(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


ya lor. anyway my ML starts next monday and i might induce on monday since it's my hubby's birthday and my boy is almost 40weeks... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if he does not want to come out this week


i had painful engorgement on my right breast the day before so i asked my hubby to massage for me the way my ML did. My hubby did a gd job and got rid of the lumps and pain but since then, my right breast could not pump any milk out. i can only depend on left breast to latch but it is so cracked and sore i had to express. But i can only pump 50ml max every 2hr and nt enough for bb.. She cries and cries and is drinking more. As a result i gave in to her first bottle of FM today. I feel like i failed.. I wanted to give her 100% BM but i cant do it..

How much water and when should we give water after a FM feed?

Nxt, my mum really changed all my routine. She said bottles and pumps need nt be sterilized after every use. So she only helped to wash and soak in boiling water after every use.. then, told her to use one sterile cotton ball for each wipe of bb's eye yet she uses the same cotton again and again saying is clean. She also started to pop pacifier in my gal's mouth which i dun think is necessary!

then my mum said, the bottle teats i'm giving bb are too small and she has a hard time sucking cos there's always a loud sucking sound when bb drinks. Is it normal? I'm using avent bottles and the newborn teats. to me, besides the sound bb has no probs drinking. But my mum went to buy pigeon teats and expect me to change! I told her that her teats dun go with my bottles and she said wide neck btls not gd, expect me to change my bottles for the sake of her teats!

Really dun like it when she likes to compare her way of handling baby in the past with me.. Everything she do, if i fuss or nag, she will say, last time we also nv do so many step and u all also grow up well and healthy, bla bla..

i complain to her of headache or whatever, sometimes expecting her to understand and listen yet she always say "last time i also." i am so frustrated..

When i am sleeping with bb my parents keep coming in and out of the room, like 5 to 6 times. Once i locked the door for a gd slp and they kept knocking but i ignore... I really feel like packing all i can and find a hotel to stay with baby! ever since i got discharged i nv had a day without crying! And today is my birthday... Whenever i tried to tell bb and sing to her my bday song i cant finish it cos i will end up in tears..

Happy birthday sweetkiss. sorry to hear you're going through a hard time. don't feel like a failure because you had to give your bb FM. i was the same, felt so down that i wasn't producing enough BM for my bb. but you know what? i told myself i've tried my best.

like what pillow said, drink lots of fluids. hopefully our supply will increase. i'm also drinking mamil mama, pig trotter with black bean soup, fenugreek. anything that can increase my BM i will try.

i guess it can be quite tricky when our ways are different with our elders. hopefully you ca resolve your problems with your mom.

don't cry... somehow things have a way of working out.

Hi mummies..

So envy mummies that are able to bath and wash hair during confinement period!!! I can only bath this Thurs onwards as my mum say must wait till 12 days!! but cant wash hair after full mth!! GOSH., my hair is so itchy now!!!!

Last few days ago, i quarreled with my mum who is doing the confinement for me at my house.. can i ask if you gals also eating or drinking those rice wine contained soup and dishes? In the first week, she cooked 2 meals with fish soup with 2 full soup spoon of rice wine for me.. then at night she would double boiled pork rib with almost one bowl of rice wine and let me drink before i sleep.. i only drink it for 2 days.. then i realised my nose got some blood stain!!! then i told her to stop double boiled the soup for the moment.. then she insist to cook for me but reduce the wine quantity!! i insist NO.. cos out of sudden, i realised too much alcohol would harm my boy too since i bf!! after i explained to her. she still insist and say last time my SIL and sisters drink alot too, if not i would suffer after my full month!!!!! i damn pissed.. and try to explain to her that not that i dont take at all, but reduce the timing and quantity.. dont know why, suddenly i lost control and shouted at her!!!!!!!! guess my boy can sense mummy is not happy.. as i heard my boy crying from the room.. i rush into the room and cradle my boy.. my tears just drop from my eyes when i see my boy.. i cry and cry till both eyes are swallon that day... till my hb is back.. i told him what happen.. then he insist me dont drink those alcohol thingy at all.. a it might be harmful.. but we did ask my PD before, he was saying can even drink wine.. but must take after bf.. so i din really think so much when i first drink.. sigh..

