(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

michelle -- dun worry.. babies below 5 years old. custody will go to the mother for sure..

dun worry about ur milk supply... i also have no engorgement but the last i pumped was 200ml. and my supply is still strong and going.. so u dun worry about it..

u are gg thru a hormones change.. dun be upset.. my mom tell me.. confinement cannot cry.. later the cornea will loosen... cause now our body is loose loose de...


Serene: For nothing come tell me custody.moreva its just 2nd week of my confinement.i did nth wrong since preggy till nw didnt even leave my hse.dun even knw hw orchard rd looks like.i dun feel appreciated.serious.im so sad n disappointed abt him.i knw i cant cry.bt i cant help it..my vision is blur sometimes n the bottom of my eyes hurt.i knw somethin is wrong already.will try to control myself...as i knw i have a bb tat needs me..

I feel very bad abt not giving bb breastmilk.so little for her.wadeva i have i just mix wit fm.

hi michelle, ya agree with Jaclyn just come in here and rant. you are def a GOOD mummy.. we endure with 10 mths of discomfort, delivery pain to have our bb.. and now we have to bf, feed and take care of bb despite our discomfort...and like what you said, u are blessed with a beautiful bb so try to block out all negative comments.

As for the pimples on face, my bb also have them . heart pain too.. think it will go away. some mummies here give steroid cream .


re: sean lau

u can keep untill bb's bday cos the day we "buy" the package is the day it starts...


talk to your hubby again when u both r in good spirit. anything abt marriage n children need to be spoken abt when both parties are calm.

dun feel bad abt not giving ur bb bm... i'm in the same situation as u... supply is on the low side... am still supplementing w fm... anf he is my 2nd child... give what u hv, most impt, give ur bb alot of ur tlc n love... that's what they need most - besides milk!

Hi Michelle, hope you are feeling better. If there's a chance, do try to talk to hubby again.

for rashes, maybe u can see a PD about it? my bb has rashes and broken skin ard her whole neck. we used the cream given by PD and it improved a lot.

i believe ur milk supply is just a temporary prob cos u are stressed... try to pump every 2-3 hrs for 10 mins whether u are engorged or not, slowly can increase the supply back. dun give up on BF-ing...

when my mastitis developed into abscess, i had to do surgery to get the pus out, right after that the abscess on both breasts ruptured leaving cavities (holes) on my breasts. it is recovering but the holes will take 1 mth to close up. so in the meantime BM will flow out from the holes when i pump. however i am still determined to BF since doc says i can do so, except that it will be very messy. I can only latch on, or pump and throw as doc dun encourage me to store BM yet in case bacteria grows in it.

even though i am not actively BF-ing my bb (only 1-2 times a day and still top up with FM), I continue to pump and supply has increased from 10ml to 40ml per breast. i used to be able to pump 100ml per breast..

i also feel bad abt giving FM but thru other mummies' encouragemnent, i come to terms with the fact that bb can do well with FM too..

Actually I also give FM to my baby since day 1 as supplement. Dun think just cuz we give FM to BB, we are inadequate mummies....it's better than starving our babies just cuz we're stubborn [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I stopped latching after 1.5weeks cuz of nipple confusion. Felt a bit wasted cuz my BB suckles very well & I have no problem with latching. But I still express out my milk & feed BB with EBM.

I tell myself as long as BB gets some BM, whether it's thru nipples or bottles, whether it's a lot of little, it's ok.

Baby ance/rashes

Pls use cool boiled water not warm one as heat may aggrevate rashes.

I tried using what my mum been nagging me to do and it kinds of work on my son's rashes. I put tapioca flour on the rashes and it sort of calm the area down.


Backache is caused by our posture and bending down too much to tend to baby..

Perhaps you can consider getting a diaper changing table with a tub below so that u can bathe bb and change nappy while standing?

I developed ganglion on my left wrist during my #1's time.. regretted not getting the bath support earlier such that I need not support BB while bathing him.. So for #2, I got smart, got a changing table with a tub below.. so it is very ez for me to bathe and change him.

michelle: dun get too upset over this....juz dun bottom everything down, come in here n pour all out...u'll feel better

mayb ur hb is oso trying to adjust to the new member to ur family, so he nids some time to sort his things n moods oso....guys r nvr good in words, that's for sure....mayb his mum is always complaining abt how u do things wrongly etc? so he's like being sandwished n when he sees wad u've written that's y he blew up? find a good time n tok to him....or mayb u shd ask ur parents on wad they've spoken to him....if possible try to tok things out, which i feel it's better instead of keeping everything dwn coz 'balloon' will burst 1 day if keep pumping up

sad to say my hb's oso like that n super defensive over his mother which makes mi boils even more when his mum grab my #1 (when he's still NB) n tells him infront of me saying "YOUR MUMMY NO WAN FEED YOU WANA STAVE U TO DEATH" i was so angry w that n when i brought this up to my hb he even turns ard n says coz i bias against his mum....so angry that we spoke abt divorcing....

as for breastfeeding, juz pump wadever u hv n give....some mummies r giving FM n their kids r oso very healthy so dun overstressed urself w this issue

pimples? heehee my girl oso has that but doc says it'll go away later so not to worry

Mothers-in-law are never easy to get along with. My own MIL always makes her own decisions and only informs us after she has made up her mind. She claims to be flexible but still wants her only son to stay with her in future. I'm considering being a SAHM so I can take care of my baby girl. Otherwise, my MIL will want to take care of her and I dread that thought!! My husband will not want to send our baby to infant care. Is anyone considering being a SAHM? We are not earning much, but I think it should be worth it.

