(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

help... my bb was awake from 8:30-2+, would doze off for 30mins and wake up crying. i think she's tired but can't go to sleep. eventually took her for a car ride and she fell asleep. but 1hr later, she woke up (time for her feed), after feeding she's wide awake again. i dunno what to do ...


dun start ur bb on a car ride now... its addictive in a sense... if u start now, u will be required to drive ur bb arnd all the time...

ur baby maybe one of those that dun slp thru all the time.

is she over simulated - ie too much play?

do u think she could be suffering from colic?

have u tried putting her in a rocker instead of driving her around? maybe she is too hot/cold?

jts - some bbs dun slp v much...

babycoco: oh dear that must be so tough on you when she doesn't sleep. You can try swaddling her really tightly. She might also be going through a growth spurt? Dont worry, she will make up for this lack of sleep =)

sun_tan: why waterproof mat have powdeR??

pillow: Im using the pigeon bottle cleanser to wash the parts first then sterilize. Abit more steps but im super kiasu now that bb is still in newborn mode.


CL auntie watched my bb when i went for the Eclipse show. i pumped before i went and after that i came back to pump too. The show is a romance show, not so much action. The next one should be fantastic...


i think the next sequel to Eclipse will be better. But so far, this is the best out of the 3 lah, i feel. Second one most boring...


hehe eclipse must watch with hubby lah. must curl up hand in hand...heeheehee...


if it is the rubber mat, it is like this. cos i own two of them and it will take a while for the powder to be remove totally. so if you intend to use it, can place a towel or nappy over it...

raspy -- yup he watched it and i re explained it loud n clear.. he kept telling its not.. then i read the chinese words on to to him... lol

Jaclyn -- our breast got no stopper... no matter how much we pump, there can still be supply.. dun worry.. instead of thinkin how much u r produce(which u cant really tell).. monitor on number of diapers changed n feeding demands.. that shud b a clearer guideline...

actually, like u.. i was in a deep hole last week.. even thou im quite prepared and read up quite a lot.. but i still kept thinking if my bb is having enuff, how to make her drink more. how come she latch on one side only, then how am i going to keep to the 20 min each side rule?

after many days of talking with many bfing mummies and read up.. the only thing i tell myself is... "dun care how long bb drink, jus feed. keep feeding on demand and stop looking at the clock"

another thing is... bfing babies esp, they do not drink a standard amt of milk every feed. it can be 40ml now but 80 ml later. they are not the same as bottle fed babies. then again, as long as poo is good, pee is good.. bb feels satisfied and fall asleep.. i think u are on the right track.

dun care one side or two side, bb's tummy is still very tiny, dun be too worried, they are having enough.

what i do is.. since i latch on one side, i will pump out the other side and see how much i produce in 20 mins. sometimes, the output is really low and i freak out.. but after massage and drinking more fluid, i regain back to normal output..

baby also know one.. no milk come out, they will want the other side. too fast or too slow, they will react to it.. follow the cues and try to burp bb so that they have more space for milk.

jia you! lets walk thru this together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


enjoy whatever you can...i got 2 now. so cinema is a priveleige for me.. when i had 1, it took us so long to go to the cinema.

Called it mother's anxiety, even if i left number 1 with my mum, i will still worry..


i found a tip when reading the What to Expect book.

For BFing mums, try to sleep on yr back. otherwise the sides. dont sleep on your tummy as you are pressing on the breast therefore hindering milk production.

I tried to sleep on my back yesterday and it yields more milk this morning when i pump. hahah i will continue to monitor.. not sure if its hallucination =p


yup... i quote my recent purchase of an exercise band... i wash so many times, it is still powdery as well cos it's made of latex - similar material to the rubber mat


well said abt bfing! and it's such great encouragement!

