(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

xbeanniex: Actually those are the words which Mrs Wong Boi Boi said.. haha!!! There was a talk in July conducted by Avent on feeding semi solid food to bb.. some other mummies attended and came back to share. One of the speakers is Mrs Wong Boi Boi. Hehe!!

One of the mummies who attended blog about it.. can read from here.


Thanks mummies for sharing.. so for a start I can give cereals after milk?

Will baby be too full to eat?

And after 4 days of cereals, I can move on to a new food rite?

How do i know when to increase frequency so bb has solids more than 1 feeding a day?

Off-topic, so angry with my mum!

U know babies have this tiny white bumps on their face rite, which usually comes & goes on their own.

My gal only had about 2-3 tiny bumps on her face and my mum went to poke them with a needle!

She said the same pimple had been there for very long.

I told her off & she dun understand why am I making a big fuss. But really lor! If she accidentally poke the face how?

If got scar how?! *angry*

Sweetkiss: Those little tiny pearls are called melia.. not supposed to poke them cos bb skin sensitve. My boy's ones also there very long liao, got abt 4mths le... recently one just drop only. So please ask your mum not to poke with needle. It will go. Plus don't know needle got sterilised or not.. so dirty.

SK: sorry to say this, but didnt ur mum knows that it's common for bb to have these tiny white pimples look alike on their face which goes off very soon and new ones comes out again?

my bb oso have it and all i did was to clean her face with moist cotton pad before shower and apply lotion on her face after shower.

SK: Girl, read this.. all the info u need abt baby weaning: http://www.homemade-baby-food-recipes.com/babys-first-foods.html

basically when u introduce solids, it is only meant to supplement their milk. Milk is still their #1 staple of food. So dont really have to increase until you can see your baby keeps feeling hungry even after his/her milk and solids. Then perhaps you can increase it little by little. But we should trust our babies to give signals to us as to whether they want or not. Like if they turn their heads away, or push the food out with their tongues.. then that means they dont want the solid. Then don't force it in.. wait till another time n try again. If u force, it can turn them off solids which is no good~

Jaclyn: yaya my bb turn head away, push teats out her mouth with her tongue whenever she is full up. sometimes leaving 1oz of milk, so wasteful.

As I only feed bb milk + brown rice (nestle) at home, lately my bb have been refusing to finish her milk at infant care. could it be bb wants the brown rice + milk at infant care too ?

ya lar! i v angry! she said she used the flame from the stove to burn the needle first. i dun care what she did but recently her pattern more than badminton.

u know my bb starts to stick out her tongue once in a while. my mum tell me is becos of the cloth teether book i bought for her. got link meh?

my hb also BTH her, ask me put bb in infant care... this is why i so want to be a SAHM.. but cant afford to [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

SK: I think theres always a problem with our MILs. Bcos our thinking r just too different! My MIL also thinks that sometimes bb don finish his milk is because of the milk stain on his tongue. Insist that I go and ask the PD about it. I told her its normal lah but cos im scared she will try and self-remedy.. so i went to ask the doc.

PD says my boy's tongue already very clean compare to other babies he saw lor!! I went home and tell her.. donno if shes convinced anot.

Also my son's neck got fats so at the back of his neck can see his folded fats.. my MIL says its bcos I put him in pram and the way he sit .. caused his neck to fold like that.

Wa lao eh.

SK: infant care isnt that bad at all. Thou there are some infant care that sucks to the ground.

you google for MCYS webby to search for 1 thats nearby ur hm or ofc. then arrange for visiting.

I put my bb near my ofc - PAP - Sparkle Tots - Bedok Reservior Branch. Mthly after Subsidy is $577.

Jaclyn: my mum take care of bb for past 21 yrs, she never tell me any of what ur mum said... hahaha but if she does, she will cfm go ask her GP first before telling me... maybe my mum is super modern till i sometimes loose out to her talking.

xbeanniex: Ya lo. I think got to do with modern/old-fashion/educated/non educated.

