(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hi Sito, yr baby is very cute & got strong muscle. My baby is 3.5 months. no sign of flipping & dont like tummy time..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif](


Irene, we are looking at Growing Up Gifted at United Sq. But that start from 8mths... I haven got the chance to go Happy train. I heard from my fren Happy Train is gd as she send her there. So comparing these two only.

Re: jumperoo - JL is having 20% therefore is selling at $206 after disc. Kiddy palace also having promo on exersauser too. Interested mummies can go and take a look.

Rachel: My friend just sent his toddler to the "Growing Up Gifted" at HDB Hub cos he stays in TPY central. Think it's a new branch as I don't see it on their website yet. Will ask him for feedback a few months down the road.

Quartzie: yup yup let's go together!

valerie: it's quite normal and alot of babies around this age are behaving like this. Mine yesterday didn't finish his feed at 7pm and next feed at 3am!!! It's a phase that we need to go through with out bb. Don't worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

valerie/irene: my bb last night last feeding was at 10pm. only morning 745am then i realise my bb hasnt had her milk at all since 10pm, would she be super hungry? she had her milk 4oz at 815am n fall back to slp till now... slping still.

so nw bb wil wont want 2 drink as much as last time?my boy nw 16wks bt drink at 130ml,2.5hr to 3hrly interval..veri hard 2 increase 4 him le.

xbeanniex & cheese: same same. My boy is 16wks+ and only drinks 120ml every 3hrs. I tried to increase to 130ml but he can't finish it. There were few times he skip his meal during the day which is 6hrs from his last feed. He just want to sleep only.

bbbliss, so our bb is abt the same! i saw some bb like 2mths old can drink more than him, KS mama is panic!

Only when he is back from infant care, i will give him 140/150ml and he can finish.. maybe they really nv finish feeding him lorz.. poor darling...

finally my boy is at 50percentile one lei..

he was born 2.56kg.. im so scare that he will fall below.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Xbeanniex, my bb's last feed is at 8pm. She wakes up at 6:30am. Has been like this since she was 10wks old. Should be ok ba. I think if they're really hungry they'll wake up to feed?

My bb also drink 100ml to 120ml only, small drinker.

My elder daughter drink alot when she's 1 month old already drinking 8oz 250ml, until I almost got broke!


Wah 250ml for a 1 mth old is REALLY alot! My boy now at 15 weeks drinks 140ml every 3 hrly. Recently he also cant finish his feed. Like yesterday, for 2 of his feed, he only drank 90ml and it also last him 3 hrs.


The blender cost $150.

Although my elder daughter drink alot during her baby time but she never put on weight much under the 50% only.. Now she's 7 years old very small size like me.. Wonder where all the milk nutrition done to???

my bb stuck at 150ml since 2 mths+.. BM i give 180ml.. nite time her last feed is 11pm & she can slp till 8am without milk! somemore she always vomit milk when on FM. BM she can finish every drop yet wont vomit...

Anyone started bb on avent no.3 teats? i tried changing but think the flow still v fast for her. she cry then for half an hr, she seemed to have phobia & refused the btl even after i changed back to her no.2 teat!

sweetkiss: I changed to Avent teat no. 3 when my boy turned 3 months (about a month ago). He also cried initially and refused to drink his milk until i give him teat no. 2. After a few feeds, he is OK with no. 3. Think gotta slowly let them try.

milk intake: My boy drinks about 180ml every 3 to 4 hourly, last feed at about 9pm and he will sleep till 7am plus without milk. So i think if bb sleeps through at night means not hungry bah...

Sweetkiss, I started to use avent treat 3..my bb also refused to drink until we change back treat 2 den she guai guai drink..

I use afew types of milk bottle, bb don't really like avent one as it's wide necked, she like the normal ones medela and playtrex milk bottles

oic.. how to know when to start her on no.3 teat? she seems to suck very hard on the no.2, like flow too slow for her. yet every week i will try once to give her no.3, she cry. and once she cry hor, i will have a hard time giving her milk from then on cos she will refuse & cry the moment the teat touches her lips.

my baby's milk intake is like.. decreasing!! I dont know why! He hardly drinks finish 100ml nowadays .. only maybe once at night he will drink 100ml. Otherwise its like 20ml.. 30ml.. 50ml that kinda quantities. i dont know why =(

He seems to b growing ok though.. wednesday I will go and ask the PD if its normal..

