(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Question about Storing BM:

Want to ask if I refrigerate my BM for about 1-2 days already, can I still put it in the freezer to freeze? Or only can freeze freshly EBM??

I realised that my BM supply in the fridge is piling up. And BM stored in fridge only can last 3-5 days right?? Throw away a bit wasteful right?


sito,long time nv c u postin.im fine!wat abt u?me natural..at times i dun noe wat my bb wants.he can cry so loud suddenly n all times refuse to sleep..i reali hope i can cope as my hubby wil go for business trip on e same day my CL leaves!

I dun wìsh his family side to help cos we gt dìff.way of tinking..i scare i throw my temper 2 em again..sob.


Im veri depress abt it n im stil so fat n flabby.did 7time massage n she mention e wind inside me is stubborn.will take time to go. Bt when?y am i stil so fat? 12kg to go! 3more mth left to archieve tat!

I want to share my good experience with the lactation consultant Sister Wong at NUH. I had this right sore nipple problem and my bb doesn't seem to latch on fully on my right aerola fully. She taught me to use the football hold, which is better cos I can control better with my right hand. My left side is ok using the cradle hold. I learnt that the way to really make sure bb latches on well is to control bb's head with my hand. Place bb's bottom lip on the lower part of the aerola and once she opens her mouth big, quickly bring her head towards my breast. My left thumb and index finger is grasping the left aerola and I use my left thumb to push the nipple/aerola into bb's mouth. Then bb's mouth is really open wide. Sister Wong's instructions are very clear. And I practised several times with my bb. Except when she's full, I can't practise anymore!! Then Sister Wong taught me to continue pressing on the hard blocked ducts while breastfeeding. That really felt painful. But after bb finished breastfeeding, my breasts felt really nice and soft. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The lactation consultant's fees was well-spent, I felt. I was charged $42, as a private patient. So do consider getting a lactation consultant's advice, if anyone has problems with bf!

Dear Mummies,

Sorry to intrude.

I’m from Nov 09 MTB. Have a brand new/ totally un-used 2009 Maclaren Quest Sport Stroller to let go.

It was bought as spare, for my mother in law usage but she prefers to hand carry my baby instead.

Since I already have a stroller myself, I can forgo this.

Does not come in box because during my purchase, I told the sales person to discard it for easy transport back home.

Neatly kept in its original plastic packaging.

Color: Black/Scarlet

Offer Price: $220 includes personal delivery to your doorstep

Click link for specifications


Interested mummies, please email me at [email protected] or text me @ 9735 6852. Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


http://babymeadows.com.sg/maclaren-1/2009-maclaren-quest-sport-stroller-black-scarlet-.html Selling @ $358.20 after discount

http://www.springmaternity.com/catalog/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=392 - Selling @ $398

ebay singapore - Selling @ $331

Mothercare - Selling @ $398 with 15% discount

A photo for your review.


Morning mummies.. Finally, have time to log on to share my updates.. Really saluate all you mummies here who have been logging in regularly, where do you all find the time to log on??? Kekeke.. Must learn from all of you...

My boy is 19 days old today.. These few nites, he had been cranky.. Refuse to sleep from 8pm - 1am.. By the 10plus, he will get very tired and when we put him down to sleep, he start to wail... Then, I tried to coax him and pat him and do all sort of things to pacify him but once I put him down on his bed, the vicious cycle begins again.. It's so tiring....... I guess I'm not alone.. Really hope this will end...

BB is still having jaundice, will need to go back MAH to do blood test next week.. Hope he's alright.. His eyes n mouth, can see yellow...

Sito: my bb is the same situation as u..only poo poo for 2-3 times a day...so i guess it more or less normal as i have observe this trend for a few days..

Mrs Long - Now, you can pump 50-60ml, is it per breast or both? Don't worry.. The flow will come.. Initially, I was also super depressed as my colostrum came is only at Day 3 with 1 duct.. Baby by then was demanding 30ml per feed and it was impossible for me to follow up on that.. It was only at Day 4 that I started pumping 20ml for both breasts.. But, still not enough.. I break down n cried n told myself that I need to produce more milk for BB.. And, naturally, that trigger a few let downs and subsequently, my milk flow came and I was pumping 40ml per breast at Day 6.. By Day 8, I can pump 60ml and now, I can pump 80-100ml per 3 hrs interval.. The flow will come but you need to relax and have a good atmosphere when pumping.. Sometimes, I also look at baby and close my eyes to trigger let downs.. That helps too, initially.. Producing breast milk, is like a marathon, you need to tell yourself that you can do it, and be persistent.. If you are pumping, try to pump for at least 45mins to increase the supply.. Play around with the cycle and the suction.. For me, I realise, I prefer cycle at medium, as it's slower thus, enabling my breast to compress more milk out.. I will start with the most comfortable suction and increase it as it goes along.. SOmetimes, I will also just dial up and down and that also trigger more flow..

