(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

haha jellypurin, l like the part abt keeping a mile away.

i cant imagine someone staring at me BF. i wld be pissed ,plus cheesed


grace: ok tmr i will pour away all the herb water.. but really very guilty cos my mum wakes up at 5am to boil the herbs for me. already told her not to do it but she assumes the herbs are fine.

suntan: ya but sometimes she is in the room before bb cries for milk. so when bb cries she just continue to sit there and watch me feed. i really told her off that day le but she dun get the hint one leh. i screamed at her not to come in when i am feeding... but i let my cousin in cos we are very close and bathed together since young. so she tot i am ok with it now...

jellyputrin: actually my hubby also dun dare because he and his mum dun stay together so they have this gap between them.. not like we stay with our parents then anything nt happy can scold or argue with them. for his mum he also thinks is very hard for him to voice out or be unhappy with her so he always ask me to bear with it. sigh...

pillow: i bought Desitin too but u know la.. my mum is the type of person easily influenced by others. my aunt bought this nappy rash cream called AMOLIN or something as her grandchildren all using, so mum doesnt want to use the Desitin.. i try applying it on bb later see got improvement or not.

anyway thanks for all yr replies. i feel much better letting all out.....

by the way any of u mummies have this feeling not to let anyone touch ur bb? i think i am having this symptom, like only want the bb for myself, i cant help myself but snap at my parents or anyone when they keep coming my room to check on bb or to touch her when she is sleeping. and i just want to do everything myself, if not possible i want to make sure i am ard to watch.. so till now nv had straight 3 or 4 hrs sleep. cos i worry too much!

gd afternoon mummies...guess wat..i popped and finally discharged back home with bb luke..

Sun_tan could you help mi update the details:

DOB: 10/07/2010

Time: 0132hrs

Name of Bb: Chen YiCong, Luke

Head Cir: 32cm

Length 50cm

Birth Story:


750pm: Happilly waiting for hubby to come back to my mum place coz he went back hm to take his gastric pills for dinner. I was watching holding hands and at the kan jong part where the mother refuse to eat coz the only son is lost.

755pm: suddenly i felt a super light contraction with bb giving 1 light kick on my tummy and also felt him drop into the pelvis bone making him fully engage with waterbag broke. ( mum n sis hubby eating dinner in the background) i shouted Shit!! and told my mum waterbag broke.

walk to the toliet and ask mum get me new undies, thick pad and a new shorts to change.

8pm: called hubby and inform him to prepare head to Mt. A coz my waterbag broke and i go bathe n wash hair first..(hubby screaming in the background.."waterbag broke u still wash wat hair n bathe, aiya duno u lah..u done called mi again then i go dwn in cab")

8.20pm: bathe and wash hair finish, called hubby n he headed to Mt. A straight. Sis hubby n mum change to send mi to hospital. (i haven eat dinner, n only had potato chips, 1 cup of ice-cream, 4 pieces of oreo biscult with a packet of milo at 6pm)

8.50pm: reach hospital with my shorts very wet coz amniotic keep flowing on the way there. Hubby put mi on wheelchair and head to delivery suite.

9pm: VE check done and was 2cm dilated. pluck on BP and CTG all the way to monitor. contractions and pain kick in every 1-3mins and still trying to bear the pain.

9.30pm: pain abit unbearable and mid-wife suggest to hook on epi early coz can slowly increase dose.

10pm: Epi Dr. arrived and start preparing to poke. contractions n labour pain unbearable n cold sweat keep flowing from forehead.

10.10pm: Dr. poke epi and finally some relieve given..

10.30pm: Dr. Ho came and VE check again. 4cm dilated and he say" gd signs" n left outside. hubby left for dinner around 10.50pm coz i told him to get some food incase he gastric ltr again.

1150pm plus: Sr Nurse came in while i was watching JailBreak (after epi totally no pain, only can feel tummy contracting at times only)..hahaha..she did VE check again n say i was ready to give birth liao..

she went out to give hubby a call coz he still nt back from dinner ( he is seating outside the delivery ward resting). Hubby came in n we chatted for another 10mins or so.

12.20am: 3 nurses came in and put on gears for delivery. I was ask to push as hard as possible when contraction comes and i just push loh, duno where to put the strength coz tummy til legs quite numb liao. But WTH lah..just treat it as "gek sai" n push with all my might..Hubby had to help hold my head towards my tummy while i push n he also holding his breathe while encouraging me..