think both hb and me are suffering too.. we are not used to stay with my mum... think diff lifestyle.. im a msian.. been staying alone in spore for more than 10 yrs.. really cant blend into my mum lifestyle and i think she is too!!

luckily ytd my sis came to visit me.. then i complain to her.. she helped me talk to my mum.. and surprisingly she is able to convince her to go back to msia!!!!! omg.. tat's really a GOOD news to me... so now.. my mum would stay one more week then we would get my MIL to help me another 2 weeks!! wow.. i cant wait... once she is back i can freely bath and wash my hair!!!!! Hooray!!!!!

btw.. do u mummies also wear long sleeves and long pants to sleep at night??? i only wear a 3 qtr night gown to sleep at night then my mum keep complaining.. and saying after i start to bath. i must wear long sleeves and pants to sleep at night!! my sis even ask me to wear socks!! omg.. i cant stand it.. i now on my aircon at 26 degree at night.. already sweat like hell when i bf..

gosh.. this one whole mth is really the tougher months i have been going thru in my life.. im really counting down to the full mth.. GIVE ME BACK MY FREEDOM!!

Serene, thanks for your advice. Are you on TBF? Do you express out your BM or you will let your baby latch everytime? Is it tiring, especially at night?

By the way, my baby may be at his growth spurt stage these 2 days as he got hungry very easily and refused to sleep. He will cry and cry till we give him milk. So i seriously doesn't know if i should continue to let him latch and latch till he is satisfied. Is that the right way?

Red BB, in regards to long sleeves and pants, i will think it is necessary if you are sleeping in air-con room. My MIL asked me to do the same thing too. I must also wear socks to sleep to protect my feet. I think it is for our own good. But as i reach the middle of the confinement stage, my body gets more heaty and i tried not to wear long sleeves. But i will wear something with sleeve at least to protect my shoulder.

Afterall, i am sure your mum is doing this for your own good. So no harm to listen to what she says as long as it sounds reasonable.

Sweetkiss, happy birthday! Try not to let things affect you though it's hard. There are days when I just cry and I realize that when I'm down I don't yield as much BM. Let's all be strong mummies for the sake of our babies! Try using a hot compress or towel or hot shower if you are allowed to bath. Then massage your nipple followed by aerola then breast. Hopefully it'll kickstart your right breast into starting production already. Yes fluids are very impt so take as much as possible. Even water helps.

Red BB, I wear long pants and tshirt and wear bedroom slippers. Just try to ren a bit more and you'll get your freedom soon!

JP: My HB & I also tot of inducing my boy this Sun, 2 days shy of EDD (same as you)...but me not dilated yet, BB's not in engaged position yet, so also abit worried & "fan" abt this cuz I really dun want BB to be overdue.

Wah.. u all getting impatient? Wanna induce BB? I planning to continue wait cause thinking BB might be leo horoscope same as me!

If by 28 not out then consider induce..

heheeh, i dont mean to be a spoiler.

but i am just so happy today.

went for a massage and facial and i had PIZZA!!

Mummies, jiayou, you will be free soon...


happy birthday! my mum also lagi best.

i had those herbal soup, and i gulped it down cos it really tastes yucks. then my mum say, gulp down no vitamin, must drink spoon by spoon.

i nearly ask her to go fly kite.

as long as in the stomach, it works..

siao one.

i also cant understand my mum sometimes... haiz..


do what u think is comfy for u n ur hubby. actually, bb overdue is okie de... jus that if u dun wanna carry him anymore, then induce him. for ur case, u may hv a long labour. jus b prepared as u r not dilated yet...

bloody discharge

i din get this for my first and am hvg it for a few days for my 2nd... also, my lower abs are really painful.. v hard for me to walk... wonder if i am gng to labour soon...

