(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

phy: my boy is 6 days old today.yr's born on the 10 july too?

mine eating at 70-80 ml also le..i mix BM n FM to rest my breast..feel kinds sore to keep latching him n pumping..

if BM, 80ml will last him for 1.5hrs only..then FM 70ml will last him abt 3 hrs coz nt so easy to disgest.

i normally will alternate feeding 1 meal BM and next meal FM..

Morning mommies!

Rainy morning...weather so cool..hope this weather can keep up for another 1 mth or so :p


Wah still got engery to walk! Nowadays my legs start to scream in pain after abt an hr of walking, so cant really shop much.




yeap, yours and mine share the same birthdate!! How abt time? Haha he's born at 1618 hours.

Actually I don't want to express. Just wanna latch him on. Easier and fuss free. Now no choice lor. He's on partial now coz doc says fm helps to clear jaundice faster.

I hope he can be on TBF after this [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Me too, having the same prob. B4 discharge, baby got the hang of latching, then she kena jaundice so in hospital she was bottle fed FM coz my milk hasn't really kicked in yet. Now she's home, have to teach her to re-latch but she's so impatient. Sigh...so now I'll try to latch her, if fails then bottle feed her with EBM then top up with FM. Maybe I'll pay a visit to TMC Parentcraft soon. I really want her to latch on and suckle


Great job! Keep it up


Happened to me too. When I see that I'm getting 30ml from left breast, right breast only a few drops. It's ok- our breasts alternate. And in the hospital when I had blocked ducts, I extracted colostrum for 1 hr using syringe and when nurse told hubby to squirt a little into baby's mouth so that she get a taste and learn to latch, hubby squirted the whole thing. Sigh...


My baby is 1 day older than yours and just started increasing her feed to 70ml. When she has enuf, she'll stop drinking, so at least that way I know how much she's drinking

Btw, when you mommies are expressing BM, are your breasts full or soft? Mine seems to be soft most times and I can only express at most 20ml both breasts combined. The only time I got 30ml was after drinking anmum lacta and drinking warm water when expressing. what can I do to increase my milk supply? Am thinking of fenugreek but it may result in engorgement?

Wanna ask mommies who stayed in air con room, does your bb stay with you inside? So i am thinking of letting my bb stayed in non-air con room, but my room would have air con since we are not able to on the fan. But was thinking if i wanna latch bb, can i do it in my room or should i do it in bb's room? But it would be so hot for both of us if cannot on fan..but if do it in my own room where there is air con, i am afraid bb wont be able to take the "a while hot and a while cold" room temperature. How you mommies do it?

So envious of those mummies who haven't popped and are waiting at home....I'm still at work...decided to save up my Annual Leave and Maternity Leave for baby...so I'll work till the last day. Maybe i'll get MC from my gynae later.

sun tan,

I do it in my room with air cond on especially at nite. when in hospital baby oredi got used to air cond. Nurses wd remove swaddle wrap so that baby is awake when latching


I'm trying out fenugreek to enhance the BM amt... wanted to check with mums that are taking fenugreek - how many pill u took a day?


me too... still at work and most times v free


i use to take the maximum number i can take a day. the thing i cant stand abt fenugreek is the smell and smtimes, when u express ur milk, u will smell the herb in the milk...

i think this time round, will resort to drinking papaya & fish soup coupled with lotsa fluid and latching/express to increse my supply... no more fenugreek for me...

I let my bb to stay using fan in the day....at night in air-con room.... they shld be able to adapt... just remember in air-con room swaddle bb up in case bb catch a cold...


my bb sleep in no aircon room.

my room has aircon which i only use at night.

during the day, i just open the windows and fan.

The fan i aim at the wall, just for ventilation.

It doesnt blow directly at me.

phy: cool...mine is born on 0132hrs..just pass mid-night nt long..i will only latch him if he is half awake and half asleep mode..will latch him 20mins max each side then pump out the rest into bottle.

mine also on jaundice, but doc recommand mi to feed him more BF instead of FM coz BF easier to digest and will let him poo more too. i took papaya on wed n thur the milk i pump he drink liao poo alot xia..maybe he didn't poo for 1 whole day on tue. thur he poo like 4 times in a day and esp a super big pile for his dad during his shift..his dad is making a fuss tt his son is bullying him..lolz..n after papaya i notice bb also fart alot to release gas which i think is gd. the poo came out alot of yellow colour which doc say is the flush out of jaundice..

ica: i also drinking anmum lacta before my milk kick in. i drank 2 times a day. 1 morn n 1 nite. now milk kick in liao i only drink in the morn. i scared ltr too much milk produce n cause engorgement.

