(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Jaclyn -- i also learn from the missy de.. haha.. remember dun fold the whole thing, jus a small part will do..

ya, my bb stretch, her whole face turn SUPER red.. haha..



yesterday 253, overshot of 3.

today 271 overshot 11. standard is 260. doc did tell us, it normal for jaundice to shot up on the forth n fifth day.

well, to my hb, is gd to let him stay there, at least he is drinking well there, when at home, he didn't want to drink, specially when i try to bottle feed him, best part is, when i latch him on, he suck, the problem is i don know how much is he drinking, plus my nipple sore n was seem big for his mouth, so when he suck, i feel pain. maybe i latch him wrongly.

I just went to see my gynae. She was in such a hurry! Had to rush down to the delivery suite to see a pt, so I ended up not having more than 5 sentences with her. Baby's eyes are looking up, which she says is not so good. She estimated that bb's wt is 2.9kg at 38 weeks. So rushed...I didn't have any opportunity to ask any questions!

I wonder how much more weight can bb put on in the last 2 weeks?

Wee... finally cleared my work. Monday officially on ML! Gonna rest abit until BB come out. Due on 28 Jul 2010 so approx rest for abt 1wk+.

keropi -- so far so good, i dun usually pump unless i have a fast letdown or engorgement. but i can feel that my breast is fuller. i eat to support bb growth spurt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] actually in terms of bfing, i try not to pump and see how much i can pump, if not i will stress myself and pumping is not a gauge to how much u can actually produce. i jus let nature take its course, i let bb latch as long as i can and trying to keep her awake when latching. she also learnt to let go when shes done. catch her cues when she needs more. then naturally u will be supplying whatever she needs. i think like tat i less stress.. lol..

i take supplements to make sure my body can support her needs.. more milk better than less.. so no harm taking.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sun tan baby

ask u all hor.. do u feel that ur bbs are darker after sunning for jaundice? my bb girl very dark now lei.. i very heart pain.. will she become fair again??

hello mummies.. i am so tired!

my bb sleeps throughout the day stays awake during the nite. then she will make a big fuss even though i fed her, changed her nappy and stuff. is this normal? can i ask if u all stick to a schedule when feeding bb or feed on demand?

i was advised to latch bb at 10 mins on each breast every 2 hr, if bb sleeping then i have to express due to my bad engorgement. but i would like to stick to a shedule so i dun wake up to latch her with painful breasts. i suspect it's painful for me when i latch because of my engorgement and my nipples are flatted out..

do u all wake bb up to feed? i tried to do so but she refuses to latch on when she's sleeping. how.. my engorged breasts are killing me!

Sweetkiss -- slowly slowly.. u can intro a routine.. like.. day time, wake her up every 2 hours to feed. night time then on demand. it takes time for a routine to establish.

try to pump to relieve ur engorgement for the time being.

r u swaddling bb? try to unswaddle to wake bb up also..

dunno if the charcoal colour will fade off or not..

oh! ur bb having jaundice too? jaundice bb tend to be more sleepy.. dun worry abt that

Regarding suntanning, all the Drs whom I have met does not encourage suntanning! They said suntanning actually cause dehydration of the body which in fact makes the jaundice worst. One Dr even shared that she has seen a "chao tar" baby coz of suntanning.

I once thought sun tanning is old waives tales... until my gal's PD suggest sun bathing for mild jaundice. he even suggests twice daily for 8am and 5pm sun...

Keropi & Babycoco: It looks like acne. My boy is already 16 days old today. When will the rash go away? I am worried it might get worse.

Sweet kiss,

babies can't tell day n night yet. U can start training ur bb. Day time let bb nap in brightly lit area. Night time introduce a sleep routine. This is to help bb differentiate naps and sleep for the night. Also, day time can start having some activities to let bb stay awake for a while. I'd put my boy in his bouncer for him to see the activities ard him.

For my #1, his routine is still the same till now. Bathe, pjs, on air con, milk, music, read books/flash cards/puzzles... Lights off, sleep. So I intend to follow same routine for #2 so in near future both boys can sleep at same time.

hi all,, pls help ..i need advises!

