(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

u guys interestd in Gyboree at Harbourfront?

Shall we organise 1 group of babies going there? If keen, I call call up and enquire n have a trial class.

How abt kindermusik? Anyone keen?

quartzie_thanks for the list. Got it...but seem like abit pricey..thinking of to really go down to see what was the actual activites for teh class.

Phy-I will be keen.Kindermusik looks good too. Not sure how much is the course?

phy: it'll b great to haf a trial class for out bbs! can b like an 'outing' for all~

im keen on all classes!!

also to 'escape' fr home on wkends! lol!!!

add me on the trial class list ya?


tdy 1st day back to wk.... miss my bb!

pump time=call my mum to chk on bb time. hee...

quartzie: thnx for the list !

yeah yeah got trial class ah ! I wan to bring bb to try try too !

Anyone in ready for the trial class ?

xbeanniex: my bb is on the waiting list for the trial class at kindermusik this sun. trial is $30.. the course is $307+ for 8 sessions. need to pay additional one-time member fee of $55+ (cant rem). course materials included.

Fazzy: so is there any particular equipment which i need to have in order for the swim?pai sey..was thinking of sending him to bb swim..but like not worth.

I am waiting at least his neck is more firm up..cos still abit wobbly...i have a lazy boy..-_-

Sweetkiss: Wah.. so fast start class liao ah.. I think for me, I will wait till 6mths then start going for the trial. I think daddy will say i KS mum.. haha!!

wah so fast thinking of sending babies to classes. Me still here thinking when my bb will learn to flip, hold head steadily. haha!

tummy time:

My bb really hates tummy time. Last time he will cry only after about 1 minute, nowadays is less than 30 secs he will cry. Maybe I should try to place him on my chest for tummy time instead. See if he can enjoy it better.

cold hands and feet:

Although the weather is hot, my bb's hands and feet will sometimes become cold. he does not wear mittens or socks in the daytime. Is it cos he perspires? Is it normal?


Will your MIL tag along? :S

Hi Charliebrown: on the cold feet n hands part, sometime my bb will also exprience same things. According to older folks, cold feet mean unwell tummy...dunno how true it is

charliebrown: hmm... my bb has cold hands and feet sometimes too. i dun think is anything wrong ba. i still let her wear booties or socks becos my mum always tell me feet cannot cold cold else easily sick? dunno but i just follow lor. haha..

i dun think she will tag along BUT she definitely will want to pick us up after the class then go home together. sigh! really sianz..... sometimes she juz suddenly calls & says she's at our house void deck when we are outside. coz she nv call us when she wanna come then we happily go out. although she will tell us to take our time and she will wait downstairs, we also feel uncomfortable & because of her, rush back home! i really dun understand her sometimes.

now she will call and ask, but if we are outside she will ask what time we going home, we said dunno coz just left home, she will ask "4pm leh? 5pm leh? 7pm leh?" like die die must give answer... not that i am bad by not letting her visit.. but every week like this really sianz. coz Sat my hubby has courses so sunday is the only full family time we have, yet she is like 阴魂不散.

sorry for always complaining abt my MIL but i need to let it off my chest~

cold hands, feet,

it's due to perspiration. hubby was concerned so asked PD. PD said it's normal. some babies sweat more, some less


looks like you've a very sticky MIL. superglue, hard to shake off. hehe! sorry to describe her this way but...i say, let her wait once, since she's the one who said it. no need to be paiseh, don't beat around the bush; 1 is 1, 2 is 2. but what is your arrangement with her when it comes to taking care of your baby? is it because she didn't get to see baby so often so she misses baby?

Charliebrown: Mine still havent flip yet too but i so enthu on searching for what i can do for her mah.. hehee

My ger oso often have cold feet, think i read somewhere as long as the tummy not cold can le.

sweetkiss:wow, your MIL like really playing psychological game...but i agree with ICA, u at times can give in..at times got to be firm..so at least she know where the boundries...

I'm keen on the gymboree trial class if any too, pls let me know if anyone is organising it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Cold feet

Cold feet is due to perspiration? I thought it's cuz BB's is cold (eg. feet cold cuz didn't wear socks or booties). Even my ILs think so too...then keep saying BB is cold. Aiyo.

ica, currently my mum taking care of bb. MIL can come on weekdays but she chose to come on weekends, maybe coz weekends come can stay longer at my house ba.

my MIL has no exp with babies.. in fact when i saw her feed my bb i nearly faint. put bb sitting 90 deg on her lap with the bottle tilted so high up. bb how to drink like that? then when bb drinking she kept using her finger to tap on the bottle base dunno for wad.


Then how did your MIL feed ur hubby last time? Also the same way? 90' - poor baby. That tapping on bottle base thingy also practiced by my MIL. She claimed that by doing it, bb will finish the milk

ica: huh really ah? i tot she thinks bb will find it fun.. that's why keep doing. didnt know is a practice by older generation. but is irritating lor. imagine u drinking then someone keeps tapping ur cup.. my mil nv took care of hubby. he was raised by his grandma (mil's mother) and they only fetch him back during weekends.

