(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


some babies are born with short guts so digestion maybe a problem and once that is a problem, it makes them feel uncomfy and some tend to hv colic bcos of this. my number has short guts and it took her almost 3mths to get over with the colic totally.


Thanks for info on colic, wow stress leh, don't know when my bb will out grow it.... if need 3 or 4 months, then I siao liao !

Hey, also want to hear some opinions with regards to maid. I am hiring a maid to help look after bb, esp when I return to work, maid and bb will go to my mum's house. Any tips on how to manage?

cherry and peace, yups my girl has reflux problem, probably leading to her colic. very terrible months where she'll cry non-stop in the evenings. my hubby gotta strap her in our pikkolo carrier and walk around the estate till she falls asleep.

or drive her around.. yes we were that desperate!

not to scare anyone of u, but my girl suddenly refused to drink milk from 3.5mths, after suffering from colic. she just refused my ebm, any fm and any bottles. went to several PDs, all said have to just wait for her to grow out of this phase, probably the reflux is too uncomfortable for her and she associated milk drinking with great discomfort. no choice started her on rice cereals very early and she will only drink milk after she has fallen asleep. yups.. she slept liao we remove her pacifier and then replace it with bottle. this continued till she went childcare at 18mths and saw other kids drinking while awake. then now she happily drinking milk already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wanna ask who will look after bb... maid or mom? if maid, u may hv a problem like my fren who had her maid look after her boy but her mom dun like the way the maid look after her boy... my case is i hire maid for my mom to help her out on hsework and left the caring of my #1 to my mom. that works out better too for me cos i dunnid to train my mom how to look after my ger...


Re agency,a fren recommended Switz Personnel Service, located at Lucky Plaza. I didn't shop around for agency, since it's my fren's recommendation, I just ring up the person in charge. As I am on confinement, she actually came to my house and let me sign the documents. The service is so far so good.


Actually I have not fully decided, am trying to do a time table for her now.... my initial thoughts is for her to look after baby. i will train her while I am on maternity leave. At my mum's house, her priority is to look after bb, but when bb sleeps, she could help my mum with some chores, probably light duties. I had also allocated some rest / nap time for the maid, because I also thinking of letting her look after bb at night after I get back to work. Not sure if this is a good idea.


I got a maid 2 weeks before i delivered. so far so good, can see that she can handle my baby well but one thing i dun like abt her is that she dun hv the habit of washing her hands with soap!

after my ML ends, she will go my mum's hse to help look aft my 2 kids.

since ur mum will be there to supervise the maid, generally it will be ok. tell the maid her priority is to look aft the baby loh, other housework chores are not as important.


ic... for me, i choose to look after my bb when i am at home at night after my mom had helped me out during the day... ur arrangement is also v much like my SIL's case where she left her 2nd child to the care of the maid almost the whole day - good and bad... cos we can also see that the bb is closer to the maid... but i know how impt it is to hv enough slp.

i dun hv enough slp at night since 2008 and i dun think i will since i hv both my kids in the same room soon... another 2 more years of slpless nites!


ur #1 is born in 2008? mine also, she is 24 mths old now. not easy for both elder one n baby sleep together. my elder one has been waking up v often at night since baby arrives.


yeah, she oct bb so 21 mths now... i know this could happen but i got no place to move her to... was going to try it out until i cant tahan... maybe will move her into my parent's bedroom... sigh

Jelly and Cheery,

My #1 is in cc most part of the day. My mum's house still got a 10 months old nephew. So that's why I thot let maid concentrate on my #2, while my mum could attend to my active nephew who is learning to crawl now.

For the night, sometimes my #1 still get up, while currently #2 gets up numerous time due to colic. So if the schedule doesn't stablise, I don't think I can survive the day at work. If #1 stop getting up at night, and #2 can reduce the feeding to max of just once at night, I think I will handle myself.

Sorry to interrupt! I am from the Jan 2010 mum thread.

Mummies who are still breastfeeding or planning to breastfeed....interested to buy over my leftover Pigeon disposable breast pads?

I have just completed my bf journey as I have reached my target of bf for 6 months (actual is 6.5 months)...I did it!! yay! Now, I have left over of 62 pcs of Pigeon disposable breastpads to sell at only $11, plus I will throw in 2 sets of Avent disposable breastpads of (total 4 pcs).

If interested, please pm me, k?

sweetkiss, hahaa! then i better drink it before i pop!! i put a few cans in my fridge for MONTHS already, everytime can see cannot drink so xing ku! so looking forward to drink ice cold gassy drink!


I'm trying to let them sleep together but seeing my elder one lack of sleep makes me heartpain leh. Hope she will get used to it and can get back to usual to sleep through the night.