Oh, and i am drinking Mother's Tea to increase supply. It works for me. Sold at BPs, or there is this organic shop in Paragon top floor near mothercare that sells it. I cant rem the name of the shop.. call it mummy's forgetfulness after birth. HAIZ...

jolin -- i think u are stressed up and tired. try to take more rest, go to a LC and try taking fenugreek.

let down reflux happens intermittently, so its normal if its fast then slow. as for stopping, breast dun have stopper. it wont stop, try latching the other side for 15 mins and come back again and u will see milk flowing again. its good to let bb latch on more so ur body will know to produce more. massage is good.

dont stress.. give ur body some time.

Tinkerbell Lim -- his great.. his my gynae for 2 deliveries and his prices are very reasonable.

for the check up package (they will ask u to take up the package after 3 mths) = its $500

i cannot remember all the prices but i did go for a gynae shopping before i decide on him. and yup, his popular and good. fast talker but steady and decisive. trust his decisions.

sun_tan -- its the pink blue one? i also have this prob. i never use it cause got one smell.. rubbery smell.. waste my $11....

babycoco -- my baby too! esp now, she no longer sleep after feed.. she still wanna play!! her big eyes will blink blink at me.. got once i kena from her for 2 hours.. and all the feeding routine went haywire..!

hmm, actually i let her suckle for comfort since hubby and i dun wanna intro pacifier. it works. but sometimes it doesnt.. so i will try swaddling her, and it works too..

sometimes bb jus want body contact.. so u can try that too.. ok.. at times, i will carry her, when she seems to be asleep, i put her on my bed. if she wakes up, i will lie down and let her suckle and she will fall asleep again. then i jus let it be fore 15 mins before moving her back to the cot. dunno why, she love the smell of our bed ba.. haha..

Milk Supply

I had the same problem with some of you ladies with regards to dropping supply. I tried to do few things differently these 2 days and I see an improvement:

1. I used to latch bb as much as possible coz I thought he will help increase my supply, but it was the opposite because he always drink little bit and then sleep, so my body adjust its supply lower as it thought the demand was much lesser. So instead of latching directly, I pump directly, as the last bit is always difficult and painful to pump, I latch my boy to empty my breast.

2. In the middle of the night, I used to skip pumping as I am tired out with my first boy. Sometimes I get up to latch bb as I thought it will save me time to pump. So now, I get up at least once to pump in the middle of the night, confinement lady will bottle feed him.

3. I drink Annum lactating milk formula once a day. Especially the session right after drink, my supply seems to increase by 30ml.

Hope this help for you ladies.

Jellypurin -- thanks! actually ive been very kan cheong last week trying to look for THE answer to my milk. then all the advices i got was to latch and latch.. i couldnt get the answer that i want. I just wanna know if im doing it right, could i have done more?

then slowly, my friends share with me what they have been doing, and i realise that its alright not to follow 20mins rule on each side and as long as bb latch long enough to get the hind milk and even if its 20 mins on one side only is ok! what a relieve. but it took very long to hear this.

so i decided to share whatever i learnt and exp over here.. because i dont bottle feed baby, i only did that once when i kan cheong-ed when my milk start to shoot on her face and she refuse to drink.. all the way im latching and i faced a lot of probs.. but i think sharing here is very good.. at least we can cushion each other during this learning stage lor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mommies!

Gentle reminder to buy more diapers! I bought 3 packets (24pc per packet) and I am finishing it soon when it is only my 12th day!

Suntan: I took the one bedder at MAH. Mine was emerg c-sect staying from Thurs and check out on Sun, total bill comes up to $6K+ including my Gynae fee at $2K+. End up paying $3.2K after all the rebates and medisave deduction.

minmin -- i bought a lot a lot liao.. hahha.. she poos and pee poos and pee.. every time she wake up i have to change once.. and shes very small size, so we kept trying diff brands and settled on drypers and mamy poko in the end.. wait till she gets bigger than we will use the nepia one that we bought earlier..

I am so stress now... I really hate training maid and really dun like the one in my house.

This maid is the one my MIL engage to help my FIL take care of BB when I go back to work. She just came to my house on Sunday night to get train by my CL and cause my in law house was going to be renovated on 12 July so she got no where to stay.

On Sunday when she comes, we actually arrange for her to sleep in the study room but she told my CL that she would like to sleep with her in the baby's room. Too packed also nevermind. Of cos la.. cos got air con in BB's room ma.

