(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


Hey girl, dun be too upset. I experience the same prob as you. My marriage also Never seems to be happy, wedding day cry cause shit happens, pregnancy cry cause hubby never show care, now after birth I also cry cause hubby dun really care about me and never bother to take care of baby. Baby is only 3 weeks and I sort of mention 'divorce' to hubby once. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Sometimes I will ask myself why I end up with this guy and worst have a kid with him :p However, seriously, must really talk to hubby. And personally I also feel is the pregnancy hormones making us super emo. Try talking to your hubby when both of u are NOT in a bad mood, tell him how you feel in a nice way ba. *jiayou*


Hi mummies, I'm having a problem with my BM. When I express out my BM, I realised that it look more diluted than usual. And recently I realised that my baby seems to be hungry more frequently (every hour). How do I make my BM more concentrated?

I dun feel pain when latching on but pain after latching! Like nipples feel tender & "raw". But the feeling goes away after a while...

anyone using Ameda pump? do u adjust the suction to the max? I only adjust it to less than half. but now me not much milk after surgery, breasts really soft. Pump pump pump also pathetic amt. Baby can still finish her usual 100ml of FM after latching. I dunno if she had any BM from me in the first place or not. Very sian.

Jastine: how long do u pump? maybe pump longer to get the hindmilk?

Jellypurin: Just to check for the Sean Lau PS, we can take anytime once we sign up? Cos my friend actually call up and they say they dont take PS after newborn. And will only take after 1 yr old.

sweetkiss, i'm using ameda, i put the suction to about 40%, anything more i find quite painful. but i don't pump regularly. only when engorged and bb is still full. i think no harm in you letting bb latch, if anything, it might stimulate your breast to produce more bm?

michelle: don't worri about it..u can voice and vent everything out here...

well..i believe no 1 gonna go thru motherhood without any sorrow and pain...it's how we understand our mum after going thru it now..

my boy had bad case of cradle cap, sinus problem, teething at a very young age of 6 weeks old...i guess it's all part of life..donit to depend on husband for anything de..i don't expect mine to help out much too but he did great on his part..

not to mention mine also shotgun lah..but then since we intended to keep the kid, we shld provide for the kid. regartdless there's help or no help. for the 1st week i also experience pain like yrs on the back, i wear a binder or back support to help and totally rest myself for the whole week..i leave everything to my MIL and maid to do.

during my pregnancy, esp the last tri..i almost cry myself to sleep every nite..but i just let go n tell myself to hang on for bb no matter wat.


any of u interested in sean lau photography? need 10 or 20 sign ups to get discount. below details:

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an

additional picture worth $30.

Valid for 1 year.

if you are keen, kindly leave your nick here. thanks!

1. Jellypurin

2. Rachel Zhang (koichi_r) - [email protected]

3. nana (nana17) - my email: [email protected]

4.Eliss ([email protected])

5. Jaclyn ([email protected])

6. babycoco ([email protected])

sweetkiss: I pump until breast empty already the milk still look quite diluted as compared to last week.

anyway, I just went to color my hair today. It is not advisable to BF my baby right? How long should I wait b4 I can BF her? 12 hrs? 24 hrs?

Serene or any mummies who are BF,

Can I know your 1st period came already?

My 1st period came today 2months after birth, its brownish in colour instead of red..thout BF mum wont have period so soon,but mine came so soon after birth?

My period also come Liao... After 6 weeks... It's like normal menses.. I was surprised as my period for my #1 came after 9 mths... Dunno is it cos I pump out the milk instead of latching

vivi n autumm , I always find nipples very sore n dry esp after pumping. Just use loads of nipple cream and the nipple shield, helped for me. Prefer to let baby latch, not so painful.

Hugs Michelle...for better milk flow, must rest as much as you can and drink lots n lots of hot fluids = )

I'm so tired...gonna take a nap now before next feed.

Nite gals...

Mummies doing total latching on ur bb: do u ve prob putting ur bb to slp? My bb keep wanna latch on me whenever I carry him. End up I gotta let him suckle till he fall aslp. Anyone got this issue? I try giving him pacifier but he don't want. Keep spitting out.

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I'm a Nov 09 mummy. My baby has outgrown her Similac Infant Formula now and I have 3 brand new 900g tins to let go @ $100 for 3 tins. Expiry date is in 2012.

Interested mummies please PM me. Self collect from Clementi or Raffles Place. Thanks.