My nanny has been feeding my bb so much that both the nanny n baby can sleep thru the night. I noted that the last feed was at 1 am.. and the next feed is at 730am! my bb is 2 weeks plus only.. stomach still small.. not advisable to leave stomach empty for more than 5 hours! Nevermind.. she has been telling me i got not enough milk so ve to supplement.. but now it seem more like I'm supplementing my bb with breastmilk instead of formula! And the same thing happens in the afternoon... nanny will feed my bb so much that both the nanny and baby will sleep very long for afternoon naps!

At first she told me bb is growing and her appetite grow so i didnt suspect anything until one night i woke up and went to check on bb and saw the nanny pushing the bottle teat into her tightly closed mouth. My bb gal will shut her mouth tight when she is full.. even when I breastfeed her. So i told nanny to stop feeding when bb is full and its okie to throw away excess milk.. I rather waste the milk than force feed her.

Then yesterday.. I bf my bb before I start my one hour massage... and knowing that the nanny is going to take her nap in the afternoon and worried that she's going to feed my bb too much formula again.. Igave her a 30ml EBM and instructed her to feed bb with it should my bb cries while I'm having my massage. After my massage, to my horror.. my nanny actually fed her with 30ml EBM and another 90ml formula. She's only 2.5 weeks... how can she take so much milk at one go! I breastfed plus 30ml + 90ml! True enough... nanny and bb sleep all the way till 6pm.. and nanny woke up juz in time to cook dinner! Sensing something is not very right.. I woke up to do all night feeds myself last night.. being exhausted I think my supply is low by this late morning and bb cries when she suckles on me. Nanny then told me I dun ve milk and suggested making formula. I told her juz make 60ml but she made 90ml and fed bb. I told nanny that next feed I wanna latch. By the time I fin 1 hr massage today.. nanny already asleep for her noon nap.. and I juz waited for bb to wake up coz it is abt time for feeding. strangely she sleeps n sleeps... and didnt wake up. Then when nanny woke up I told her I have to wake bb for feeding le.. and she told me she fed bb another 90ml already! both 90ml feeds are within 3 hours or so! I was pissed! But i kept quiet coz my hubby is away and I really dun know what to do!

so my bb was fed 180ml within 3.5 hours and mind you she is not even 3 weeks old yet and she was a smally gal! I then went into her room and checked on her.. guess what.. she was sound asleep but suddenly milk spilt out from her mouth and both her nostrils!! Can u imagine if I were a minute later or slower.. I wouldnt ve seen that already! And it didnt happen juz once! Bb could have choke! can anyone tell me if this is normal and ok? I'm worried sick! I have lost all faith and trust in my nanny! I dun see why I have to pay $2K and still take nonsense from her! I was so pissed that I told her no more 90ml feeds from now on! Feed her more frequent but lesser quantity. Nanny was unhappy but I aint pleased with her either lor! ITs my bb!! Then she keeps telling my bb that "you so poor thing... your mummy refused to give you milk!".. Pissed!

I have already tolerated her constant remarks that I dun ve enough milk for bb. Each time Ijuz replied her saying.. "auntie..I'mtrying my best and I will continue trying". Everytime I tell her I wanna latch.. she will feed baby more and mroe milk and bb ends up sleeping longer than she should and that really messed up my BF schedule..no wonder I couldnt established my milk supply!

Anyway.. what it most impt now is my bb. I sensed that something is not very right coz she keep throwing out milk even tho I already buro n burp her already. I think she has been force fed. I feel my nanny juz wanna have a quick fix and sleep thru the night and afternoon and hence feed her so much. She even tells me that bb's backside is red coz of breastmilk! I replied telling her that if bb's backside is red..then she should keep using the cloth diapers which Ive bought rather than keep using pampers. She said no no..its coz of breastfeeding.. bb poo too often and hence backside red red.. what nonsense!

I think I like to bring bb to see doc tomo. Should I bring her back to PD or juz family doc?

I know spilling of milk is common for babies.. but is it common to have milk coming out of nose? Coz my bb makes a lot of noises at night when she sleep.. she is very uncomfortable.. she like got a lot of phelgm in her throat or something which she dunno how to expel. Sometimes she makes very loud noises like adults trying to spilt phelgm from the thraot.. I really dunno if she's fine. And should I terminate my nanny? She is so smart.. everything I wanted to learn from her she doesnt want to teach me and my hubby.. she keeps saying last week then teach us! so right now.. I have only observed her and learning on my own!

sorry for the long post!!


go see PD first thing tomorrow.

after PD advise, if baby is ok and all, its up to u if you want to terminate nanny.