12.45pm: after few rounds of contractions n pushes, 1 nurses went to call Dr. Ho to come. Hubby told mi can see bb head n hair liao..ask mi to push with all my might and jia you.

around 12.55am: Dr. Ho came in and start gearing up. He say ok can start pushing with all my might to try pop the head out. keep pushing n pushing n pushing ......

1.20am: Dr. Ho notice like something wrong..He instructed to make mi push n hold it there..I had to give a big push n hold my push there for awhile, (hubby told me, he sucking bb out with a pump) and i felt bb head got pull out from me and some cutting and twisting and pulling and finally BB is born at time 0132hrs.

Dr. Ho put bb on my tummy n ask hubby to cut the cord. Hubby just take the scissors and snap snap the cord is cut. Still in a state of shock after Dr. Ho put bb on me..

All i can hear is bb Screaming at the top of his lungs before his crys start..

today got discharge from hospital but bb gt jaundice level of 10 in the morn. 2molo morn need to sun him for 1 hr..30mins front n 30mins back..

ok lah...i gtg rest liao..super tired after waking up at 5am in the morning til nw haven take a wink.

Hi sweetkiss, being 1st time mum, is normal to feel this way. I rem I wanted to do everything myself during my #1 times. As a result, I was very stress and even argued with hb so many times. I take things easier this time round and let my maid to take care of baby, I can rest better and no baby blues. Hope u are fine and try to think positive.


Ya lor like jellypurin say

I am now wearing a disposable panties + putting on 2 layer of overnight pad and lying on the bed wif the disposable bedsheet protector on it...

no a good feeling...

hi sweetkiss, how did you get AMolin ? i am using for myself. haha on my cracked lips.

but anyway, u see PD tom, am sure will give you Desitin. it really works miracle. Amolin is not power enough. the Desitin BLUE tube is good, not the purple one. the purple one actually is very pastey and cakes up.so if apply for girls, lagi worse i feel.

anywya, after PD trip, you can flash to your mum "coz PD says so. aunt is not PD". keke

SK -- dont worry dearie.. our hormones are changing back to normal, so we will tend to have mood swings. i also cried very hard last night.

Diaper rash -- air bb backside longer and dont wear the diapers so tightly. desitin cream is our saviour. what i do is, i will use a seperate cloth to wipe bb backside and genital area before i put on barrier cream and diapers. keep bb backside dry and if possible ventilate it as much as possible.

BFing -- tell her that u need her to go out. for me, i jus tell them im bfing and i jus close the door in front of them. or, get a nursing cover and cover everything dont show her. as for nipples, actually, the toughest part is almost over, after this painful stage, u will have seasoned nipples and painless latching. a while more, u are almost there

Ginger and Jaundice -- actually theres not scientific proof that ginger cause jaundice. what i can suggest u to do is to feed ur bb more, once bb poo and pee more, jaundice will go down. morning and evening sun for 10 mins.. it shud go away. PD told me that i would take 2 weeks for bb to recover. shes still yellow now but certainly better than when she first got discharged.

MIL -- close ur doors the moment u hear her coming. then tell ur mom to tell her that u and bb are sleeping. once or twice, they prob will give up. i think u shud sit down and talk to ur hubby about it. i feel that its ok if it doesnt hurt but now that its affecting u and ur privacy, i think something needs to be done.

Herbs -- let ur mom know or jus pour it away in the toilet.. ur mom dont watch u shower right? lol.. if its really hot, get a face towel, damp it with the herb water and run it thru ur body.. but i think u shud not bathe with that water and let ur mom know. scare her and tell her that u scared will affect bb.. lol..

my dear, tell urself to keep ur cool and focus on baby. to share with u, i also have a crazy FIL who will shake bb when he carries her and yao her like the yao lan.. but what am i suppose to tell him?

up till now, i lock myself in the room everyday.. tell them that bb is feeding, bb is sleeping. once in a while i will bring bb out to show them for less than 5 mins and tell them bb needs to be fed.

last night, BIl bought crabs and MIL purposely ask me whether wanna eat or not. then i look at her and give her the "huh" look cause obviously i cant eat. then she laugh loudly. F*&^ right? then whole family eating the crab and i need to have my meals.. i went to take rice but no one offer to make way for me to sit and eat. i ended up eating in the room crying. what can i do? they do chu 1, i do 15 lor.. seriously, just ren. after a while, they wont get excited and they will "cool down" also..

u must jia you. jus focus on bb..

jialat le....nose blocked, kept sneezing, having backache and BH.

