(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hi Ling, I used to pump for 15 mins, can only pump 50ml per breast per session.. When I dragged to 30 mins, I realised I can pump 80-100ml.. But, I'm worried of over pumping.. Not sure if there's any side effects on the nipples.. Does your nipple feel painful after the pump when you touch it? Which pump are you using?



ya.. jia you to touch bb head to a better shape.. but my hse no place to hold a sarong.. LOL~~ hai~~

but i also don think i wan to give bb sarong.. later used to it.. heehee~~

hershey: i think mi n hubby going to crumble to the option of sarong liao..at nite bb slep in his cot wake up easily...he wanna slep in my arms like a cradle..had been carring hi to slep for like 3 nites liao..think sooner or later will becum muscle woman..

Hi everyone,

I'm a fellow mummy from the Jan 2010 thread. Please pardon me for interrupting your discussion as I would like sell off my extra milk bags before I leave SG next week but having problems posting under WTS.

I have Lansinoh breastmilk storage bags for sale.

- Brand-new, unopened and sealed

- 50 bags per box

- $12 per box including postage

- 6 boxes available

Please PM me. Cheers![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4326473.jpg]

Keer: I can only manage 50 ml on both breasts if I pump for 20 min or more. Earlier, I pump only 15 min and can only get 30-40ml. My nipples feel sore and tender. Using Medela Mini Electric Plus and I dare not increase the pressure in case my nipple bleed.


LOL~~ bb really noe how to bully us.. :D

past few weeks my bb also don like to slp on his cot.. but i sort of like "force" him to slp on his cot.. LOL~~ i like so bad mummy.. he so cranky, crying.. hai~

but some how i manage to let him slp on his cot.. but still at times, he will still cranky cranky, i just ignore.. some times, i will still allow him to slp on my bed.. LOL~~

I find tat sarong, but later bb used to it.. if we bring bb out.. so difficult to make bb slp later.. hai~

Keer: Descale? How to descale?

Ling: Oh.. ok! then is normal.. My BB is 7th day so think is ok. Scared ar.. Jandice so high appetite still so gd.

By the way my breast on off got sharp pain. Any idea why?

I can only pump 50ml each side in 15 or 20mins per breast. Think will reduce soon since i no more BM BB.

hello mummies,


I am still doing partial BM & FM as supplement every day. Cuz i only pump once every 4hrs and supply cannot meet demand, hehee.

Currently, each pump (both sides), I can pump out abt 60ml.

BB seems more aware of his surroundings, and now prefer to be bottled fed than to be latched on I think cuz it's the milk flow is slower as compared to teats.

Then everytime after I latch BB (up to 1hr or more at times!), he's still not full, so hv to "top-up" with either EBM or FM.

ceres>> i do experience pain on my boobs on-off but may be due to fuller boobs when it's time to pump, cuz sometimes i stretch for more than 4hrs then pump :p

ceres - these few days pump as often as you will to feed baby... like that supply wont drop....


When i bottle feed my bb, there's a sound coming out when he sucks. Sometimes the sound is not there. Is it normal? Or, I didn't do something right when i screw the cap on the bottle? I am using Avent bottles. I am afraid bb is sucking too much air as he is already quite colicky these days.

Joyce -- yup, i got friends who managed to bf for a year and a half with sacred tea.

Jastine Lee -- moms in mind have clearance sale.. $15 per piece. u can google for their webby..

sillyhp -- same here.. i went shopping after my first PD check up.. bb was 8 days old.. -_- another time was a lady in centrepoint, bb was 1 mth old.. then i bluff her say i went to send cake.. haha.. actually i was waiting for my buddy to have early dinner... haha..

fazzy -- im visiting dr keoy at novena children clinic (63976960).. not bad.. he understands my bb well.. gave me great suggestions too

lasery2k -- u mind 2nd hand de ma? i got one pair, used once. bought at TMC for $26 but i can sell you at $15 including postage?

milk pumping -- what amt is ideal? i mean.. must pump how much then its ok? i see a lot of mommies feeling upset over milk supply.. if bb drink 90ml, and we can pump 100ml, issit good enough?

jelly: opps I always steam sterilize my breast shield, didnt know we not suppose to ... any ideal why we cant steam sterilize the shield ..mine is the hard type, got it separately.

when my bb was 6 day old, she was also taking 60 ml per feed, sometimes two hr interval, I have check with pd and he says that it is fine.