Don't give up k, take yr time on milk kicking in as it really differ frorm ppl - ppl. mine started off also 20 - 30ml both side combine. when it totally kick in, u will be like, woa lao..so heavy infront..sleep also like gt stone infront of u.

Now milk kick in liao. if mild soft, the amt can feed him 1 meal 80ml, if full can pump about 110 - 130ml..

sun-tan: i normally let bb sleep in the bb cradle bed in the living room which gt no air-con in the day, then at nite we will push him into our room which gt air-con. it's ok for bb to be in air-con de.

as for BFing in non-aircon rm, wat i do is i will still on the fan, but let it swing with the head high to circulate the air the room n make it cool. like tt both of use will be comfortable n i also won't get the 'wind'.

i tried to BF in a total non-aircon rm, ended up my tee shirt had to take out to use as towel for wiping my own sweat n i also had to unwrap bb as he is making a fuss abt the heat, torture for us.

keropi: I did that too... hahahaha...

my bb gal is drinking ard 60ml too... today is 8 days old...

my milk supply still quite ok for now... but bb will soon catch up with what i can provide.

Mummies who dont have much milk probably want try this soup recipe... help me increase my milk supply quite a lot...

using fish bones to get the soup stock, then add in the pork ribs & green papaya & peanuts to boil soup till peanut is soften... everything in the pot can eaten up but mummies do drink the soup... hee hopefully after 2-3 days of the soup, mummies have more milk supply.

hello mummies

last day of work for me today...starting my ML on Mon.

think tonite go bk home & can to work on my squats...cuz want BB to come out by this Sun, else next Sun le. hope it helps.

BTW, when do squats, it's squat until halfway or or the way down??


So after you feed bb, bb will go back to non-air con room?

Grace and Lasery,

Ic, ok, hopefully the weather for the next 1 month is like today..rainy and cool, so that wont need to on air con.. :p

Sun tan,

Like some mummies here, my boy is sleeping in non air con and brightly lit room during the day. I have the fan blowing at him. Night time I'll switch on air con, dim the lights (warm light)and set aur cib at 26degrees celcius and off at 6am. I find that BB sleep better with under constant temperature at night. I'll swaddle him with TMC swaddle blanket. Oh, to keep the air moist, I also use humidifier.

Ya, another reason for air con at night? Coz the mummy me likes to stay cool while Bfing at night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ica: Dont worry, just take the fenugreek to increase supply first.. worry about engorgement later as that is a 'healthier' problem than not enough supply right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I took 2 pills a day and had papaya with fish soup twice. I only pump when breasts are hard which signifies milk. Soft means your breasts are quite empty already (although it will never be fully empty).

mrslong: jiayou! your turn soon! When I did squats I did half squat, half squat, half squat, all the way down.. hold for 5 secs, then back up. But damn tiring to do when extremely pregnant so i only do few times then stop liao. Scared later i topple hahaa.

sun_tan: As much as I can.. baby is with me in the aircon room. My aircon is set at 25degrees. Doctor says its perfectly fine as long as not colder than 25. When I went for follow up check up with baby... baby had a few heat rash at the back of his neck. Doctor said the reason is because mommies like to wrap babies up like ba-zhang. He reminded us that when we gave birth to baby, they stay in aircon room for first few nights and even bathe inside aircon room too. So really its ok.. just not too cold.

My baby is in the aircon room at night, but during day time i do bring him out to sleep at the play pen so hes not under aircon 24 hours.


What my friends did with fenugreek is to pop 2 a day to boost supply. Once supply is up, drop to 1 pill then stop.

Oh, share with you guys this recipe for fish and papaya soup. Taste great!!! Got it from TMC.

Fish head and green papaya soup

Recipe serves three to four

200g Green(unripe) papaya

1 big pc of fish head, eg. Carp, snakehead, seabream, pomfret or kurau fillet

6 to 8 slices of 1 big pice of ginger(crushed)

Cooking method

1. Scale and clean fish

2. Add red dates and wolfberries to boil together.

3. simmer 3-4 bowls of water together with papaya and ginger for 4 hours or until ingredients are soft and soup is clear.

4. DO NOT stir soup (to avoid breaking the papaya into smaller pieces). Season according to taste.

Serving method

Remove papaya and fish bones. Pour into bowl and serve hot.