Next day, I told her everyday must vaccum the floor and mop the floor. She say ok.. then she told my CL that at my in law place, she no need to mop or vaccum floor. Of cos la... my in law are packing the things to shift out of the house to prepare for renovation. Why must vaccum and mop floor? Make the house clean for the construction workers to come and dirty it again meh? Stupid right? Then she also told my CL that nevermind.. vaccum and mop everyday then do lo.. only for 2 weeks nia then she go back to my in law place liao.

She also told my CL that life at my in law place is easier than at my place. I never even asked her to do much lo.. do u know she get to nap in the afternoon when I nap and when CL nap. But CL nap is becos she has to take care of BB at night. The maid just slept thru the night lei. Moreover she get to sleep at about 8plus lei. Which maid got such life.

She still tell my CL that her contract states she is only working at my in law place.. so in future if we need her to come to our place, she will refuse. My CL told her no one ask u to come back here ah. I also dun wan her to be in my house lo. She also says to my CL that she dun take care of BB at night. Luckily I told my MIL that I would take back my BB at night to take care on my own or else I think my son will get tortured ah cos she wanna koon nia so dunno what she will do to my son.

Then today, my hubby call me from work and ask me if I took $50 from his wallet. I told him no, i didn't. Then he say he lose $50. I really dunno who is the culprit. Maid or CL. But CL here with us for 2 weeks also never lose money but maid here for 2 days nia, hubby lose money. Hai....

Then raining, she also never go close the window, I have to do it. She was busy making herself a drink in the kitchen.

This morning I saw her mopping the floor, I ask her u vaccum the floor, she say no and still ask me have to do everyday. I told her yes and I told her yesterday liao which she say ok. Then she told me she will do it tomorrow and continue to mop the floor.

I seriously dunno what she can do lei. I feel so stress up. For 2 days, I keep complaining to hubby abt her.


this maid was employed by ur MIL? then get ur MIL to speak to her. the maid sure knows what she is in for and she is too smart. i am guessing she's filipina? she knows her way around and my best advise for u is - DUN TAKE HER IN. in fact, now that u had ur bb, u can go n look for one urself. levy is low and u can train her anyway u want

dun take it hands down cos obviously, little miss know it all maid is trying to get lazy and also her hands on ur moola

if you cant control her then get her to leave

Jellypurin: This maid is a new one for my in law. She is only here in Singapore for 2 weeks nia. My MIL got her cos wan her to help my FIL take care of BB when I go back to work. She is an Indonesian.

Frankly, I am too tired to get hands down with her. Being a mum is still so new to me.. I just gotten use to my CL then now the maid come my house to stay.. I have to get use again. Really cannot take it. I personally dun like having maid one.

She told my CL that at my in law place, my FIL dun tell her what to do or complain abt her. She just do what she like and when she finish, she had her own time to herself. She also tell my CL that she get to nap at my in law place too. My FIL is really a very good man and soft. He is very simple one. My MIL works till 8plus then return home. So also hardly get to know the maid and moreover busy with clearing the house for reno to start.

My MIL did tell me before if I am uncomfortable with the maid then she will change her. Cos she will be taking care of my baby so most imptly is I must be comfortable. Really thank my MIL for her understanding lo.

Serene: Thanks for your advice. Yeps lets walk through this together. Do you force your girl to wake up and latch? I tried that with my son but hes just too sleepy. In the end he only get pekcek.

so fast, some mummies are gonna celebrate their BB's 1st mth celebration very soon, while some of us, hvn't even pop yet, hehee.

Me haven't pop. Tmr wk 38 gynae say not engage yet.

Ann: Maid are like this, they got easy life they will complain if add abit more work. My maid also same... sigh! but my mom helping out soon she will stop work stay hm see maid while i got CL help me.

Haha~ maid still dunno and now she cannot secretly sleep in the noon, or chat with the maid next door..


ya lor, everyday i hallucinate got more milk.

i drink the mother's tea in the day + red date tea and a cup of Anmum's lactacting milk at night.

