(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Mrs Long - Your bb jaundice level is so low as compared to my son at 15.2.. PD ask u to give FM? OMG? I'm still giving EBM? Should I change?

rachel -- use the cushion and the side covers given.. its one button open, one button close with a shake.. roller-able when close and and stands by itself.. so its ok. but if u are gg out alone.. i suggest u get a baby carrier or sarong

i got a sarong but my bb dun like hot.. so i bought a carrier for her.. when i go out with her alone, i will use the carrier.. if with hubby then we bring a stroller...

i walked taka fair today with the carrier and she was sleeping soundly inside. when its time to feed, i jus latch her in public...

i used the sarong twice and latched her once with it.. sarong more discreet and bb feels cosy inside but my bb buay tahan heat.. so bo pian lor...

BM can still be given during jaundice.. jus watch ur diet..

bfing bbs will take about 1-2 mths to recover.

my PD didnt stop me from bfing.. he ask me to continue.. theres no harm to bb... jus wait longer lor.. now, celeste is almost recovered liao.. and im still bfing fully.

i let her drink plenty of bm so that she can poo and pee more...


Dryers no good.. Very thick and hard to see if it's wet..

Sealy, Goon & Huggies - Quite good.. Very absorbent..

PetPet - The adhesive is too sticky and noisy when removing.. Scared my boi a few times.. Feels thick too

I'm using mamy poko right now.. Got from bulk purchase. Intend to switch to huggies dry for day and comfort dry for night( same as #1). like the cutting. Huggies comfort dry very absorbent.

Used pampers and goon too for #1. like pampers dry( red packer) and goon. But goon now ex so don't think will get that.

So far think huggies value for $. not ex to get from bp.

Mrs long,

1) To thaw the frozen BM, how long beforehand must I put the BM into the main fridge compartment, before taking it out to warm it?

2) If I put the frozen BM into the main fridge compartment,

how long can I keep the BM?

U r talking abt talking frozen bm right? Fastest is to put bag under running water then pour required amt into bottle to

warm up. The rest u can pour into another bottle to put back

in chiller. Those in chiller gotta be consumed within the day

(best). If u wanna bring frozen bags to main compartment to

thaw, it takes abt 12 hours or more. To speed things up u

canput frozen bag in a bowl of water then put in main

compartment. Think less than 8 hours u can pour out content


Fastest, within minutes is the running water method or u can

combine... I.e put in main compartment but when u need it

and bm still not fully thawed, do the running water way.

hope it helps

3) If I heat up the BM (that has been previously frozen), and BB can't finish the BM, can I still keep the BM outside for

another hr?

Some kids can take it. My #1 had ls when I did tt. So guess it is up to kids ba

To take a bb out alone requires sooo much preparation work in advance. When i was abt to carry boy into carrier, he cried for milk. Latched on and once fed, put him in ergo carrier, went downstairs and waited for cab. Then hubby called 2 say he was on way home (early) and would pass me car to drive to town... Gosh! Ended up went bk home to transfer bb into stroller... Took me more than 1 hour to finally be on the way!


u bf ur gal when she was still in ergo carrier? I dunno how to do that... Will have to take bb out then nurse him with nursing wrap over him...

Think gotta start practising how to bf using ergo carrier then I need not bring out nursing wrap. Travel light

Haiz... Baby quite cranky today. First time heard her cry so loudly. Just finish feeding, hope can last her until 6am plus.


Fr pram - ok. Noted.

So carrier need nt wait till their neck to b stable. N I can use it now.

Salute to u and those mummy dare to bring their bb out alone. I don't think I can cope.

I m ssooo tired now. Went out for the most of yesterday n missed my nap time...zzzz...pump pump pump pump pump....


i'm totally latch on so no point keeping.. the 1st one no experience so i keep alot and buy alot of milkbag at the end all throw into dustbin as expire already.. so this time round i don't keep. Will keep only before i returning to work.

keer>> My BB's jaundice was 16.3 when he was warded for 2 days in TMC abt 2 weeks ago. Then when he was discharged & follow-up by a checkup at the PD, he was @ 8.4.

Now @ 6.1...so jaundice still present. I dun take ginger, etc but still BB have jaundice so PD advised sometimes BM, independent of what mummy eats, will still cause jaundice to be present. So alternative is to feed BB FM until jaundice all flushed out, then go bk BM.

For me no issue since I've stopped latching my BB already.

Also, maybe you can go to those "old-school" chinese medicinal hall to buy "Ng-kee-jwee" to bath BB in.

I just started bathing BB with that tdy...older pple says it works.

Hey mommies, so we been chatting on MSN and we tot of having fun and meeting up with mommies and their babies!

Date would be last weekend of Sept since most likely everyone would be out of confinement and babies would be "stronger" and not so fragile.

Here r the details to be ironed out more properly:

Venue: my place @ Sengkang The Quartz

Date: 25th Sept (tentative)

Time: Lunch timing

We can do a potluck where everyone can bring a dish~ i can provide the paperplates etc no problem!

