(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Junie - you try play ard the qty at different feeding times. My girl has 180ml for breakfast then 160ml for next few meals, last feed also ard 170 to 180ml. Don't increase too much at one go, every incr shud not be more than 10ml. A larger teat also helps but your baby will need to get use to the new flow. K took 1 week to get use to it!



ooo..really there's narnia brand? hahaha. see lah, me so ignorant. 100+ is v cheap


maybe you play with him more? then he can associate you with playtime, too

SK: act busy lar... GM walk up n down beside me, thou he doesnt mind and he knows i always surf here n there, not exactly working, but he want to promote me then i got to learn to behaves till i got promoted and shifted away from my open seating. hahahaha

Eliss>> i also thought of increasing like 10-20ml to try out 1st but cuz now my boy is more on FM...and on FM, it's by scoop, 1 scoop=30ml...so how to increase just 10ml? So in the end, I increase my 30ml le...aiyo, hehee.

Ann>> Is there really a difference between the 0-3mths & 3-6mths pacifier? I bought a set of 0-3mths and another one 0-6mths from Avent.

The 0-3mths one I discard already when my boy turns 3mths..so now he's using the 0-6mths one. But I see like all the same leh.

hee i just bought the 3-6 mths ones, not yet change, will change tonight to see if bb is ok.

my bb suck her pacifier till pacifier "fly" out. thats y i bought her new ones, shall see if she is doing fine with the new one.


woah! she must have sucked really hard. if she has been on the pacifier for a very long time and got used to it, then when changing to a new one, baby can get upset. that was what happened to mine. she was cranky for one whole day!


just estimate for 10ml worth of milk powder lor. that's what i do. but less is always better than more

avent has 0-6mths pacifiers? i thot 0-3, then 3-6? there are also BPA-free and non-BPA-free ones

ya lor, i see also all looks the same to me. maybe eyesight no good since giving birth

ica>> okies...then think i'll try. maybe half scoop of 15ml 1st.

Avent dun hv 0-6mths one?? I bought the BPA free one..think hv le...unless it's 3-6mths?

Anyway, my BB will use Avent one when he's @ my ILs house and he'll use the NUK ones when he's @ home...so far so good, no confusion. *keeps fingers crossed*

ica: at times my bb really suck the pacifier so hard that she looks like very angry with her pacifier keep getting off her mouth, hahaha !

i keep the old one in case new one my darling dont like still can give her back the old one. hahaha! (i oso scare bb not happy with new pacifier)


think it's the 3-6mths lah. i remember last time bb's PD said when increase, just increase 5-10ml only

so good, your baby no confusion. think my baby too used to avent - harded than nuk. now i alo exposing her to pigeon teat. sometimes she refuses.

Hi mommies...

Its been a long long time since i enter into e site...me too having freaking hell lots of problem with my inlaws...wana put my gal in Infant care bt its fully booked till nxt yr march..everyday quarrel with my hub over getting of flat..he want to get e ideal flat bt for me is juz wana freaking move out...n limit e time they spend with my gal. everyday dropping tears..i reali dnt knw wat to do..my hub sometimes nt at home so its always me with them and whenever he nt at home they will hv comments on hw i take care of my gal.i was lik excuse me she is my gal i knw her better den u all..told them dnt rock her to slp bt they keep on rocking her to slp, tell them tat when in the afternoon put her on e bed to let her explore herself..bt whenever i come bk i always see them carrying her, i told them tat she nd to explore herself bt u all lik tat carry its going to restrict her growing stage..den at nite i wana give her a warm bath of e body to make her more comfy cause she easily perspired and bcame sticky n cranky..my FIL will say SO LATE STILL BATH FOR HER...when i bath for her during wkend cause i nd to work i will juz make sure tat after bathing i moisture her body before wearing clothes. MIL will give comments tat faster wipe e hair,,,faster wipe e belly button and wear e clothes...i was lik i got freaking only one pair of hand n i wana massage her n its our bonding time..y must u interfer...den one day after her jab i patting her to sleep. my FIL say DNT pat on e jab place tat area very painful wan u knw..i was like she is my daughter would i cause her any harm...theres one time where by i hv to put her wif my mum cause they got some family events wich i hv to attend with them and cant bring BB along..she ask can ur mum manage if cant u stay at home loh...i get so upset wat do u mean by my mum cant handle..she is my mum n my daughter spend e day wif her wat her freaking problem....sorry ladies to complain here..bt i totally cant stand it...

not sure about avent... i ever compared pigeon's 0-6 then 6-8 months.... the 6-8 months is bigger in size...

pigeon one ah my bb still ok with it, only finds that the teat is kinda smaller then avent one, so my gal very cute, keep sucking till whole pacifier drop out.