Also this time, when i engage the confinement lady from PEM, i ordered the herbs too. hahah, i cant stand all the soups. its packed daily 2 packets of soup.. i just drink in a gulp.

Its all ending soon, i just cant wait.


It will be your turn soon.. rest whatever you can now. when bb is out, its difficult to rest.

only way is to sleep when bb sleep.

Regarding MAID,

yesterday i just told my maid off after i give her, her pay. every mth i will review her. yesterday only 2nd mth. She saw CL sleep, she also go sleep in the afternoon. 2 times somemore. first time i ask her if she is sick, she say no. somemore never get hint. then do again. the 2nd time, i ask her to wake up.

anyway i give her warning liao. if not happy i call agent. today she so much better. she homesick lah and her ex hubb took her daughter away from her parents when he found she is in SGP working. i told her, if she cannot stand, she can go home.. but i dont know how she will pay her loan..

all these maids comes with problem one...haiz..

but i counted it would cost $400 to $500 more if i put number 2 at infant care + part time auntie to come 2 times a week. also then hubb has to help do housework..

life...sorry for my ranting..

anyway have a good evening =)

bottle fed bbs will have colic meh???

Serene Tan (jewel_box),

my bb is drinking formula milk from bottle lor..

BB like formula milk more than breastfeed milk meh???

hey ceres, were u at TPS this morning ard 9am plus?

i suspect the lady i saw is you! Forgot what colour of clothes u were wearing, i was wearing black, and if that was you, i went into the routine check room while u were on the weighing machine! your english name is MY? i overheard la.. hhehe..

i'm pop on 11july.natural wif epi.i quite depressed nw.haiz...3rd day yet nt a single drop of milk.hv 2 gv FM 2 baby.i can latch well for every 4hr.do i hv 2 change 2 3hr 2 simulate d milk 2 cm?and oso shd i pump after latch en tho i dun hv any milk?baby been fed 30ml FM in hosp but my CL fed 50ml.wen i stop her she nt happi.wen baby cry she kp blaming tt i no breastmilk yet dun gv him mo FM.dan tell baby is yr mum no milk yet dun 1 fed u alot.tt y u hungry so fast kp crying.d baby cry is bos he poop lo...diaper dirty.kp hearin all tis mk mi cry so badly.

Jaclyn -- yup i wake her up to latch from 9am to 12mn. what i learnt from my friend is to get a proper routine.. so everyday about 9ish am, i will bathe her before i feed so she will be awake. subsequent feeds, i will go near her, call her name and touch her head.. then i keep saying the same thing each time i wake her up by calling her name, tell her good morning, then remind her its milk time..dun carry bb yet, let ur boy be 3/4 awake then carry, if not he will sleep in ur arms..

then i will use warm cotton ball to clean her eyes and mouth. then she shud be quite awake liao.. then i will find the best position and latch her.

if u do a routine thing, say the same thing each feed.. somehow, they will know its feeding time.. when i turn my girl's head left of right or put a hanky arnd her neck, she will open her mouth.

because bm is easier to digest than fm, i dun dare to let her sleep more than 3 hours. even if its after midnight (feed on demand schedule), max i would go is 3.5 hours and she will normally wake up for her feeds.

when bb get pek chek, dont get pek chek with him. my girl also will make the "angry noise" and kek until her face red jus cause she is full and wants my nipple out of her mouth. then i will try and talk to her and divert her attn.. she will stare at me and later she will forget and start sucking again. but if she really dun wan, she will do the "angry tone" again and stick her tongue straight out...

i think, its a lot about understanding their cues and what it means.. take ur time, trial and error and soon as u know what they want, its a lot easier liao

jaslyn00 dun stress.. we all started with no milk dear.. what we did was to jus keep latching... in the hospital, nurse will push bb to me every hour to latch even if theres nothing. since u are at home, u can latch bb 1 hourly and also pump.. drink plenty of fluids and massage ur breast. trust ur body but u also gotta let ur body know.

as for fm, u can check with the mommies here how much they fed for fm.. or u can check with PD.