Though pretty impatient to see my BB come out, hv to tell BB to wait till after this Thurs then come out, cuz gynae on holiday/leave.

Sweetkiss -- ME!! i only can let hubby and myself touch bb!! other pple touch, i can ki siao.. esp those that never ask! i was going to the other room for my massage and i alr having separation anxiety liao! JUST A ROOM AWAY.. haha.. i think im gg crazy..

Sweetkiss, I totally understand what you're going thru. Our hormones are going all over the place, that plus not enough sleep can make us feel very down. So take it easy, but don't bottle it all up. Come & share with us.

Desitin cream - where can I get this?

most Guardian pharmacy or Watsons should carry it.

wash buttocks, air dry as much as possible plus Desitin work wonders [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Breastfeeding - my bb's been asking for milk every 1hr. But she only latch on for 10mins then falls asleep. That means she's only getting foremilk right?

jelly: thnanks! my hubby has been so liberal at using the wipes we keep needing to top up almost every week.

aisha: oh dear i'm so sorry. did u discuss inducing? i'm a bit surprised about her saying the probability of emer c-sect cos i heard that she's pro natural.

hopefully all will be ok. my sister's second child was late by a week and she delivered her child via natural birth so there's always that chance of not needing to go for c-sect. take care ok?

fazzy: it's always nice when hubbies are so supportive. aiyoh these people really don't understand what privacy means sometimes. i added you on fb btw - i'm sue percalifragilistic

Hi everyone, thanks for all the birthday wishes!!! Just an update on my day. I went to the Peds this morning and did jaundice test on baby. He was 7.4 when discharged and now 14. Doc says its borderline high and I need to sun him twice a day for 2 days and bring him back for another blood test. Doc also said that babies reach their peak of jaundice at around 5-6 days (my boy is 5 days old) and should subside once they hit 2 weeks.

Breastfeeding problems: I want to tell all mommies that are having problems with breastfeeding to make an appointment with a lactation consultant NOW! I walked in to parentcraft centre at TMC today and its a life saver to me. They taught me how to properly latch my son (after the right latch, totally no pain! Unlike the piercing pain i had to endure first few days of latching). They also massaged my breasts for me and helped gave me extremely valuable tips on how to execute proper breastfeeding. Apparently I have been doing it wrong by expressing and feeding to baby via bottle. They said once baby is used to the bottle's nipple (fast flow of milk), it is very very hard to get him to latch back on in future. They recommended using cup feeding instead. My hubby was called in to learn how to feed baby via cup. REALLY useful! The cup also can be bought at the parentcraft.

So mommies that are feeling damn down due to breastfeeding problems like me... please please go seek some help. Best $90+ spent!

babycoco -- bp ones are more wu hua.. get the blue one not the purple one..

as for latching, try to wake ur bb up.. tickle bb ears, rub head.. try to pull thru at least 15 mins.. because bb is just drinking foremilk, bb will tend to get more hungry easily

Jaclyn -- well done! im glad u look for help and make bfing a more happy one..

as for jaundice, my bb girl hit the peak and like what u said, my bb's jaundice is subsiding, shes 15 days old now..

where's the link for Desitin bp please? I bought the purple one (overnight), works well on my gal nappy rash

babycoco: Oh sorry cos i bought a cup feeder ($2.80) and also the swaddle cloths $12.15. The consultation itself was $60 for first 30 mins and additional $15 for ever 15 mins after. I was there for 45 mins. If you're having probs with breastfeeding .. just go! I saw many mommies there learning how to breastfeed. The lactation consultants are very hands on.. they will teach u how to latch (if u dont know how), help get rid of lumps/swell (via massage) for u and even help u express milk out and pass back to you.

I just came home and latched my boy on with ease... what a diff [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jolyn: No i didnt latch my boy at all. Cos first 2 days I latched him wrongly and my nipple cracked+bleed abit! After that I just kept pumping and pumping and pumping every 2 hours. Even at night I wake up to pump every 2 hours...