My mom i wont consider her super modern, but she is educated. So she won't tell me all this crap bcos she knows I probably will know better since nowadays theres so much info to be found on internet etc. At the very least she'll tell me her concern and 9 out of 10 times I will listen to her.

But things that come out of my MIL ... unbelievable.

Jaclyn, yah! Since newborn my mum bought the mouth cleaning syrup for bb. She even told me need to “press” on the gums when cleaning the mouth so the teeth grow out nicely.

Then when bb no mood to finish milk, she also said cos the tongue v dirty, milk become tasteless to them.

Beannie: Initially she already got a place in infant care. Somemore que from Feb 2010 lor.

My hubby can fetch her at 7pm if put IFC.. I cant cos I tend to OT often. So it was all planned de.

Then my MIL came along and said she will pick my baby up at 6pm daily, bring her around till we reach. I dun want lor.

I dun see any diff in leaving bb for another hr in IFC. But MIL keep insisting until I pek cek say let my mum take care.

I will put bb back in IFC after I change a job nearer to home, with lesser OT.

Jaclyn: true... I wondered things that come out of my MIL ... ridiculious, hilarious, unbelievable at times too.

MY HB still tell me what... at least my parents got experience bringing up 4 kids (my HB got 3 other older siblings) and i keep telling my HB, my mum got minimum experience of bringing up 2 of her own kids + 13 other kids not hers for the past 21 yrs with the youngest one 4yrs old now.

my HB says i talk cock ... i wondered who is talking cock... u mommies see lar... my HB can quarrel with me over this stupid issue which is damn obvious who is more experience with bb liao right ?

My mum doesn’t believe in internet. When I tell her the facts and said I read them off the net, she will always tell me dun always believe all these crap, “internet people anyhow write”.

I am sick of arguing with her so whenever I tell her anything, I will say “the doctor say one”..

haha.. xi guan jiu hao.. sometimes i just close one eye and give in lo.. cos i know at the end of the day, they dun have ill intentions and only want to dote on the baby. so rant rant a bit make myself happy can liao. lol

SK, Jaclyn,

wa lao! your MIL/mom can make all sorts of associations leh. the only comment my mom made and still makes is that my baby drools a lot because i didn't satisfy my cravings when i was pregnant


my mom told me the same thing about the internet! but hor, some internet articles also must read with caution, take it with a pinch of salt

My parents inlaws passed away 11years ago,otherwise will face the same problems.

Any mummy can recommend me a good comfortable bb carseat?

Oh.. forget to mention.. last night, I went to in law house then I wanna put bb to sleep le cos can see he is tired le. So I ask the maid to heat up the milk so that i can feed him and put him to bed. While waiting for the milk to heat up, the maid tried to play with Kayden on the left side.. kayden look at her and then turn away to bury his face into my breats.. then the maid tried again from the right side, Kayden turn to look at her and then turn to bury his face into my breasts again.. the maid was abit upset and say "mummy here and you don't want me liao".. I told the maid "He wanna sleep.. so ignore pple".. but in my heart, i so happy cause he wan me and not the maid. Haha!!

sito -

me too wanna get carseat... not an expert but read reviews from the net that Britax is the best... in terms of comfort. Other pro is that it is very safe.

I went to Kaki Bukit (2 baby showrooms)... indeed Britax is the most comfy. But quite ex. Other con is whole seat cannot remove to wash unlike maxi cosi / ingeslina brand...

You should go there check it out and see what you like..

Anyways, i'm getting the convertible ones... as baby should be put rear facing as long as possible..

fyi.. other good reviews are: evenflo truimph advantage, graco nautilus and safety 1st convertible. (Note my research all on convertible car seats only)

Ann -

really envious that your baby recognise you and only want you! my baby seems to only smile at other ppl but not me! (have lah.. but not always)...