LT - hope you feel better now... ever saw your FB status looks like you cant get along well with your PIL. Sometimes you have to cool down and look at the same issues/things at a different perspective and perhaps you will think slight differently?!

LT: Understand ur frustration and anger. Alot of us mommies here faced these on daily basis. and think we rather listen to our bosses nag then ILs nagging and questionings.

starting my ILs do that questionings, but my character is ignore whatever i can n i need not explain myself how i tc my bb. Till now my ILs dare not question me anymore as they know they moment they question me, i will not even respond at all, if they keep on talking, then i will tell my HB that BB need to rest. If this house cant rest, I will go to my parents there to rest. And I show my ILs that I can travel to anywhere with my bb alone, and I dont even need their son to be around.

ecym: think LT n me got a similar point. We both doesnt like to be bother by ILs at all. and there's somehow somewhere our ILs did or done something which loses the trust between us(ILs <---> us)

My ger using Avent ones too, tried giving her pigeon but she keeps pushing out... I've seen very nice design at Mothercare today hee tot of buying.. any 1 tried before the Mothercare ones?

Eliss-i reali dnt knw.. i tried to tell myself close one eyes bt the way they handle my gal i reali cant stand it..there one time when my gal had her jab and running a slight fever so i sponge her n feed her with e medi tat PD gave..MIL ask me nt to feed e medi..i was lik -_- i reali feel so depressed..dnt knw wat to do..when i bring my gal out she will always hv comments...i dnt knw hw long i can stand before it explode...if i dnt let out i tink i will reali explode

LT: sound really "pek chek" for you.

Probably talk less to minimise friction or maybe tell a white lie to go out with bb ?

Starting i often got comments of me bringing bb out. so simply come in mind i say "i bring bb to find his daddy" and off i go out to meet mommies here and inform my HB what i said and make sure we both go home together.

I jus wan to stay out of the house with bb just like u LT.

wa beannie u sutsut leh... i like tis pt " And I show my ILs that I can travel to anywhere with my bb alone, and I dont even need their son to be around." i cannot leh... ask me alone carry bb go out i scared tis scared dat... *thumbs up to u!*

LT, hugs! Hope u are feeling better after sharing with us..

Seems like ur in laws dun wanna listen, this is the prob with most in laws.. they raise their own kids like that & they refuse to listen to us..

If the infant care u looking at is only avail in march, guess u have to bear with it cos they seem like stubborn ppl.

Is there any other IFC near ur house?

Regarding bathing bb at nite, I personally think not a gd idea too (no offence dear) cos scared bb catch a cold.

For me I clean bb’s face with warm boiled water and cotton wool. Then remove her clothes and put warm water in a pail and use a cloth to wipe her body every nite.

Maybe u can try that..

When u back home from work try to lock u and baby in your room.. so ur in laws wont interfere?

Mummies, I was looking at the Avent bottle teats the other day.

Realized that the biggest teat size is 6m+? Then after that no more le?

As baby grows, will they find the 6m+ teat too slow?

quartzie: no scare, just rmber to feed bb full up, plan ur journey before hand, pack bb's bag with :-

1 Drinking water btl

1 for milk (if feeding FM)

1 small thermal flask of hot water (500ml can last 3-4 feedings)

1 btl of drinking water (for urself & bb's FM milk)

5-6 diapers (think now can reduce to 3-4 pcs)

1 pack wet tissues (80pcs/pack type)

All put in a bb bag n slot in ur MRT card, ATM card some cash if u have by side of bb's bag, Sling bb in Sarong(for me lar) or carrier, 1 hand take house keys, shoulder carry bb's bag, walk out of room and I say "Pa, Ma, I go out find bb's daddy, tonight then come back" close door... =x


i also bath my boy in the night, cos he really gd at sweating. Then everytime after bath, he can lie there for quite sometime.

