(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


oh no.. must take care of ur wrist.. can wear a guard or something? cause we need our hands to do many things man...

i have a bigger boob.. and i dun have the luxury of nursing with one hand free... i have to hold to my boobs so that bb wont suffocate.. at some positions, i can hands free a while.. but most of the time.. i have to hold on to it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

me and hubby both plus plus size.. but my bb come out opposite one.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] in the tummy until now, have never been keeping up to the weight gain... how she picks up soon...

actually, old pple say larger bb, easier to take care..

sleep training

i started that since she was born... cause i told myself i dun wanna struggle with her sleeping... newborns are easier to fall asleep.. but as she grow old.. (faint)...

sometimes, i still gotta battle with her esp when im very very tired and needed a quick remedy.. and she is sleeping in the same room with us which makes it tougher cause she can sense our presence in the room...

this is what i try to achieve at least...

1. Keep her half asleep while feeding and not let her go into deep sleep.

2. Let her unlatch herself then put her in the cot in her half asleep mode

3. Position her left or right so that she feels more secure and wont wake up from her reflex

4. Swaddle her is a must during sleeping times. (so now, if i swaddle her, she sorta know its bed time)

5. Change diapers before feeding so that i dun wake her up from her half sleepy mode

6. Leave her at the cot to sleep by herself

7. If she fuss or wake up by her reflex, i jus make the "orh orh orh" sound.. if it does work, i will jus put my hand on her chest or rub her head gently. If really bo pian, i will pat her butt, she falls asleep, i will jus put my hand on her butt for a while then release so that she wont expect me to pat all the time and wake up if i dun pat.

8. If she cries, i will talk to her until she stop crying then i pat her or carry her. Unless she cry until cough, choke or no voice.. then i will carry her...

9. Sometimes i will bf her with her lying on the bed so that i wont need to cuddle her to bf.. at least she knows bf is not always abt cuddling.

Theses are some things i follow quite firmly on. Unless situation doesnt allow me to do so. i also try to go out with a stroller so that i dun need to carry her when she sleeps...

what happen was... out of convenience, some times i dunt bring stroller.. and i carry her while she sleeps. as i walk, she got the rocking effect.. and i went home and try to make her sleep.. she wants me to walk the room with her!! i had to repeat the half asleep method all over again and let her get used to it..

then i got a sarong sling which caused her heat rash so its not very ventilated. And then we decided to get a ergo carrier and she loves it... i love it too.. so now, if hubby goes out with me, we will bring stroller. if not i use ergo.. ergo got an infant insert, and it makes my bb feel like shes swaddled. im hands free, i dun need to hug her also.. at least she dun need me to walk the room with her when i use that...

babies need body contact esp when they are unwell, gassy, fussy and uncomfy.. for me, i will give body contact.. but i try not to carry. i will put my hand on her chest, go near her.


u all can try gentle rubs on the nose bridge there....tends to make bb's eyes close n soon will fall back to slp if they're sleepy

sillyhp: use a pillow to help support ur bb below....if not latch too long ur hands will b tired

DQ: i need bigger shield that's y i got the hard one. personally, i find the hard shield better less leakage from the sides .

ya i also find it so lay chey to wash and sterilze the pump each time. sometimes i cant find time to pump, i only manage to pump 3 times / day thats y supply still low..

AK:just hang in there and continue to try ya, me also on the edge ...trying so hard to balance and keep my sanity. Lets Kanbate ya!!

suntan: my bb was also very cranky when we had our ps last sat. pee 3 times and 2 were on daddy. she keep crying and we could not take her individual shoots, kind of disappointed but I enjoyed the close contact with bb during family shoot.

jolyn: could us please PM me too. thanks

other mummies, my gal was cranky the whole of yesterday and cl say that she got lots of wind. she poo 8 times yesterday, is that normal? she on BM during the day and midnight feed on FM. like to know if # Cabbage # Cauliflower and # Broccoli cause wind in bb? what about dairy pdts such as cheese and milk?


celeste doesn't kick up a fuss at night time when u lay her down in her cot? I've been following a routine for Rayden but recently he will cry whenhe realises it is bedtime and he's gonna zzz. Day time ok wor. I also swaddled him at night and definitely on the music and air con and as peaceful and calm as possible. Only thing new is for his gor gor to kiss him goodnight...

