(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

suntan & Ann - very difficult to describe the method properly. I suppose the key things are:

1. get bb on a routine. it's not really a schedule, but a routine, like Eat, Activity (play/go out), Sleep. So that bb knows what's coming next. the key is to know when bb is sleepy so you can put her to sleep at the optimum time. ideally, for 4month old, she should go to sleep after 2 hours from waking up from the last nap.

2. to wean bb off the rocking/singing etc is a bit more difficult. the book teaches the shush/pat method. basically you need to "shhhhh" to bb and pat her back at the same time. it actually managed to calm my bb down! because bb cannot focus on so many thoughts at the same time, the shushing and patting will distract her then she'll forget to cry haha. then try to place her in the cot while she's still awake but drowsy, but keep going "shhhhh" and patting. it's actually quite technical, and bb will take a while to get used to it. we stayed at home for 5 days to teach bb. i'm back to work now but hubby still at home. it really takes patience and perseverence, but we kept reminding ourselves that we're teaching bb a skill -how to soothe herself and sleep by herself. all the rocking etc is what the book calls "accidental parenting" - we started doing it because we didn't know how else to calm bb, and now bb has become reliant on it. So it's a matter of teaching bb that there's now a new way to sleep. bb will definitely cry at first because she doesnt understand what's going on, but she will get used to it. and it's not cruel because we're not leaving bb to "cry it out". we're there with bb and trying to soothe her...

there's some info on the forums: http://www.babywhispererforums.com/

but i strongly recommend getting the book because it's quite technical and more detailed than the forums.

sorry all for the long post! hope this helps! i'm learning as well, so i'm not an expert. the forum moderators are fantastic and very helpful though. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Peanuts: agree with 1. (i can now know by fingertips when my bb wants to slp)

as for 2. ah... still trying... i stop the rocking in arms the moment my bb shut her eyes (drowsy mode thou) bb will still open her eyes to peep at me or hb else move her little fingers around our neck n face to feel us, hahaha! so now we give bb her swaddle blanket as her hugging comfort to slp. slowly teaching her that when she is slpy, hug blanket then slp. seems like she is doing fine with her blanket so far so good. been almost a week, the moment she hug her little blanket in her hand, she slowly falls aslp in our arms w/o rocking. and within minutes (usually less then 10-15min) can put her back into her cot to pat her lightly to deep slp.

Hi sun tan - I think the prints are printed directly on the thermos.. Not stickers de.. I believe it can last.. If that's your concern.. Cos I saw a similar thermos at BHG.. I assume it's the same printing technology cos under the same brand.. From previous spree, the mummies got it for $37 per food jar.. So, I think it should be around there if we have US$200 orders to share the shipping.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hee, I'm not sure if they are actually the same brand? Is Thermos the brand or Foogo huh? Can anyone advise.. But I think they are the same.. Cos when I see the "made" in BHG, it looks the same to me.. :p

Ica - I was also deciding between tiger & other brands but I really like the Thermos/Foogo designs.. So, I will choose designs over functions.. I read reviews in amazon that this Thermos are good too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babycoco - Ya, I like the hello kitty ones too.. Too bad, mine is a boy.. Most prob go for the CARS design too.. Same as sun tan.. I think with the cute prints.. It makes feeding more of a pleasure.. At least to me.. LOL.. So, let's say if we have US$200 orders, yes, i will proceed so that we can share shipping.. If not, might be too expensive to ship over..

Any other mummies interested??? Cheers

xbeanniex - that's really great!! that's my aim - to get bb to sleep using blanket or pillow as a "soother". i still have to swaddle her now because she always jerks herself awake.

my hubby best, when bb's in the cot and looking left and right at us, he will use his hand to cover her eyes! and it actually works! hahah. she eventually realises there's nothing to see and will guaiguai shut her eyes..then sleep is just around the corner.

peanut: ur bb so cute ! hand also can "buy" her thru to slp... my bb ah ... dont let any of our hands go near her eyes at all!

about the "startling" awake, my bb used to do that very often, but now i realise she doesnt do that anymore... maybe i bring her out so often and she falls aslp so many times while outside that right now sound to her is nothing especially in the day. as for night, I usually place my very own "comfort" pillow on her legs when she is slping... since bb doesnt like the bean spourt pillow... and she is doing fine with just that. (my "comfort" pillow is abt 1 feet width by 1.5 feet length) those typical ones u can buy at neighbourhood store for few dollars.