Bring bb out:


can try 1st like bring bb go downstair.

me too, will prepare all the thing, sometime i even lazy to bring thermal flask, if the place i go got nursing rm n provide hot water, i will just go n top up the milk bottle b4 bb's feeding/ or i will go mac n ask for hot water. so when it time, the water already just nice or i top up some drinking water.

Beannie: Yar! Maybe after 7-8 mth bb can use sippy cup.. so no longer have teats?

There is one 3m+ one for thicker liquids. Maybe that one is big enough?

It comes with 330ml bottles..

Next time got chance to meet u, u must teach me to use the sling!!

I buy till now nv use b4. try on baby but she not comfy inside, cry lor!

And I lost the CD le!

if bb needs more than 1 feeding outside, how u all clean the bottles?

I just wash with tap water and rinse it with hot water, then re-use leh.

Can rite? Been doing it everytime.. lol

Jasmine go downstair i ok wor... just dat bring BB & all the barang barang i scared, i scared later things drop, scared bb cry loudly, scared cannot handle, always got the phobia i will drop BB leh... haiyooo...

Beannie - ya i tried, there one day i forget to lock e room door...she came in and e aircon was on..bt i was changing my gal into her pj..but my hub ard la...MIL make comment aiyo..gal gal cold cold arh..ur mommie let u go naked lik tat arh..poor gal ah ma sayang k..i was lik dumbfolded..hw can u say all tis to my gal

Sweetkiss - thanks for e hugz (need it badly) i understand abt e bathing ting i did try to juz wipe her juz to kep inlaws mouth shut but she became cranky coz she so use to soaking herself in warm water...so nw no choice i still wipe her down so as to nt get anyting up my nerves again...

Beannie: You damn cool lo! I have yet to bring bb out myself leh..I have a baby pouch but have not used yet. Also don't dare to bring bb out alone now. Any difficulties you encounter so far with bb alone, can share?

I also want to bring bb out alone soon leh..but realli scared wait bb cry loudly then I shou mang jiao luan! maybe to nearby Jurong point. Wahahah!!


We are PLANNING for one..

Food: if chalet, its their inhouse caterer.. or we can simply pot luck it

Date: 12th Dec (Confirmed)

Location : Aloha Changi Halton Terraces, 565 Halton Rd, Unit D

- Sandy will absorb the cost cause her family will be staying

Now... we jus need the names - please copy the entire post with ur name below. thanks

1. Serene & Hubby

2. Jaclyn

3. Irene & Hubby

4. Jasline & Hubby

5. Annie & Hubby

6. Lynn

7. Nicole

8. DQ

9. keropi

10. quartzie

11. Eliss & hubby

12. Sandy & Hubby

13. Noknok & Hubby

14. jellypurin - no food for us. will drop by to say hi :)

15. Pris

LT: Must listen one ear in and one ear out. Take it easy cos it is hard to stop the elders from "criticising" us. My FIL is like inspector lidat, always say I crash bb's legs when burping, ask me don't anyhow cut bb's nails, why the eyelids red red blah blah. LIke I torture his grandson. I just listen and mumble no la no la..then heck him. Once MIL even suggested put bb's urine on bb's pimples! See? They have weird thinking sometimes. We mothers of cos will take good care of our bbs, we will not harm them mah..


welcome back. I was thinking: why not give ur PIL a taste of their own medicine? Like they always comment on the way u take care of your baby, so why not let them take care and u pass comments? this is actually not very nice la but some ppl need to be kicked in their a** for them to feel it. if u can't bring urself to do it, then one ear in, the other ear out lor and use this forum or hubby as punching bag [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also bathe my bb in the evenings but do it latest by 6pm. And yes, my baby lurves her baths! But if we go out and come back too late for a bath, then just wipe her down lor

beannie, sweetkiss,

Ya I also think after 6 mths bb should be using sippy cups le


wah! I like the way you strategise. hehe! like that chinese saying "chop 1st, then shout". hee...me chinese no good, so am doing a direct translation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I always bring more than 1 feeding bottle when out with baby. If your way so far ok, then should be ok. The bottles will be filled with cooled water, then just add hot water later