But i would let her go if i were u...

if u realy need a replacement, i think those confinement agencies will be willing to help u, even for 2 weeks.

AK, i am so sorry to hear what you have been going through with the nanny, i feel very sad reading your post... I heard of such situation before, my student's little brother also puked milk cuz the confinement lady force feed him, until the boy is afraid of drinking milk! In the end the parents terminate the CL, also about 2 weeks.

She said she will teach you only during the last week, i really wish to say the F word to her. Obviously so that u will engage her till the very last day because you need her tips etc. Yes you should terminate her, and don't let her control you. Show her who's da boss!!! ANGRY!!

Hi grace & Shann Yheng : thanx for hearing me out. I couldnt sleep last night and keep waking up to check on bb and nursing her. Then at 6am I went to airport to pick my hubby and I was relating everything to him until I reached home. He juz called bb's PD and tho wind is very common for babies and will caused them to spew milk but they said it is really case of over feeding for my bb! I hear already very heartache and angry with myself for trusting the nanny! Then I juz flipped through my feeding & pee/poo records which I've been keeping for bb... I realised that the nanny fed her 90ml when she was turning 2 weeks! How can I overlooked and believe the nanny when she said my gal growing fast! She gave so much formula no wonder here I am struggling to establish my milk supply... I cannot forgive myself if anything happens to bb!

My hubby still feel we need more hands as my maid is less than 2 weeks old only.. and he thinks we should juz hang on since nanny has abt 9 days left with us. I really dunno if its the right thing to do to still keep her since there is no more trust left..


Hmmm, I am very UPSET with your CL! She is not doing it right by your child! If milk is coming out through the nostril, it is very obvious that she feeds ur girl for HER convenience, not your little girl's.

Like sun tan, if I were you, would FIRE her. Our kids are not born to be ABUSED by others...

sorry abt harsh words... just can't stand your CL's tactics in getting more sleep.


I think u shld just terminate her. Since there is alr no trust, u would tired itself lookg after yr bb gal urself n also constantly checking on ur nanny, so y not just terminate her n save the trouble. If u worry that u still can't cope, then get a replacement nanny. 9 days are still quite a long period.


When I had my #1, I didn't have CL at all. I only got my mum and mil to cook for me daily. MIL stayed with us on weekdays and weekends my sisters would deliver food cooked by my mum to me. Everything abt #1, from feeding to bathing to changing diapers, it's all on me. I just kept reading up and asking ard whenever I was in doubt.

You can do it without CL de. Can get confinement food easily. As for caring for your girl, maternal instinct will guide you along...

AK, I also agree that you should terminate her and show her who is the boss. Don't let her get away with it and think that she is indispensable. I would say that she's abusing your poor baby! Where got baby throw up milk from nostrils. I hear already also heart pain! Horrible CL! If you need any help or advice I'm sure a lot of mummies here are able to provide a lot of info, no need to rely on her. Where got BF lead to ere backside, obviously it's diaper rash! She's just trying to worm her way out of everything and wants an easy life! Grrrr I'm so angry that there are such CLs around!

Baby rashes/acne /eczema

Just to share with all whose babies started having rashes on face my experience.

My #1 came down with the so-called baby milk rashes when he turned 1 month old. PD prescribed a non steroid cream to apply on his face. The rashes didn't get better. In fact it got worse. Went back to same PD again. This time he prescribe a steroid cream. I tried not to apply steroid cream that much on his face. Then rashes came and go... until it flare very badly.

My mum started to ask me to use Jasmine flowers (small types) soak in water and then gently clean his face. Didn't help. Some suggested moisturing more, didn't help...

Anyway, it got to a point whereby my son will squirm in his sleep and scratch his face/head.

I got more and more depressed then. Not knowing what's wrong. Meanwhile I tried to control flare with steroid. When I applied, the rashes would go away, but resurfaced a few days later.