Yes! I used the EASY since my boy was 3 wks old.. he's so into routine and fusses very little..

2wks back I decided to remove night swaddling and was ready for war.. but now, he is completely off swaddling.

He has 3 to 4 naps a day and for nights, sleeps ard 830pm till next morning 7ish 8.. with a dreamfeed at ard 11pm.

For the soother, I taught him how to hug his bear and beanspout pillow. So when he wakes up, he can zzz back on his own.

i've heard of the baby whisperer but never gotten a chance to read it. maybe i should. one of the methods mentioned ie. the "shhh", is also recommended in "happiest baby on the block". it says the louder the crying, the louder must be our "shhh". i tried that method but baby ended crying even louder! that was when baby was less than 1 mth old.

i don't say "shh" anymore coz with a routine in place, when i carry her into my room, she knows it's bedtime. i think she's associating her pacifier with sleep time, coz she only suck on it when she's going to sleep

sometimes, i will sing to her to get her to sleep, while carrying her in my arms. sometimes she just wants to be carried before she dozes off, without singing/rocking. as for night feeds, sometimes she'll be awake after feeding and wants to talk. so we'll just let her be in the cot and she'll fall asleep on her own


Thats what i do sometimes! When Skyler is drowsy but still KPO and wanted to look at things, i would cover his eyes then he would slowly goes to sleep..lol..

xbeannie: ohhh maybe it's because we hardly bring bb out. now we're trying to bring her out more - supermarket, church etc. maybe that will help the startling! Is the comfort pillow like normal pillow stuffing? cotton?

phy: EASY rocks right. hahah. i wish i'd read about it sooner! we were letting bb set her own routine and thus super haywire. i know what you mean about ready for war. when i try to help her "move to the next level" i must be mentally prepared to stay by the cot for like 2 hours.

our bb also has 3-4 naps a day. down by 730pm, df at 11. and awake at 7am. haha sometimes i wish she would wake up later, esp on weekends!

peanut: i am not sure if the going out can calm bb better thou lots of ppl keep saying its not bad an idea to let bb get used to slping even when not at home. (gradually can go anywhere easier and dont have to worry about rushing home just to let bb slp - sometimes traffic can be scary and if bb wants to slp... gonna have a hard time ready)

Eh.. I think so its cotton... as overtime the pillow originally is pretty puffy, gradual hugging by me to slp, now flatten badly, hahaha! its a very light pillow, little bb shouldnt feels the weight much actually.

ica: sounds like you don't even need the baby whisperer! your bb so guai will just fall asleep. but i must say the BW book has lots of other stuff too, e.g. bb's character, feeding etc all the way until 1-2yrs old. i think it's worth reading.

oh and yea, i think BW also says the louder the crying the louder the "shhh". must be a firm "shhh", tell bb that you know what you're doing. not a blurblur mummy..

suntan: we both have KPO bbs heheh.


Ya, the 'shhhh' must be of low tone and louder and consistent. Cannot sound nervous and agitated.

EASY rocks! So now hor, I just checked my #1's feeding schedule at 4mths (my #2 coming to 4 mths on 10/11).. think it is abt time to drop 1 feed and bring forward df to 10pm.. then I can zzz from 11pm to 7am! yeah! hopefully it works out soon.

All the best when u wanna remove her swaddle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

peanut, suntan,

my baby is also a big kpo. and also a kai-kai queen.

it doesn't work all the time. sometimes, when i put her down onto her cot to sleep, she'll kick her legs vigorously, signifying that she's not that ready, then i know she must be carried. and she'll suck on her pacifier vigorously, too. the feeling she gives me it's like she wants to just automatically fall asleep but can't

taking babies out is not really to calm them. more for exposing them to noises, people and unfamiliar places so that they can sleep even in a noisy, unfamiliar environment. JMHO

ica: haha ur bb so cute ! got signal to tell u not ready to slp or cant slp.

my bb uses her little hand to hit my hb most of the time till she knock out... bb seldom hit me as think she knows mommy is not good to be mess with. hahaha !


wahaha! your bb hits your hubby? must be very cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my baby bullies her father but also a bit afraid of him at the same time. when he talks to her, she'll listen intently, giving him full attention. with me, she can bully - look here, there, talk to her toys even though i'm talking to her

hmm..seem like i also got to get hold of the book.seem to work well.

