(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


Any food we should avoid if we are BF & baby got jaundice?

My boy is 9 days old today. He got jaundice on his 5 days old. Stayed in the hospital for 1 day for light theraphy. Have been suntanning since discharge from hospital (except today due to heavy rain). His face very dark now which I think due to suntanning.

Thanks for reading


ica -- she will tao jak when she heats it up for me.. and to be honest, i need her to heat up cause i will be bz feeding bb during dinner hours.. if hubby is working, no one can help me to heat up liao

chelz -- keep letting bb drink more fluids to expel it out. some pple say avoid ginger.. u might want to try.

my bb also like mang ka li like tat.. i stop tanning her cause i scared she will be like tat forever.. *worried*

lasery & eliss: i am trying to minimise the carrying now also. Been putting the bean spout pillow on top of my boy also. But he still cry n cry. Below the hospital admission he was very ok. Slp soundly after every feed. Ever since he discharge, this problem occurs. Hope he will forget it soon.


Your mil really too much le! You should tell her the sauce can eat, so ask her to cook for you. If not your fren mil make the sauce for you for what. As for heating up the food, maybe you can finish bf your gal before you heat it up? I think your hubby should really have a good talk with your mil and ask her to stop eating your confinement food!

Chelz, best timing according to PD to sun your baby is between 8 - 9am and 5 - 6pm. Avoid direct sunlight cos it will be harmful to your baby's eyes. I don't sun my baby directly but juz have some light coming in from the window. BF also helps to reduce jaundice.

sun_tan, my baby also gained 200g a week. She is already 3.2kg at 39 weeks. I have no sign of dilation yet. My gynae is estimating either by end of next week or maybe overdue. How about you?


My last visit was on tuesday and at that time i was 38 weeks and 2 days. By then my bb alr 3.1kg. Next visit is on coming monday..expected weight would be 3.3kg +/-. My gynae didnt do VE check, so not sure if i have started dilating or not. But he said bb alr engaged..so for now is waiting. When is your EDD? Mine is on 25th.. the waiting is making me impatient.. lol.. some of the mommies here alr finishing their confinement and we havent even started ours yet..

Sun_tan, my EDD is also on 25th july[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] same date. My gynae did VE checks cos i told her i had cramps. ya I agree that the wait is quite agonising. I got a feeling my baby might be overdue.

Suntan: Haha me too now 38wk 3days but BB not engage at all base on the last tues check up.

That time someone mention BB jab go polyclinic better. is it?

serene: wa laoo.. why like this one. haiz. I always say we mommies go into depression not bcos of anything else but our MILs. :| *hugs* don be sad, awhile more ur confinement over can go enjoy k?

ceres: Yeah polyclinic shud b alot cheaper. Plus i heard that newborn can cut queue, donno how true. I will bring my son to do his second hepB jab on 10th of August @ polyclinic.


I did ask my gynae abt VE checks, but too bad he is not into VE. He says unless in labour or there is bleeding, if not no pt do VE. So till now, i also dunno if i have started to dilate or not. I am "will-ing" my boy to come out earlier.hahha..but for the whole of today, on and off i am having BH. I rarely have BH previously, so not sure if this is a sign?


Actually whether bb engage or not, also wont tell if gg into labour soon. Cos my boy has been in engaged position since week 34th..till now, still no "action" yet.

jaclyn: angry hor? i ren... i wanted to fight back.. but no one at home.. i scared later she accuse me... so angry.. i went to take a look at the menu.. there will be no more that dish coming liao... super tulanzzzzzzz...

jus now hubby sms if i want crystal jade.. hahaha.. if not for bfing.. i think i will cheong liao.. cause now, i still dun really have a good list of what i cannot eat during bfing lei.. i only know brocolli and cabbage cause wind for bb.. peanuts, chocolate also cannot.. so i dun dare anyhow eat... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Suntan: wah! engage so long no action? Weird.. For me BB head face down since 2mths. Why against VE? is it cause can trigger labour? i think someone mention it.

Jaclyn: Cheaper ar.. i heard they say is better in someway like medicine better or wat.

Serene: sorry to heard that. I also think u can finish bf then heat up your food. do things urself dun ask help from her..

ceres -- bo pian.. cause normally bb feeds abt 6+pm.. by the time, she will take the food and heat up.. then i say i do myself, she will give me a face.. cause she dun like me to use the kitchen...

Sun tan, for me tdy marked 39week le. Baby engaged quite early too. Dilated 1-2 cm. End up till now still no news. Sobz. Waiting n waiting. Next check up at tue. If still not out will have to induce le.

Gynae say I can't wait or I'm not allow to have overdue bb coz I've GD.

I so wish that bb can have the decision on when he wan to come out instead of me choosing the date fr him. Sigh.