I also hv never been out with bb alone yet. It's always a family outing


Got the carseat from baby hyperstore at kaki bukit for 400+. baby kingdom is also there and they stock britax. Can go try it out. Today came home and put bb in it for her to try it out. She's happy with it and kept smiling. Maybe she thot she was going kai-kai

hi! just want to suggest to bring an extra change of clothes for your baby and maybe a shirt for yourself too (in case you have a spitter baby like i do!) my baby always have blow outs (poop come out from diaper), maybe i don't know how to put on diapers! hahaha

also, want to reassure mommies to not worry so much about going out with baby! I came here with bb alone from US and he did pretty ok! If you worry you don't have enough hands, I would suggest getting familiar with using a carrier at home so you can have both hands free if you need to. I use the ergo baby carrier, and at first, bb hates it, but we practice everyday at home before our flights so that he will be comfortable in it. I also don't know if in SG, mommies usually bring strollers or just use carriers. i think also no need to pack so much stuff in diaper bag, i remember when i just had bb, when we go out, i look like i am moving house, diaper bag so big. now i just bring wipes, diaper, change of clothes, nursing cover, and don't forget to bring plastic bag to put in dirty diapers if you happen to change him outside of toilet or in cars etc. i think babies like new surroundings, they are very curious so they usually are just quiet and love to look around. Also, if you r nervous, you can arrange to go with another mommy/friend so that you are used to it.Sorry for the long msg! just wanna share!

on a side note, how much is a manual breast pump in singapore and where can i get it? my medela pump adapter broken and my breasts are disgustingly engorged now since bb is so jetlagged and keeps sleeping, not eating...URGH!

i have a britax carseat...not sure if the one in singapore is the same as US...britax is very safe, but one thing i wanna share is that the material feels very hot so bb gets sweaty very fast...i don't know if SG britax carseat same material, but maybe you can take that into consideration also. britax carseat is also heavier than other brands because it is safer (mine has side impact protection). today i went to several baby stores at AMK hub and noticed one thing...the items in SG are 2/3 the size of items in US! i love the stuff here, so cute and small! US items are bigger, maybe to cater to their bigger size hahaha. actually singapore items also quite expensive...i wanted to get a smaller stroller coz i saw it's so small and compact, but it's about 300 bucks! so i think i'll stick to my giant stroller...my mom and i so onz, carry the giant stroller cross overhead bridge and take bus haha

paiseh, i post so much at once. i was thinking of bringing bb to try swim at the pool tomorrow, is there special diaper to wear???

Allie, you can also get huggies, little swimmers (I think). Cold storage has them. How long was your flight? My hubby's family is from Montreal and they've been asking us to bring our bb to visit them. I'm quite worried it'll be too tough for all of us.

Ica, me too. Have yet to go out alone with my bb.

babycoco -- my flight was in 3 segments...first segment is 3 hr flight, then 2 hr layover, then 13 hr flight, then 2 hr layover, then 8 hr flight...so it was a fairly long journey...it was a big adventure for us and i was anxious for months! (was actually going to come with hubby, but since i am still on leave, decide to come earlier so my mom can spend some more time w bb and i can get some extra help!). how long is the trip to Montreal? I think if you have your hubby to go with you, you will be OK. go now before bb gets older because bb is going to be harder to manage/handle when they can run around. my biggest challenge is dealing with all my barang2 to carry on board, i have 1 big bagpack, 1 tote, 1 stroller, 1 infant car seat and 1 baby carrier front pack and of course, the baby himself! i looked quite ridiculous [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

car seat

I'm using Britax Royale too. Must say that it is very comfy coz my elder boy(When he was using it), always fell asleep once it it. However, the material is a bit hot though..Very easy to switch from back to front facing, easy to change the angle too.


U must take the first step in taking out bb alone wor.. try nearby areas first to gain confidence.

When my mil started to come over to my place to look after my elder boy when he was 6mths old.. she gained confidence in using stroller by using it in the house first, then just outside the house, then downstairs.. then to the market.. so u see, gotta take small steps then u will start to fly le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

When I first took my #1 out on my own, I took a cab to my friend's place nearby.. freaked me out but it was worth it! Slowly it got better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My boy turns 4mths today.. 7.5kg n 67cm.

took him for vaccinations, rota + 6-in-1.. now got fever wor.. but at least he is still his happy self.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

He didn't grow much vertically but put on 1.1 kg since last visit to the doctor 1 mth back.

happy that he is on 75 percentile for height, weight and head circumference.. balanced le.. no longer a coconut tree.


which part of the US are u from? i live in the US too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

