(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

xbeanniex: really?? thanks!! wad brand u taking? mine is nature's way..

those who already sent ur bb to Music or yoga, etc classes, can intro? i am planning to enrol my gal to some classes for fun & also to get away from MIL as she always come my house on a fixed schedule without informing, like time-table!

I kena flu yesterday den bb got fever this morning, very moody and cranky [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

SK: mine is from Raffles woman's clinic. took a few capsules only... i go back check the btl is how many caps one. I update u.

What you mommies think of shaving hair at 4mths?

Frds keep telling me to shave off bb's hair to let new hair grow. Will be nicer alot.

My precious



Ur gal looks soo chubby! Feel like pinching her cheeks! (of coz I don't do that to babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] )

Hair growth after shaving may be slow leh.. if u're alright with ur gal being botak for a while, then go ahead bah.

I intend to cut my #2's hair soon.. not for any reason but to let him get used to having hair cut using a shaver.. I made a mistake for my #1, only took him for his first hair cut when he turned 1 yr old.. mistake mistake.. coz he hated the experience and ever since then, would refuse to go hair saloon for hair cuts.. I tried many ways to entice him.. failed terribly and each time he had to have a hair cut, his dad gotta grab him tightly.. ended up he swallowed hair while screaming away and crying..

So hor, hubby n I ended up being his hair dresser.. we cut/trim his hair once a month using philips kids shaver... but each hair cut will take me 2 days. I'm getting better at cutting his hair though [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


A group of us take our babies to baby yoga at Julie's place.. u may want to email her to enquire abt it?

Other than that, think wait till babies are like 12mths before going for classes?

Maybe we all can organise a group class at kindermusik or gymboree next year.

phy: oh... i miss out the thought of her trimming her hair down the road... =x she might not needed any more shavings but she might reject scissors near her and thus causes danger to others.

noted ! thanx !

sito: Thanks! And do take care of yourself & bb!

beannie: Her hair is so nice! If me, won't shave lei...maybe trim...

hehe~ My boy have not totally flip.. but only flip half way left side only.. hahahah~~ And is 24hrs talkatives.. buay tahan..

Slp also wan to make so much noise.. Drink milk also make so much noise.. lol~

I find hair cut for girls easier.. just scissors nia.. boys, sigh..

and I have 2 boys.. I busy myself with cutting their fingernails and hair!


Mummies, do you believe in this statement "Baby will know his/her parents by instinct even if he/she doesn't see him for a long long time"? This is the famous statement which my MIL like to use when she don't wan me to bring bb home during weekday and when my hubby's sister ask if my boy will not recognize dad since he keep flying. Frankly, now my boy pay alot more attention to them (including the maid) than to me, his biological mum lo.

Cutting hair: I also wan my boy not to be scare of cutting hair in future.. but the problem now is.. his hair is so little.. how to shave? Hai....


clip her hair.. will look so lovely and girl girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I can only envy u ladies with girls [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and admire the girls from afar haha

phy: tmr i m meeting michelle (shanelle's mum) going to novena square 2 to try the beco carrier. and i tell my hb "tmr meeting up with bb's gf at novena square 2" hb reply me "no bf ah?" hahahaha !


Maybe start letting Kayden get used to the sound of shaver? so at least in future when he has to go for haircut, the sound may not frighten him.


haha, come come, I bring along both my boys there to xiang qing hahaha.. oh no, cannot, got Halloween party for my elder one.. hmmm.. too bad liao, he can't meet 2 pretty girls..


your girl's hair is so long and black. nice fringe. is that her passport pic? i say dun shave lah. so nice

i'm going to cut my baby's hair this weekend. her hair at the back is getting long. shall see whether it'll turn out ok. hahaha! i cut her hair round her ears - hehe. can say my skill not bad. kakaka! oh, i had a barbie doll and snipped her hair into a bob...

vernie, sun_tan,

my piano playing also KNS now. won't forget once you learned but no practise, fingers will be stiff lor


take care. weather is acting crazy again

my furry alway drool.. lol~~ he sometime guai only.. he alway non-stop barking @ bangla.. coz my hse downstair got upgrading.. >_<|||

plus he loves kids alots.. he will bark at the kids juz to greet them.. but usually kids will get frighten by him... lol~~

I totally no strength to groom him everyday with my bb around.. Thus, i groom him like whenever i have the free time.. than the rest of the time is my younger bro will groom him.. his 2layers thick furs difficult to groom.. >_<|||

Now i am trying to pursuade my elder bro to shave his fur down.. if not he so poor things... now the weather is like freaking hot too.. hai~~


Ann: Reali bb will know by instinct?? Now my bb never see my mum will "ehng... " never see me oso no problem... BB's granny become bb's "mum" ... jealous...

