(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Baby OCBC CDA account

anyone opened OCBC CDA account? I juz received a letter from OCBC, they have created another young savers account - anyone knows if this is a regular savings account and we can deposit and withdraw anytime we like?

Morning everyone..

Wah.. so many mummies doing exclusive pumping... I'm suppose to pump after every latch to help increase supply but am too lazy to do tat.. quite depress when after latch can only pump out like 10ml.. there were times where there's 50-70ml.. seems like cannot be lazy liao.. if not cannot store for infant care le.

Cranky BB slept too much in the day yesterday.. in e end she slept on me for the whole night last night... once I put her down in the cot she'll wake up.. zombified now..


me open OCBC. yah they just auto create the young saver without asking. me dont like, me went to open POSB kids acct so that i can link to my POSB savings.

ergo carrier - Mummies who are using this carrier, do you find it secure when you are sitting down with your BB in the carrier... i juz received mine yesterday afternoon

Grace & Eliss: When u all open an account, did u all ask them to credit to ur very own ocbc account or create a new account to store the money from govt?

POSB & OCBC offer kids account.. which interest is the highest? UOB got kids account? anyone has any idea?

eliss, i using beco but its same concept. no issues if u have the infant insert.

ceres, it will be a new account -for your kid.

i never see which interest rate higher..

noknok, my bb also, love to sleep on me or hb, the minute we put down, she'll wake up. so worried she's developing bad habit. this morning, she's been feeding every hour. each time only latch for 10mins. dunno what's up with her.

hi mommies , some of us r chatting in MSN if u all have msn pls post here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wa the pump gang is now so popular...but i not qualified to join yet as still cannot figure out how to pump using 1 hand...

for carrier when can we start using har??? seems like bb neck is still weak now...i bot a sling but he doesnt seems to like it keep making noise...so i am thinking of buying a carrier instead....

mummies, if you intend to do exclusive pumping, strong recommendation to get medela freestyle.

its just 10mins for me, i don't even have time to msn during pumping.

if say 7 hrs apart before i pump, its just 15mins and i am done with 300ml of milk. getting an efficient pump makes the world of difference to our precious rest... do consider if you intend to pump for long

My email add is ceres underscorce 11 at hotmail.com.

Yeah.. but how come grace one auto open young saver account? funny i tot if we wan a kids acc we will need to inform them separately?

eh i think i remember alrdy.. the lady did ask me want to put some money over to an account on a monthly basis & govt will put in same amt after certain date than when BB above certain age the money all go into some a/c pay school fees etc.. am i right?

hi Eliss, from what I understand, this savers account has no account fees and no initial deposit requirement. like a regular savings account where you can withdraw anytime

wah pillow: ur pumping is efficient

i using freestyle too but need.5 hr to get ~60ml think my supply low or i am not using the pump correctly

thanks Geri and grace...

Oh Grace you are taking nursing tea right? I am thinking of getting... where do you get them from?

Those going taka fair ENVY!

I dun think i can go lor. just went down put milk in fridge my mom immediately say "dun drink cold drink hor!".


My BB since ytd 3pm+ cranky until now. Keep asking for milk than puke abit & fart with abit poo & pee alot.

Then when i change diaper notice stomach very bloated.. Apply ruyi oil also like not much effect. Sigh dunno & whole night keep CL busy (Haha, i slp like a pig). ard 6am CL wake me up say latch BB! then she go slp.

Dunno should bring to see doc but like no symptoms dunno is it he just want ppl accompany to slp with. My mom saying i latch too much now he wan smell and want someone to accompany..

Any of ur BB has such problem?


U'll love Ergo carrier.. where did u get it from?

When you do sit down with bb in it, the carrier will ride up your body a bit. So when you do stand, just need to pull it down a bit will do.


Ur yield is really good. I'm still latching on most times and pump when I need to.. lazy still...got the milk bags already. Gotta start storing soon.


I opened Mighty savers for my boy wor. Don't want the Young Savers. I only submitted the CDA application form after opening the mightly savers.