U guys should try. Really great taste and BM booster!

Jaclyn: my bb gal u wan to wrap her also headache... her hands especially... will be out the next... u try to re wrap her hands in the blanket, she got angry n start screaming... but if wrap her body from chest dwnwards, my bb is fine as long as her arms are not wrap up... even in the air con room... temp is at 25 degrees.

1st review my bb also had some heat rash on her back n butt... so no longer ba-zhang my bb unless weather like today... but still her arms are out ... but i off the fan since the is quite ok ...

Yup agree with Phy. The above recipe really BM booster. Try try..! When I stayed in TMC they gave this soup daily to us... tastes good too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xbeanniex: Haha same lor. I spend so much time a day just helping my boy put his mittens back on. It always drops out! I am trying to look for smaller sizes.. but cant seem to find. Even how I wrap.. middle of the night the hands surely come up to his face. Which im OK as long as have mittens cos his fingernails quite long liao..


Haha, your is noctunal tiger...mine is sleepy tiger! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Looks like our PDs think differently regarding BM or FM to flush out jaundice. But whatever it is, as long as it works!

Anyway, I was also very fearful tt BB may reject my milk after tasting FM and even develop teat confusion. So I requested (as what Serene Tan and LC said) him to be cup fed. Just now I went to deliver my EBM and also latch him on. Thank goodness he took to my nipple and BM still!

I went through that retraining phase too day 2 at home. Think when I fed my boy some FM at home using a syringe, he got used to opening his mouth and wait for milk to drip into it! So I had a whole day of trouble... Him opening his mouth wide with my nipple inside and waited, and waited and then WOAH!!!! started wailing at top of his lungs when milk just won't flow!!! Gosh, I gotta do a lot of tricks to entice him to close his mouth to suckle!


I got small mittens! Washed but unused... My sister got from mothercare form my #1 but his hands were too big. Then I tot #2 will be smaller so washed the mittens again. Then har, #2 also can't wear! U want them?

phy: this recipe is damn gd ... ! hahahaha i like the soup too... i'm having it on alternate days ... as milk supply is really gd i have to say ...

my Day 1 pumping: 5ml only

Day 2 : 10ml

Reach home also the same. then Day 2 at home after drinking Day 1's soup... I've got 30ml! hahaha... then 1st pump of the day usually will have 70ml above... eventually become 100ml for these 2 days...

Just want to share with you mommies.. I received this booklet "A parent's guide to You and your baby". Its from my pediatrician's clinic. I found it very useful especially to explain to the older folks on some "myths and misnomers".

Sneezing and Phlegm:

My baby sneezes very often. Is she having a flu? She also breathes heavily and makes lots of gurgling noises. How can I clear the phlegm?

- Sneezing is the way your baby blows her nose. It is a reflex reaction and will occur 10-20 times a day.

Mucus is produced in our nose all the time. This helps to trap the dust and dirt that we breathe in. In the adults, we blow our nose several times through the day to keep our nostrils clear. Your baby is too young to do this. She has to get rid of the mucus by frequent sneezing.

You need to bring your baby to the doctor only if his sneezing and noisy breathing is accompanied by frequent cough or fever.


I am worried that my baby is having very frequent hiccups. Am I over-feeding him? How can i stop the hiccups?

- All babies hiccup. Some babies are so good at it they literally shake the cot they lie in. Hiccups are due to pressure of a full stomach on the diaphragm, causing it to go into sudden spasms.

Hiccups are not due to indigestion, gas or other physical problems. The attacks do not bother the baby much. They upset the parents more than the baby.

There is no need to stop the hiccups straight away. They will stop by themselves in 5-10 minutes. It is not necessary to feed the baby water to stop hiccups. This may cause the baby to choke on the water. Hiccups will get much less by the age of 3-4 months.

Eye Discharge:

My baby has lots of yellowish eye discharge. My mother says he is "heaty". Is that true?

- No, he is not "heaty" and giving lots of water won't help. The cause is a blockage of the tear duct. Tears are produced and drained into the nose through a small channel under the skin called the tear duct. There is one duct for each eye. The dried-up tears form the yellow discharge. This is harmless and the discharge will not affect vision or damage the eye.

Usually, a blocked duct will clear itself in 2-3 weeks and the eye discharge will disappear. In a few babies, the duct may stay blocked for many months. No treatment is necessary unless the eye develops infection. You know it when the white of the eye becomes red and the eyelid is swollen.