I saw a pic on one of the mommies blog (from older months)... its soooo cuteeeeee and im looking forward to doing something like this!!


DQ has started the event on our facebook page, please rsvp there and indicate what u can bring! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've these to let go

1) 2 Nursing tops with padding by Glamourmum ( one is cocoa pink, the other pink) to let go at $28 each.


2) rocker at $10


3) Fisher price playgym at $15


4) Fisher price Miracles and Milestones playgym at $25


5) C0 sleeper at $30


pm me if interested.


That'd be fun!

Mdm Ida also said when we have a gathering can invite her but then food has to be halal tho.

Was thinking, if we have many mummies joining, we can consider doing catering instead?

Wow u gals hv been chatting in msn, no wonder forum so quiet.

Can add me in msn too? [email protected]

I'm interested in the gathering too. Maybe we can call for catering instead as we might have no time to prepare food.

Hi mommies,

How to make baby more sleepy huh? First week after baby discharged, think he is quite sleepy most of the time due to jaundice. After jaundice subsided, baby seems quite active day and nite leh. My baby is 3 weeks and 3 days old...now still have CL to help but by next Sat, she will be leaving..abit stressed that I may not be able to cope by then leh!

Also, when you all let your CL rest in the afternoon, do you all keep baby with her? Or will you let baby be with you so that she can fully rest?

Cos my baby doesn't sleep much, she kinds of grumbles at time by talking to baby in my presence telling him that if he doesn't sleep, she also can't rest. I don't know how to react lor

Other mommies seemed so relaxed when they have a CL around but I seem kind of stressed even with her helping...maybe I am also too sensitive to baby's cries...dunno why everytime when baby "ek ek" abit then my heart will be gan jiong leh..how do you mommies relax huh?

Somemore my hubby now down with chickenpox! Makes me even more stressed leh...haiz!!!

Phy, can give me the bp link for huggies? Went to John Little Marina Sq, they are no longer selling Fitti. Will check carrefour next.

Hi mummies,

my bb sneeze quite often, izzit common?

I have a question, my left breast have a lump since I started BF,it doesn"t go off even when I empty my BM..any mummies experienced this too?

Sito, my baby sneezes very often too. It's normal as they sneeze to expel out any dust trapped in their little nostrils.

Is the lump painful? Could be a blocked milk duct. Try to massage it, press it hard and then pump. See if it goes away. May take a few times of massage and pump before it's resolved. Otherwise better get it checked.

ladies.. everyday i will see forum but seldom post.

Tink i too emo liao.. im making my sis and mother worry..

hubby went overseas will be back only end of next week.. and i dun tink i can handle my boy.

Feeding.. pumping.. (i dun have much milk.. but still trying to pump and give him till half of the day.. at night,FM)

Bathing.. cooking for myself.. and worse of all.

Trying to understand what he wants! At times he drink milk till so pek chek, I see liao also veri pek chek.

Dun wanna sleep.. always want attention.. I cant even do a lot of things for myself!

kudos to all who can manage. I am not a strong ger at all.

Cheese, you're not alone. Most of the time I also have a hard time figuring out what my bb wants. A lot of people tell me that it'll get easier. I hope they're right. Let's just take it 1 day at a time.

ya cheese, I am also one of those mums who are still trying to cope with motherhood and trying to increase my low supply of milk. Lets encourage each other along the way ya.. Do come in and talk to the mummies here, it helps...

Thanks, Sito. Just tat I was told abt Caesarean, there's a vertical cut internally above the abdomen and wound can't be seen. Just wanna make sure.

Cheese-My milk supply seems to decrease on my right breast. Maybe i'm lazy to pump in the middle of night cos frd told me to pump every 3-4 hr to keep flow going, also I had sore nipples the other time, so I didn't let my bb latch on right.

Was told by a friend that supply is low during afternoon so it's best to rest.

Hullo Mommies!

Wah how do you super mommies find time to chat here..I miss checking in. Been so busy since the confinement aunty left, dun even have enough time to take a nap!

Pls do add me on msn... [email protected]


u scroll yr msn main page where all the contacts are, see if u can see Jul 10 Mummies.


Its says the maximum number of mummies is 20!

So any more mummies, i dont know i can add.

I will try lah..

Currently pending acceptances from





Baby yen


any of u interested in sean lau photography? need 10 or 20 sign ups to get discount. below details:

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an

additional picture worth $30.

Valid for 1 year.

if you are keen, kindly leave your nick here. thanks!

1. Jellypurin

Posted on Saturday, August 14, 2010 - 11:28 pm:       


any of u interested in sean lau photography? need 10 or 20 sign ups to get discount. below details:

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an

additional picture worth $30.

Valid for 1 year.

if you are keen, kindly leave your nick here. thanks!