Phy: Try for a girl next year ;p girl will make u spend alot leh

Ann, yes i believe lah. imagine pple who have their kids taken care in msia ? cannot be they dun recognise their parents mah


ya lor, baby girls will make you spend and spend. like me! the dresses are so cute! oops, better not say anymore. but think of it this way - when your boys get married, you'll have daughters. that's how my mom thinks - only my sis and i

it's raining cats and dogs in the east now

sillyhp: where does julie stay? i stay in the west though.

i called kindermusik just now and will bring my gal for the trial class which is only $30, just for fun.. anyone interested? cos apparently i was told my bb will be the youngest there..


Groom? haha..no la..just let him have to chance to learn n interact, n me myself learn how to teach him @ home. kekez. *abit kiasu* But many ppl did told me letting bb attend those enrichment (learning) class is good.


I discuss with hubby le, suprisingly he ok with letting his boy go sch~


Yea~ thanks for sharing your opinion. I will see how it goes for him....if he really likes music / any instruments will let him learn. Force him to do what I like also no use...He will hate me to core! hahaha. Are you the one teaches piano? I remember one July mummy teach piano de~


no lah, not me. not cut out to teach. haha! yes, now that you remind me, there's a music teacher mommy here

Ann: my mil also told me this - "Baby will know his/her parents by instinct even if he/she doesn't see them for a long long time"? maybe is true...cos everyone will keep telling/reminding them of their parents.. but for them to be close to us... we must put in effort too...

one good example: since young, my nephew was taken care by nanny/MIL... seldom get to see his parents..

1) when he is around 6 - 8 mths: when his mum & grandmum asking him to choose who he want - his choose grandmum... sometimes worst still when he cry badly only the maid can handle him & he only want the maid...

2) when he is around 14 - 18 mths: Ask him wanna to go home - he will shake his head... but sometimes cry so loudly just because he wanna to go to his nanny's house..

It will be very upsetting for us if our baby choose others over us...

There's once I told my MIL that she should persuade my SIL to find time to accompany her son for bonding.... then the best thing she told me never mind one lah when he grow up he also will go back to stay with his parents then will become close liao... I was like "huh" ....

Keropi, I oso scared tat will happen to me, scared ask her go home wif me she cry... Too upsetting for me to take.

Must put in effort, treasure my weekends wif her.

ya lor... when I'm pregnant...i saw it with my own eyes that when the nanny carry him back to my MIL.... he cried & keep pointing to his nanny.. asking her not to go.. after she left...he keep pointing towards her block & cry wanting to go over...then my MIL no choice but to bring him over... OMG... after seeing this...i told my hubby even if we look for a nanny for my boy i will bring him home every night...

Bb classes: Kindermusik at Tanglin Mall not so convenient for me. Think I will bring bb to Gymboree at Harbourfront when he’s 6 mos for the “Play & Learn” and music classes. Get him exposed and see what he like before letting him attend proper lesson when he’s 3-4 years old.

Babycoco: You can get Lamaze toys from places like mothercare. It’s about S$19.90 before discount. Pris got the “Jacques the Peacock” which is very nice. Another popular Lamaze toy is the “Freddie the Firefly”.

Rachel: Which school did you hubby agree to send ur bb to?

Sito: ur bb is so cute!!! think she'll be an athlete in future ;)


Btw mummies.. those who wanna get.. Paragon having sale (yest's papers)... The Triple fun going for under 300... (supposedly original price is 300+?)

Just went to see doctor and was prescribed Antibiotics,cough & flu medicine. That means I can't breastfeed for a few days if I'm on antibiotic and these medicine? How?

Sito: wow ur bb is developing so fast! smart gal!

did u ask ur doc if u can BF with those pills? i had antibiotics before but doc told me ok to BF.

Just came back from the Philips sale! i bought the Avent 2-in-1 blender, teats, a sippy cup & 330ml bottles. now abit regret cos by the time she drinks so much milk she shld be too big to take bottle le.

This time I visited a new gp near my workplace, I asked her why flu must take antibiotics? She already not happy,said my phylem yellow so must take,I was like huh? Den I asked her izzit ok to breastfeed she never give me an answer.. 1st time experienced such a bad attitude doctor!

Sito: ur girl smart manx hee next time mine learning addition, urs learning timetable!!

Irene: next time go Gymboree jio me k hee I oso want go!!


My gal has been salivating alot and always eating her hand. Could she be teething? She just turned 3 months old only le. Today, she is not eating much also. One feed can last for 6 hours! Anyone experiencing the same thing?