Startle reflex:

My baby jumps at the slightest noise. Is she frightened? Grandma suggests that we give her herbal powder to counter the effects of fright. Is this necessary?

- When babies experience sudden loud noises, or changes of position, they will be startled and cry loudly. this reflex reaction is an unconscious attempt to regain balance, or to reach out to grasp onto their mother for comfort. The startle reaction will not harm your baby. it will not frighten the baby and make him sick or cause him to have nightmares. All you need to do is to cuddle him for a little while. There is no need to give medication.

The startle reflex is one of the primitive reflexes that all babies are born with. Other primitive reflexes include the grasp reflex and the rooting reflex. These reflexes will disappear by the age of 4-5 months. By then, your baby will not startle so easily.


Grandma said that milk formula is 'heaty' and advised me to give baby water in between milk feeds. But he refuses and if i force him, he will choke. What should I do?

- This is another common old wives' tale. The milk feed is 95% water. There are only a few spoons of milk powder added. The standard dilution for making up the milk feed is calculated to meet both the water and the calorie requirement of the baby. Extra water is not necessary. You may give the baby an ounce of water twice a day if the grandma insists but certainly not after every feed.

Mommies, theres more but the above are just some of the more common probs we face. Anyone else have their MILs/Moms/Grandmoms saying "aiyo baby cold, he sneezing.. faster cover him". Or trying to feed water to hiccuping baby??? After I share this with them... they don't do it anymore hehe!


Daytime baby's in non-air cond room or living room with fan on but not directly at her, at the wall so she gets air too. Just like what some mommies are doing. Only at nite, when about to sleep, about 9pm, I'll switch on the aircon in my room and feed her then put her to sleep in her cot which is in my room. Aircond 25-26'C is ok

Okie. Will try out fenugreek & papaya fish soup. Also Anmum but I find it has a fishy smell. Oh whatever to increase supply, I'm game. Thanks mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Asked PD, he says can combined both into 1 bottle to feed.


My girl also gives me and my mum problems when we try to swaddle her in the beginning. Later on we realized that we got to wrap her tight, then when we get it right and once done, she'll quiet down and go to sleep

phy: ya loh..mine at nite quite awake de leh... coz nite time is daddy shift to look after him..i take the day shift from 7am onwards til 12mid nite..sometimes gotta OT for daddy due to feeding time..

now everyday gotta drink 1 chicken ess to boost energy xia..

ica n beannie: yes yes..gotta swaddle bb until like little mummies then they will sleep more comfortable..at hospital both mi n hubby keep trying n fail..until discharge the nurse taught mi a more easy way to swaddle bb into a tight tight bb then hubby also pick up at home..

i use those olden days diaper cloth to swaddle bb coz those tt i got from shopping centers all like so thick loh..they ended up as bb blanket at nite.

Jasline: Try the green papaya with fish soup, it really helps.

Mummies: My baby having alot of rashes on his face. Whats that? I don't dare to apply anything for him coz he is still so young.

minmin - is it red rashes? My boy have it too...during his review....the PD say is heat rashes due to the weather... She did give me cream to apply on her....now better liao...

minmin, my PD said it's newborn rash, will go away after a few days, no need to apply anything. my bb looks like she got acne... so sad, but PD also said no need to apply anything.

how old is your bb now?

mittens -- the nurses fold at the band area of the mitten. and i do that at home. it helps. now my bb no need to fold liao.. jus one thumb size fold. dun fold the whole band ah.. jus a pinch can liao.. er.. if dun understand let me know.. i try take pic show u..

Fenugreek: Different brand of fenugreek has differet dosage in a capsule.. so follow the instructions on the bottle to take. Some take 6, some take 2, some take 4.. better to check first [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Serene: Wow good idea, i feel so dumb nvr think of it hehehe last time secondary school we make our skirt shorter/tigther also by folding the top loL! =)

Jaclyn, thanks for sharing! That is super useful! All these I see in my baby and have absolutely no idea why it happens until now. =)

Milk supply>>> Papaya and fish soup works! Pls try it if possible. Also take a lot of fluids, as much as possible.

Fenugreek>>> I take one pill a day.

Milk for mummies>>> I've tried a few brands, Anmum, Similac Mum and Mamil Mama. Favourite is Mamil Mama. Doesn't taste too milky like Anmum. I would mix Milo powder with the milk powder and it would taste fantastic! Mix the milk and Milo powder evenly before adding hot water otherwise they would just clump together.