As for my bb Alpheus, so far he been sleeping by his own w/o rocking since birth. Most of the time, just had to feed him and he will doze asleep by the time he finished up the bottle.During nap time, he will just play till tire n hungry, feed and he will be asleep. Perhaps it will be good with some routine too.

May i ask how much is your bb drinking now?Cos i realised my boy ssem to be more interested in "playing" than to eat...

ica: ya... use her little hand "slap" her daddy chest, else using her nails purposely scratch her daddy till daddy face also crumble up.

wahahaha ! maybe when bb do that to me, i hit bb hand abit ... not hard lar.. but enough to "wake" bb mind up ...


Feed till zzz .. u may have problems in future when wanna wean him off that...at least ensure when he is abt to zzz, he is lying on his bed.. so let him know he is going to zzz on his own.


my baby now can't finish her feed. used to be 130ml-140ml every 3-4 hours in the daytime. 120ml is consider good now. now her intake fluctuates from one feed to another

btw, Giant is selling mamy poko S size (72) for $20.50. is that a good price? i dunno coz 1st time buying MP

phy:noted on that also...but it start to get better these days as he finished his milk..already drowsy by then...sometime he will fall asleep when carry or just place him on bed for him to doze off. But i still think perhaps should let him know when it time to sleep.

ica-yup..my bb also fluctuate from feed to feed..sometime took a few try before finished off his 120ml...not sure how to make him drink more also..n at 1 go..


ouch! that must painful. my baby has scratched, pinched the 3 of us (my mom, me, hubby) and pulled out our specs, too. i kena the most from her. that time she was still under 1 mth, and we didn't know what she wanted, didn't know how to read her body language. now she only pinches but can be quite painful


yup, just wannt get her used to noises and sleeping in crowds. i think she's slowly getting used to it, managed to sleep in church last weekend! hahah. hubby was standing in one corner and "shhhh"ing to her and covering her eyes =P


my bb girl takes 160ml every 4 hours, 5 feeds a day. she'll be 19 weeks this thursday. but she was taking 150ml since 3mths, recently increased only coz PD said she's on the small side. 5.9kg at 3mths only.


i just let my baby be. some mommies have mentioned that baby has done all the weight gain that they need. the next growth spurt is when they're 6 mths. i guess it's ok as long as daily intake is about the same and baby is not losing weight. mine is 640-650ml a day

Peanut: Thanks for sharing.. i heard about the ssshhh method too but didn't really use it. But sometime when baby is crying very badly, I will sssshhh and he will quiet down but then after awhile.. start engine again.. haha!!

ica: Seems like quite a good buy.. any promo for M size ones? hehe!!

Sean: Normally, when feed bb, there are 3 simple rules to follow.

1) Preferably in a room alone

2) No play

3) No talking

When my hubby feed, my son will play with him and refuse to drink milk.. he will just drink 10 to 20ml like doing daddy a favor but when i take over, he knows cannot play liao.. just drink.. but sometime will still leave 50ml for me at most. Haha!!

peanut:5.9kg for 3 mths is on the low side ah?I am not sure what was my boy weight. I think when he was 3 months, he was 6.4kg...but he still look slim..but v v v long...hahahahaha( that how all the old folks describe him)

ica-think got to keep a close watch also...how i wish that my house got those clinic weighing machine...can weight daily..wahahaha

Ann-Thanks for sharing..think i must follow strictly to the rule as well...

ica: The mamy poko S size (72) is a good deal. I bought at $24+ when not on promo.

milk intake: Ooopss...Is my boy drinking too much? He drinks about 900 ml a day - about 180ml x 5 feeds a day. He is 6.475kg, 64cm at 4 months. He was born small though - 2.605kg at birth.