Serene: jia lat... if me i go buy a microwave in the rm alrdy. Talk to ur hubby & try to come up with a solution.. Sigh~ really dunno why got such family mbrs.

serene: cool down n relax k..actually, just rebutt back at her loh...tell her the veggie she cook can't eat coz not cook with sesame then return back to her n walk bk into the room.

my temper is those kind won't let ppl bully 1..if i need help i won't keep quiet n wait there for help to come. i will go n seek for help instead.

if really super unhappi then consider move bk to yr parents place for 1 week to take a short break from the nonsense u facing..

erm...if not u can ask hubby to get u biscults, snacks or those dried fruit cake to put inside the room. while u BF yr bb u can snack too then nt so hungry..after tt then ownself heat up the food. If not then u eat earlier be4 u BF bb then after tt eat the snacks item in the room..

like the old saying.."kao ren bu ru kao zhi ji"..don't be so sad le k...

Mummies is it true that during confinement we cannot drink plain water Ma??? Wat happen if drink?? I hear if drink will have wind in stomach or cause water retention?? True??

Recently I have no wei cuo.. See wat ever food infront of me I will vomit (but I didt really vomit out).... Than I will force myself to eat a little.. How come will like this??? I'm hungry but just can't get the food in my stomach..

jasline -- hormones changing back.. thats why machiam morning sickness like tat

lasery -- got.. got biscuits.. jus now my hubby bought mac for me to eat.. lol... for me to xiao qi... i dun care liao, i jus whack.. i super hungry....

ceres -- im staying in the guest rm of a 3 rm flat. inside the room got a wardrobe, cot and queen size bed, 2 toyogo chest.. no space liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] jus ren lor.. i still got 1 more week of confinement to go.. after this.. i will not let her torture me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

funny noises

does ur bb make funny noises while sleeping and suddenly got woken up? mine is quite jia lat.. and i always get woken up by her noises...

hi mummies,

Am in my 38 weeks + 5 days already. bb still not engaged yet, doc did VE on last wednesday say only 1 cm dilated and cervix still not soft yet... he say still got plenty of water inside and bb still very active so have to wait

bb weights about 2.99KG at 38 weeks +1day, growth rate is about also 0.2kg per week..hmm.. not sure if its me, i feel that my tummy suddenly grew so much bigger in the past 2 weeks...feel like a walking hippo :p.. will start taking MC from coming wednesday onwards, then follow by Maternity Leave...

a bit scared he overdue like his jie jie.. cos my 2nd one is 40weeks+2 days then wanna come out...a bit worried he will be too big by then for natural birth...

coolqoo)>> I'm also coming 39 weeks on Wed. Went checkup last Fri, BB's still not in engaged position yet too but gynae didn't go VE for me, so I also dunno if I dilated or not, etc.

Fluid level is good & BB's also still very active...so I think like you, I have a feeling my BB may be an overdue BB.

HB & I thought of inducing him 2 days before his EDD if still no sign of him popping...but I like feel bad le...like "forcing" my BB to come out when he's not ready yet.

Mrslong: Wah... All those due late Jul the BB seems to be very comfy in tummy. My gynae also say fluid level gd & BB heart beat gd.. Everything gd but not engage & no sign yet.. Even comment last tues say dun think within 2wks will come out which means... will be up till 27 Jul & my due is 28 lor..

Think i also will be overdue soon.

I am also starting to worry if bb will be overdued or not le.. last time keep thinking dun want her to come out so soon, now worry if come out too late.. too big then jialat!

Yea gynae said water level is good heart beat is good, 1cm dilated on last tuesday (same as precious week), with soft cervix, bb's head half engaged, so she said bb should be out ard 20th plus!

mrng.... mine too....

tdy's 39wk n 3days liao.... countdown 4 days to edd.

but lotsa mvt. n was on ctg last wk, v gd heartbeat n no contractions...

guess tat time got early contractions, then prayed hard for bb to b full term. now bb too comfy, refuse to come out.

haf been rotting at home for 2 wks liao... n husby also rotting w me for 5 days. sigh.... waste his daddy's leave.

gg to c gynae tmr. shd i juz csect?

hi mommies

add me to the list. see, what 2nd bb will pop early! haha, nv happen. anyway, am aiming for his daddy's birthday, 26 July, i day before his full 40weeks...

next week on HL and work from home. too tired to walk arnd in the office and always get questioned from colleagues when i will pop... so stay at home and work better

mommies who are due soon, jiayou and rest up more. no more beauty slp once bb pops...

hi all, i have delivered via elective c-section 15 July and discharged from hospital yesterday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

baby alyssa 3.1kg.

she is now 4 day old but barely waking up for milk feed. is this normal???

i agree all the late jul babies are v comfy in their mummies' tummies! my EDD is 24 jul, baby engaged but no contractions & dilation (as of last Mon)...going to gynae tomorrow, hopefully got "good" news...i dun wan an overdue baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Serene - do u take ginger during yr confinement period?