Mrs long:I was like that too, latch for an hr or sometimes more, but bb still need top up.. I was so tired... gynae advise me to latch max 30 min each side and top up if she still not full else

my tail bone will suffer.

Lasery - Me too.. For the past few nites, I had to also cradle hold my bb to sleep every night.. Rock to & thru.. I think bb is wanting mummy to excercise so that I can get back to shape fast.. Haha.. Just weigh today, I had 5kg to shed off.. Need to ganbatee..

Ling - Your bb is only 6 days old.. I think 50ml is a good start.. Don't worry, I think the flow will come by Day 10.. Initially, I pump till my nipples also very painful but the nipples will toughen in time.. Don't worry.. As long as you are not comfortable, stop the pumping session.. I usually start the next session earlier, eg 2 hrs then...

Ceres - To descale, you may use the citric acid given with the purchase of the sterilizer.. Follow the instructions in the booklet.. For vinegar, mix 100ml woth 200ml water.. More details also in the booklet.. Let me know if you need more details ya..

geri & mrslong: my bb also latches for an hour! so glad i am not the only one. cos usually bb only need to latch 20-30/feed while ours latches double the time. it is super tiring. only consolation is nowadays usually don't need to top up. at most top up once a day recently.

ceres: i do experience on and off sharp pain on my right breast. my right nipple also gets sore more easily compared to my left side. not sure if there is any link. but the sharp pain only a short while so i kinda ignore it.

hershey: my bb after latching for 1 hr, will only demand his next feed in 3-4 hrs time. so i think it should be normal. as a result, i only can feed him 6-7 times a day instead of 8 or more times.

pump amt: i only manage to pump about 60-80ml when bb was ard 2 weeks. now the 3rd week, i latch him on throughout the day except the mid-night feed(s). after each latching session, i will pump about 30-40ml. currently the EBM is enuff for bb's night feed.

ceres: can oso use lemon to descale

geri & mrslong: my girl oso latches for 1hr...at times 1.5hrs n worst of all after awhile she still not happy must topup at times 50ml

Keer: so mix the thing and than on the steriliser with nothing inside n 'ting' is done right? Mine no bk lor... lousy right? Haha..

when u all latching, BB got slp? Mine super love to slp but now i think.. he forgot how to latch.. Have not been feeding BM for 3 days..


Thanks for sharing ur PD's details.


Me staying in woodlands. I tried one PD at pAragon, but do not quite like her style. Vey sales oriented. So looking for another one.

Mummies, so if I have been steam sterilizing my breast shield and it has turned yellow, is it still safe to use? Or must change new one immediately?

Fazzy: Thanks for your advice!!

Immas: Yeap I am doing total EBM, my morning supply is better, 140ml, then in the day will drop down to 60-90ml (for today, it has improved compared to yesterday), do you wake up in the midnight to pump? i haven't done so.. must do it later..aarrggghh cannot sleep all the way till morning already T_T.. oh ya my baby is 10 days old.

Keer13: your milk supply is good le.. envious!


thanks. but then ur bb latch for 1 hr..

my bb the most latch only 30min.. sometimes even less than tat.. is it okay??

Hiya, I have a used Techno Chest Freezer TCF 148 for sale. Used for storing milk, warranty until Nov 2010.

Pls PM me if interested.. thks!


Hi I have a PD to recommand at Blk 849 Woodlands.

A very good & detail doctor ,can use CDA to pay at the clinic too.

hi ladies!