One morning, I got up to bf my poor #1 in the dark... I was soothing his head and face when I touched something flaky... sensing something not so right, I quickly switched on the lights! OMG!!! his WHOLE face and head were covered in yellow crust!!!! I was sooooooo upset!!! Rushed him to a PD whom my friend recommended... He said the condition is super bad!!! Then quickly referred us to a dermotologist who diagnosed him as having a bad case of eczema. He gave us stronger steroid and asked me to apply for a straight 10 days! Then he told me I gotta BF him as long as I could and to avoid eating the 4 main types of food that would trigger allergies.

That day, I got home and sobbed for a long time. My hubby gotta be the one to use cotton balls to slowly and gently wipe off all the yellow crust from my poor #1's face and head. Then applied steroid.

Yes, in the end, my #1 eventually outgrew his eczema issue. There was another case of him pulling/tugging his right ear till it became swollen and bleeding... but steroid couldn't be applied on open wounds. I tot of soooo many ways to stop his itchy hands... It took him 3 months to get rid of that.

So.... just be careful of baby rashes... some are just not pure baby rashes...could be allergies to something we eat and since we BF the kids, they get it.

Phy, wats the 4 main kind of food to avoid?

Btw, nok nok just popped this morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi AK,

i'm a jun 10 mother. baby currently about 7 weeks old. kapo here a bit, dun mind me. i think your baby is being fed too much. my son was drinking about 40ml to 60ml during first few weeks. if they don't have enough, they will keep crying, that the signal that they need more FM. my son is partially FM and partially BM during his 1st month. Now, majority FM. If they have too much, according to my PD, they will puke out, then by the next feed, we should reduce the amt of FM. cannot give the same, must reduce.

As for the red backside, it could be due to disposable diapers. newborn skin very sensitive, if you find that the backside is turning red, better change to cloth nappy. my son is using cloth nappy during the day and disposable during the night.

i find your nanny is too irresponsible, she is just looking at making her job easier, rather than really caring for your newborn. if u can manage, maybe u should just ask her to go. no point, leaving your newborn in her hands. if cannot, then tolerate it for a while.

Try to let your newborn suckle, my son finds that milk bottle is so much easier, refuse to latch and after struggle with him for a few feed, i gave up and gave him FM and express BM. My milk supply drops and after 1.5 mths, i don't have much BM left. it's a disappointment, but nevermind, just concentrate on being a good mom.


I agree with Phy. I do not have a confinement nanny and am managing fine. You can do it without her just trust on your own maternal instincts. I am lucky to have a domestic helper that is experienced with taking care of newborns. She helps me to bathe my boy and clean his poopoo during the day. At night is totally my hubby and I that takes care of him.. and its really manageable.

Please get rid of her. I would fire anyone that do anything bad to my precious in less than a heartbeat!

Btw my son is on total breastmilk and on disposable diapers. He goes through at least 10 a day because we change even after he pees. Dont want to risk any rash or itchy backside. Don need to use those branded diapers.. house brand can already. Are you using any diaper rash cream? I recommend Desitin to you its really a miracle cream. Apply a light light layer can already.

Haizzz so sorry to hear of your problem. Really damn angry at your CL.

Btw, my friend told me of her experience. She store frozen breastmilk in the freezer. One day she went out with her hubby to buy groceries and came home saw the CL soaking her feet in MILK!!! When my friend asked her about it, the CL said since so much , can use to moisturize her feet. My friend was so furious she sent her packing straight away.


Wah your fren's CL really TOO MUCH! How can she use her EBM to soak her feet!?!?!??! OMG!!! Even if spilled a bit also so heartpain le, somemore use it to soak her smelly feet!!!!!!!!!!!!

opps, there is something wrong with the thread? Do you mommies see the archive threads at the top part of the forum? I only saw the "Archive through 16 July" thread..the rest are not shown? Cos need to update the table for nok nok, but the latest table was before 16 July..

sun_tan, on my computer also the same. I think they're having some problems with the forum again.

anybody going to the pigeon warehouse sale? wonder if there are any good buys.


As for milk intake - is depending on individual bb... based on their weight... Was told by PD that 80ml feed every 3hours is ok... for the 1st week... then subsequent week increase by 10ml... my boy is 2.91kg when discharge... maybe u can use this as a guide...

however my boy start drinking 90ml before the 2nd week though the PD say is too much then she ask me whether he got vomit milk... i say no...then she just say maybe he's a bigger drinker..he only spill abit of milk (which is common)... not vomit (this may be cause by overfeeding)...