Bblis - My bb is on BF. He got full of rashes on his face since yesterday. I dont know whether the rashes cause by the BF (cause the food i have been taking are very heaty) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif](

Hai...good to pop now, especially when the weather is so good! Hopefully this rainy season would keep up for another mth or so..

wah.. seems quite a lot of bbies are comfy in the tummy...:p :p

just now my CL called from Msia and asked if i give birth liao..haha..i say no lei.. i also wanna know when.. haahha...cos she say number 3 should be quite fast de...aiyo.. bo bian have to wait

I am also hoping some good news for my next checkup on coming wednesday... doc didn;t go any CTG last wednesday.. just touch my tummy and say no contraction.. :p..my EDD 27th Jul lei..

DQ: must be quite sian at home hor... that time when i had number 2 i also nua for 2 weeks at home.. 1st week still alright cos i spent some time to clean up the house, mop floor, wash toilet etc.. then the 2nd week is very sianz.. and punggol no shopping to go to.. :p my only entertainment is facebook and TV.. hahaha

Congrats Pillow...yes newborn is always sleepy in the first few days of birth. Must wake her up for feed yo...

serene: mine snore like his dad at times..lolz..n he will also scream n stop then after tt return bk to sleep..<--nightmare.

1 more week to go, ren ren ren k..if nt at nite ask hubby ta bao something nice for ya to eat..like crystal jade xiao long bao..can eat with ginger..(saliva dropping le)

sometimes just simply scared the hell out of us..every 1 run from all direction just to see wat happen to him..(-.-!)

pillow: ya..u have to pull dwn the chin to latch bb for the first few days..once bb get the hang of latching, she will auto open the mouth big big n start searching for the nipple liao.

serene: my girl does this grunting noises but two days ago, she's been making sounds like she has the sniffles. it has subsided since but my hubby is like paranoid and wants to bring her to see pd tomorrow.


I think is quite common? My boy also makes alot of noises and it was damn loud. Sometimes i thought he was cranky and going to cry. But when i check him out, i realise he was just stretching himself then get back to slp.

By the way just to check: for baby at 22days, do they still poo and pee alot of times everyday? Ever since my boy went on formula, he seems to be in constipation. Cannot shit!! Always gek till face red red. Now i finally switch him back to BM, wonder if he shld be peeing and pooing alot of times like the first 2 weeks??

my girl's diaper change qty has reduced by about 2-3 diapers. she's 26 days old. it's still a lot of pee and poo to me. hehe. she's on full BM but everytime she goes, her face reddens as well. it looks like she's having constipation but her stool is pasty so i'm guessing it's ok?

i'll be going to her pd to check on her "sniffles" - will ask about this and keep you posted k?

my CL came today. didnt expect her to be so "pro". she even pester me to record which breast latch how many minutes at what time on a notebook for her. and she wants to note down the poo, wet diapers, as more poo will make bb hungry faster,etc.

when i asked her to serve lunch and she saw i was nursing bb, she told me she wants to warm up the soup for me again after i finish nursing. told her, no need, coz 15 minutes, soup still warm ok for me. she is quite nice, she says no, she wants to make it hot again for me.

this is Day 1 , hopefully, she is this good for the remaining days...

Hi mommies~

Just went to mark & spencer stock up choco biscuits and eat NYDC! yum yum~ Heh!

Also did WAXING! the therapist so gentle slowly wax for me so very bearable..

Later go out buy some ham to make sandwich incase hungry..

Maternity leave starts tmr now just waiting for BB to pop. Tmr go pamper myself do nails again. My nails grow very fast.. thinking do it tmr or after gynae visit since now got time can slowly do.. BB also not engage..

My area also no shopping mall only west coast plaza.. nothing to shop, shop only make me more tired so dun like it. I prefer massage.. haha!

I think Gynae will only perform VE when you had experienced cramps. My baby is also engaged but no sign of dilation yet. I heard that induction will be painful also so I might consider C-sect. Of course, natural is still the best. We all need to walk more.

Pillow: sound so gd.. but ppl will be tired one... i think sooner or later no such service but as long as nv get worse can alrdy.

chelz -- i didnt eat ginger. i kia si.. haha... but now got forced by my mom to eat cause she say confinement must eat de.. so i eat a bit bit..

jolyn -- bm easier to digest so more poo, fm harder to digest..

jaundice -- im getting worried about my girl's jaundice. her hands and legs are ok. except her face.. i tink i will bring her to the PD tomorrow and see what he says..