Jolyn: Hey! previously got no issue he take pacifier. Now got liao same issue as u. Keep wanna latch lor than cry & kek.. sigh!

What my CL did is carry him try talk to him and pat his leg (his fav) & try hong him slp. But recently CL no patience awhile throw to me liao.. ask me let him suckle.. Then he slp on my bed.

For those who do EBM in fridge:

I just notice my milk in fridge when take out got abit bean curb skin like inside. only afew pieces but is it normal?

Ceres, Aiyo since nw ur cl is helping u u shld try to stop this habit. Me taking care alone so feel helpless at times. Keep wanna suckle. Moreover he don't want pacifier. Don't Noe what to do sia...

Ebm: mine also will lidat. Usually i will shake n make sure it mixes with the rEst of the milk then I make hot for my bb to drink.

Jolyn: i see. i tried.. even if i got CL she throw to me leh! She sometime inpatient until go push the pacifier & force to my Boy's mouth.. than she give the half slp face & irritated face scared he do something when i'm not around.

Jolyn - Mine always want to latch, but I'll make sure she dun latch.. will make noise in my arms when trying to get her to sleep.. but bo bian, if you keep latching will create a bad habit. My CL dun let me latch her to sleep.. Alternatively, tahan BB cry for a while then pick up and coax to sleep.. they get tired very fast when they're screaming away.. Sometimes when I'm super tired at night, I'll let her latch on for a while to sleep.. but a problem with that is that she's so full that she'll throw up some of the milk..

Most impt, you should know wat your BB wants.. dun let other ppl tell you wat BB wants.. last sat when I had her 1st mth celebration, she was making noise to sleep.. but mummies that have BB too keep saying that she's hungry.. One even hold BB and put close to her breast, and BB try to suck and she tell me she's hungry.. But I know she's not.. jus have to be confident in yourself.

Ceres - if I'm you I'll have sent your CL away liao..

my baby also got this prob.. She already finished her bottle of FM but refused to sleep, put her down she cry. Carry her she also make noise. last resort is to give her my breast but she will puke out after that cos too full! yet she wont settle if she dun suckle... even after suckling she will lay restless in bed, fidgeting ard.. Already been in this cycle from 6am today till now..

Hi to all mommies,

It been quite a long while since i have post..been really busy juggling with work and also bb. Just wanted to ensure i have bonding time with my boy..so always try to be around at nite to play, chat and etc with my bb...scare he will forget me..hehehehe

My bb is also sama sama...like pple to carry , talk to. Nowsday after finishing off the milk..he will cry when we try to put him down to bed.been resisting all his request to carry unless he start to wail loudly...headache ah...

Michelle and other mummies who have the same problem:

Previously, i suspected that my girl has heat /milk rash. Tried many ways to stop it. But it get worst.

During the checkup with PD, he gave my girl a kind of cream. But in the end, it get worst with pus.

i send my gal to my family doc who is well known for skin care. i asked him about the cream that PD gave, he told me that it is not suitable for the rashes. He prescrided other cream to her. With just 1-2 applies, she is 80% recovered.

So mummies, if the rashes do not recover after trying several methods, please bring your bb to doc.

as for BM, i ever asked if sacred tea works. I bought it but have yet to try. In the end, i tried Fish bones Soup with Green Papaya. It Works! managed to pump at least 100ml every 2 hours.

Michelle: Please do not feel sad. Be strong for yourself and your Baby!

My bb likes being carried during the day too. I realized it can make her sleep better at night. Duno why. If particular day we didn't carry her much during the day, it is harder for us to settle her down at night.

My bb very good to me last night... Last feed at 10pm then woke up for milk at 4am plus. Hope tonite same same also.

cheerymum, my bb also, slept from 9+ until 5+. in the end, i had to wake her up cos breasts engorged, and i was in pain. how i wish can be like this every night.

Noknok, I agree with u. We are the mummy of our own baby so we should know better what bb wants. Don't let other ppl comments affect us.

Noknok & sweetkiss: me same prob. He suck n slp. End up spit up quite alot of milk. Nw i also trying to make sure he drink at least 2-3 hrs. Earlier than that I try not to latch him. But sometimes in the middle of the night den I have no choice but to let him latch. Cos he will cry n scream on top of his voice. My whole Hse wanna tear apart! Haiz.. N without sucking he don't want slp too. I need to spend so long hrs to coax him slp..