its ok, u can start with fm to get ur bb weight back to birth weight, when milk kicks in, then u can bf ur bb again. stay positive.

jaslyn00 -- oh ya, its normal for bm to kick in later for mommies who gone thru csect.. so u are doing jus fine. keep the latching and pumping going. its gonna be hard work and fatigue now but it will be alright soon

Jasline -- bottle fed bbs will tend to take in more air than bfed bbs. so chances of colic is higher, but its normal.

fm makes a bb fuller and bbs tend to like fm more than bm. some mommies have hard time switching from fm to bm, it takes a bit more time. bbs also will get used to the fm taste..

i tried my own bm and i also find that fm taste nicer.. hahahaha

Shann: Yeah~ at TPS today around early 9am. My name is Meihui, didn't notice anyone wearing black cause i was rushing. The nurse came in & was asking am i here so i got to rush. Heh.

Blue pink changing mat - The mat is like that one... abit powdery one... is normal...

Maid - They are very clever one....they will only listen to the one that pay them... got to be firm with them lah... if u really want her to do what everyday...really got to make sure she do it...try not to let her bargain with u...they will take things for granted... experienced b4 as my mil past few maids are all like that..

so now the new one come we try to give her a to do list...

ceres, haha i thought i heard MeiYing! today is my 38th week 3 days, bb is 3kg and half engaged, she said won't give birth so soon probably 20th plus hehe.. and advised me to walk more, can go do shopping, i am so happy!! cuz hubby didn't let me go out shopping T_T

Shann Yheng -- haha.. ya! i have to try what she drinks ma.. its sour lor! not very sour la.. sweet sour.. but its the food we eat that affects the taste of milk. thats why bfed bbs can accept more varieties of solid food when intro to them next time cause our bm is full of diff variety! hahaha..

Tinkerbell Lim,

I've engaged Dr Ang for both pregnancies. Am very comfortable with him, but I wont reccomend him to people who want lengthy explainations. He's very straight to the point, and no fuss. He's the kind who if you ask, he will explain. If you dont ask, he wont.

If I conceive no. 3 (in a verrrrry distant future) I will still engage him as my gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tinkerbell Lim -- hmm mine was a emergency csect, he charged me $2.5k cause i had 2 diff types of delivery (natural and csect). his delivery charges is really one of the cheapest in town liao..

what i can advice u is... go make an appt to see him since u need not commit to the package yet. then if u are comfy with him, u can decide if u wanna cont visiting him. during ur first visit, u can ask him about delivery charges and he will pass u a paper with all the charges stated down. after reviewing the delivery charges, u can decide if u want to cont lor.

i always feel that, whats most impt is whether we are comfy with the gynae. i met gynaes who keep pushing packages and over charges. i got freaked out by some some gynaes.

but dr ang has a lot of patients and sometimes he even try to minimise the bill for us.

when i had my #1, natural without epi, i only paid $800+ cash. the rest is CPF deduct.

Hi mummies

I pop today at 7.08am..

bb boy weight 3kg at my 38wks

birth story.. (natural wif epi + vacuum)

on 12 jul


feel gush of water flow out tat wet my pantry liner then change to heavyflow pad


reconfirm its waterbag burst aft lunch left office and went back hm to bath..

2pm - 3.45pm

reach hospital straight away went to observation room for CTG & VE check was not dilate at all .. midwife insert pill for me...


stay at ward for meal, rest and wait for dilation.


went down to observation room again. went to clear my bowel, CTG & on drip..

9.40pm - 11.40pm

gynae came was only 3cm dilate...

manage to joke wif hubby...

11.40pm was push to labour ward thought I will give birth soon...

13 Jul

Contraction getting more and more painfull until at 12.45pm say yes to epi. no pain aft tat but come side effect.. but I glad i choose epi..

6am midwife check contraction and getting more and more stable .. abt 9cm dilate aft taking epi..

6.45am midwife check dilate 10cm and try to get me pushing for a few time.. fail..

7am gynae came and shorty bb ivan arrive at 7.08am...