Hope that help.. Sorry for the long post..

morning mummies!

bb blood test result for jaundice came back. Normal but one of the enzymes level is high for him. Dr ask if im taking calcium tablets anot. as apparently bb is lack of calcium n vit D which results in him still yellow. so since ytd i have started to take my calcium tablet. and he will review my boy 1 mth later and will prescribe him vitamins if he still does inherit the supplememt from my BM. so sad!!!!

Hi Sito: it is still normal for bb to pass motion once every 2-3 days. my bb is now 17 days old. on 2 occasion, he only clear his stool once every 2 days. i asked PD and he said it is ok. even if 5 days then pass once also ok. main thing is consistency of the stool and not frequency. on the other hand, even if he pass 2-5 times a day also ok. a few days ago my bb boy nvr pass motion for a day and yesterday he poo 5 times. my parents were quite worried that he poo so much but i told them it is normal.

storing breast milk: usually i will combine the milk from different pumping session into 1 bottle enuff for 1 feed. usually i try to combine consecutive sessions together. after putting in fridge for about 1 day, if i think i need to freeze, i will put in freezer. read somewhere that it is ok to put in freezer after putting in fridge for 24 hr.

it seems like bb just wanna be carried by me nowadays. quite a few times when my parents, esp my dad carries him, he will keep moving, cry a bit. then my dad will say "is he still hungry? shall we feed him a bit". somehow my parents always think that if bb dun sleep means he wants milk. but sometime he just want attention mah. then when i carry him he becomes ok.

recently weather always cloudy, difficult to sun my bb boy. hopefully his jaundice level dun go up. going to see PD again on fri.

vivi: dun b sad....mayb during preg time bb took most of ur calcum liao that's y now u lack of that in ur BM

today raining day not able to sun my girl...hopefully tml go test her lvl no go up

bfing bbs can dun poo up to 5 days cause bm is easily digested. as bb grows, their poo will get lesser also... my bb poo frequency also drop but it didnt worry me la.. cause i got other forum friends bb never poo for 10 days and PD say its alright.. cause bb is bfing..

Yest, I was so bored at home that I decided to go downstairs for a walk.. I put BB on a stroller and together with hubby, we went to Macs for a bite.. I ate french fries w/o salt.. Think can eat hor?? Kekeke... But, I secretly also took 1/2 a bottle of iced green tea.. Wow.. so shiok..

Jo_lyn - When coaxing bb, this is what i did..... My bb enjoy this the most.. He likes it when I put him upright, over my shoulder.. I will pat him on his shoulder.. He will lay his head on my shoulder.. Usually, in this pose, he can stay quiet for 10-15 mins.. Next, he likes cradle hold too.. I will cuddle his tummy, close to my body tightly, with his face close to my breast.. Rocking or patting his buttocks.. You can also try to sit on the bed with your legs lie st infront of u and bend them, forming an inverted V shape.. Place bb on it & rock.. Hope it works on your bb..

Hey, any mummies going to Taka BB fair this Saturday? I will be going at around 11am like that cause got gynae review at 10am.

Immas: How do you cook with the fenugeek seeds? It's my 5th day of bf and can only manage 30ml or sometimes less.

Or how about the fenugeek supplments fm GNC? Be seeing PD tomorrow so wanna get that as well.

Coaxing Baby:

I will carry my baby in a way that her head is resting on my left breast so that her ear is place near my heart. I read that baby will feel comforting to hear mummy's heartbeat since they have been hearing it for months inside the tummy :D Meanwhile can pat pat her back to burp/massage the back.

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/smile.gif] lol~

i very gan jiong de.. tat time my bb nv pooing 1 day, i got frighten like hell..

thining that issit his stomach bloated again, or wat thing goes wrong in his system again..

Then when to massage him for 45min..