Cherrymum and Babycoco- same like mine on 1 of the day...can really sleep very long..but the very next day all schedule change again..he is now like the king..he decide how much we got to sleep..wahahaha.but he more or less have some pattern which can be tracked. cos he will have his feed at 9pm, then ard 11am...slp till 2-3am..then 6-7am for his morning feed

For mine..i only carry if he really cry till too loud liao..if not will make noise to distract him also.

Cherrymum - Maybe cos BB overtired in the day.. then turn cranky at night.. I read somewhere that BB should not be kept awake for more then 2 hours.. they'll get overtired and become cranky and harder to coax to sleep.

Sean, there are some bad nights, some good nights. My bb schedule is more or less there also. If good, she can sleep 5 hrs or longer, if not, it will be 3 to 4 hrs too.

cheerymum- Ya lor..it really depend on how their day will be. Good or bad night also.how many days is your bb?how heavy is yr bb?

mine just 1 month..aldy hitting 5kg...hmm...

Re: Sean Lau PS

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an

additional picture worth $30.

Valid for 1 year from date of purchase. Photoshoot best done when baby is between 7-8 months old

*There will be new pricing for 2011. Current pricing given now is for 2010

If you are keen, kindly leave your nick here. thanks!

1. Jellypurin - [email protected]

2. Rachel Zhang (koichi_r) - [email protected]

3. nana (nana17) - [email protected]

4.Eliss ([email protected])

5. Jaclyn ([email protected])

6. babycoco ([email protected])

Wow.. my baby going 6 weeks but only weighs about 4.5kg now...

Just to ask u mummies, do u pump after latching? If bb only latch on one breast will u pump the other one? And if u latch, do u time how long to latch for each breast?

Normally i latch for 20mins each side then if bb still suckling i will unlatch her (cos nipples also feel sore liao).. i try to offer her the other breast but she will be too sleepy to suckle. So i also go back to sleep and offer her the breast at her next feed... i dun pump at nite cos i am too sleepy but it is not advisable, is it?

i also find it hard to burp my bb.. can burp her for 5 mins in different positions yet no sound from her. When i put her back to sleep, she will vomit mouthfuls of milk after a while! really very scary.. this happens mostly when she takes FM. I'm worried because recently her tummy seems so flat, like always not full. last time it used to be round. but some ppl tell me is gd means she no air. her weight gain is ok but not as fast as some of u. at about 6 weeks she only weighs 4.5kg and her birth weight was 3.23kg..


Great that your gal is sleeping longer hours in the night. Mine still wakes up at 3plu and 6 plus in the morning. I usually let him sleep by 8pm or 9pm latest. Dreamfeed at 11 to 1130pm.

Tonight I'm going to try to feed him ard 10pm and see what times he wakes in the morning. Really hope he will drop the 3 plus feed.

sweetkiss- i guess if the weight gain is accaeptable...that most important.cos my bb birth weight already 3.65kg liao.worry that he overweight..luckily he is quite a tall boy.

As for burping..i also facing some tough time..so what my wife did was to carry him in upright postion, side of his face to her chest and burp..seem esier that way.Hope it helpful..

Phy-mine almost same timing as u.

Noknok & sweetkiss: me same prob. He suck n slp. End up spit up quite alot of milk. Nw i also trying to make sure he drink at least 2-3 hrs. Earlier than that I try not to latch him. But sometimes in the middle of the night den I have no choice but to let him latch. Cos he will cry n scream on top of his voice. My whole Hse wanna tear apart! Haiz.. N without sucking he don't want slp too. I need to spend so long hrs to coax him slp..

Burping - what my CL teach me is to lift up baby by their armpits.. with fingers supporting neck if fail to burp.. works most of the time.

my girl oso got problem burping so wad we do is to let her lie on our shoulder upright let the milk settle dwn or let her burp herself then put her dwn to sleep.....try not to 'bao bao' straight away put bb sleep esp if no burp....juz like we eat 'bao bao' cannot lie dwn if not tummy feel uncomfortable (same meaning) that's wad my godmum told me

sean: i also tried it, even tried letting baby lie her head sideways on my shoulders while i burp her. sometimes it works..

Noknok: U mean just by lifting them up like that, they will burp??

Sweetkiss.. yah.. after I unsuccessfully burp for 5 min, she say lift her up, then she show me how, the moment she's lifted up she burp liao.. works most of the time, but must try to burp first.. I tried right after feeding dun work


Sean, my 2 years old daughter is 13kg which mean I can carry 2 pkts of rice back home alone le. Hahaha... Carrying our kid is as good as training our arms muscle.

