(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

I've already taken my bb out when she passed her 1 month. But only for a short while, 1hr at most. Bit I noticed when we take her out, she'll be very cranky in the evening. I think must wait till she's older.


Eliss: I have the same feeling as you . thou my CL is still here, i have the feeling of being trapped, everyday is just latch, pump, and feed. think I am losing my sanity...one moment, my MIL complains about my CL, next the CL complains about my MIL...

mummies who are using medela breast pump, esp the freestyle, do you mummies sterilze the pump after each use

Nursing Wear - i ordered from BO from this spree-er BBR... each pieces about $22 for dresses.... quite affordable...takes around 2-3 weeks to reach... material not 100% cotton but from what I see they are gai gai clothes affordable nursing wear....

Geri- i sterilise my freestyle parts except tubing after every use... in the night i will use hot water to scald the parts....

Eliss: can PM me the contact of the spree-er? cause I plan to EBF when I go back to work in Nov hence may need clothes suitable for BF-ing :D

keer13: yesterday I went out to Jurong Point with my hubby(with permission from my mom) and we went to eat Macs. I ate fries with salt leh hee hee. during confinement not suppose to eat salt meh??

jastine: my boy boy also like to be coax in the same position! today while trying to latch him, he fell asleep on my left breast again hee.

lasery2k: i also had sore nipple last week. so i only let bb feed on the other side while waiting for the nipple to heal. while waiting for the nipple to heal, I will express out the milk from that breast. nowadays, after every feed i will apply nipple cream then let it air dry. I just bought a set of breast shield which I find it very useful. can help to protect ur nipple and also collects milk that drips out from the other breast while feeding.

Taking BB out

Hee, last Sat night I sneaked out with hubby, sister and BB to Robinsons to shop for 1.5hours. Totally no crowd. When I was looking at bedsheets, the saleslady chided me for coming out during confinement period after hubby told her BB only 3 wks old... But i still bought bedsheet from her coz she meant well so though her tone was quite stern, I didn't flare up wor.

When I was a first time mom, my friends gotta come to my place and then dragged us out to nearby place to have dinner. Totally didn't know how to handle an infant then.

RE: carrying bbs

for 1st time mums, I understand that it is very difficult to be 'cruel' and stay calm to let your bbs cry for a while before carrying them. But it is impt to do that. Do not always carry your bbs str when they make noises or cry to get carried. Or else, you will have to 'suffer' for months and even years! Of course, pls make sure you have check if there are other things that may cause your bb crying, such as hungry, diapers soiled, temperature too cold or too warm, clothing uncomfy, tummy wind, blocked nose etc before you know your bb just cry in order to get carried.

Let bbs cry for a while is perfectly ok. Sometimes bbs are actually execising his or her lungs. Some bbs need to cry in order to get more tired to fall asleep.

I dont carry my bb to sleep or carry her when she cries. I will just gently touch her hair or chest to soothen her when she is crying. She is a very fierce baby according to my CL, my CL said my bb gal is the 1st bb who is so fierce and loud she has come across. So many times touching or patting my bb doesnt help too, I will just talk nicely to her and continue to soothen her by touching. I will only carry her when she cried long and so fiercely that she nearly loses her voice and breath. Once she has calmed down, I put her back into cot. If she cries again, I repeat what I did again... so she gets the msg that mommy is not gg to carry her to sleep. It is easier to train young bbs to sleep by themselves than older bbs, cos their stamina to cry is not that strong, will get tired easily and fall asleep.

I find that such method is easier done if not staying with pils or parents, cos no extra stress from the elderly is given to the mommy who is training the bb good sleeping habit.

But remember, such training needs lots of cautions and also to observe bb well, so as not to have adverse effect. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sorry for being so long winded, just want to share this, cos I really suffered alot when I was a 1st time mum and I just have to carry and coax my 1st bb to sleep till he was 8 mths old and i was heavily preggy with this no 2 and I realised that sleeping is something that we need to teach our bbs, it is not something that bbs will know how to naturally. And I also find that it is tougher to train older bbs to sleep by themself. So better to start it early.

Really got to be firm and calm and cannot be too soft hearted. I know it is hard esp when looking at the innocent and adorable face of our bbs. It is for our and their own good. Bbs are very smart, they learn not to cry in order to get carried after some time.

sillyhp: then did u wrap urself up or juz wearing normal clothes? i guessed if i'm alone w bb i'll oso sneak out...but too bad my godmum's the 1 doing confinement for mi so cannot

Irene - Heard that we should reduce salt intake on confinement food as we should be eating the food as blandly as posible.. So, too much salt is no good..

I just finished my 2nd session of post natal massage.. Indeed it was very relaxing but with the tight girdle, i feel that i cannot breathe.. very tempted to remove it.. For areas where I have lotsa "wind", it really hurts when massage, so I guess, the other benefit apart from slimming is to remove wind...