How ur #1 respond to the arrival of new baby? Mine is very curious and want to participate in everything regarding baby things, eg wipe baby's mouth, sayang baby's head etc.

when ur maid coming? u chose indo?

sweetkiss: do you have a massage lady? My massage lady helps me to clear away blocked ducts. She will massage my breasts (damn pain can) and after that breasts feel much softer and comfortable. Btw I also feel sharp shooting pains when baby first latches.. but after first few suckles its ok already. Are you all using any breastfeeding cushion? I really wonder how im going to breastfeed without the brestfrend cushion that I have... having to carry baby and helping him to latch on properly really seems hard. Hopefully baby will ownself learn how to latch properly (is this possible?).

All in all, its a tiring and painful journey.. but we must press on!!! JIA YOU !!!~~

shann: Please enjoy whatever you want to eat/drink now. Ice cream, ice drinks etc. Today only my 8days of confinement and its so suffering.. :~~~(

btw, i bathe and wash hair every day and like sweetkiss my aircon oso on 24/7. I /salute all mommies that can tahan not to bathe. Our weather is really a killer lor. I go outside to eat, already feel all the perspiration forming underneath my breasts... so uncomfortable!! Straight away come to the room, strip and enjoy aircon.. ha ha ha


thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya part of being a bb. Now gotta start expressing milk for his consumption in hospital...

Hi Jaclyn.. thanks for your info.. im still thinking whether shld i pump or not.. after u pump.. do u feed the baby with bottle? or throw away the milk (abit waste right)? hehe.. cos i heard some advise not to intro bottle to baby now.. later they dont want to latch on anymore. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wow..u are now only at 8days of confinement... but already start bathing and was hair? gosh.. im really admire u gals!!! my mum is so strict. dont allow me to bath, even cant wipe my body!!!! she say can only use the ginger water to wipe body after 1 week!! can only bath after 12 days!! what logic is that? the weather is so hot and it's so sweaty!! i cant really stand it.. esp for bf.. i dont want my boy to latch on my sweaty nipple!!! so not hygiene.. so i normally hide in the room and use hot water to wipe my body without letting her know.. haah.. i really dont believe tat bathing cant cause "feng shi" when we are old lo.. if tat's the case.. what abt all those angmoh or other races?? all of them will get feng shi too??

keropi - i had blister on my nipples in the early days when i started breastfeeding... LC said was due to long nipples and hard suckle...

jaclyn: so gd loh...i mi too suffering from head itchy...5days didn't wash hair liao..itchy until wanna cut my hair botak loh..

but today went out for gyane check up n bb check up, so manage to stay out for almost a whole day...felt so much happier..bought 2 clothes for bb too as fox baby n kids is having 50% off..so cheap n quite nice too..

red: i think yr mum using the old tradition methods. coz olden days ppl believe, the first 12 days our body is the most weak after birth hence can't touch water to prevent feng shi n tou feng.

i also trying to tahan the no hair wash part..don't wanna faint in the bathe room like 1 of the aunty i had who didn't listern n go wash hair rite after birth..ended up with bad feng shi when old.

lucky my MIL nt very strict with mi except diet. she quite concern about wat i put inside tummy..haha..as for bathing...manage to bathe once since giving birth..the rest of the days i had to wipe with ginger n lemon grass water..at least better then smelling like herb..n duno the herb will cause allergies mah..

Hi All mummies,

got discharge only today hence the delay in posting...

Shann Yheng, after effect is the delivery wound.. its super painful, cant sit and move ard properly..

yes will go off...after nipples got seasoned...apply bm after feeding and air your nipples often...

May: u didn't take the pain killer they give mah? actually the earlier u start to move around the faster the would will heal..but do make small steps as nt to pull the wound so much..hope u get well soon.

Mummies, what is your recommended storage method for EBM? I got 10 avent storage cups and they are fully utilized already. Thinking if I should get more if that or milk bags.

By the way why is it that I am unable to post item for sale in the Selling thread? Do I need to fulfill some sort of posting guidelines?

kat, u referring to freezing ebm? via cups too expensive and bulky already. i use milkbags, freeze tjem lying down, saves space and will be neater to line up in rows [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

im going to take care of bb till shes 6 mths old then find a job and put her in infant care. dont want my ILs to take care. hopefully me and hubby can get a place from HDB and move out asap.


To those who are on complete latching for babies, how long is each of ur breastfeeding session on average? I'm curious. Mine can be as short as 10 mins and can go very long abt 40 mins also.

fazzy: yes same... don really think theres a pattern. I latch bb on, sometimes he can suckle damn long.. sometimes he stops and no matter what , he refuses to open his mouth again to latch. For those really short sessions, he will get hungry fast... so tiring !