Btw... how do you tell when is their sleep window? I struggle at times.... Yawn is not a great sign since he always yawn.. (after he wake up... 1 hour after he wake up (cannot be 1hr after i put him back to sleep rite?!)

baby burping

Btw.... do all ur babies always burp after feeding? My baby at nite always never.. sometimes during day feed also never. At night always raise leg and kick kick kick.. think have alot of wind in his stomach? Any tips to share?

My new maid always want to carry bb at home and while outside,when I carry bb she always ask me to let her carry..thats my bb leh!

My new maid loves kids alot ,even ask my elder daughter to sleep beside her in the night!

Hi Mummies!

How to clean bb's tongue thoroughly? Normally I just use washcloth and wipe using cooled boiled water and wipe the gums, tongue. But hard to reach more inside of the tongue cos sometimes bb will bite on my finger, if not, he will give me the sour gagging face.

Hi Claudia!

I find that it is easier to burp bb now as he grows older cos he will try to bring up the burp himself. But when he falls asleep, v v hard to burp him. So i seldom burp, esp at nite :p Or you can wait till bb wakes up from the nap and burp bb. Sometimes I put ridwind in his milk and he will fart quite alot. I think it helps to get rid of wind too.

My usual burping style is bb's head over my shoulder, or the sitting down style, supporting his neck.

sito, claudia,

just bought inglesina marco polo carseat. i checked out britax but i don't really like the fabric. my baby is quite "chinchai" (er, not fussy in canto). as long as she gets to go out, she's v happy oredi. btw, all the brands you mentioned are american, no?

my baby's bedtime is 8.30pm. by 8pm she goes to the room, i'll read to her a bit, carry her, then put her down in her cot, she'll suck her pacifier for a while, then sleep. when she's ready to sleep, she won't kick her legs or kick her blanket off. if not, she'll kick her legs vigorously

she also doesn't burp after every feed. but she farts a lot

Claudia: My bb doesn't really only wan me.. but when he wanna sleeps, he quite choosy at times on who to put him to sleep... since he chose me over the maid last night.. means he prefer me to put him to sleep and the maid & MIL is lower on the preference list. So when I am ard, he will wan me.. when i am not ard... the maid or MIL also ok.

When my bb wanna sleep, he will yawn and/or rub his eyes.. then he will be stone and start to ignore pple. Most imptly, no matter who is carrying him, he sees me, he will put his hands out willingly.

If bb is satisfied from his sleep, he will wake up smiling but if he is not satisifed.. he will wake up crying. So that is how I know whether he is ready to be awake or not. Even if he wake up without crying but keep yawning non stop.. also a sign that he is not ready to be awake.

Many tell tale signs one.

My bb when sleeping.. never burp one.. sleep like pig. But I will still carry him upright for at least 10mins before putting him in the cot.

Sito: Ya lo.. maid who loves kids also a headache for us. But think in another way.. having a maid who love kids is better than to have one who doesn't.

wah, introducing and feeding food to bb is also a skill I need to master. But when can we start to intro bb cup feeding? Around the same time? Think some mummies already bought the Magmag cup for training.

It is really a looong journey.


i'm using the magmag cup to let baby drink water. not really cup feeding yet, but she gets the idea lah - still using teat at this stage. sometimes she'll put her hands onto the handles, sometimes not. next stage is sippy, then straw

charliebrown / ica / ann

thanks... i used to think its ok not to burp at nite... i will always try for at least 10mins but he always never burp. Until that night twice he cried inconsolably... doc say colic then i bit scared now. Just spent think on off a total of at least 30-40mins burping him to no avail!

car seat - ica -

- haha yah... i guess it was an american site! hehe... i went to touch touch the inglesina ones very hard leh... is urs heavy and easy to transfer from car to car? Does the harness twist or quite easy to adjust?

ann -

hmm... guess i have to really try hard to observe baby! think i suck @ that! And your baby reaches out for you? looks like you are doing a great job! *envious*

charliebrown -

same sentiments exactly! I feel i quite slack even tho SAHM... like not much time.. papers also dun read much... but u mummies are researching so much i feel inadequate! must be abit more efficient and hardworking!!!

hey mummies,

can i check when your BBs were abt 3.5mths old, how much milk is he/she drinking?

my BB now drinks 120ml (4oz)...thought of increasing it to 150ml (5oz).

these 2 nights, after his 2-3am feed, he seems so awake, eyes big big look at me...so after feeding him his usual 120ml, i went to make another 30ml...and he drank finished and went to sleep le.

