(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

irene: my gal also taking 80 ml FM for midnight feeds.. day time When I latch, it usually stretch beyond an hour and still need top up. CL keep saying she not full and refuse to sleep, stressed me up. I tried giving 70 ml EBM during morning feed, she is up again after 1.5hours wanting more milk.

Mrs long: the greenish yellow poo poo lasted only for about 2 days , ya it is watery and loose.

serene: Ya I remembered, Know that your MIL is always "making things difficult "for you. just wondering if she is better now?


somehow husbands reflex very slow in comparison to ours when it comes to bb. when i ask my husband for help, he doesnt do it instantly man man lai then come help.

or maybe, we've become impatient


u also same same as me lahz..

battling the war with MIL.. all sort of nonsenses.. than hubby like heck care heck care..

i also got told hubby off..

i will leave MIL place & bb behind (knowing that no 1 is able to look after bb).. than i will disappear forever..

than he give in.. LOL~~


maybe tat's is part of the reason.. hubby react slowly.. pick things up slowly when comes to bb..

and maybe is also part of our impatient ba..

but sometimes, really make us boils..

ask hubby carry baby.. "run away".. giving excuses "baby to small. don dare".... all sort of nonsenses... angry..

sillyhp & cheerysue, i email u all the notes already.

suntan,geri,vernie & DQ, can give me ur email? I cant attached the document thru PM. Or i dont know hw to attached? Pls advice. Heehee...


my baby's on Enfalac since birth. like Geri -said, the greenish-yellow poo lasted 2 days only - soft, watery, and there was lke a bit of gel. After that, it's yellow poo, stringy but soft

cherry.sue, Hershey, Serene

my hubby also same kind. like not kan cheong and reaction a bit retarded sometimes. hehe! and always on his blackberry...sigh

one weekend it was very cooling and hubby carried baby in his arms for quite a long time, and baby slept very soundly. so hubby thot he did a very good job and asked me and my mom whether we could handle taking care of baby when he went back to work on Monday. me and mom just looked at him, so i asked "what do you think we've been doing when you're at work?" hahaha! men! really dunno what they think sometimes. of course baby slept soundly as the weather was soo cool, but wait till it's super hot and baby's cranky. hahaha!

heat rashes

if your babies having these, dun worry - they come and go. just let baby wear looser clothings and if want to swaddle, just do it lightly. remember, if we're feeling hot, so do babies. also i'll not make the FM too hot for baby


just wanna check whether any mommies taking Anmum? i'm not sure whether it's all in my mind but this morning, when I expressed my BM, i yielded 100ml (both breasts combined la). that was a record for me as usually it's only 60ml. the only thing i did out of the ordinary was to take a cup of Anmum the night before. and for the 1st time, my left breast leaked milk!


ello mummies,

anyone noe of any good childcare or better childcare around srgn north??

Recently there's this childcare "PCF SPARKLETOTS" open..

did any mummy have any comments on this particular childcare?? or any other childcare around serangoon north area??

thanks thanks..


Thanks everyone for ur kind words. Made me feel so much better. Seems like many of us have issue with the new dad from time to time. Today finally hubby came back early [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Geri, actually sometime after feed bb dun sleep doesn't mean not full. That day abt 1 hr after feed my bb still nvr sleep n open mouth big big and move alot. Then my dad say he not full. Then when I carried him, he calmed down n after 0.5hr he fell asleep n slept for 2 hrs. So dun be too stress over what ur cl say. Sometime bb just want attention n hug hug. 10 more days to the end of our confinement!

Hi!! Can I find out from mummies who do soley expressing.. how much can you all pump at each sitting? And at how many hours interval do you all pump?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Immas: I'm currently down with cold sore and has been pumping out like 3 days ago. For me i prefer every 2-3hr pump out but due to laziness, during day i pump every 3-4hr n night only when i wake up and cannot bear the breast pain than pump. :p

For me currently only 50ml per breast for 15min++.

I also have war with baby everytime I try to latch him on. In the end I gave up and gave EBM fully. But I regretted not persisting and letting baby be used to the bottle teat. Now baby is 1mth 3 days old and I went to see the LC. LC said I have to let baby practice at every feed for at least 15 mins but baby kept crying until face so red and voice changed. Super heart pain. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] should I just give up or continue?

Hi all MTBs,

I have past Motherhood magazine for sale.

For 2004 - March. July, Aug, Sep and Nov issues.

For 2005 to 2009 - whole year issue

Selling at $2.00 each.

Buy one whole year issue at $20.00

Self-collect at Hougang.