So far I only bring bb out when we distribute full mth cakes. Thought of bringing her n her sister to go MBS walk walk on national day.

fully agree w bliss on the carrying part....last time let my MIL carry n pat till later he refuses to slp in his playpen anymore n must b carried n 'yaoyao' to slp...till i bought the yaolan n she came shaking it so hard till i've got to buy the motor n later when older she keep carrying him n when he noes how to walk he refuses to walk himself keep wanting mi to carry esp when i'm preg again...n his poor meimei hv to slp on 1 side while i carry him on the other side of the tummy

best is to hv a daily routine....ard wake time wake up, wad time lunch, milk n nap n nite slp etc....like that whenever he's cranky it's easier to know wad he wants esp like mine till now still no speak up

Jastine: I introduced pacifier the 2nd day when back in hm lor. BB only 3 day old at that time.

Sterlising Medela free style:

I sterlise using avent streliser for the parts and the water turn yellow. Is it normal? Anyone experience that?

Pumped milk: Can we mix different milk?

1st: Left & right mixed together in a bottle to keep in fridge?

2nd: If 1st bottle left abit, ca add into 2nd bottle to feed BB?

Currently my BB is totally drinking FM. Me down with a 'cold virus' name sound like 'colesaw'. It's a genetic thing, when i stress bubble pox appear below my nose. 2nd time it happened, the last time it happened was due to work stress & now i think is due to confinement. Haha...

Throughout the pregnancy.. the only thing not bearable is doing this confinement. Even the 9mths of carrying BB & the birth process is much easier than doing confinement. So damn sianz.

keer13>> my ss of ebm as compared to u is really low... cuz i only started pumping correctly when my bb is 10 days old.

so now still trying to catch up with my ebm yield.

but it seems like its stagnant there... so sad.

im on fenugreek already...

at the same time, im also trying my best to latch.

but i tink my bb v smart. knos tat we'll cup feed him aft latching on.. hence he like to fall aslp while latching on.

so i tink latching on a bit waste time & effort.


Dear Mummies,

i'm July mum too. My baby born on 9 Jul.

anyone face the problem of having low BM? during my 2nd week, i can stock up to 240 per day... now either 20ml or none. If i can get more than that i am lucky. anyone heard of the Sacred Tea? Does it work?

i bought my nursing top from http://www.momsinmind.com.sg. they are having sale now. $15 per top...

fever! hey mummies... if we have fever and ate panadol, can we latch on baby directly / have to epxress to bf?

Also for those breastfeeing mummies... do u wear a bra @ home? I used to until i developed pimple heads all rounds my aerola which they said could be due to dirty breast pad. But i find that my clothes are super leaking and soaks even my bed when i sleep at nite!

finally, had my 1st very hair hair.. LOL~~ Even though i have finish my confinement 4 days ago.. LOL~~ got permission from my mummy to wash hair.. hahahah~~ but still have to continue to eat confinement food.. fainted~~


i mix my breastmilk - according to TMC parentcraft, put both bottles in the fridge and after 1 hr (to ensure same temperature), can mix them together into 1 bottle.

Cherry: Yeah! tat stupid thing. i like to call it colesaw! haha.. Yah! Doc say cannot BM.. even EBM also cannot. dunno gonna take how long to cure this stupid thing.

Now only pumping out the milk and throw off. just started to increase my milk supply to 50ml each side now can only express out. Worse is if the supply later reduce i will totally 'sianz'. I am saving the medicine to increase milk supply till i start BM again.

Now also scared BB use to FM dun wan my BM later >.<...

claudia: mix as in left n right BM or u are saying 2 different bottles express different timing to be mixed after an hr in thr fridge?


left and right i mix upon express liao. Dun think there is an issue as when i was at parentcraft that's what they do too.

But yes i meant was 2 different bottles expressed at different timings... But the 48hr rule is to be applied according to the timing of the earliest bottle.

Anyone is using sarong or intend to use sarong? My bb head not round, thought of letting her sleep in sarong during the day to make her head round n nice. Hopefully she is not addicted to it as I still plan to let her sleep in cot at night.

Freestyle: i steam sterilze my parts after each use too, didnt notice that the water turns yellow. The bottle that came with the freestyle can also be steam sterilze? I realized that they get softer with each steam. any mummies experience that

Ceres: for one pump, I will mix left and right together and keep in fridge. subsequently, for the next pump I will keep in fridge for at least 2 hours first before mixing it with the previous batch. As for the second Qn, I am not too sure too.

Ceres, yah if stress or not enough sleep, it will appear again. Be careful not to touch the cold sore and then touch bb as it is infectious. It will recover in 1 or 2 wks time.