As for the CL, I just make very clearly to her that my priority is to feed my boy with BM...if not enough then top up with FM...

Minmin - As for the acne look alike rash, PD say is normal...it will come & go...

Sun tan,

the 4 main groups are berries, crustaceans, peanuts and eggs.. I didn't touch these as long as I was bfing

Y r there so many irresponsible pple to still wanna b CL wen they r only putting helpless baby at risk.

shld ask the CL if she like to be force to eat wen she's oredi full!

a good CL shld support n encourage bfg!

get very angry wen i read such things. its really infant abuse. so much abt them being more experience. dun they koe wen choking happens n bb goes in state of unconscienous, 4-6mins w/o oxygen, anyone wld b at the risk of brain dead?

i wld send the CL packing immdly. wat kind of person is she? how can she still "mentally torture" u by "telling" ur bb tat u r not gg to feed her!

pls provide the name of tis CL so tat others beware....

Jac, if u cld get the name frm ur frd too on the stupid and idiotic CL tat uses ur frd's precious EBM to soak her stupid feet!

hi mummies, its been a torture for me these few days. My boy was warded to hospital due to blood in his stool. Was on drip for 2 days. the first day no milk was allowed to be given to him and he was pratically crying the whole day. Only glucose water was allowed at the interval of 1 hr to 2hr and 10 to 20ml only. i have no choice to carry him and comfort him throughout the night. 2nd night milk is finally given. Now he is discharged but seems that the hospital stay had scare him alot. He was crying whole day at home and want us to carry him. Really at a loss of what to do now... Any advice??

jolyn - if you bb is feeding well at home... think you must "heng xin" a little and just let BB cry till he settles lor... i know its hard but cant possibly carry him all the time.

good and bad list of CL - I am thinking we should be writing a review of our CL for the benefit for all MTBs. But don't write here la, the posts here fun too fast, post your CL review in our facebook group ba.... I shall start the ball rolling, each review one discussion....

Eliss: the prob nw is i m doing confinement at my mum hse. My mum will tends to carry him after he cried awhile. even i wanna heartless also no use. haiz... And everytime my boy slp for ard an hr, he will suddenly jump n cry loudly (like got a nightmare). So i was wondering issit cos of the hospital stay.

babycoco: My PD said that it may due to food allery. Although i breastfeed him, it may be the food i ate and pass to him thru breastmilk. PD ask me to stop eating fish, eggs and nuts. Then let my boy on formula for 2days. After that back to breastfeed and monitor his poopoo n see if there is still blood. If there isnt any blood, then i will start eating fish. Then monitor his poo again. If ok, then start eating eggs etc etc. Slowly introduce back the food to my body and see if my boy can take it. I actually suspected it is the "zhu jiao chu" that i have eaten. Maybe i ate a little too much and my boy cant take it. Now i just hopefully everything will be ok soon. Can sense my BM is reducing due to the stress i am facing. I hope everything will be gone soon!!

Jolyn: I dun find it bad if BB cry you carry to smooth the BB. Scared later BB cry until throat pain also.. heh. Just go naturally n slowly.

Hi ladies.

I really can't keep up with the postings. Hehe!!

Congrats to all those who has popped. One more week and my confinement will be over. I am so happy now. Looking forward to it. I really cannot stand only washing my hair once a week.. i told my mum.. I see alot of dandruff on my head.. my mum say it's ok.. just bear with it. I wanna die ah.

AK: Your CL sucks big time.. Even if it is only 9 days left, I would have sack her liao. How can force feed baby like this?

My boy also big boy.. abt 3 weeks now... feeding abt 4oz (app 110ml) of milk but he feed either every 2 to 3 hours. He is never fed more than that unless he cry for more milk.. cos breastmilk easily digestible so he gets hungry easily. But when he drink FM, he can last longer. But CL still would not forcefeed him like yours.

Your CL is just plain lazy. Sleep so much.

Sigh~ but how we know whether CL gd or not gd before employ.. Sometime we employ from some frd the CL intro one... If ask her leave need pay full or?

ceres: But currently he is crying like almost every hrly. And once we carry him he will stop crying.Maybe i shall just wait awhile more and see he "forgets" the hospital torture. Haha..