1. Jellypurin

2. Rachel Zhang (koichi_r)

dear mummies,

i've not been posting on forum for a long time as my cl has went back n im taking care of bb my own.too busy...Recently lots of problems arises.hope mummies dun mind my long compo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Firstly,regarding my husband.I dun mind saying that my marriage is a shotgun marriage.Everything too rush for me.I didnt enjoy my pregnancy stage always cry,throw things din eat well etc..thank god its over and gave me a beautiful bb.I din expect anything frm my hubby just want him to more attentive,caring n encouraging.After i give birth i cried alot(more then during 9mth)As bb, cl n mil comes in to the pic.Breastfeeding.....think some mummies experiecnce this too.i usually cries in the morning when i wake up feeling very emo n sad.very sad.i do not knw hw to describe.1 day as usual i was very dwn n my hubby msg me.bt i throw my temper on him.telling him wad exactly i wants.ok,since we cant talk things out as our tone always makes things worst.So i decide to send him an email telling voicing out my sorrows n wad im not happy about.i told him that he's not a good husband for not attending my needs n not being supportive.(plus those feelings which i accumulated during 9mth)In the end wad i reply i got frm him is...U R NOT A GOOD MOTHER.I WANT THE CUSTODY OF BB.im trying to voice things out thinking of another alternative way to talk nicely n this is wad i get.during my 2nd week of confinement! im not a good mother?i wake up in the middle of the night to feed bb dun wanna cl do,i started bathing bb on the 4th day.i put up with all his shit just to give him a healthy bb n this is wad i get! no one knows hw i feels.i dun wanna tell my parents as i dun wan them to get worried n wanna save my hubby face cos after confinement we are moving back to my parents place to stay until we get our flat.but in the end he is the 1 who cal my dad.hais..n my parents ask him to go up their hse alone to talk to him.ever since that day,i treated him transparent n im very disappointed.i dun wanna think abt it n dun wanna let his words affect me as i myself knw i did my best as a mother.

Next is my bb.there's pimples or rashes on her face.its like pimple breakouts.Some say milk rash,heat rash...will it go away?ive been cleaning her face after every feed with warm water.is it because im feeding her fm that cause this?Im currently feeding her mamex gold since birth till nw.Another thing is my bb is taking 120ml every 2-3hr.Is that too much..after feed she still wanna suckle.i think she wants more?im worried i might overfeed her.She poos once or twice a day.sometimes didnt even poo.Beginning she will wakes up every 3hrs for feed in the night.Now she wakes up every2hrs.i thought her slpin hrs shld be longer nw.i mean can drag longer.She gets very cranky too.i gave her ridwind in case she gt wind.

Breastfeeding: Since i give birth till nw my highest record expressed milk is 120ml.today is my 30th day,n is decreasing.this morning i only pump out 40ml.my breast became smaller too.no engorgement...i took fish everyday,fenugreek,soup everythin...is my milk supply gonna cut off?

Lastly,about myself.My back aches alot.whenever i change her diapers or bathe her,the moment i stand up i need a few mins to get my posture back.i did 7 sessions of massage n wears a binder most of the time.Does it got to do with epidural?i also have pimples breakouts does it got to do with my irregular slp?so many problems none of it is SOLVED.im really lost....Think my post is really too long..i feel much better after typing out here.rather then typing to HIM.

Thanks mummies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi Michelle,

yes vent to us that's what we r here for. Sorry to hear you've been through so much and that your hubby is so unsupportive! A hubbys role is very impt during this period. Maybe you should move back to your parents first b4 you breakdown. Nothing is better than talking to your own mom. I always do that when I need a listening ear. Don try and handle everything yourself!

As for breastfeeding, how often r u pumping? You need to pump very regularly to maintain supply. As for rashes, don worry my son also have very pimply face now. I asked the PD about it he said it's baby acne. Extremely normal and will go away. Just wash with warm water.

Sorry typing this on my iPhone so very rush !

Posted on Saturday, August 14, 2010 - 11:28 pm:


any of u interested in sean lau photography? need 10 or 20 sign ups to get discount. below details:

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an

additional picture worth $30.

Valid for 1 year.

if you are keen, kindly leave your nick here. thanks!

1. Jellypurin

2. Rachel Zhang (koichi_r)

3. nana (nana17) - my email: [email protected]

Hi Michelle,

Baby rashes

It's normal, my bb has it too. I wipe it with cooled boiling water.


Me too! Alot acne popped out. I think is the confinement food loh, my body can't take it, very heaty. Another thing could be our body hormones changes. I went to see a skin doc recently, hopefully can be nice nice again very soon.


It might be ur posture. Try not to bend down too often. U can put bb on ur bed so that u are sitting down while changing the diaper.


Jaclyn:Thanks..Ive moved back to my parents place already.But im quite sad that my mum seems to treat him different after she knew wad nonsense he has been saying.she treat him coldly.Im more of family type so when this happen i feel awkward for him n myself.we are stayin under 1 roof i dun wish to see black faces.

I did pump every 3hrs.last pump is at night.abt 11-12.morning my pump for today is 50ml..after 3hrs is abt 30ml.

Cheerymum: I did wipe it with cool boiling water.but it seems to be spreading at the cheeks area.hais,as for my pimples i hope it will goes off after my confinement food is over.Maybe get some facial treatment or see a dermalogist.My backaches the pain is more on the left side n my left leg also feel weird.kinda no strength...