My CL does that too but that is when bb fell asleep and not drinking.. she will tap the bottle lightly a few times and stop when bb start to drink again.

My baby is now at week 15 and 2 days old.. That reminds me that my 16 weeks maternity leave is almost up soon.. A lot of mummies are already back at work.. Soon, my turn will come.. Haiz..

My boy is still waking up for 2 night feeds after df at 11pm.. Headache.. It will be so tiring for me when i go back to work in 2 weeks time.. Just bought the baby whisperer book.. Hope it's good and can implement it on my son..

Seems like a lot of mummies into gymboree and kindermusic.. I'm keen too but find the classes a bit costly.. Say, if each one of us, just buy a different music instruments, can we start our own gymboree at someone house, once a week.. Cheap n good.. LOL...

Was looking around for weaning products now as I intend to start solids when baby is 5 1/2 mth.. Come across those luvable thermos and was thinking to ship from US directly since SG dun have these designs.. Any mummies interested to share shipping, please email me: [email protected].. Think it work up to be less than S$40 per food jar.. Hopefully, can get around $35.. Malls are selling around S$50.. Oh, they also have the straw bottle..


Hmmm... which is nice for my boy???? Hee


I like the "cars" one. So they r all from foogo? Do you know how r the pics being printed on the jar? Ie, is it just a pc of sticker? So total cost of the jar ie cost + shipping would be less than $40 per jar? If yes, then i dun mind getting it.

if foogo good? how does it compare to tiger or zojirushi? i'm also on the lookout for one, whichever is better and cheaper. hehe

ya - no disney characters...

ica - i think all are comparable, i have a tiger thermo flask bought not longer ago... hold the hot water for about 6 hours...

Morning mummies.

I am also thinking of buying a thermo food jar... looking around. Will be starting on semi solid food when he reach 24weeks ba.

Any mummy thinking of buying any blender to use to prepare food for bb? I am wondering is it neccessary to buy since abt 1 yr old, bb will be starting to eat food like us. So not sure worth or not. Any opinion?

Waseh... Think i really cannot stop working...

More and more things to buy, more and more courses for her to attend lo hahahaha

ann, i bot the 2-in-1 blender from philips sale. actually use normal blender also can if u already have. i think the blender is a gd buy and convenient for my mum.


Oh my, i can imagine the heartache! But nvm, just think of Howie smiling at you at the end of the day. Jiayou for the day ya.

sk & suntan: i was trying to rest by closing my eyes... then it happened!! grr...

also cuz i used a '3rd party' bottle instead of medela juz now... then the fit with the FS parts was bad... end up the bottle DROPPED on the flr. my pdce spilled all over!! angry... cannot kay kiang use other brand bottles liao. i better guaiguai use back my medela bottle.

sigh... wasted one feed lor... heng only 1 side drop, i still haf some harvest for the pump session.. but heart still PAIN lor...

DQ, what a shame. Really salute all you mummies who go to work and still make time to pump.

Keer13, I'm keen on the hello kitty design. Let me know if you're getting.

Keer-hubby n I are using the baby whisperer book too! I think it 's really good but must be persistent! My bb has dropped her night feeds, last df at 11. And she sleeps better in the day too. No need to rock her anymore. There's an online baby whisperer forum if you need help. Jia you!!!


can share feeding schedule for ur kiddos? my son currently feeds 6x a day.. thinking of bringing last feed at 11pm forward or drop 1 feed.

Sweetkiss: I don't have a blender at home.

The Avent one can steam and blend right? But quite ex. I think Tang selling too and throwing in freebies and selling at $169. If have Tangs card, have rebate too.

I am thinking of buying U-Like blender... heard it's good too and much cheaper like $69.90. But then I am thinking is it worth to buy such thing or not.

Peanut: Can share the methods? My boy hoh.. last time still will sleep on his own.. now wan mummy and daddy to keep coaxing him or when we really tired, we just put him in the yao lan and carry him out later when he in deep sleep. Hai...

DQ: Dont be sad ! you have to be in great mood and eat more healthy food and drink lots of fluid ! you are a great mommy !

talking about solid food feeding, I very notti over the weekend, my bb was crying for 4oz milk every 2-3hrs, increase to 5oz for her, she cant finish, so added in 1/2 scoop of nestle brown rice into her milk. And seems like it works well for her, poo poo still nice, and each 4oz (milk w brown rice) lasted my bb for up to 5hrs.

but wondered if its too harsh for her stomach to digest... haiz... cant bear to see her so tired waking up for feeding every less then 3hrs.


xbeanniex: Actually that is what my mum and her sisters did too.. they say can last longer and our little tummy will be fuller. Don't worry too much la.