Havent log on for the longest time! I'm totally drained n exhausted from caring of bb. I really wondered how did you gals do it! Ever since my nanny left, my bb went on milk strike and I had a hard time trying to get her back on some routine.Her milk intake drop from 110ml to 65ml. After a few days.. it went up to 80ml. And coz she refused to be bottle fed and I do not ve enough milk.. she was so hungry and cranky. Every 1.5 to 2hours after feed..she will fuss. I was like feeding and burping n soothing my gal thru the night and it continued thru the day. My hubby couldnt help in taking care coz he alwaz carry bb precariously and I had to watch him every minute.Then he doesnt know how to burp BB as well. Then whats the point of asking him to feed bb.And bcoz of my exhaustion, I have no energy n time left to pump whatever little milk i ve. As a result, my supply is running out liao. SIGH. I was so exhausted that my mum offered to care for my gal. I was thankful. But my mum seems to be so "addicted" and attached to my gal that every time my hubby is away she'll insist that i leave bb at her place. The saddest part is that after my gal stayed at her place for 3 consecutive days.. she reject me! First it was the nanny..then its my own mother. I cant help but feel lousy that my bb reject me! when i carry her she will cry.. and only allow my mum to pacify her! I was also shocked to see my bb sucking on pacifier at my mum's place coz i told my mum that I'll try not to start pacifier too soon. Then today i went to taka fair to buy a second set of bottles, steriliser,warmer, changing station, play gym, pillow,diapers etc to be placed at my mum's place..spent a thousand dollars! I dunno how my hubby when react when he's back leh... Everything juz dun seems to go right! I feel like the lousiest mother on Earth!

JP>> im now trying my best to latch.. then top up w my ebm to test if he is filled. lol.

but i get my mum to do the cup feed. cuz he v kanchiong when he smells me... esp when he is hungry... rooting reflex... his head will move left & right... look so funny. like fish outta water kind. kekekek...

keer13>> i notice my ss haf been v stagnant.. or even decreasing. but cuz i spend time latching on as well.. so hopefully the 'drop' in ss has gone to my bb's stomach.

medela freestyle: i also sterilize all parts (except for tubing) aft every pump. so lay chey.

n i also noticed the shields turn a bit yellowish..

geri>> is the hard shield better than the soft ones?

fazzy: there's a GP at sembawang there not too bad i took my boi there for all the jabs n take their package got discount somemore...but my girl i'm bringing her to my plc GP instead coz hb no longer working shift so troublesome for mi to bring 2 go there

AtomicKitten: y buy so many things? very ex wor

AK -- u dun feel this way la.. every child is different.. be patient.. u too kan cheong liao.. slowly... when u intro FM, also intro slowly... dun tire urself out.. theres much more things we need to do as bb grows..

as for ur mom's side.. y dun u bring bb back in the night? then she take care in the day? or just get her to be there to assist you?

as for the $$, dun worry about it first.. spend alr spend liao..

whatever it is, dun to kan cheong to jump into conclusions and decisions.. try more times with bb first.. cause they also need time to adapt ma.. once bb is in anyone's hands, whatever they do its not within ur control liao..

since u still got ML, take this time to bond with bb... no BM nvm, go with FM.. most imptly, set the right routines and habits with bb.. then it will be easier to manage. all these say easy, but its not a impossible thing. u jus need time. bb also need time.. so u must relaxxx

suika : Coz everytime my gal go my mum's place..I got to pack and carry a carload of stuff. Then my mum wants to buy a second set... I cant let her pay so I offered lor. My hubby n I alwaz try save here n there.. and today he not around I one time buy all.. I dunno how to tell him.Though my mum n sister will insist on paying but I cant let them lor...

serene: thanx! you are alwaz my motivation! coz u been thru so much and yet you can care for bb all by yourself!! somemore BF on demand! How come u not exhausted one? Coz you definitely not enough sleep also... day n night! How did you do it? I was feeding on demand when discharged plus formula.. barely 2 weeks I fell sick liao!


I think u r a wonderful mum to ur girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]u want the best for her and thus want to see to her needs urself. But, like wat serene said, u need to relax to walk a longer distance.

$ spent already so let it be. Tell ur hubby u needed to destress thus retail therapy. Ur sanity is worth more than 1k.

Hmm, u have such a sweet gal. Don't get too uptight abt bm. Actuaalu can bf good, cannot it is still perfectly alright. Main thing is kiddo get fed.

Set up routine for ur gal is very impt. Kids thrive on knowing wat to expect. Meanwhile, chill. Long journey to go. Gotta stay sane and upbeat to mother ur bb gal, teach her the right values and shower her with tlc.

Rest well ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Had the infant shoot this morning from 1030am all the way till 115pm. My boy refuse to sleep after his bath..n in the end refuse to co-operate with us..had to pacify him, feed him, burp him, make him sleepy to take the shoot n while doing the shoot, he pee 3 times (twice on daddy! lol) n poo 1 time..by the end of it everyone was so exhausted. Hopefully the pics turn out well. After today's session, i suddenly realised one thing. With bb ard, our life is really structured n routine. Everything is gg by the hr. eg i pump every 4 hrly, but becos of the delay in the shoot, one of my session was delayed n end up, the timing for the rest of my sessions r all messed up. So ie next time if i wanna go out, cannot be > 3 hrs, cos need to pump milk..hai..wonders of being a mom.