BTW those mommies using pampers, carrefour is having a promo for it. $49 for 2 boxes (each box have 2 packets).

Hi gals!

Looks all our babies going thru the same things..drooling so much it soaks thru the bib! And trying to stuff both hands into the mouth at the same time..lol

Jac, I think B is also drinking very little in the day coz he'll drink properly from one boob but will wanna play on the other. My supply isnt fantastic so I know he has to drink from both sides to be at least 100ml. But come evening, I have to top up 60-100ml after nursing him. Guess he's playing catch up for not drinking enough in the day.

Irene, Quartzie...Go Gymboree at Harbourfront must remember to call me too! = )

My baby's milk intake has also decreased. Looks like I'm not the only mommy facing this. I thought it was teats issue as baby made this puke/gag expression whenever we tried to feed her, so changed to teat #3

Oh, everytime I change to a faster flow teat, the 1st few times when feeding baby, I'd tell bb that it's a new teat and flow is faster, and ask her to go slow. It works; bb seems to understand. But of course, the 1st few times there'll be milk running down her chin. My bb is the sort that needs to be informed of what's happening concerning her if not she'll cry or throw a fuss

Morning mummies !! Seems like alot mommies officially return back to work today !

Hang on! time pass quick, we see our bb soon!

Yeah Vernie! 4 days onli! Plan to take leave on thurs and mon hee dunno approve not *pray hard*

Pris hee we will be more than glad to have Brandon join at Gymboree manx!

Ica i will also tell my ger 慢慢啦 don't so kanjiong

Its alrdy my 4th wk back to work...


haha! ya, my girl also very kancheong, especially night feeds. like she has been deprived of food for many days

i'm already back at work for 1.5mths. envy mommies who only start work now

starting work

Can empathise... the first day the hardest..gotta leave behind the baby...

When I first returned work after the first ML, cried buckets wor.. felt so guilty coz gotta leave a sleeping bb behind early in the morning.. but as time went by, it got easier.

Supposed to return work today too.. but I took leave so only need to return on 22/11.. kinda look forward + dread the day.

Anyway, all FTWM, Jiayou!

Hey mummies, gd morn! i also want to join gymboree, pls include me too!

sianz my MIL comes to my house every sun at the same time like its become her routine. but my bb seems to recognize ppl le, ytd she kept crying when my MIL carried her, yet my MIL dun wanna return bb to me! *angry* Then she kept telling me bb is hungry! i was like, hello... can she stop deceiving herself?

SK: I will just take back bb, else i will keep slamming door or anything i do to sound my displeasure, else keep asking HB where is bb, I want bb back right now...

Morning mummies!

Babies with pacifiers:

bbs with pacifiers, are they sucking their thumbs too? My bb has no pacifier, he is sucking his thumb quite badly, afraid he may injure his thumb. Don't know is it cos he has no pacifier, or bbs at this age like to suck their thumb? But it seems abit late to give him pacifier now he is coming to 4mths old.


Dun know why the MIL and FIL like to carry bbs so much. My MIL and FIL also like to come to my house every Sunday. You thought of going out on Sunday with bb to gai gai, to "escape" your mil? Haha. evil. but Sunday we are supposed to rest, but when they come, very sian.

Charlie: I got no where to go also find somewhere to go. Thou' I stay with my ILs lar.

My bb sucks both fingers and pacifiers... enjoys both very well. hahaha


My bb takes the pacifier at times to bed. Other times, she refuses the pacifier. She also sucks her fingers (not onl thumb!) quite badly. Prefers them to her pacifier.