But during the day, he can only drinks 120ml...but manages to finish them, just that he takes a little longer than his nite time feed.

About car seat, weekend going to view the ferrari and the other is call nadia or narnia (Euro brand).

As my HB's elder bro is paying for the seat, and his bro like the ferrari one! Cost a bomb lor ! RSP $359 ! but I want to put my bb in the seat to try try see which one she like before buying.

Burping ah, nite feeding i dont burp bb, as my bb is light sleeper, bring her up cfm eyes big big stare at me. day feed will burp her most of the time.

sleeping habit, my bb pattern is wake up max 2hrs, she cfm KO, but usually 1hr +/- bb will stone stone and yawn yawn and rub her face with her hands or if i carrying her, she rub her face over my chest, shoulder, etc.

junie: my bb is taking 4oz presently (milk + brown rice) still having 1 nite feed, colder days most likely 2 feeds for sure.

I tried increasing to 5oz with n without brown rice, my bb cant finish at all.

extra feeding - not for the past 2 mths, but before that (maybe i didnt know) i got to feed extra almost all nite feeding. else bb dont want to slp too


wah! 30-40mins for burping is quite long. if after so long, still nothing, then nothing lor. dun worry ya. maybe your baby's crying that night not due to colic? so baby is ok now?

maybe you can try Ann's method. i do that too for night feeds when i don't want to burp baby. i carry at about 30 degrees

car seat,

weighs about 8kg. to me is ok coz i've always been my mom's coolie when we go grocery shopping. hehehe. so i'm used to carrying heavy stuff. easy to adjust, instructions are clear.

oh, sorry ah..britax is a UK brand.


i bet the brand is "nadia". not that i know but narnia is the movie leh. hehehe. or maybe i'm wrong. happy shopping [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

usually when i buy baby stuff, i don't bring my baby along. i just buy what i like and make baby likes it. hahaha. bad mommy. but there's one thing my baby really doesn't like and no matter what, she can't be forced to like it - NUK pacifiers

ica: my gal dont mind any brand of pacifier but she cfm very angry with those short short teats pacifiers. she like those big n round ones like Avent ones

Car seat: I am using Britax Royale (also known as Safe n Sound). Bought from Robinsons during their sale. Very comfy - my boy is OK in it so far.

It is narnia brand. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I bought the car seat during Robinson sale too. 100plus but dunno good or not cos have not let bb sit in it. I have been carrying bb in my arms in the car at the backseat, :X dangerous right..but will be fixing it soon. need to roar at hubby.

Claudia: hehe..is okay lah, you not slack. that is why we come to this forum to learn and share, so we can rant/be more effective as mommies!

charlie/ICA: haha really narnia brand ah ? as it's my HB doing the research and he tell me i oso not really listening. patting bb to slp, he talk i listen listen, as i pat bb i oso getting sleepy. Haha!

Claudia: Ya.. have to be more observant ba. Maybe cause I have 2 furkids.. so I am quite observant since they would not be able to tell me if they not feeling well or what they wan. So got to observe and guess lo.. just like a baby.

But he only wan me when he wanna koon and not play.. sob sob.. play will look for daddy nia. So upset.

Carseat: I think Britax should be quite good ba.. I regretted buying the Inglesina.. my bb like dun like it. Hai..

pacifier: Do you all change the pacifier according to the age? My boy is using the Avent one.. he is now coming to 5mths liao but then he is still using the pacifier for 0-3mths.. he doesn't like the 3-6mths one.. is it ok to continue letting him use the smaller teat pacifier?