Hmm wondering if anybody is interested in this?

Coach Madison Op Art Sateen Large Wristlet in Brass/Khaki(Style:43263)

Brand new with tag, letting go at $140 including registered mail.

# Op Art print sateen with patent or leather trim

# Fabric lining

# Zip-top closure

# 12” strap with clip to attach to the inside of a larger bag, or to form a wrist strap

# 9 1/2 (L) x 6 (H)


In the long run, are milk bags more expensive than containers? Milk bags are only good for one-time usage right? What brands of milk bags are good?

Jaclyn n Eliss,

Thank you. I'm just worried I'm not giving sufficient milk. My worry is because my baby is recovering from jaundice. It's gg down, but I just wanna make sure she gets enough fluid, so i still feed her fm twice in 24 hrs. But actually I dun want to give her fm at all. So sad


Initially during the first week my #1 was quite loving and will try to sayang didi, but his actions were so rough, he appeared to be hitting didi instead, altho I think his intend wasn't to hit didi. We will always get so worried and tell him "eh eh, gentle gentle." Kor kor heard it got upset, and will end up crying coz' he thought we were scolding him. Maybe we over reacted. 2nd week, he began to get more mischievous, and started to pull didi's legs and mittens. I'll be happy if my #1 wants to help, but he didn't. Maybe boys react differently to a sibling compared to girls,who are typically more social and loving.

My maid will be coming to our house tomorrow evening. Actually, not only the maid herself will feel stressful going to an employer's place to work, we as employers, even my mum are already getting little stressed as we also worried how long we all need to adapt to each other. I got a Philippino maid, not Indonesian mainly because Muslims has diet constraints.


I use normal pillow when breast feeding instead of buying the breastfeeding cushion.

Mummies that give bb breastfeed n top up formular milk...

How do we goes abt it??

Right aft breastfeed than give formular milk or wait for awhile later?? Thanks!!

Fazzy, u must make sure ur bb is not suckling for comfort. Duration is just a guage. If bb suckles well and consistently, 15 mins on each side is enough. If u find bb stopping or sucking motion becomes very gentle, then do something to wake her up. My boy will suckle for 15 mins on 1 side, hard and I could see/hear him swallowing. Comes to changing side , I have to lay him down, talk to him, tickle him, gently scratch him behind his ears to wake him up. Then he will suckle for another 15 to 20 minutes.

I find it hard to keep up too. He is quite a big boy, 3.65kg at 5 days old. His demand is rather high. Last night I practically let him latch on at 1.5h intervals.

Just now went to visit him at hospital. He is drinking 80ml at 2 hours intervals!! Somemore nurse gotta drag his feed.


Ya, I do wake try to wake baby up. Shes a sleepy baby, but partly due to her jaundice as well. I feed her ard 15 mins one side, then will even change her diapers first, to ensure she wakes up, before giving the others side. But because we can't see exactly how much we r giving, thus the worry. Last night I was up practically every 1.5 hrs to feed her also.

fazzy -- dun worry, like i mentioned before..

1. check for at least 6 wet diapers every 24 hours

2. bb feels satisfied after feed

3. bfing bb do not have a standard amount to follow. they can be drinking 40ml now but 80ml at a later feed.

the diapers will be a clear guideline whether bb is having enough or not. and feed whenever she wants.. dont look at the clock when u feed and stress urself up..

15 mins is ok, try to keep her awake and see if she wants more. if she falls asleep, let it be.

dont panic if she suddenly ask for more. its not because u are not producing enough or shes not drinking enough, cause she might be going thru growth spurt which may last for up to a week before going back to normal.

growth spurts happens frequently esp during her first year. first one shud occur arnd 7-10 days old, then 3 weeks, 6 weeks old and so on..

So angry!! Milk supply like very little liao.. Juz wanna pump my milk out... Pump the left side only like 15ml.. Than pump the right side.. Juz started to pump only.. Than saw blood drip down... N gone my breastmilk..... =(

wah shiok! i went orchard for a walk just now, had crystal jade then indochine for drink (fruit punch T_T) finally step out of my home yay! feels great!

if not ah, everyday sleep, eat, sit, lie down, surf net, play comp games so sian!

Jasline - got blood? you got sore/crack nipples?? or your pump too strong? how often you pump?

fazzy - I usually feed on one side only on every feed...


Eliss, no sore or crack nipple.. Hmmm I nv pump much.. Usually bb latch on the day.. At night I only sometime pump once.. Sometime even nv pump the whole night..

I'm using medala single pump.. I think the suckion so so only.. Not that strong..