High 5 to ergo carrier!! Ilove it man. Also got the insert. But so far only used it once on number 2.

Suika ,

I do use pillow to support.. But ganglion Already there .. Only way is to go surgery.. Ha ha but I went Chinese physician who used nail-like fat needles to poke it then pressed the liquid out. Pain man!!

Now it'sback... Dread going to chinese physician again...

shann: ya.. i do wake up at night to pump. Will keep my pumping interval at 3hrs. But my supply seems to be stagnant at 80-100ml each time. sigh...

Wondering if i should lenghten my pump interval to 4hrs. Then prob can yield more...

serene>> u r tan tbf rite?

can i chk w u... my bb is 16days old now..

his pee a bit brownish color. i also latch on now..

issit tat he doesnt haf enuff? or his body is expeling the jaundice bilirubin out?

thx!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sillyhp -- *touchwood* shes still alright. only once she tummy ache then when i lay her down, she cried. i do it when shes half asleep.. so i think she also dunno gua.. haha..

DQ -- yup, im on TBF...to see whether bb have enuff is to see the poo poo.. poopoo must be custard yellow and u can see grains (machiam sesame seed)... it could be that its due to jaundice that pee pee is brown.. but when celeste got jaundice, her pee pee also no brown wor... u wanna call PD and check?

serene>> ya, i c grainy poo.. watery one. does it mean bb is not getting enuff hindmilk?

jolyn>> can u PM me the notes too?


ceres: I also wanna know.. i have been taking chocolate alot (my fav thing in e world!!) and on tbf... so far no probs leh.

breastfeeding: Just to share my BF story.. my milk supply is ok.. the problem I have is sore nipples! Everytime I latch my son, mostly it is a war with him. Now that he is older (turning 1 mth in 2 days), he will protest and wail loudly. I realize my latch still not good enough. Few days ago I experienced super sharp shooting pains in my right breast. Its not only at the nipple, the whole breast seem to be painful! So back i went to the lactation consultant at parentcraft.. found out I have a bleb on my nipple (milk blister). She had to use a needle to prick for me... damn painful can.. everytime I latch him I tear and really try to tahan the pain as the lactation consultant say baby's suckle is the best way to clear the bleb.

Waaa.. I almost want to give up there and then and just purely express milk. Hubby also suggest I do that cos he see I suffer through the pain I think he also rather I stop latching.

But I felt I really spend so much money just to be able to latch him (Brestfriend pillow, 2 lactation visits, countless nursing wear, bra pads etc) that its so wasted if I just give up. Also I really enjoy the bond with my son even though its damn tiring cos I feed him on demand and wake up to feed whenever he wants. So i push on and work on my latch (my shoulder muscles all aching cos baby getting heavier and having to 'war' with him really taking up lots of strength).

Now.. few days later, my nipples feel much better..I also seem to be doing better... hope I can carry on to breastfeed him till at least 6 mths. 1 month down.. 5 more to go.

Wonder why if its such an important thing to baby and so natural.. why is it so hard on us =|

Mommies, be it latch or EBM or have to supplement with FM.... jia you with me!!!!

Need advise!!

Since Sunday, my BB's poo has been kinda loose/watery, and greenish/yellow color...

