIL to keep carrying, she carry 10-15mins I will go over and talk to bb “come, mummy carry!” and she bo bian but to pass to me.

If I want to feed bb I will prepare milk first, when time to feed I will carry her back, take milk bottle, go to my room, close door and feed. (I dun wan her feed cos she dunno how to)

Slowly my MIL know my intention till one day, she actually request to me “can u let me feed bb for 1 time?”

My bb always cry when MIL carries, cos she dun recognize her, yet MIL dun wanna return bb to me.

Now I will go over and say to baby “oh, u want mummy to carry huh? Mummy hug hug ok?” then carry bb back.. haha!

SK: nice move ! actually u like that do, ur MIL very no face liao lor... think if u open mouth, ur MIL cfm no place to stand.

I usually shouted from the room that bb wants rest lar, want milk lar, etc. I dont go out to carry bb myself as I know that the moment I step out and see anything i dont like, my natural behaviour of looks like snatching bb back might happen hahaha! so now my HB also smart liao, he know what will happen so now he dont dare to do that anymore as the moment i shout go out = PILs no face, he also no face.

Happybee: sometimes I dont meant to react that way, but i am sorry to say that whatever matters my bb n furkids my reaction got not reserved at all, within seconds my reaction can be very obvious n big, so dont blame me for being so. hahaha! furkids is i bring them up since puppy and bb is out from my womb! not possible to tell me "relax lar, it's ok want"

Everyone is complaining abt MIl, I want to complain my own dad. If he got son, then the DIl will be complain FIL instead of MIL.

Everyday he will do something realy to piss ppl.

Yesterday my son is down with fever, as i need to come to work, so my sis offered to help while waiting for my hb to reach hm. so in the afternoon, my dad went hm, don know for what also (he is working also). my son finally fell asleep ( my sis had a hard time making him sleep), as he just sleep, so a bit of sound will make him open his eyes look around, in this case, a little patting will make him go back to sleep. Thks to my dad, he saw his eyes open, then started talking to him, wake him up frm sleep, carry him, talk to him, after 5 mins or so, he called my sis, asked to carry him, pat him to sleep. wow lau, then in the 1st place, don disturb him la, carry him less than 5 mins, u will shouted ppl to carry him. my ger also like that, this one also like that.

since my ger borned, he had been doing things to piss me off. when i carry my girl, he want to carry, but after 5 to 10 mins or also, sometime even less than 5mins, he will shouted for my sis to carry them. then he is a smoker, although he don smoke in the house, but whenever he came back, he smell of cig,n i hate him to go near my kid. when i gave birth to my ger, i nearly fell into depression because of him. he is old thinking, best he don listen n want to insist his way of doing. normally what he do, i will shot back.

e.g when bb hipcup, he will blow hot air on the forehead, saying will help to stop. but it prove no, my bb still hipcup lor.

just don understand how can he be so old fashion, and like auntie.

as for my MIl, whatever she do, i don feel gd, either i speak out, or i get hb to do the bad guy. if hb never stop her, i won't open my mouth also, but when on the way hm, my hb will be sorry, i will kept nagging at him, ask him y he never stop his mum etc.. so the next visit, my mil will not repeat the things again.

sometime she also say / do things i don't like, she will asked me not to teach my ger how to climb up the sofa etc.. i was like, huh, we should teach them the correct way of getting down not stopping them. sometime i will tell her, we should teach them the correct way not stopping them from exporing. she can ans me back, if u know how to teach then gd / ok. really want to faint. so now my ger 2 yr, go to her hosue, keep wanting to stop her climbing / gg here n there. if my ger sit there don move, then got problem lei. she feel easy, comfortable that y she moving around.

sorry for the long post.

jasmine: down the road my MIL like that talk to me or right now she often scold her another niece n nephew being notti n moving alot not to do this n that, i cfm will reply her "only gong gong kids will sit still want u to serve, healthy normal kids will explore themselves and learn things."

babycoco ya i understand wat my mum intention was never to harm her... but hor pls listen to my reason too lor...

Jasmine, can understand ur "fed-up ness"...