dear mummies, can't help but able to relate to all the baby blues when i had my #1. this is not a brag post but to share my experience. i pretty much went thru similar things, bouts of non-stop crying, lack of bm, cracked nipples (BLEEDING), engorgement and basically managing bf, bb, inlaws, confinement left me and my husband totally exhausted, stressed and lots of tension in the house. countless times i have just cried myself to sleep. i was in misery and i only have these sad memories to keep now.

now round 2, i was very determined to do things totally different. treasure the times with my hb since he is on leave. produce whatever bm i have, practice latch, i just tell the CL if no EBM, she just give FM. i rest well, drink well and eat well. bathe myself everyday, keep myself clean and fresh. CHANGE to my daily clothes instead of PJs and basically just relish the moments every step WITH my hubby as we know its probably our last time going thru this newborn experience. he also knew we did all the things the wrong way first time round (so keyed up and stressed) , so second time, its time to just chill and enjoy parenthood.

loosen up, not stress over lack of bm, just rest well, joke, smile, be light hearted. am sure we can beat the postnatal blues! jia you

maybe mind over matters as well. when you keep your spirits high, you don't feel pain or stress. today only day 5, but i am already walking up and down the house (with stairs everywhere) with little/no pain on my c-section wound. but of coz taking my painkillers once a day faithfully , which i think i can just go off it tomorrow.

and when one is happy, relaxed, BM pdn will also just follow. without pushing it, my bb is total bf now (no chance for FM even although i have a lot of sample bottle from hosp) which i never thot i could accomplish (too traumatised by #1 experience)


same for me, will adopt this idea too... just that i hv #1 to worry cos she's displaying signs of terrible 2s and v hard to contain.

Jelly: think bloody discharge is going to labour soon.. but i think best is see doc cuz i think i heard before some bloodly discharge is not labour soon but doc will induce ur BB out cuz scared the discharge affect BB.

As this is my first BB... any adnormal thing i will go hospital.. cuz i scared.

Worse is my BB very very not active in the day then i cannot count the ten movement lor.. up till now i think BB only moved twice. But at night move like nobody business.. lucky i slp like pig. My hubby on off got touch my tummy got feel BB kick. I very very scared lor but tmr check up so gonna tell my doc i am unable to keep track of BB movement..


Happy bday! And pls dun cry. Stress will also disrupt supply. Yesterday I also cried when I read some websites saying if pump and only get 1 oz or less, means no letdown [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Coz when pregnant I never thot breastfeeding is so difficult and that milk supply is not auto. Then I told myself if not enuf BM just give FM. Better than let baby goes hungry. We were brought up on FM too and we're doing ok, right?

Red baby,

I dun wear long pants or long sleeves. My mom's ok as long as the pants cover my knees and my shirt/ top sleeves cover my elbows. But sometimes so hot I roll up the sleeves, she's also ok. I only wore socks to bed the 1st nite I was home. After that I didn't as I found that too hot. Now I just make sure my blanket covers my feet and wear slippers around the house. My mum nags that i move too much and take too long to bathe, especially if I'm washing my hair- I wash it every other day


I receive the abbot diaper bag too. It was surprising that they delivered on Sunday. Thot they'd post [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I tried the similac milk - wah! so sweet! Think I'll stick to Anmum

dress code ? i am wearing a beach sundress type at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] haha

makes me feel good that i look good and refreshed. so when bb wants ot latch, i just pull down the dress.

Ica: Oh mine arrived today & send wrongly lor.. then say their record address is another i say i key i nv key another dunno how they got that address.. anyway i called them & the operator ask me call another number -.- say she not in-charge say she is just an operator.

Damn angry i say all under abbot right? ask her take down inform or ask the person call me she insist dun wan. Then i say "nevermind, u all continue send wrong ppl not my business". She scared then take down my number and inform the dept call me. Si bei lame. bad service! "I am just an operator" then next time dun put the number on the invoice saying is a customercare number -.-

The lady who follow up on the address say similac this sample is for pregnant & breast feeding moms. Say very nutrious one.. Ask me must try! lol... now u feedback say sweet.. haha~ jia lat! i lost confidence with similac/abbot alrdy.