AK, pls threaten yr CL by saying, yesterday i saw milk flowing out from her nose n mouth..if bb die choking due to yr over feeding are u paying mi back a bb? if u are nt going to follow my feeding limit then please back n go back.

it's obviously due to over feeding tt's y gt spit up from bb. 2 weeks old shld be able to take up til 90ml, n if yr's a small girl, try to increase bit by bit, like 5-10ml each feed n monitor if gt any spit up from bb..

my little boy also very kong bu 1..esp the morning feed, he ma chiam like hungry ghost loh..12am 75ml, 4am 80ml, 7am 80ml, 9am, another 75ml..he will then sleep til 2pm n take another 75ml...

n he is just 1 week old..maybe mine a boy tt's y appitide bigger. but u can see the morning timing so close..kinda scary..

jolyn: actually bb cry is very common de, don't once cry pick him up..will become a habit for him..if next time u go back work how? as for startle during sleep. i put a beansprout pillow on his tummy chest area for calming effect n 2 pillow by the side for comfort zone. u can try tt..

ICA: congrats...u popped..very cute n chubby leh...can i pinch the cheeks? hee hee

im very upset.

i ordered confinement tingkat for 2 weeks cause hubby went back to work alr. and he cant take food from my mom liao.

each time the confinement food comes in the afternoon, i will split the portion into 2 so i can save it for dinner too.

all along, MIL will heat it up for me. i know she got eat but she never say. how i know? cause she can always tell me how it taste. she even ask my SIL to drink my confinement soup.

today is the most most most most guo fen one.

she ate the whole confinement food vege!! and she cooked another plate of vege for me but with no sesame oil or confinement things inside de.

this confinement vege is very tasty. i purposely left a bigger portion for dinner so that i can eat. and it has ikan bilis on it which is the first fried thing i can eat since my confinement.

when i came out to have my dinner, i was looking for the vege. she tell me she ate it up cause it was too salty. and she cooked another plate for me!! WTFFFF?? see! how she know if its salty?

already 1 meal split 2 meal, she never even ask me then she ate it up and cooked another plate for me? and that plate is not even confinement food!

why is she such a B?? why must she eat up my food without asking??

i really like the vege a lot that is why i left more for dinner. why must she eat it up?

i walked back to my room crying. cause bb is waking up every 1 hour and feed for 40 mins due to growth spurt since ytd and i havent slept much. from morning till now, i had been coaxing her cause she hasnt had any deep sleep. finally when i have some time, the thought of that vege made me excited and who knows, she ate it!

my heart just shattered la. i hate her to the core!


OMG! Your MIL really too much leh. Fight for food with you! I think we are very poor thing..during confinement and being a new mum alr so xin ku le, then still have to tolerate such rubbish from CL, inlaws or who so ever... even though i am going to my new place to do my confinement, my mil mentioned that she would drop by everyday after work to "monitor"..how can i tell her in a nice way that this is not necessary and i would like to have alone time with my bb?? Hopefully me CL is an ok CL...scary...

Serene - 看开点。。。明知道她是这种人,不要跟小人过不去。。。 Try to rest as much as you can, else before you realise it, you find yourself in depression... Complain to your hubby, not expecting to do anything, but sometimes you will be better just speaking to someone else}


sun tan, eliss

its like.. i eat ur sharks fin and give u back some jelly fins.. and i really very upset.. my heart dropped to the floor when she told me that u know...

its like after a day of hard work.. u want to enjoy some food.. and end up its in someone else's stomach.

im alr very tired liao... my bb keep waking up from farting. she will kek the fart until she wake up.. and she cannot sleep well too.. so i also cannot sleep well.. and this old woman wanna snatch food with me...

i told my hubby.. he replied my sms.. "WTF? what u want to eat, i buy back for u"

i told my mom too.. my mom was super angry.. i jus cry and cry and cry... cause i feel very bullied here.

jus last week, my BIL bought chilli crab home. and my MIL ask me if i want to eat. obviously i cant eat and she started laughing at me!!

ytd, they cooked curry... and obviously i cant eat too..

then i ask her if shes making hong zao mian xian cause my friend's MIl made the sauce and wine for me. she say i bfing cannot eat. i was like.. "HUH?"

if this goes on.. i will go into depression very soon.

