(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

ceres ng,

How old is your bb now? My boy also the same since yesterday whole day has been cranky this morning wake up tought he recover liao but just now now after napping for only 45 mins woke up with sudden cry.. My mil touch his stomach say still got wind wor.. Also apply ru-yi oil.. Now swaadle him and he seems kind of quiet down thought like still half awakw dun seems to be in deep sleep keep making the negk negk sound..


peanut, babybee, my bb also. sigh... but mine could be due to the vaccine on wed. she's been very cranky since wed, was hoping she'd be better today, but still very cranky, cannot be put down, if want her to sleep deep, must carry. i'm so tired... even then, sometimes she'll still cry when we carry her.

Babybee: Mine only 16day old. Mine when hungry cannot wait for milk cry until puke abit milk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Peanut: Mine like to give water not grip or rid.. both 2 very old fashion type dunno such thing i introduce later will kana scolding lor.

sillyhp, currently i do ebm quite a lot, and latch at times coz i still have CL with me . i can zzz more.. i only pump 4 times in 24 hours.

another reason is also i need my bb to be ok with bottle as i am flying olso next mth so i dun want my bb to reject bottle when i am away....

i just came back from my bb's 1 mth check at the PD. advice from PD on foods to avoid for mummies (cause gassy tummy for bb)

1. garlic

2. ginger

3. broccoli

4. cauliflower

i guess these foods are easily avoidable by us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i've been eating all this worz... except the last 1 u mention... lol..

but b4 & after my boy recover from colic.. like nothing to him..

Wah i really envy you all, how you all find time to still come in to the forum, and somemore can msn. I already no time to sleep!!! every day my routine is feed bb, burp bb, pump milk, wash the bottles n pump accessories, rest for half an hour then feed bb again and so on! Am i doing something not right?

Only coz my bb jaunice level went up and was hospitalised that's y now got time to come in look c.

How you all manage to hold two pump with one hand and still have 1 hand free? Cos for me i will usually need one hand to hold the pump, then the other hand must use a warm cloth to put on my breast, then must massage n 'squeeze n press'. If not my yield very low only, usually can only manage 100ml+ if i dun press my breast, if i press then can double that. Am i doing it right??? Somemore i using mendala freestyle, suppose to be hands free, but i need two hands for 1 side! OMG!

Pillow, wow, how old is ur bb? How you manage to yield so much?

And mummies how ofthen do you pump? Say every 4 hourly or 2 hourly?

Lastly add me to msn also! Me also pump gang!!! lol!

kepsis, my bb is 1 month old today. i guess my milk supply has stabilised and i am responsive to pump. there are mummies that produce on latch but nonresponsive to pump . its v individual.

i don't yield 300ml all the time. only say 7 hrs apart. usually if 5-6 hrs apart, i normally have around 200-240ml thereabout. Yield is always much better in greater volumes in the morning. i am lazy to pump 3 hrly, i typically do 5-6 hrly apart. my last pump 11pm till next morning, i pump around 6+am.

but i do have my CL doing nite duty. so i am resting lots , having uninterrupted sleep. i think that is key to having good supply. after my CL goes off, i am not too sure thereafter....

hi mummies,

tdy went to see PD on my boy's jaundice level. He's 3 weeks old liao and jaundice level has dropped to 6.1 but since it's still present, PD asked me to stop giving him BM 1st and to give FM for abt 3 days, till "jaundice" all flushed out.

So I'll still express my BM & store them in freezer.

Now I have a few questions, hope you mummies can help me.

1) To thaw the frozen BM, how long beforehand must I put the BM into the main fridge compartment, before taking it out to warm it?

2) If I put the frozen BM into the main fridge compartment, how long can I keep the BM?

3) If I heat up the BM (that has been previously frozen), and BB can't finish the BM, can I still keep the BM outside for another hr?

hershey, if i understand correctly, there is no proven reason for colic in babies. it comes and it goes. so we parents have to try al sorts of ways to help bbies but its not for sure how it can be prevented or the cause. gassy tummy not equal colic ...

mummies, wanna check what brand diapers are you all using? i'm currently using mamy poko, but find it very very expensive. i spent about $70 in the last month! hope to find cheaper alternative.

Fitti Premium (must get the premium range one) cheap and ultra good. try it. its almost as thin as pampers but yet ultra absorbent.