I prefer annum cuz at least they got choco flavour milk! But actually all these milk dunno which is the best.

Hi redbb,

I think wat your mum did for u is for ur own good. She is just trying her best to take good care of u cos she believes that this one month of confinment is crucial for mummies who have just gave birth.. our mummies may be demanding or unreasonable at times but come to think of it, their every advice or things they do for us are of goodwill.

Did u hurt her feelings when u ask ur Sis to ask her to leave?

ceres>> After 23 Jul, will be Leo already. At 1st my HB & I were hoping BB will come out yest (my HB's BD) cuz then all of us wld be Cancerian, but BB not ready yet I guess. hehee. When is your EDD?

JP>> I think maybe after this Thurs' gynae visit then we decide, if to induce on Sun or wait till overdue a few days then induce. Cuz either way gonne be difficult for me..cuz not dilated yet, so scared may end up e-Csect.

Sweetkiss: Happy Birthday. Don't be so upset. Cheer up. Addressing your enquiries, you dun need too give BB water after FM.. cos FM has water le. For me, I only give him water when he hiccup.. let him drink till hiccup no more then I will remove the bottle from him. PD did comment before that I can give a little bit of water if I wan to due to hiccup.

I am using Avent bottles and Pigeon bottles. When my BB drink from Avent bottle, he does make the sucking sound one. But it's ok. For me, I prefer Pigeon bottle cos easy to feed. I dun think u need to change bottles just becos your mum say so. And both my bottles are wide bottle neck one.. I think it's good.

You had not failed your baby. Just becos u can't give your baby 100% BM, doesn't mean u are not a good mother. A good mother will give the best she could to her baby.. which means whatever is within her power. You only failed if you dun give your baby FM and insist on 100% BM when u know u dun have enough and BB is still hungry.

So cheer up.. You are 100% a good mother.

Happy birthday sweetkiss! Dun be upset... U are not the only one with BM supply problem.. I'm having this problem too...my ML/CL & friends advice me to rest/eat/drink more.. slowly the supply will kick in... I can only pump 50ml each time though not enough for my BB... but still better than nothing.. as long as we try our best can liao...

For those who wanna increase their BM maybe u wanna to try this method which my friend had just told me... I'm going to try it tonite.. She manage to pump up to 1 litre when her boy is 3mth olds.. As she fully expressed out the milk...she pump for ard 45 mins every 3hrs..

Firstly - use hot towel to apply on the engorged breast... then pump for about 20mins (when u dun see milk flowing out) then stop... apply hot towel again... use your hand to pump out instead.. when u see the flow again...use the pump again... till really empty...

Think this shld help....cause BM is on demand & supply theory... after talking to her... i realised I didn't spend enough time to pump that's why till now the supply still so low....will jia you jia you jia you... I'm not going to give up... If others can do it....I'm sure I can do it too!!

Junie: Mine EDD is 28 Jul. Me is leo but Aug bdae. I dun BB same mth Bdae as me.. scared later i dun recieve any gift or ppl go celebrate my bdae with BB which me & my dad alrdy celebrate tgt! (his bdae same as me but me english date his is chinese date)

Me & HB hope BB will be leo..

From 23Jul onwards is leo but we talk to BB alrdy. Tell him which date how long more see which horoscope he prefers. Lol.

pillow & jellypurin: I think we're the same kind hehe. I have been bathing since the day I came back home, wearing normal pyjamas at home and getting scolded by my MIL everyday for not wearing bedroom slippers (I always forget).

Whatever the case.. as long as I am happy, I will close one ear to all the extra advices that ppl always seem to think you need to hear. My stitches below have healed and my lochia is very little already. Btw I eat alot of black fungus which they say is good to get rid of the bad blood (I like it so i eat heehehhe)! =D

Mommies, please dont get yourself into depression. One ear in.. one ear out!