My HB says in order to avoid conflicts, both my mum(or whoever) and I must stand in the same platform then we can understand each other... I swim & paddle still cannot get to tat platform amicably ...

quartzie: did you call your mom and remind her not to feed bb semi solid food? bet you are worrying at work now. sian. some elders are very stubborn de..cos they always insist that their method is the best. Maybe cos they see us healthy now, so they think their way of bringing up bbs are good.

LT: I also want my MIL and FIL to wash hands first b4 carrying bb. Now my MIL does cos I told her to do so, when she comes my house, she would chiong to wash hands and "get ready" to carry bb. Then when both of them talk to bb, their face are super close. Esp my FIL who drinks (yes, he starts drinking at 4pm plus!) and talks to my bb on his face. I would say loudly 'my bb drunk le" as a hint, but I don't dare scold him leh. I really hate those pple who don't practise hygiene with my bb around.

Maybe must learn to be more gung-ho like beannie! :p

Charliebrown: Normally by this time i would be calling her third time alrdy asking her how BB is but today she never call me & i never call her... Think yest she threw the food away liao (hope so otherwise flare up still no result) I thot of putting her at infantcare at my new office next year Feb but heard they say its $1400(with subsidy)! *faint*

charlie: ai yo ! mentioned abt hygiene!

My PILs hor ai yo !!!! to the extreme! can shower once a day nia !!! in the late morning !

My FIL whole day at home lar, on fan only lar, shower at 10am+, cfm whole day will not perspire again ?

My MIL even better! I didnt even get to see when she shower in the day and she hor 1 day dont know go out how many times to KPKP outside!

That's y i dont let them carry or would say better dont touch my bb !

My own parents hor showered minimum 2 times a day, if weather gets hotter, 3-4 times shower also got!

haiz ! i oso wondered why old folks dont like to shower or rather don't practise hygiene.

quartzie: i not telling tales or teaching u bad hor... if my mum is exactly in ur mum position, when i go pick bb up, i cfm will go inspect the whole house to make sure no new cans of whatever is thrown away or even other flavours. thou its seems very rude to do that, but only by doing that, i am showing my mum i am serious with business n not merely talking abt it. my mum if were to get angry i will bring up if i am the bb and ur MIL, my grandma do that to me 20yrs + back, will u reacted in this same way too ?


sometime, when my dad came hm, my mum was carry my bb (now or past), she will take bb's hand cover the nose n say ah gong chow chow.

After a few x, my dad will come hm, bath before carry them.

another thing is, whenever i reach hm, he will open door for me, but b4 i went in, he will snatch my bb frm me. then i will say can't u just let me go in 1st b4 u want to carry the bb away frm me. he is seeing them almost everyday lei, wait for a few mins also cannot meh

sorry mommies that i potrait myself being so "ah lian" but most times old folks like to compare back into days how they bring their son up, then i compare lor... will they do the same or merely talking abt it only, becos back in their days they are either match make by their parents or dated for shortest time u ever known and they are not allow to even think how to tc their own kids.


ya lor.

same goes to my mum. she will say last sick, go see doc got med, y now don have etc... then i will reply her cos last time ppl never go check this n that, so now ppl will have test this n that, last time life is simple, not so much virus, bateria etc... but most she say only, she still stick to my way or what doc say.

As for food, we will give n take, test a bit, if turn out bb don like or develop phelgm, she will stop also, cos when my kids sick, she help in taking care also. so she also heart pain when seeing them sick, so when i say no mean no, she will not give, but my dad, tell him no, he still can give her. sigh.

Jasmine-pat pat i totally understand.

xbeanniex- tink i only flare up one time at my MIL during my confinement. i shouted at her say can u always dnt rush n carry e baby once she start to make noise...her face change immediately say BB cry too muz nt good...den i juz say I KNOW..but i know when i shd pick her up..immediately carry means she will relie on u too muz and got one day when i was BF my gal., didnt lock e door coz scare hub wana come in..she open it..my neh neh pok expose to her loh..so ANGRY i tell my hub nxt time pls dnt ur family hv basic courtesy to KNOCK e door...den as time goes by my supply drop due to stress n not hapi i feel so bad for BB...