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/wink.gif] Than in the middle of the night, he poos out.. wat a relief to me..

Ann: how long is the taka bb fair? Only over the weekend?? And is it extensive??

I wanna get so many things for baby and myself, eg toys/milk storage bag/more toys/stroller :p Plus I'm so bored at home!!!

Jastine: The BB fair will end on 22nd Aug. Quite ok la.. I bought most of my things there actually. I am also going to go buy more things cos I need another set of some stuff to be place at my in law place cos BB next time will be taken care at my in law place during the day time.

Hershey: Oh.. nevermind la.. still got quite long before the fair end.. your hubby sure have time to go with you one.

SAHMs have my utmost respect... being alone with BB to take care of her needs seemed too much for me...the last three days were so much worst than any of the confinement days... at least during confinement days I can still step out of the house to get newspaper... now going to do biz/bathe...also must chop chop...

Eliss -- i remember got once, bb was cranky, and i wanted to go pee.. super urgent.. i bo pian.. jus ren and ren.. and also days when i run to the kitchen to swallow my dinner and run back to the room.. my hubby quit gaming cause it will disturb her sleep. everytime we go out with bb, we are rushing everywhere and rush home... but i think we will get used to it soon...

Hi DQ - I fed via expressed.. Baby doesn't want to latch now.. Initially, I don't have enough breast milk and we formula feed him via bottles.. When my milk flow is here, he was admitted to 2 days in hospial for phototheraphy.. By the time, he's back, he refuse to latch.. Last week, I consulted a lactation consultant, he latched for 2 sessions and I was so happy with the bonding.. But, after that, he refused to latch as the milk flow is slower as compared to bottles and he cried non stop when I tried to latch.. So, no choice but to expressed now.. Any mummies having similar problem but manage to latch babies back, please advise.. I miss the bonding with my baby that I broke down and cried that day.. My hubby is so worried.. Haha.. But, daddies will never understand the bonding..

Let me share on my expressed shedule.. I try to pump every 2-3 hrs daily.. After midnight, maybe, every 3-4 hrs.. Every day, during bath time, I hand expressed out any blocked milk ducts.. It those little bumps around your breast.. These blocked ducts will reduce your milk flow.. It's important to clear it.. Also at times, when you do not express or latch in time, or when you have engorement, need to hand expressed out all those lumps.. I will check for those lumps in every expressed session..

For my diet, I had drank the papaya soup 3x.. Not sure if that increases my milk flow.. I was also told that horlicks can increase milk as well.. I had been drinking that for breakfast every day..

eliss, i agree with you. i also find it tough taking care of bb 24hrs/day. are you alone during the day? lucky for me, my hb can work from home, and he's been a great help. without him, i think i'll go mad.


u can try to look out for ur bb pattern.. then plan ur things.. Relax abit.. don so rush.. bb cranky abit is okay.. not to worry too much...

u relax.. bb also will feel tat.. and also will relax too...

sigh - yes i am alone in the big hse with the baby... its not about the time management, I can still manage to dish out a lunch for myself these three days... but its the feeling of being trap...I had that feeling when I TBF my gal. So I change to total EBM... however the pump yield is very stagnant now... anyway to increase the suppply besides latching BB? i am still taking fernugreek cap... papaya fish soup has no effect on me during confinement...

Hi hi,

I've been working overtime last 2 days. Bb boy wants latch every other hour. This morning at 8am totally beat and I just lay him down on my bed, crying away while I continued to zzz a bit. Luckily mil came in to carry crying bb away and let me zz for another 20 mins b4 waking me up to feed him again.

Weight loss

cheese, I also have abt in all 14 kg to shed to get bk to pre pregancy weight I.e. B4 2 boys. Hope I can be determined enuf to lose them. For this pregnacy I left 4 Kg.. Bfing is the weight loss programme I have signed up for [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

trust urself mummy eliss..

Since u have good time management.. still can whip meal for urself.. better than me lorz.. i lazy until drink milo n soup for whole day lorz...

TRAP?? relax.. is not trap.. is bonding..

ur gal definately love to be with u, & BF too..

u should try more on direct bf.. soon u will get used to it.. and enjoy...

Eliss: I totally understand how u feel, although I not yet finish my confinement. A couple of nights I will be thinking to myself "how am I going to take care of this baby ALONE?? what if I want to do this do that? What if I need help suddenly?" I cried a couple of nights thinking about it. I'm taking 4 months maternity leave so after my confinement I will be on my own!! Hubby kept telling me not to think about it but how not to think?