Is that a sign that indicates the brand of FM we are feeding him with is not suitable?


my dear, hang in there...

i share with u a story i read about bfing... i use layman terms la hor, my english not very good...

basically, this story is like this...

got one chimpanzee mama gave birth.. then she carry bb and when bb want to be fed, she cannot latch cause she dunno how to.. then she and bb got frustrated... zoo keeper tot bfing is a natural thing ma.. so didnt really bothered... then a few days later... chim bb passed away due to malnutrition..

then chim mama conceived again.. and this time round.. zoo keepers got bfing mommies to sit in front of chim mama and bf their babies (the bfing mama's bb)..

chim mama wasnt too keen at first but slowly she starts to take notice liao.. everyday demo to chim mama until she give birth

when she gave birth.. she also not good in latching thou she tried (but it was better than the last time).. then bfing mama demo and demo and demo.. chim mama start to learn and practise and finally managed to latch bb properly and chim bb survived.

this is to tell us.. breast milk, breast feeding is a natural thing.. but latching needs practice.. a lot of pple tell me.. "dun worry about ur supply, u need to worry about ur latching"

i bear that in mind, and when i gave birth to celeste, i couldnt bother how much i produce, and if i have colostrum. i remember when bb was first pushed to me, missy #1 say bb not keen and pushed celeste back.

missy #2 came and try to stuff celeste mouth with my nipples.. she was more kan cheong than celeste...

the third time, i told missy #3.. "leave it to me, i will latch bb myself" then i talk to her, tell her its my first time and lets learn how to do this together.. and we got it right.. then slowly, we practice together... until now, i really have no idea how much i can really produce.. i only pump when im very full and let down is fast.. but i jus pump until flow is more stable then i stop..

dun worry dear, everything's gonna be alright. i also have sore nipples at first.. i use my bm to apply on my nipples, ventilate my nipples as much as i can. if the latch is not right, i will unlatch bb and do it again. dont worry whether bb will want to latch again if u unlatch. if u dun get it right, u will never get it right.. so take the risk. unlatch the bb and re latch again.. with the right latch, bb will get enough milk, supply will be constant too.

Jia you.. u are doing very well already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hang in there.

when i having my 1st kid, i almost had depression also.

whenever my hb carried my gal, she started crying. this make him don really want to carry her. and i was doing confinemenr at my mum house, he would rather go work, or go back home to sleep instead of staying over to help me. what i do is, rather than stopping him to help, i make to do other things, like bathing her, changing her. so u should teach him how to burp ur ger, instead of stopping him to help.

mrslong: greenish color poo? did u give FM? if it's S26 then it's ok coz they got veg content inside so PD says poo will b greenish if not then u better consult doc liao

AK: i agrees w Jasmine....everyone likes to hear good stuffs so must encourage rather then stop...if not nxt time he no wana help then u more stressful


Now I don really want to pump out my supply, cos it was really low. so now i try my best to latch on. but latching also a problem, my bb will actually fight with me, he will keep pushing my breast away, then i will keep pushing my nipple into his mouth. sometime, i will success, but after abt 15 mins he will go into his lala land. of cos sometime he will win the battle by crying. he will cry till his face turn purple red n stop breathing, so end up i will give him FM to soothen him.

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I'm giving my BB Enfalac FM & BM (mostly expressed).

Poo abt 6-8 times a day and mostly, quite loose & greenish.

Checked with PD yest, he said it's ok and asked us to continue with Enfalac leh.

Previously BB was on Pro-NAN while in the hospital after delivery & we also took Pro-NAN bk home...but my dear HB wanted to change to Enfalac...so we switched to that on Sun...

then CL noticed the poo like changed.

mrslong: if PD says it's ok then no nid to worry...juz continue to monitor n call PD up to check if nid to

Jasmine: starting my girl oso fighting w me when i tried to latch her, my hb saw liao even commented that our girl no like mi no wana latch then dun force her...hear liao so angry n heartpain but hv to b persistant....now she latch happily....esp when i bring her to polyclinic for Jaundice check no nid to bring out big bag w hot water n milk etc....juz pop into the room n latch her....the feeling is great...coz i no do that during my #1 time


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green poop common in FM bbs... dun worry... the more bm u give, the more yellow their poop is

infant poop can be watery/broken/seedy. depends on what bb is on...