I am also giving my bb FM right from the beginning. She drinks only abt 1-2oz of BM every day. Sigh.. I also wish I hve more milk to give to my baby but I am over that stage. Guess wat is more imprt is that we understand wat we can do and just try our best. Afterall motherhood is much much more than breastfeeding


can i just check wiht mummies here abt the weight of ur bb?

my bb gal is abt 6 weeks and weigh 4.7kg. PD say its too heavy and ask me to reduce amt of milk. Currently, bb is taking 4oz every 4hrs.

I tried to reduce her feed but she keeps crying for milk.

Can i just check for those mummies whose bb ard same age as mine.. how much are u feeding the bb and how heavy is ur bb?


My bb boy is 4.4kg at about 6 weeks plus (birth weight 2.605kg). PD said OK, average size. He's taking about 110 to 120ml (4oz) every 3 to 4 hrs too.

think i may be suffering from the onset of rheumatism...siao liao. having stiff finger joints.

wonder issit cuz i never follow confinement "rules".

Michelle - We can lend you a listening ear, do come in and vent your frustration when you need. We are all here to help as much as possible.

Rashes on BB face - My boy has it too and my PD gave me "Fucidin H" which works very well for him. But as rashes comes and go very often, we may need to apply it every other day. I think some other mummies here are also using this.

Back ache - Me too! I believe it is our posture, lets try to change it. Also when you are sitting down, try to use a cushion to support that helps to adjust our posture.

Having a 2nd baby? - Went for my gynae appointment yesterday, and she was advising me to try for 2nd baby 1 year later if I have plans. That is to let our uterus recover. Hmm... I dont think I will try so soon.. lol!

Junie, i have it too! it's getting better nowadays..

The joints were more painful and stiff during the 1st week after delivery.

Wash your hands with warm water. That's what ppl will tell you. But i nv follow lar! I still wash all the bottles and pump with normal tap water =)

Stiff finger joints plus pain

mrs long and shann

me too. For both pregnancies I have it. Will go away de. It helps when u use hair dryer's hot air to blow directly at the joints after abath or after washing hands

Helo moms,

Anyone has feedback on an electric yao lan for babies? My baby likes to be rocked to sleep...cos my MIL likes to do that.

Dunno whether I should get one to make my life easier for now..hmm..

For finger joint pains - is it more serious in the morning when u wake up? If yes, then i believe tats water retention. I have tat during my last trim of pregnancy n asked my gynae abt it. He mentioned tat its water retention at the fingers n thus pressure on the joints. The pain n stiffness in my fingers joints went off after my delivery. But my ML mentioned tat some mommies do get water retention after birth instead.shld go away in a few weeks time.

Hi mummies,

I have a lump on my left breast, it doesnt go off even though I empty my BM, I tried massaging the lump but its still there after 2 months..its not painful.

Wonder will the lump disappeared if I stop BF?

Munchies, my bb weighs 4.8kg when she was 1 mth old. Now at 6 wks old shld be heavier already. Accordingly to the bb health booklet, her weight is 97 percentile. She is drinking 60ml every 2 hrs. Total amt for a day is 540 to 600ml only.

Minmin, the doc told u 1 year later then can try to conceive? I rem my gynae said 6 mths when I asked the same qns 2 years ago. I am hoping for a 3rd baby. But most likely will go for a dragon year one. Although I like rabbit more.

supergal: it's good to use the electric rocker if ur bb nids to b 'yao yao' at all times but u'll b at risk later if like my boi....ard 6-7mths like that when they starts to b able to sit up my boi managed to pull himself up n when i woke up i saw him at the sitting position inside the yaolan i went white lor.....so worried he'll juz topple off if he tries anything funnie in there

cheerymum: wow! 3kids? go for it!!!

Thanks Suika for sharing! I will reconsider again I guess. Mom is alrite with it but MIL is against the idea. After nanny leaves this Sat, think I may have a tough time putting baby to sleep if he needs those kind of attention at most time!

Yao lan

I remember my friends having to cart a yaolan whenever we met at friends' place for mj. The son then won't sleep anywhere except in it... So if u intend to travel ard or even go for overseas trips, best not to let kid sleep in it?

Anyway, maybe my friends' son is just a rare case..