My bb has been going for her jabs & checkup at blk 849 woodlands.

I would said the PD is a caring & nice doctor,everytime I called up the clinic have enquires regards to my bb condition,the doctor will call me back asap & advise me..

Its called Baby Bear Children's Clinic tel 62696928,Dr Teo

Suika, mind sharing the dr & clinic's name?

AK, hang on there. Always listen to ur maternal instinct and do whT u feel is best for ur bb. I'm sure things will get better After a while. Bb's grow very fast. I'm right now typing thru phone with bb sleeping in my Arms. Dunno how long this will last. She wakes up every now n then n wants to be cArried. But some things just have to be done. Look at the bright side k!


u very gung ho to go shopping with ur gal on day 8! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I took my boy to polyclinic for blood test myself. Felt such anachievement coz I drove us there, put him in ergo carrier and even fed him with a nursing cover covering him while waiting.

My challenge would be how to take 2 boys out on my own.

sillyphy == i also garang gabok.. haha.. but i needed to get some smaller sized clothes for her cause even nb ones are too big for her -_- she look so pitiful in larger clothes.. lol

i put her in sarong and nurse her in zhou's kitchen restaurant.. and it was a tough thing to feed myself! i had to scoop food in the spoon then feed myself.. haha.. cause shes right in front of me drinking -_-

but if i dun try, i wont learn..malu, paiseh or even unknowingly expose boobs in public.. haiya, who cares.. BFing is a very wonderful and natural thing..

i always remind myself.. in those countries when pple wrap their faces hor... they also bf.. and u know.. if got men enter, instead of covering their breasts first, they cover their faces first... keke...

the only tough thing is to nurse nia la.. otherwise, its ok... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sleep training

anyone started?

I'm sick of bb wanting to nurse or be carried to sleep at bedtime. Decided to start sleep training him. Know he's abit too young to cry it out but really want to get him to know bedtime = fall asleep on thy own

just now let him cry for ten minutes

then I carried him up coz 10 minutes was pretty long.

He fell asleep straightaway in my arms.

Gonna persevere in training him.

Haha serene I know I know. Bb nursing away and mummy eating away. I did tt too with my #1. there will come a stage the kid will get distracted and then unlatches to steal a look outside the cover. Happened to my so many times with #1. I believe I zou Guang so many times! But who cares? Haha

good tt ur gal is petite. Enjoy. I developed ganglion on my left wrist coz of #1's size. Now it's back to haunt me.

fazzy: the clinic is greenlife at sembawang MRT...think those under gynea Lawrence most likely will b referred there by him...got this contract from 1 of the mum under him...not too bad but juz alittle far for me coz i'm staying Tew Tew (CCK area)

AtomicKitten: u 1st time mummy har? coz when i was w my #1 i oso fell sick...u hv to relax abit...find something to let out ur stress then nurse urself back to health then u'll b able to take care of bb....must remind urself if u sick who's there to care for bb....i used this to pull thru

Ak: is ok. Ur fine. I fell sick on 6th day Noe can't bm. Sigh. Bb seems to forget me also.. Cuz I can't really Go near him.

Manage to force myself up to pump milk to throw. My coldsore still same. dun see any recovery symptom. Sad. Can see the supply going down using pump. Sigh.

Sillyhp I also thinking to slp train my bb. He been so cranky n want ppl to carry. Worst part is whenever I carry he will look for my breast!! Been wanting to try out cry it out too but mil n hubby always interrupt. Haiz.. I have notes on slp training for babies. Do let me know if u want to read on it. I can email u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies, sorry to interrupt.

I have 2 twin packs of desitin rapid relief creamy (4.8oz/blue /tube) that I need to sell to clear space. $18 each pack. expiry 09/11. Self collect in the serangoon area.

Pls PM me if interested. Thanks!


can I have the notes? Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sleep training must be hard hearted de... If not bb end up smarter and cries longer. We succeeded in sleep training #1. so hope #2 cAn be the same then all of uscan get a break [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

email ady is [email protected]