Jo_lyn & Ceres: Today I sneaked out to watch Inception too. Same as Jolyn... just keep thinking of my son only!

Sweetkiss: If you still having troubles, i really really highly suggest you go to TMC parentcraft centre and see the lactation consultants there. You will need to pay abit but they will cure your breastfeeding problems. I had bad engorgement when I came home and cracked nipples as well due to wrong latching.. they help me to massage away the engorgement plus teach how to latch. Even teach my hubby how to cup feed baby in the event I can't latch and can only pump milk out. From that day onwards, I have been latching very successfully and breasts also much softer instead of hard as rock like last time. Gogogo and make an appt with them!

Jaundice: Baby had 14.3 lvl of jaundice last I checked. Pediatrician said dont need to go back until full month... just monitor him. If he gets more yellow than go back to see him. Everyday need to sun.... however nowadays like so little sun. I also dont know how to "monitor" his yellowness since he is quite flushed. I am going to bring him to the polyclinic tomorrow to check on his jaundice lvl again... kiasu abit. I heard polyclinic newborn can cut queue...and only costs $10 inclusive of doctor consultation.

Kat -- jus went PD there today to check [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PD Check Up

PD tell me total bfing babies will sometimes take up to 2 mths for bb to recover fully from jaundice de. he say celeste still got a little bit. i asked him what shud i take note of.. he say, if theres blood in stools, drop in milk intake, bb cannot latch.. those are signs and must send bb to hospital.

PD also ask me to stop all dairy products cause celeste is have a "windy" stomach and dairy is commonly the biggest reason for it.

Heat rash on face - PD say it will come and go. nothing to worry about.

Weight - bb is 3.4kg as of 22 days. PD say a bit below..she shud be about 4kg now. but its ok, cause diff child pick up their weight at different time. as long as bb is eating well, its alright.

Sensitive Nose - PD heard her breathing and tell me she got block nose. then he asked if got family history of sensitive nose.. and hubby have! but he also never comment anything.. i asked issit because shes a csect bb, thats why machiam a lot of things develop slower like tat.. he say its not that. so im quite relieved.

Pink -- sometimes when my let down is fast, bb will not latch and suckle. so i will hand express some and let her continue. and yes, please feed whenever ur bb demands. it will last for a few days.. if u are lucky, 1 day it will be over.

i only pump out and store 3 feed supplies jus in case i need to be away and cannot feed baby. that is for standby and up till now, i havent used it yet. i will also pump when im full and keep having fast letdown. after i pump, the flow will regulate and bb will be more comfy.

look for the timings of bb's cries. it might be due to colic. if its always the same time, the same duration.. then its colic.. try giving bb gripe water.

SK -- dun upset. our hormones are changing... hear no evil can liao. will they always be with u or jus for the confinement period?

sometimes, let go a bit... it might not be the best method but if bb is coping and still doing ok, jus take a deep breath and let is pass.

as for FM.. dun worry.. u give what u can to bb.. half half also can.. or when ur supply is back, bf bb again. its not the end!

giving 100% bm is what WE want. but going for FM due to supply issues is what BB needs. we cannot because of our "goals" and "targets" and neglect bb's welfare.

i would give u a thumbs up for giving bb FM for the right reason. u are very wei da u know?

hi mummies

i have just popped [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] labor was under 2 hrs. super duper quick even i was surprised .. now nursing wounds & cranking up BF machine, again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies, today is my due date already but I have no signs of popping! Haiz...have been on ML since last Mon.

Shall I do more squatting? Hehe

Sweetkiss: Happy belated birthday! Don't cry don't cry *hugz.. you did not fail sweetkiss, in fact you are a great mum! Gambateh!

wah now 120am already.. ok yesterday i didn't log in at all cuz i spent so much time outside doing "walking"! woke up at 8am, went back to sleep after breakfast and slept till 1pm, then i went Ikea shopping (lots of walking there till i got lower abdominal pain), then went vivo for dinner and shopping (eh ceres just realized u were there too! maybe later will bump into you at TPS KKH too, my appointment is 920am), had super nice dessert.. super enjoy my day.. wish everyday can be like that.. but then.. no much time left! However i am sure baby will bring lots of fun to the family too, not forgetting all the hardship which comes together as a package, but.. just try my best la!