:D gassy not equal to colic?? LOL~~

but same effect on bb rite??

i'm using pampers.. bought it on the motherhood fair @ expo.. much much cheaper lorz..

i still don dare to switch pamper brand.. scare later bb no used to it.. then i die lorz..


have increase but i drink like 3 big cups for the first few days, then now only 1 cup a day. got increase quite abit. i got give my testimonial to them..its in the webby..hee


i using huggies


Talking about diaper : My boy has been using drypers for newborn size and now that i have change it to small size i still find that this brand leaks .. Wanted to change to fitti cause had a pack from TMC after delivery so far i find that fitti seems fine dun experience leaking. Been trying to search for fitti in NTUC and Giant cant find it around my area. Me staying in farrer park anyone knows if around here where i can get it ?

Jus came back from taka fair.. hmmmmm.... dunno how.. dunno why... i spend $180+ there -_-'''

i bought 2 pkts of pigeon wipes ($19.50 each)

1 box of breast pad ($13.90)

1 diaper sling bag for hubby ($69 usual = $139)

Musical mobile $49+

dunno what to buy there actually.. lol!! i tot the pigeon got 20% off.. end up go there.... the price also the same as kiddy palace.. but since we are running out of it.. so we bought it there...

wanted to get play gym.. saw the $79.90 promo (only for taka fair).. but its not chio enuff.. hahaha.. not the model i was looking for.. then a bit spoil mood, so i gave up buying on and ended up with a musical mobile and jus let bb lie on the cot and enjoy.. lol....

never see capella or ergo there... mustella, avent, pigeon all there


1) To thaw the frozen BM, how long beforehand must I put the BM into the main fridge compartment, before taking it out to warm it?

Are u talking about puting the milk from freezer to normal fridge to thaw? If yes, once move to normal fridge can only last 24hr.

2) If I put the frozen BM into the main fridge compartment, how long can I keep the BM?

As per above, 24hr.

3) If I heat up the BM (that has been previously frozen), and BB can't finish the BM, can I still keep the BM outside for another hr?

This i'm not sure But i won't keep it. i will leave it in fridge thaw and take out the amt i want to warm. if over 24hr i will discard otherwise if not i will take out remaining to thaw.

Serene: Mix with BM for BB drink or just feed it individually?

My BB these few days keep crying & CL keep feed EBM, than ru yi oil also useless.

Tdy BB bomb 3 poo at once flood lor.. so i confirm he stomach not well & still bloated.

ceres -- she dunno how to drink properly from bottle.... so i use a yakult straw and feed her one mouth gripe another mouth water... then i latch her on..

rachel -- i bought capella s705 stroller.. can use for newborn cause they got a cushion to hold them in place


3) yup i'll keep it outside if i think my bb is not full yet. Aft 1 hour if bb stil dun drink then ill discard. I also read tt if the remaining u put back in the main fridge compartment within 1 hour, u can still keep for 4 hrs. (i tried this once so far).


yah i got give EBM to my number 1.

1 bottle each morning but she seems to like it. have been drinking 2 bottles for a few days liao.

Hi Grace.

Saw your post on the sacred tea. u mentioned that you bought e tea from rebecca??

May i know how do i get it from her? is it a shop? :)


Hi Grace

You mean your no 1 like the taste? My son don't like it, because difference taste from his FM. So i mix the FM with EBM, wonder is it alright.. any mummy can advice?

celine: how come u wan give him BM now since he's already on FM liao? i no give him my BM now....i oso wondering if he'll wan back BM...heehee mayb i shd try

Serene, I bought the same model. But don't know whencan use it. Hee. Next wk bb turning 1 mth. I'm bring him out fr hair cut n back to my office. Don't know to carry him or use pram.

Firstly coz he still young. Secondly coz is 7mth festival.


Ya can mix FM with EBM. I asked PD before


Thanks! Wow! gave testimony some more


Using a combo- drypers for day coz i have a big bag of samples and pampers for nite. Prefer pampers as it's thinner and super absorbent. Even when baby peed lots, dun feel wet to the touch. Drypers I won't recommend- bulky and feels wet on the outside even only after 1 pee. Also pampers size much bigger. But I've only 3 brands to compare ie. Pampers, drypers, huggies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Din know it has so many different formulation. Was at cold storage today and saw it has one for babies who regurgitate frequently


my girl is coming to 3yrs old in oct.

i giving her cos my fridge too small, cannot maintain the frozen EBM. cos got meat somehow. no space.



What i did was make FM as usual (hot + cold water to get right temperature) then just mix in the EBM. Think your way is similar but if really hot water for FM, then the nutrients may be destroyed? I dunno leh. Anyway, I only did this way during baby's 1st wk coz sometimes she'd refuse to finish her mixed feed and I hv to discard it - wasted my hard pressed BM. So now I dun mix