Cheery: Nope. Not intending to let BB slp sarong. Scared later not secure enuff.. My CL say when feed BB, touch the BB head behind and touch in circular motion. Slowly head will be round. she commented my BB head not round and quite sharp so ask me do that.


where do u stay?


freestyle's breast shields cannot be sterilized in steam sterilizer. u can only sterilize in hot boiling water for 10mins. it will turn yellow if you steam sterilize it. the other parts can steam sterilize


give what u hv, that is the most impt. i also hvg issues latching and feeding... bbb still on fm as well so we try our best dun get stressed up

hi, on average how many times do you all feed your bb a day? my bb is no 17 day old and for the past week, he only been feeding like 6-7 times a day, mainly 6 times. he would latch for about 1 hour, then after waiting for 3 hour feed again, so about 1 feed every 4 hours. is this normal or ok?

my bb head is in weird shape.. this is wat my mummy told me too.. plus his head bhind abit to sharp or dono what.. also ask me to touch in circular motion.. LOL~~ dono got help anot..

lasery2k: if u dun mind waiting, you can get it through http://littlethinkies.wordpress.com/how-to-order/. just email the person at [email protected]. they got the medela therashell and only selling at S$20 with free postage. after payment need to wait about 2-3 days. I couldn't wait so I bought Avent's breast shell at Kiddy palace. it cost $33.90 before the 10% member discount.

ceres: I always add my left & right EBM into 1 bottle. but if the bottle i used to feed bb left a bit i would usually discard it.

keer13: oops will take note of the salt intake.

Claudia: Tks & will try take care & slp well.

Geri: noted! With thanks! For the bottle i didn't notice it but i know i dun trust using it to feed BB so normally i pump put in fridge than when feeding BB pour to avent bottle and use bottle warmer to warm up EBM n feed BB,

Cheery: Feels like i'm talking to a doc lor. Heh! Keep forgetting need slp. Think that few days didn't slp well.. sigh!

Now since no more feeding BM i am quite free & rest on & off. Night also didn't really wake much.. morning wake up with PAIN in the breast than faster pump out. Too lazy to wake up to pump.

Eliss - Yes, I drank the 3 in 1 Horlicks & 3 in 1 Quaker Oats.. Think Oats also will increase milk flow..

Food to avoid when bfing.. Brocolli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, beans, Dairy Pdts & chocolate.. These can cause gas.. I was shocked when my BB stomach was bloated like a balloon that day n i recall i ate lotsa brocolli... So, for now, I try to limit my Milo intake as well as it will cause bb to be hyper active n refuse to sleep at night..

Jelly: Breast shield is it the softfit or the breastshield bodies? I sterilise once alrdy... how ar?

By the way My BB now only 7 day old has increase the FM intake to 70ml. is it normal?

Sterlizer for breast pump parts - I'm currently sterilizing only once a day.. The rest of the times, I just wash with soap.. For mid night, I only rinse with water.. Super lazy.. It's good practice to sterilizer after every pump but I scare the sterilizer will spoil easily.. Haha..

May I ask for those mummies who are pumping exclusively, how long do you all stay on the pump per session? I read that we should stay on only for 15 mins but I usually stay for 30 mins.. But, after which, my nipples will become enlarged n a bit painful when I touch it.. It will subside in 30 mins though.. Any mummies also have same experience as me.. Btw, I'm using Ameda Lactacline dual pump...

Ceres: My bb is 6 day old and now drink around 60 ml.

Sometimes EBM kinda irregular, sometimes 30ml, sometimes 50ml, i top up with FM (just in case). Anybody does that?

Keer: I pump for 20min, thought increasing the duration would yield much.

Earlier, I pumped ard 15 min but dun seem to yield much. I let bb latch on until my nipple bled. Maybe my positioning is not correct so trying to fine tune. Maybe u can try using Medela Pure Lan cream to soothe the nipples.

Can I check with all the mummies who do solely expressing of their BM.. How much can you all get frm expressing at about 3 hourly??

Cos currently, my baby who is 2wks old, I can only express 80-100ml frm both breasts each time. Am already on fenugreek seeds and drinking papaya fish head soup.. but still no improvement.. *dishearted*


Ceres - I'm also facing the same problem as you on the Avent sterilizer.. The residue water is yellow.. I believe it's due to the oxidation of the tap water on the metal at the bottom of the sterilizer.. Think we need to descale the sterilizer every month using the citric acid or vinegar..

For mixing of pump milk, I do mix milk from the same session, to be stored.. But, for milk expressed on different timing, I was told not to mix by one of the nurses as the nutrients will be lost if we combine the milk.. Her advice is to feed 1st bottle and then top up the balance, seperately.. I believe this is also to avoid contaimination..

DQ - Hang in there.. The milk will come.. If supply doesn't come in.. You will need to increase the demand.. You may need to pump more frequently or longer for at least a few days... It may seem tiring but the efforts will pay off.. That's what I did initially and the milk came in subsequently in just 4-5 days.. And, remember, to check for blocked ducts ya..

Yes, bbs are very smart.. Once they know that milk will come via cup feed, they may not want to latch on.. My bb also demanded bottle feed.. I also find it waste of time and effort to try to latch bb on.. It's also very frustrating at times.. So, now, I kind of give up BFing too..