Tek Koh: Congrates! u are so blessed!! 2 hours!

mummies whom useing Mdm ida can i check how long she massage and how much? a friend of mine just preg wants to prebook her for post natal but not sure charges. tks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks serene, shann yheng[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

trying to BF now .. sign in later to update :p


Hugs!!! Don't despair...it doesn't mean when our little ones drink some FM means u fail at TBF... Anyway, we should consider bb's health and welfare first...so it is perfectly alright if u let BB drink FM. I let Rayden drink FM at the hospital when he was warded for jaundice coz my priority is for him to recover first. Of coz I had my fears of him rejecting BM thereafter but I was determined to retrain him... so now he's back to TBF... can be done de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U must stay +ve and upbeat and take things easy...

Congras Rachel!!! Cuddle and kiss ur bb more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shann, ur turn SOON!!! soon!! haha

can i check with those mummies using FM , do u all follow the number of scope for the FM state on the tin ? cos i notice , 3oz , need 3 scope , isn't it too thick ? can i just put like 2.5 scope ?


I agree with what u said. Like u, I am also very determined to do things differently this round. So, I take things very easy de. I let anyone who wants carry BB carry, want see me BF? See lor, anyway, I only mind my MIL looking but she already knows my pattern so she doesn't really look this round.

Also, I wash hair every other day. Bathe? Daily affair! Some days I even bathe twice. Would use the prepacked herbal bath mixed with hot water from the tap and bathe till I like.

Only thing I didn't do is to drink water. Hmm, I wanna see if by not drinking water, my tummy would go down faster or not... so I stick to red dates drink (drink plently), milo and holick. So far so good. I still have milk for my boy.

Anyway, just sharing coz I had bad post natal for close to a year. Even tot of running away.

Thanks again mummies.. and for your birthday wishes.. feeling better now. knowing is my birthday, we ordered KFC and my hubby bought me a cake and a nipple shield which he said is my birthday present.. haa.. but dun dare to use it yet cos the nipple part seem very hard, must be difficult for baby to suck..

but happy that my ML came to help with my breast again and now i am starting to pump some milk. she even did it FOC cos my sessions with her ended. Mdm suria is a really very, very nice lady.

i know very bad but hubby will bring me out on sunday and we will sneak out to nearby shopping mall. when he eats, he will let me have 1-2 sips of his soft drink. i dun care already...

Red BB: I wear pyjamas whole day, but short sleeved tops and long pants with socks. sometimes i weaar knee length pants. i also stay in my room whole day with 26-28 deg aircon cos baby also sleep with me.

Jaclyn: i did consider going to tmc too but currently my nipples are really injured, can i still see them? thought of waiting till they heal before i go see them.

Serene: Thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] all mummies are wei da!!

By the way, anyone has this prob too? my baby REFUSE to sleep at nite! last nite had spent a gd 6 hrs getting her to sleep from 11-5am. she'll doze off in our arms but when we put her down on bed, she will cry... and everytime she cries it seems like she wants milk.. but she is still not satisfied after feeding! in the end her tummy so big and round.. so scared will overfeed her too.

if i carry her, she starts rooting for my breast even though she had just fed. i didnt latch her on due to my injured nipples, but i gave in at 5am and bear with the pain and let her suckle till she feel asleep. i scared she is addicted to my breast that no matter how full she is, she needs to suckle for comfort so she can sleep... i'm worried will be diff for her if i am not around next time..

sillyhp: i want to adopt your attitude..! do u boil the herbs before bathing? actually i bathe with the herbs but will rinse myself again with heater water after that. i even bathe a second round at nite before i sleep. i think most ppl are against bathing for the sake of our future health but i see my mum, who follows all the strict confinement rules during her time, also end up with frequent headaches and body aches.. so i heck care..