Expressing milk>>> Even if your breasts are soft, continue to pump at regular intervals. This will send signals for your milk ducts to produce more milk. The milk supply will always start off low, and gradually increase if you are diligent at pumping. While pumping, massage your breasts and do compression on areas that hurt as it would signify blocked ducts. Before pumping, massage your nipples followed by aerolas then breasts.


I would like to check whenever your bb stretch (shen1 lan3 yao1), does he / she cry? For my bb, whenever he does that, his face will be so red and sometimes, he will make so much noise, or even cry, as if straightening his veins and it is very painful. Is this normal?

Mine also!! I so worry.. Than my confinement lady said is normal for baby... So we will normally carry him n pat pat him.. Than he will stop liao... Everytime he drink milk he will like tat too.. Than in the end vomit some milk out...

Haiz.. So heartpain to see u...


mine does the same thing. her grunts can be so loud we will wake up in shock at night. it's a phase though, dont worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mine too! He likes to stretch himself during BF and gummed my nipple when he does that! Ouch! Then his face will be all red.

Here is my birth story:

6am - woke up to find some pain, decide to go back to sleep since it not very painful

7am - went toilet to find fresh blood discharge, also to start feeling pain like contraction.

get wash up, decide to bring my gal to cc, also to inform my bosses that i'm bring forward my ML.

10.30am - reach KKH, decide to walk around before heading DS, since i feel the pain getting less. wonder to go ahead to DS, but hb said since we are here, just went in to check.

from 12 to 1.30pm - strapped on CTG, no contraction at all. Doc do a VE check, 3cm dilate, but bb not engage here, so if induce it might not be totally natural cos bb not engage yet. so decide to go home n wait.

5pm - woke up find myself having contraction feeling.

time - contraction hit every 5mins

get hb to go CC to fetch gal back home. while he is away, contraction is getting more painfully.

6 plus, hb is back. ask whether i'm ok, he wondering whether to go for work, since he on night shift that day.

finally at 7pm, decided to go to KKH, since it getting more pain and contraction is coming in every 4 mins. get myself to bath, and sat down for dinner, while having dinner, contraction hit every 3 mins, ask hb to faster.

7.45pm - reach KKH, hb dropped me at A&E, so the nurse came n ask how long the contraction hit, my hb ans her every 2 to 3 SEC... I was like huh... so i told the nurse is every 2 to 3 mins.

reached delievery suite, when ask want to have pain relief, i nodded my head. the nurse get me sign a form, then i was push into the ward.

8.15 - VE check n was 5cm dilate. since i was under subsidy, it was midwife. so she said no need edpidural, can give birth one. who don know can give birth, but i was so much in pain, i got no strenght to answer back. then came a doc, this time round was so lucky to have a doc around, so this doc from the beginning drawing blood till stitching me up is the same person.

anyway back to my story

anyway this male doc ask whether i was want edpidural, i can't really ans him, then when he see my face, he still can't ask, pain, contraction hit, but the machince show ur contraction not so closed. wow lau... i'm the one givinbg birth, i don know when the pain hit me meh... u think i still got time to buff u ...

another doc came in, so she asked whether i want pain relief, this was the forth time we answering the q. hb ans yes she want, so this lady doc say since she want, after we burst the water bag, will get the person to come, but when she check, i was 8cm dilate, so no need to get the person come. not long after she burst the water bag, I started to have the pushing feeling. so the midwife said can push now, push, like shitting. finally don know how many push, Eldridge was out at 2115.

although the process never seem long, but it seem so long when having the contraction hit.

sorry for the loong boring story.

actually, can see alot of bbs does tt lah..mine also..he will stretch until face red red...n do alot of poses..super farnie n cute..

jasline: if will vomit milk, might be eat too fast or too much wor...

btw, don't always carry bb once they make noise or cry..unless they really cry until need attention then really attend to them..

if it becomes a habit of once they make noise = attention given, u will end up having a hard time looking after the child.

grunting or making noise by bb during sleep is like we dreams talk like tt loh..don't worri too much..


how high is the jaundice? my bb had a measure of 10 on the day of discharge, but i insisted to bring him bk...so i can BF him to clear it off.

but really must monitor bb very closely at home loh for signs or fatigue of bb.

every morn i will sun him for 10mins then after tt BF him wheneva i can, coz first few days milk supply haven kick in yet. have or don't have milk i also latch him on. on the 4th day after discharged, bb jaundice drop to normal level liao. only left the eyes around yellow only..

today totally cleared off the face...but bb nw quite tan due to sun-taning 10mins daily..hahaha