Are you thinking of engaging a babysitter???


understand wat u meant. I do still feel trapped on n off after being a sahm for 15 mths plus. I also dont know how well I can handle with 1 active toddler and 1 bb this time round, somemore I have to look after them alone with them for years ahead. I think just think positively ba. It is really hard, but somehow TIME is the best factor to help us get used to it. Are you gg to be a sahm too? or just for some time during your maternity leave?

Cheer up and stay calm, ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Actually infants are not difficult to take care, most of the time is just feed, bathe, sleep, pee, poop and play. Once older, more things to worry about and watch out, trust me, we will learn and be more experienced as time goes by. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jia you!

I'm taking only 2 months straight of ML... after this month, BB will be taken care by MIL when i am working...

I had wanted to TBF, I even bought the brestfriend pillow after discharged from hospital, I ordered a second batch of nursing wear from taiwan... when I switched to EBM, it is because my BB was drinking 60ml at 28 days per feed...with EBM, I have since increase her intake to 90ml feed. Hubby lamented BB has put on weight quite significantly cuz she seems to be chubbier...

But perhaps this is the perfect time to get back TBF a few since there is no one at home to rush us... LEt me think about it...

at least when BB is bigger I can still bring her out myself.. now only 1 month old, I dun dare to bring her out myself (maybe to nearby supermarkets or what)


after reading some of you gals's postings, it really reminds me of last yr after my confinement, when my cl left n me had to be alone w my bb boy at home fr then. I was so scared n helpless n nervous. My bb was super cranky, n he refused my nipples as i made the mistake of introducing bottle to him in the nite during confinement even tho i latched on in the day, so he rejected my nipples n i had to do total expressing of bm. But i hv no time to do tat when alone w him n he is cranky bb who slpt v little n v short naps, abt half an hr each time only. It was such a tough period. Do get help from family if there is. If bo bian like me, just grit your teeth n tell urself u can do it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Plan well n learn from any mistakes made.

my baby who is 43 days old has also been awake more frequently. since she requires the closeness, sometimes i put her in the MIM sling i got so my hands dont fel too tired. i will only put her down once she's in deep sleep.

hmm, any mummies have any idea on how much milk to prepare for alternate care once we go back work? i would like for baby to still be on solely BM til she's ready for semi solid food.

When can bring baby out for long hrs? Last time my #1 I wait until 6mths old then bring out outing. But now need to consider #1 feeling, cannot bcos of #2 then no more outing already. At the same time, I also worry that outside virus alot not gd for bb.

so sad today, during the morning feed today, latch on bb n after feeding for 5mins, he rejected the nipple n started coughing. n i saw some blood trickling dwn from my nipple..haiz..no wonder he half way don't want..n i felt so sad..

having quite sore nipples on both side from latching n right breast also quite painful with 1 bruise..wondering shld i stop BFing..now left 1 side for him to feed on n today he had been on FM for 3 feeds aready. Feel kinda useless.

ya bored is one thing... if i can bring her out now... i dont need to cook liaoz.... go outside and tabao....


do u use ur bm to apply on ur sore nipples and let it air dry.. it helps too.. plus also use warm water or warm cloths to clean & massage.. it helps too..

hershey, done all le..now using nipple cream to soothe it..can't latch bb on tt side now..even left side also feeling sore..but still ok..


hmm.. continue to do all the above until okay.. tat time me also like tat, hai~ 1 side recover the other kena.. cannot bf.. pain sia when full..

cheerymum: last time i think 2nd mth i started gg out w bb liao lor...heehee

lasery2k: juz feed on 1 side lor....wait till the other side heal first

suika: i brought bb out twice for shopping during confinement le...=X..

only 2 hrs i faster charbo back with maid liao..think the enviroment not use to it n abit cranky..he woke up 1 sleeping bb with his scream the last time we gone out. so pai seh..



ya it is definitely bored, bo bian one. That is why mothers are so great and sahms are not easy to be mah. Anyway can try to bring bb out slowly... but cant be for long hours definitely, still got to make sure bb sleeps and feeds well, their daily routines are not affected too much, even when they are a few years old. The first few years of growth are v impt, so we have to give up some of such freedom for the sake of our precious ones.