JTS, my boy was 6.4kg and 67cm long exactly at 3 mths.. weight was 50% percentile so I decided to up his 2 ebms a day to 160ml.

He feeds 6x a day, including the 2 ebms.

this 10/11 will take him for jabs.. hope he has gained enuff weight.. if so, I'm gonna drop his feeds to 5x but up the quantitiy..


I hope my boy can drink 5x leh.. think there's a formula to calculate?

weight x 150ml / no. of feeds per day

phy: Using that formula, looks like my boy's feeding is OK. 180ml sounds so high compared to the other babies here. Scared he overweight but PD said OK - average.


i think yours is not too much, just right. my girl was already 6.8kg at 3mths, 1wk, and 61cm at 10wks. she was 3.7kg at birth, so i guess she doesn't need to bulk up so much?

ica: Yeah, looks like my boy is drinking more now to catch up. His grandpa was so worried about his birth weight - scared that he will get bullied next time due to his small size. But looks like he has now caught up.


i pmed u on the funtainer. btw, may i know where r u ordering the the funtainers?

JTS on the funtainer. i bought 1 from BP and i must say it is v good. i got the water bottle for my #1 and i would say the print will fade only if it is scratched. so can buy. i bought mine at $34.90.

wow !! lots of mamy poko fans here !!

I have 1 pack of 72 pcs Size S (i got it at $22+) anyone wants take over? =x

My bb is outgrowing Size S and most of the time she is using Mamy Poko Size M ready.

Her thigh area got thick red lines after just 2-3hrs of size S.


not to worry, my son is drinking 180ml FM. sometime after 2 hrs, he looking for milk again, so sometime i will latch him, then this maybe last him another hr to 2, then he will started crying again.

but this few days, he will left abt 50ml, or simply refuse btl, but he still latch on. don know is it due to his block nose, sign. this had been going on and off for 2mths

hello mummies!

very sianz. always bz at work.

my mum juz told me ytd she has up my boy milk intake from 150 to 180ml now.

right now my boys n i are staying at my mum's place cos hb outstation. 3 of us zz on the mattress. then my bb always fall out of the mattress and his head will land on the floor and start crying after tat.

dun know will he turn gong anot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

vivi: take salary person like us is like that one lar.

for me is having ur issue plus kena from customers scoldings.

n worst... i dont serve them directly and i dont earn commission.

F-ing hell those frontline consultants, they serve n sell customers products n services, I get the scolding from customers for unsatisfied services given. -.-lll

I am only an admin cum coordinator for event services. (I coordinates events for services that frontline sells)

sean, that's what PD said la. i think if PD doesnt comment on size, should be ok. anyway i think my girl is already super chubbs haha


me too! sian. i enjoy taking time off to pump hurhur. can hide in the pump room and ignore the office for a while...


omg! can bb sleep in between u and your other boy? so scary for bb to just fall like that!

vivi: getting another mattress to put on the side ur bb tends to turn to? or put mattress against the wall and place bolster or pillow against the wall to prevent bb knocking?

I place bolster against the wall (inbetween mattress and wall) hence i got nothing accept blanket. as i use pillow n bolster to block bb from knocking against wall should she really turn.


i facing the same issue as you. CS suppose to send request to me but they delay and by the time the request reaches me, it has becum SUPER urgent [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

peanut, xbeanniex,

i put a bolster on top n beside him but he always fall to those end that are not protected [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] even if zzz by the wall, he will knock against the wall as well.

my bb cannot sleep between me n my boy cos ge ge might crush him. lolz.


vivi: if ur HOD doesnt enforce better work efficieny then u probably have to suffer abit.. but do think of ur bb's smiles n giggles ! do cheers me up thinking of bb most of the time.

well... all my urgent cases i handle them with priority... 1st come 1st serve, u talk to me in a nice tone, i will try my best to rush for u. u yaya papaya talk to me, i will say i 1 person 1 pairs of hands n eyes, how many of u are telling me urgents cases, then how am i suppose to process everything at 1 time.

i handles 6 outlets events coordinating work, if 1 outlet delay = i delay, so usually i invite those nasty frontline up to sit next to me to do my work, so now they know that if they delay, i will delay too, rush me, then i ask u over to help me to then will be faster lor.