Ya, now it's also quite hard for me.I have to be fair to both sides of family, so sunday usually will either visit ILs or they come over. Weekdays my mum takes care of bb so no prob. But there goes our burnt rest days. Sigh.


my baby takes to the pacifier when she's trying to get to sleep. once she's in deep sleep or almost ready to sleep, she'll spit it out. she doesn't suck her thumb or fingers but she's licking her fist! sometimes she'll put her fists together like kongxi kongxi and when no one's watching, she'll lick them. she prefers her left fist..funny

I am so demoralised and sad this morning as my milk supply is decreasing. I aim to bf for at least 6 months but now, dunno if i can get to achieve that.

xbeanniex, fazzy: So we can just let them suck ah? My bb will suck his thumb until like high on drugs, sometimes making those eh eh ah ah noise. haha. then if he sucks too hard, the skin becomes a bit crumpled.

ica: my bb only knows how to suck his right thumb. funny hor bbs.

beannie, no use one lo.. if i tell hb he will say, his mum only come once a week, juz give in to her. eventually i managed to carry bb back but when it was her milk time, my MIL carried her back saying she want to feed..

charliebrown: absolutely! i'm also lazy to go out on sun cos Mon working but to escape my MIL, i am willing to sacrifice! which is why i am so frantic on finding classes for bb on sundays..

but my MIL is v thick skinned one. sometimes my actions already v obvious & yet she can totally act like she dunno. i believe even if i have program for bb every sun, she will also wait till i reach home then come over. coz she knows i wont go out till late with a bb.

i know i shld be grateful that she comes every sun to help me w housework. but doing housework is just her excuse to come my house & stay for hours.. coz sometimes bb sleeping then she dun wanna leave. so on fri & sat nite i start to do everything i can. sun she came, she will find things to do. such as removing my newly washed clothes to iron! i told her, the clothes are not dry yet, dun iron & she still tell me, easier to iron when clothes are damp so will be straighter & clothes will be dry. but like that the clothes will have smell de lor!

SK: maybe i too fierce lar.. wahahaha !

Charlie: Agree with you !

I went out till 9pm then bring bb back home on sat. wahahaha I slowly introducing bb to stay out late at night. if wanna slp can just slp, i will just carry her in my sling.

ur MIL indeed excuses alot !


very high chance I will bring my bb to LNT @ Toy Payoh branch, Coz they intro 3 languages...English, Chinese & Japaneses!! I want him to learn Jap~ hehehe~

any mommies who are keen to go Gymboree at Harbourfront can jio me too...i am quite keen for my BB too...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can send me email @ [email protected] or add me in Facebook..

Back @ work:

2nd week back at work...and I forget to bring the motor part of my breast pump to work!!! *faint* had to call my hubby to go back home and pick it up for me! Seriously thinking whether should I get another breastpump to put @ work. Every morning need to pack tonnes of stuffs: bb diaper bag to bring to babysitter, my pumping bag, my work bag. *sigh*

Any mummies are as forgetful as me? *sigh* Is there any good and CHEAP breastpump to recommend? I'm currently using the Philips Avent Isis single electric pump. It works perfectly for me and it's light and portable. Dun know if i should get another of this...or should I get some other brands?

So many of you enrolling bb for classes already? Oh man...I still dun know what to do with my bb wo.


I'm keen to send my bb to Gymboree too! But dunno if i should send to Tanglin or harbourfront. When are all of you intending to start off baby to Gymboree?

jastine, u can try ameda.. it costs $399.. u can check online for reviews. if u interested & dun mind 2nd hand i can sell u my ameda, only used for 1 mth+. spare parts can get new ones~ hehe! it wasnt suitable for me so i changed to medela PISA.

for bb stuffs u can get extra sets and put at nanny's hse, so dun need to pack daily... normally i just need to pack warmer & BM to my mum.. that's all..


I bough from this lady: Kian. Her no. is 97498218

I tried going to her bp link, but can't. Big pool set + diaper + float $78.

Beannie, think the trial session is $40 for 45min.

Play & Learn 1

(Birth -6 mths)

Explore the senses & support visual & auditory development

Got the price list, can email to u if u r interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fazzy:I was thinking probably when my bb is @ 4-5months?How about you?

As for the pool n float, does it mean we can let bb swim at home?I am kinda interested too..hehehe

Quartzie-Can you pm me also?Thanks so much.

Quartzie: I am interested in the price list for Gymboree. Can email me at [email protected]? Thanks. Maybe I will bring him when he is 6mths old. Have to dscuss out with daddy.

Next gathering: Hey.. is the next gathering on 11th Dec? Just realise I had booked my trip to HK on 10th to 12th Dec. I hope it is me who remember the gathering date wrongly.