Health Insurance for kids

Pls get them soon... since our kids already 1 month old.. my friend's kiddo underwent a surgery b4 a month old.. then ended up gotta pay a huge premium for the policy... after which he underwent another surgery.. hefty medical bills...


Haha my hubby proposed last week to drive up to Malacca with the boys... then I recalled we haven't applied passport for #2!

i'm back from polyclinic....my girl is finally cleared from jaundice....no nid bring her back for pricking liao......

info: the doc says bb less then 1mth shd oni b feeding abt 40-60ml n if bb bigger size can go up to 80ml oni....hope this helps for those who have been asking on how much their bb shd b feeding on.....those more then 1mth can feed abt 100ml like that

Rachel: my msn is [email protected] add mi to chat chat

Phy: i forgot what a/c i opened for my kid lor.. haha.. cham!

Anyway i think that OCBC is for the govt to match the money. So thinking open another account.

mummies whose bb gt cradle cap...

mine gt a bad case for it and spread until forehead also got...i got the mustela shampoo for cradlecap at taka bb fair on tue and it's almost clearing off aready...

went to PD for his 1st mth check up yest n also hep b jab..doc say con't with the shampoo and also can apply some olive oil to the thicker area and brush off using a soft bristle brush( i bought the baby toothbrush from systema) to brush it off coz i think it's soft n nt rough to the bb delicate skin..


40-60ML is it for FM or EBM? My boy been feeding 100ML EBM since he is 2wks plus....unitl now he almost 1 mth we still feeding 100ML dare not increase....we also worry he is drinking too much....


Yeap, olive oil works too. U can apply the oil on BB's head half and hour before bath.. the oil will soften the cradle cap. Then when u bathe BB, use a wash cloth and gently wash it away.

I use Pawpaw cream for #2's cradle cap. Same procedure. 30 minutes b4 bath I will apply on his head then wash away during bath.


CDA is for gov and u to have $ for $ deposit for kids. Mighty savers is pure savings u have for the kid.

sillyhp - i got it from bay supplies lo... tried the carrier last night, not very used to it...

suika - thanks for the feeding info... at least i know my gal is feeding well...

tink i dun be too gungho and bringBB to taka, maybe in the late afternoon, shall bring her to nearby eastpoint...

suntan >> I'm still doing my salt bath. Gynae gave me some and I also bought some...i was instructed to sit on the salt bath for 15mins twice a day...but initially it was so painful to sit, i can't even last for more than 5mins. So i didn't really follow the 15mins rules...so gynae "Scolded" me said 2 mins might as well dun do...hahaa!

So now I am still doing the salt bath cuz 1st few weeks "bo park-kay", :p

sillyhp, i didn't apply the olive oil..only use the shampoo i bought from mustela...did wonders for him..coz almost his whole forehead cover in flakes...now left his brows there only after 2 days of shampooing day n nite.

after bath the flakes will be soft then i use the brush to brush it off...then if got area red red i will apply the H-cort cream for him..

kate: doc says both....n if wana noe abt how much bb latching can latch 1 side n pump the other at the same time to hv a rough guide

laser2k: it's a diff type of salt...it's like crystal salt...not pain 1

Ceres- my girl's been cranky since wed! Hardly sleeping in the day, only wanna be breastfed don't want bottle, only wants to be carried. And she seems to have a lot of wind in the tummy coz of all the crying. Ruyi oil helps a bit but I dare not keep putting coz iknow some pds say don't use. Her poo also very watery and greenish.

I'm at my mum's place coz hubby on reservist. Dunno whether she don't like this place or misses her daddy... Driving me and my mum crazy. Dunno how to help her. Just take turns to carry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

peanut: could it b the bloated tummy that's making her uncomfortable that's y wana b carried for comfort? ur bb 1mth liao? can try gripe water if u want

My mum doesn't wanna give gripe water because of the alcohol. May call pd tmr if bb's not better... Maybe can get ridwind or something.