serene: thx!! im really trying my best to let bb latch. he was ok yesterday. but tdy... dun wanna latch at all. keep fidgeting.

when latch liao.. then fall aslp again. sigh..

when i put him down, he started crying. cuz i tink he hungry...

bo bian, lata when he's up i'll trouble my mum to cup feed him my ebm.

cant let my baobei go hungry. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sometimes its v disheartening.... i tink im too stressed up abt tbf.

mayb ebm is also not a bad idea.... sigh...

ok, tks all.

me trying to increase my milk supply still.

hv not started on motilium (milk supply increase pill) cuz still on antibiotics.

then BB can rely less on FM.

jaclyn: I almost same case as u... i finally went to Thomson to see LC, first time they taught me to latch the rite way and i thought things will go fine. But who knows when i do it at home again, it is still painful.

as i had a review session, i went back to see the LC again one week later. i told them i still having pain latching. They asked me to show them how i latch on. To my surprise, they said my latching no problem but there is pain because the nerves at my aerola is very sensitive. that's why there is always a sharp pain during baby's first few sucks. This is something that cannot be solved.. everytime i want to latch my baby, i need to brace myself up for the pain. i feel really miserable!

And also, i developed 2 large chunks of lumps on my breasts. really very painful and my whole body really feel uncomfortable. The LC said mite develop to mastitis and asked me to see my gynae for antibiotics. need to spend so much $ just because of breast issue! i was so depressed i cried, i told my mum i want to give up BF-ing. but part of me wants to persevere for as long as i can because i finally manage to keep a good supply.. i always tell myself things will get better, though they nv did.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] baby 1 mth too and i still have such problem! i just dunno why some ppl have such ease with BF-ing but i am just the opposite..

Serene: Thanks for your encouragement babe..!! I will push on ...!

Sweetkiss: My dear.. I know exactly what you are going through. I also wanna just raise my hands and surrender to the bottle. The only thing that stopping me is that I know if I surrender to bottle.. it might be very hard if I want to get my baby to latch again later on.

For the lumps.. please always massage your breasts before, after and during the feed. I always push the lumps towards my nipple to assist milk flow and get rid of the lumps. When baby stops suckle to pause.. it is a good time to squeeze the part where the lumps are.. when milk goes to baby's mouth, they will resume suckling. Those small bumps right at the bottom of our nipple must be massaged away as well (not the bumps on the aerola but those right at the nipple bottom). Use your two fingers and kiap the nipple pressing down.. then massage in circular motions pressing the aerola down. I learn this from the LC and it helps get rid of blocked ducts. Now I damn kiasu.. everytime I feel going to block... i keep pressing and pressing.. my breasts feel so abused now! They look like they have been tortured... poor them.

I know what you mean by the initial latching pain.. I also get that. Its like shooting pain. I can only say soon our nipples will toughen up and this pain will go away.. at least thats wat I got from other successful breastfeeding mommies.

Dont give up dear, lets fight and jiayou together!!!

Hershey: I read b4 that bb get most of their milk in the first few minutes. So althou ur bb latch for 30 min, the milk ur bb got is not necessarily less than what my bb gets in 1 hr. I try not to be too bothered with the feeding interval nowadays. Just ensure he poo n pee ok should be fine. I believe bb knows how much n how often he needs milk since I m feeding on demand most of the time.

Sweetkiss, I also got the sharp pain thingy on my right side. Not sure if it's milk blister or aerola nerve problem. Usually after bb suck for a while it's ok. So I always have to endure the initial pain. But today seems to be less painful, maybe cos bb was more coorporative at latching today. Let's try to continue for as long as we can. During days when really pain or sore, I will not let bb latch on my right side. I will latch him on my left and top up with ebm if needed. Then I will pump out the milk from the right side.

sweetkiss, you're not alone. every time my bb latches on i feel a lot of pain. some days i'm ready to just give up on breastfeeding. keep telling myself that formula fed babies can be just as healthy. but next time bb cries for milk, i end up letting her latch on. like what jaclyn said, hopefully soon our nipples will toughen up and we won't feel any pain. we can only hope ...