Quartzie - so ex??? u got check properly?? coz i also waiting for slot at the infant care its charging me 1400 with subsidy will be 800+GST..But still its ex but i rather i spend less to put her there den see her grow up in a dont knw wat world..dnt wana her grow up like my cousin kid-her mum scold her and she hide behind e granny and make funi faces at e mum..wow can u imagine hw hurt e mum is...n e granny can juz say aiya she still young la...faint

I also got another prob with my dad.. I dun like him to keep kissing my gal!

Carry, kiss. Before putting down on the bed, kiss.

In fact I dun like ppl to kiss her other than myself. Once I brought her to babyswimming and the auntie there carried and kept kissing her .

Even my hubby kiss, I will scold him cos dunno their mouth clean or not.

Later bb got pimple!

Am I really being too fussy?

SK - hi five...ha haha well i tink its our maternal instinct...my SIL lagi better..come gu gu kiss kiss muack love u la...muack..i tell her pls hor later allegie or wat u pay for her skin care she juz laugh...-_-!!

LT: Now you talk about you exposed to MIL. I was too during confinement, cos she chiong in to see my bb while I was pumping! Never knock! Now that you mention, I feel angry again! Yes and that was the period when I felt super stressed and she added on with her nonsense. How to respect them when they don't show basic courtesy.

Sweetkiss: The kissing part I also don't like cos the stupid MIL loved to kiss my bb and his hands, etc, which to me is dirty la. But now I managed to stop her cos I told her I don't like. but there was once she forgot and kissed bb again infront of me. I pissed off! Is not you fussy, is our preference, cos we don't know how clean their mouth is. alot of germs la. Strangers kiss bb is even worse!!

Why the old folks lidat one huh.

lol..aiyo i lik start the ball rolling again...ha ha ha..

Charliebrown-yeah e frustation is there and after tat my milk supply drop due to stress n Not muz appetite...but MIL can say aiya milk or no milk depend on ur genes...i was lik haiz...

Wah...nowadays, we really let off steam here and complain abt parents or ILs...

Good le...at least here provides us with a platform to vent.

For me, anything me not happy abt or concern with the way my ILs take care of my BB, I'll tell my HB to tell them.

Also tough on him lah, cuz he's like "stuck" in between. So one day, he flared up...scolded his mum & raised his voice @ me when I asked him why did he scold his mum just now. He said "next time u all not happy abt each other, tell each other personally, dun make me pass the msg"...cuz apparently his mum complaint abt me to him lor!

But after that incident, I still continue to tell him to pass the msg to his mum, eehhee.

However, I'll try not to say too much bad things abt his parents cuz my HB doesn't really like it.


i saw ur post sometime back on milk powder.. btw... i dun use aggaration when measuring powder (bit paranoid). NTUC sells those measuring spoons for cooking... I measured how much is 1 scoop of milk powder then use the correct sized spoon to scoop the powder. works for me so I dun get paranoid that I'm scooping too much powder!

Babycoco: nope! She volunteered to carry my bb while I was searching for my wallet.

then she sort of play with her and kissed her many times! I damn shocked u know!

yes my hb also dun like when I keep complaining abt his family.

he will very sarcastically tell me “yah, your family THE BEST, my family lots of problem!”

then whenever I complain about my mum to him, he will say “I tot your mum the BEST? Why are u complaining?”

haha... all that talk about hygiene!

Actually i dun like ppl to kiss my baby too... or pinch baby's cheeks too hard...

My ILs i dun see so often so nothing much to complain about (and my hubby is very strict no nonsense with them type)

My parents... I have to ask my father.. u wash hands already or not so many times.

But sometimes I tell myself maybe I should chill! a litle bit of germs wouldn't do them harm... and might be better... dun wanna be a wired up mother! but hee hee.. seems like lotsa ME aroudn here too!

ica -

is the inglesina car seat material warm?

phy / allie -

thanks for feedback on britax. that's what i'm afraid of cuz my baby's a hot baby... always perspire. His current car seat, whenever i carry him out of the car, always back wet!

Claudia>> Wow...then must use math formula to calculate how much milk powder per spoon size= per scoop, hehehe.

But it's a good idea.


seems like a lot of our babies perspire alot...is it common or the same for all babies?

my BB sleeps also perspire, sit in car seat & stroller also perspire.....carry him also perspire, do tummy time also. When he cries loudly, he also perspire until whole head wet. kekeke.