Interested, email to [email protected]

serene: relax relax n stay cool...mi waiting to take over shift from maid n MIL for nite shift...gtg nap first liao...if nt ltr sure cannot tahan..

Immas: I am doing total EBM, pump every 3 or 3 1/2 hours apart, same as ceres, 100ml for both breasts. Now i wake up at night to pump too, 4 or 4 1/2 hours apart.

DQ == a lot of pple say no good.. but im also a pacifier.. lol.. no right or wrong.. its whether u are ok with it or not lor.. im ok with it la.. keke.. anyway, she only do that when she battles with me...

serene: he gek until his face red red like can't breathe. if I dun gif him, he like gone into crazy mode. kick his legs n all. how? my nipples r sore n I dun wan him to haf this habit..

DQ: Sometimes baby just wanna be near mommy. What i do after I feed my son is to place him inbetween my breasts to lie down. You also must be in half lying down position so that hes comfortable. After awhile my son dozes off. Try n see if it works for u? Of cos u must feed him first.. else he will be crying away then no use .. once they agitated.. very hard to calm them down

hi mummies.. The lumps on my breasts are getting bigger n so painful that i am shivering.. Tmr gg to see doc. Anyone knows if i take antibiotics, the lumps or pain will go away?

DQ == agree with jaclyn, u can try that method. i try not to give her only because she will be drinking too much and will spit milk. so i see the situation also. ur nipple sore, then dun give liao.. if kids dun get it for some time, they will forget about it... u try other methods to coax him.. make some noise, talk to him..? if u wan him to wean off, u need to be hard hearted liao..

SK == oh no.. r u having fever? not sure how serious ur condition is... but antibiotics should be able to bring it down.

QUestion on Formula Milk:

Want to ask when baby can't finish the FM u make, how long can it be kept at room temperature? Cause I feed my baby FM at night, sometimes she just drink 20 out of 90mL of milk. Can I continue to feed her the remaining milk???

jasmine & Suika : I am thinking of engaging my fren's nanny for a short period of time so that she can teach my hubby n I how to care for bb again. I brought it up to my hubby after visiting my fren n realized her nanny is pretty good. But my fren's confinement will end only end of the month. I was mad at my hubby coz during my confinement, I didnt rest much coz I woke up at night whenever my bb cries and I tried to observe the nanny from morning. From Day 1, I ve been asking my hubby to wake up early to learn from nanny the routine so that we can follow after she left. I nag n nag until the day she left.. my hubby realized he hasnt learn anything! How can I not be mad! So now I told him he gota pay for his mistake n engage another nanny to teach him how to take care of bb... including the proper way of carrying,burping, feeding, changing diaper, bathing and pacifying ba!

My hubby juz came back this morning and I was looking forward to bring bb back from my mum's place n try taking care of bb all by myself again.. but when i was at mum'splace.. bb like knows I'm bringing her home.. she cried n wailed. Even when I offer her my breast..she suckle a while then dun want liao! I cant pacify her but when my mum says "sayang sayang bb"..she stopped crying! Then she start to cry for my mum.. when my mum carried her.. she stopped crying immediately and smiled at my mum! of coz she melts my mum's heart but at the same time she broke my heart. I feel so rejected and upset. Then everyone keep saying.. bb dun want mummy.. only wants ah ma. I'm still ok.. until my hubby said "juz leave bb at ah ma's house tonight la.. i very tired, need go home n sleep tonight". I was very upset coz I feel that it is really not my mum's responsibilty to take care of our bb. My mum is so old liao and she has been taking care of bb past 2 days liao! how can I let my mum "worked" thru the night and we go home sleep siong siong!! That's so irresponsible! Moreover, he didnt even ask my mum if it is ok for bb to stay another day. It is as if my mother owe him like that! I was very mad. Then he juz go to sofa. close his eyes n sleep there! Bb crying and he doesnt care! Then I couldnt take it and tears juz flow down. Obviously my mum n my sis start to get very worried lor. They already tot I got post-natal blue liao. I already told myself many times dun cry in front of them but couldnt control. Then when my hubby n I reached home.. we quarelled. It was bad coz now we ve maid at home! I juz dunno how to handle la! I cried until my eyes cannot open now.. and my hubby fast asleep liao! SIGHHHH


Jastine : I will put the remaining milk in the warmer(AVENT) then I will burp bb. Thereafter I will continue feeding her. But hor, I did ask the nurses at hosp and was told that we cannot leave bottle in warmer for too long coz as temp increase.. bacteria n germs will strive. If too long.. better discard. we called hosp to ask coz I saw my nanny "preparing" milk before hand so that when bb cries at night.. she dun ve to go kitchen to make milk. This is not the right way leh!