when i feel painful lumps on my breast, what i do is put a hot water bottle and massage. doesn't go away right away, but after a few sessions, the lumps go away.

i will make use of the soapy feeling during bath to massage my breast everyday.. i have those lumps when im preg... but i dun dare to massage, scared will induce birth.. but now, im massaging everyday.. it helps alot

Feeling quite emo recently. Hb got transferred to new job n very busy recently. In fact he only came home at 10+ last nite. Even if he came back earlier, he also very tired, no time for me. So everyday I waiting for weekend to come so he can spend more time w me. But during weekend, my mil will come n he will end up accompanying his mom. I felt so neglected. When i told him, he say it's only for a few hrs mah. He has no idea how impt n precious those few hrs r to me. He say he will take note in future. But it's already not the first time. Even on the day I gave birth, he also neglected me due to his mom. Sigh... Sorry for the grumble.

suika == thanks for the link

OH NO... my memory havent come back...

im trying to recall which mommy told me about the sea salt drip.. i forgot where i can buy and which brand liao.. can advice?

hi sweetkiss, if you still feel large chunks and pain in breasts, better see doc asap. better to clear it before it develop to mastitis (this comes with high grade fever, body aches and trust me, you feel like shit) or worse, breast abscess (cant remember the spelling). in severe cases, it requires operation.

Mrs long: my bb also on enfalac.. previously I have observed greenish yellow poo on a few occasion too. now is mainly mustard yellow with seed like looking poo poo.

serene: I really very pei fu you, u always have so much info on hand and can really handle bb well. you are a great mummy! are you preparing your own meals or MIL is cooking for you?


thanks for sharing the info.... :D

yup.. me too.. bfing on demand.. whenever my bb wan.. but ya.. i guess he has already changed his interval to 4hrs.. so i should not be too worried, like wat u have said.. :D


the guys alway don understand the word "feeling" is so so so much important to us.. even when we tell them directly also no use.. they are juz like woodblock..

But i am alittle bit lucky than u..

My 1st 3 weeks of confinement, my hubby accompany me thru out the day & nite..

Juz only when back to office for some urgent meeting & work..

But now, confinement over & i am back to my mother place.. he is no where to be seen.. not even a single sms or call a day.. some times msn him also nv reply..

from afternn to evening, i am alway home alone.. until my gal is back from childcare.. than the hse got abit of happiness noise.. if not, is my pet dog barking at stranger.. tat's all..

Sooner or later, i guess my bb also dono who is his daddy lorz.. :C

Jaclyn: which LC u met at tmc?

emo: I also damn emo 2 days back. broke down n cry cuz I feel v pressured. bb has heat rash.. then his daddy's concern feels like he's blaming me fr not doing a gd job.

I can hear my mil in the backgrd commenting abt how we HD not do this.. how we shd do tat while I was on the phone w my husby.

he's back at wk n he's wkg shift.. hence I'm stayin at my mum's. felt so alone. felt so 'used'.

cuz like got son, I feel neglected by my husby.

but luckily my husby came over to talk to me n spent the nite w me n bb. aft tat I feel much better le.

I tink we r feeling this way cuz of hormonal changes n we feel tat we r the ones doing the shit job of changing, feeding, etc...

Geri, my son also 18 day old but not sure how much cos usually feed bm in demand. But for night we feed him abt 80ml ebm


Was your BB's poo watery/loose during the greenish yellow poo stage?

And for how long?

I asked my HB to buy a new tin of Pro-NAN FM to switch bk tonite...cuz I really dunno if Enfalac is really causing my BB to hv such poo texture.

DQ>> i also find my temper quite short lately. Sometimes will end up aruging with my HB over BB's stuff.

And then I also feel damn useless....think my CL is more inclined to feeding my BB via bottles...so in the end, I only latch my BB one or twice a day nia...the rest, is either EBM or FM.