Today I shall share my birth story....haha, more of getting it recorded and achive it for my boy.

9 July 3.15pm ~ Put on CTG. Everything fine. Then Gynae checked me. Hmm, found that I had dilated!!! Yippee!! She asked if I would still want to insert the pill to speed things up or wait till the following morning to get admitted. Chose the latter coz I would want sleep on my own bed that night.

10 July

7.30am ~ Arrived at delivery ward #7. Started to get nervous!! Oh, how familiar the set up in the room looked to me then!! Haha, excited yet soo...soo...surreal..

9.00am ~ anaesthetist arrived... oh dear, I started to panic! He tried to calm me down by talking abt his dog. Then he inserted the needle. To cheer me up, he did something to make my right leg jerk involuntarily. Must have poke some nerves at my spine to do that. I was quite tickled and relaxed by then. Everything went on as routine. Then I was put on drip.

9.20am ~ gyane came to break water bag. Tada, after that I just had to wait for things to happen.

Had very bad gastric pain and puked. Asked for antacid. In fact throughout the process, I puked because I could not keep water or food in my stomach. Dunno why but sure puke out.

By 1 pm, think I was dilated to 5 cm already, contractions getting closer.

In between I watched TV programmes, napped, surf net, took pictures of the room while lying down. Even recorded a speech for my boy.

2.30pm ~ nurse asked me to start pushing. Didn't quite succeed coz of gastric pain. Antacid again.

3.00pm ~ changed nurse. I like this one. Very encouraging and cheerful. Asked me to start pushing. I pushed then asked her if I was pushing correctly. Answer was Yes! So, I did 5 more sets of pushes and then, she told me I gotta wait for my gynae to run over. I thought my #2 would be born at the same time as my #1, 3.15pm. But... gyane came and then told me she gotta do an emergency case at the operating theatre. Asked me to wait 45 minutes... Meanwhile, I could feel the contractions (epidural dosage reduced for me to feel) at lower abdomen..like bad menstral cramps. Kept asking nurse to check if gynae could come quickly coz the pain was quite unbearable (imagine if I had no epidural at all!)

Finally she rushed back to me at 4.10pm. Quickly put on her gown and gloves. Sat down and asked me to push. 1616 hours, gynae asked me to push hard. Third push I scream! haha, coz of gastric pain I think. Then took 1 minutes break. 2 more pushes, baby Rayden came out at 1618h. Nice number. Got hubby to film down the birth process. (no gross type)

Happy that I did not have to resort to using vacuum cup this round. Chatted with gynae abt Rayden's weight. Told her he should be 3kg coz I could push him out! She said no, he would be heavier!

Ya, he turned out to be 3.67kg, 52cm long and head circumference 35cm. Heavier, taller than his big brother but head circumference 1cm smaller than his big brother's.

My 7 hour labour as compared to the previous 18 hour one seems so easy and smooth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


That's right! Relax relax and happy happy sure milk will come back de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeap, my MIL will boil the herbal pack then put into tub with hot/warm water from tap. I would first wash myself with the water. Final round I sure rinse with water from the tap [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey, my boy also kept me awake previous night. From 11pm to 4.30am. I had to surrender and go another room to wake my hubby up for help! So what I did yesterday was to keep him awake for short periods in the day. Evening time he seemed to tank up more and drank alot. I fed him from 630pm to 7.30pm. Washed him up then let him sleep. waited till 11pm then I gave him a dream feed. Wanted to see how long it would last him. He got up at 4am for a feed and then slept till 8.30am.

sweetkiss, go drink that papaya soup daily. It really boost bm supply. I posted the recipe I took from TMC some days back.

k, gotta run. must pump now.


hi everyone,

Baby Nathan was born on 19 July at 0831H by natural delivery with epidural & assisted with vacuum cup. He came out much earlier than EDD and the delivery was quite fast considering I admitted at 3am and he's out in 5.5 hours.

Rachel, Nathan has the same birthday as Skyler but Nathan is much much lighter at 2.94kg! Congrats to you too!