When I saw tt my bb started to get attached to napping in rocker, I quickly started to wean him off.. Can'timagine lugging it ard if boy only naps in it..

Me very rigid de...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rocking bb to sleep

my hubby used to rock my #1 to sleep when he was an infant.. Then hor when we decided to wean him off, it was really a struggle.

So I believe good sleeping habits start young.. So it gets easier when kids get older.

Now we've managed to shift #1 into his own bedroom. Saturday night we invited him to cosleep with us... He got up at 5 plus in the morning and wanted to go bk to his bedroom to zzzz. It is rather ez to put him to bed for naps and night sleeping. But we had struggled in the beginning in the sleep training. Would like to say our hard work pays off.

sillyhp: totally agrees w u....best not to let them hv such a habit now....but there's some cases where the bb juz wana slp in the yaolan so oso bo bianz.... so starting if bb not those cranky till we cannot handle best not to intro it to them

Is it common for bb with colic n bloated stomach ask for milk 70ml every 1 Hr 30 mins? I scared bb continue drink this way will have issue..

hi ceres, u can breastfeed even if u kena anything. Exceptional cases r like HIV or if u're on medication that is not breastfeeding friendly. For example, u will have the flu virus in u long b4 u even show symptoms of flu.. so u would already b breastfeeding baby then ma. Its good cos u build antibodies against the flu which goes to the baby.


any of u interested in sean lau photography? need 10 or 20 sign ups to get discount. below details:

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an

additional picture worth $30.

Valid for 1 year.

if you are keen, kindly leave your nick here. thanks!

1. Jellypurin

2. Rachel Zhang (koichi_r)

3. nana (nana17) - my email: [email protected]

4.Eliss ([email protected])


any of u interested in sean lau photography? need 10 or 20 sign ups to get discount. below details:

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an

additional picture worth $30.

Valid for 1 year.

if you are keen, kindly leave your nick here. thanks!

1. Jellypurin

2. Rachel Zhang (koichi_r) - [email protected]

3. nana (nana17) - my email: [email protected]

4.Eliss ([email protected])

numbness in hands

any mommies experiencing this? i've been having this about 1 wk ago and i thot it could be becos i carried my baby too much. this morning got really bad - got woken up from it and it usually happens in the early morning. googled on it and i think it may be carpal tunnel syndrome. or maybe combination of all sorts - water retention, etc.

another baby after this one?

my gynae said takes 6 mths to recover, even for c-section it's the same. had been telling me to quickly try for the next one, even before i've delivered! LOL. 1 or 2 days post-delivery, when she came to examine me, she already told me to quickly have another one...LOL

Hi mummies,

Thanks for sharing your bb's weight n feeding habits. Appreciate it.

My gyn also asked me to try for another bb 1 yr later but seriously my this bb is already a real handful to handle.

The next baby will be easier to handle as we have experience already and sort of know what to expect le. For those mummies planning to have another baby, let's jia you together!


any of u interested in sean lau photography? need 10 or 20 sign ups to get discount. below details:

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an

additional picture worth $30.

Valid for 1 year.

if you are keen, kindly leave your nick here. thanks!

1. Jellypurin

2. Rachel Zhang (koichi_r) - [email protected]

3. nana (nana17) - my email: [email protected]

4.Eliss ([email protected])

5. Jaclyn ([email protected])

RE: Stiffness in finger joints

Mine is not only in the morning...it's throughout the day, tho' morning more worse.

i wash my hands with cooled boiled water but sometimes play "cheat" & wash with normal tap water lah...

will try th hairdryer method [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


F8 mummies, grp PS photos uploaded by Allison in FB already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

For those expressing BM (esp those using medela freestyle), do you find your nipples growing large & sore after each pump? I've already changed the breast shield from M to L size but my nipples (esp the sides) are still sore...anybody facing such problem? Pl advise! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

im using medela PIS M shield.. yes mine too feel sore after a pump.

Everyone says nipples will toughen up.. its been 1mth+.. waiting for that to happen to me ~~

Nipples sore after pump

Perhaps pumped too long? Initially mine also enlarged and sore and I was pumping for 30 mins each time. Now I reduce to 15 mins, so no more sore nipples

hI ALL...

i have a brand new desitin creamy (blue) to exchange with L size diapers of any brand or to exchange with $10 ntuc voucher or cash.expiry date of the desitin is april 2011.

email me at [email protected] if interested or sms me at 98711981

vivi, jaclyn, ica - have you ever noticed white patches at the sides of your nipples? i have been having that & suspect it's due to the nipples rubbing against the funnel..

ica - i also pump 30 min..scared if i pump too short a time, breasts will be engorged sooner..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


No white patches on mine. But if ur nipples are rubbing against the funnels, then position not right Liao. Or are u referring to areola?

Pump time- read on Ameda website that max should be 15 mins only. So I reduced. Anyway I dun hv engorgement so no diff to me lor