Then yet I dun "dare" tell my CL my preference...cuz now BB rather drink from bottle liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hershey, u r so lucky to have ur hubby with u for 3 weeks! For the 2 days I was in hospital after birth, hubby neglected me due to mil. The day after we discharge, he already go back to work & worked OT. Even my gynae checkup I went myself w my dad. At night I had to quietly sneak out of the room to bf bb so won't wake hubby up cos he keeps complaining he is tired. I already try my best to be understanding n accommodate him but he dun seems to appreciate. It's strange that I'm the one doing confinement n struggling w bf yet I still need to be the one trying to be understanding. Hopefully it's just the hormones making me emo and that it would go away soon.

I also told my hubby that sooner or later bb won't recognize him already. The day b4 when he carried bb, bb rejected him hee.


this sat, i might be going down to taka bb fair.. LOL~~ but not sure wat time..

enjoy ur shopping trip this sat...

Hope is not tat crowded.. pray hard.. :D


thanks.. lol.. actually.. i do my confinement myself.. for food wise, my mom cook for 2 weeks and i order confinement tingkat for 2 weeks.. cause my hubby took 2 weeks leave and he could go and pick up the food from my mom...

everything else, i do it myself.. i also take care of bb myself... actually, i was left with no choice.. so before i deliver, i read a lot, research a lot.. i was telling mommies here... i learn how to bathe bb from youtube... haha.. but life is like tat.. its either double or nothing.. so i work hard for bb and me lor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i jus like to share my experience so we can save time on finding out.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] here also got a lot of mommies who taught me things.. so im like sponge.. keke


ya i'm kinda of lucky.. but still i had arguments and quarrels with hubby too..

Ya recently, he went back to work.. plus his new project require him and his workers to standby 24 hrs.. tis is worse man..

he come back face is black..

Bb cranky abit, he complaining.. y i nv take care of bb..

then during confinement, i also chase my hubby out of the room to slp.. coz bb cranky mahz, & he complained.. so i told him, don expect me to slp in the living room & bfing in the living room..

y ur hubby cannot go outside slp?? mummy should use the bed and the room.. mummy come 1st mahz.. hai~~ y guys alway like this..

we grumble to them.. they find us nagging & irritating.. hai~~

i find tat some hubby just don appreciate us, for wat we going thru for them & their next generation..

they think is easy..

but ask them to follow our confinement, i guess 1 day, they already cannot take it.. not say 1 month... plus i guess the pain we go thru the labours too..

for me, i am a bad temper girl..

if hubby don appreciate, plus i have reached my limited.. i will boom like hell toward him..

& make sure he will get the msg straight away.. once & for all.. :D



heat rash is normal.. it will come and go de.. u r not to blame.. and for u to feel that way is also normal.. jus dun care what they say la..

when celeste had heat rash, i was sooo gao wei cause she look damn jia lat and full mth was arnd the corner... end up, i brought her to my doc downstairs and got cream for her on the full mth party day itself.. lol...

its a very natural process that bb has it.. so dun blame urself ok?

i also got scold my hubby lei...!! haha.. there was once, bb was crying and i was trying to wear her mittens and she was scratching her face with the other hand (without mittens).. i ask hubby to help me to hold her hand so she wont scratch..

then hubby came to help but went to his pc shortly to close a window.. althou i know its a very fast thing but taking care of bb cannot wait de... must fast hand fast leg wat... so i yelled at him.. "r u ok or not? ur bb crying here u still can touch ur computer???"

then i ask him go away... hahhahaha... sometimes i also vent anger on him... lol....

i sms him one day.. "i feel very tired to battle this alone (talking about my MIL issue).. if u dun support me and lend me a helping hand.. i will go crazy and i will carry ur bb and move out.. and once i do so, i wont move back" he was at the living rm.. immed he cheong into the rm.. lol...


HI mummies,

Just to chk. those mummies who had csec, do u all put binder? Is it a must to hv binder? & does it realli help the wound to recover faster?

Thanks. =)