Thanks.. now i also trying to 'kan kai yi dian" and try to bring my bb out to my parents more often after she's awake. cos stay in my room 24/7 also not gd.. when my parents play with her i can have some time to pump milk and surf net. like now lor.

Pillow: my aunt got it for me. i think from her relative or someone who got it overseas..

serene: the MIL thing, really very hard loh. my hubby also stuck in between us so dun wish to make things difficult. even if i lock myself in the room, eventually i will have to go out one cos she will wait in the living room...

i totally understand.. yes it's separation anxiety! i was also wondering what my mum doing with her when i had my massage today. early in the morn, my mum will bathe her when i still sleeping and carry her at the window there for the sun. even though i know my mum wont harm her but i just worry!

babycoco: thanks... hopefully i can cope better so that can have more free time to come online!

jaclyn: does having sore nipples also indicate wrong latching? actually the first few suckles by bb is quite painful for me.. but after that is ok...

is it neccessary to get the cups? i also alternate between latch on and bottle feed. tot that shld introduce bottle to bb so next time go out can bring EBM..

sweetkiss: I think sore nipples is pretty part and parcel for us new moms. Only after our nipples really seasoned and hardened then we'll be ok. Its only if you're in pain when he latches .. if only first few its oso normal. As for cup feeding.. i dont know leh. When I went to see the LC today.. first thing she asked was whether I am using bottle to feed.. i told her yes then she was like "oh dear". I guess if your baby dont have nipple confusion then its fine. But you might not know till bb gets more fussy when older.

sun_tan: Haii thats my mistake lor! First day I came out.. i was in a pretty bad shape due to epidural, so i didn't breastfeed. Second day i tried then it was painful, the nurse say will find Lactation consultant for me.. but the LC didn't come and I didnt pursue it. I just continued to bear with the pain and let baby suck. Its only when my nipple cracked that I stopped latching him.. but thats already when I got home. :|

Mummies i also got problem wit BF. I tink partly 6 years gap from my 2nd son so my nipple is no longer seasoned.

2nd son direct latch TILL 6 months old.

This 3rd son got confused with the my nipple and the bottle nipple. He was in Hospital since born for 5 days and i was not allowed to BF him as the nurse told me BF milk will make the jaundince worse so i let hospital give him the bottle milk.

Somemore my milk for few days never kick in while BB in hospital. I pump till SIAO. The best i get both side will be 30ml and also every 6 hours than got milk. Hubby was very supportive, he told me to mix feed so that BB can grow well.

After BB discharge on 6th July 2010, i still not enough milk supply till Now even after i took Fenugereek twice a day , every 4 hours can pump only 40-60ml.

Today i started to take the fenugreek thrice aday. I hope to have more milk supply. Its ok to pump and pump as long My bb is driniking my MIlk.

The Formula milk i am using follow KKH nursery Enfalec A+. Small tin cost $40plus. Very Expensive. So i am trying to pump more milk so that BB can stop the formula Milk totally.

I envy those mummy that can latch directly, cause i have experinced it before, it is sooo easy and no time waste. Pumping really sucks, tiring and time consuming but for the BB health i am willing to do anyting for him...

Today also it end my 8 days Massage with Mdm Zubaidah.

Mdm Idah was busy so i am lucky i get Mdm Zubaidah the post natal massage lady that work at Spa.

I tink worth $50 cause she really does it well for 1hr 30mins.

I lost all the water retention and i am back to my old weight. I hope to lost more weight as i am Obese since the birth of 2nd son.

sweetkiss, no wonder. coz i got my fren to get it from Australia. i used it for years on my chapped lips [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so if you have dry lips, they are real good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i think she still pro-natural that is why she told me to come back another week.. if i knw this things happens, i will hv asked for induce labour last week so that i will hv a higher chance of natural delivery... but nw already full term..

Desitin Cream (blue cover) - I bring my boy to PD for review last week - his PD also recommended us to use Desitin... which I'm already using....works well for my boy... PD also suggested to use cotton & warm water to clean BB bum instead of wet wipes cos she said BB skin very sensitive now...

gers.i juz pop at 2108,bb 2.56kg natural w/o epi.

Birth story: check up at 9.50am w dr ang n was 3cm dilate.done ctg n was 4cm. He say check in at 3plus at tmc.break waterbag at 4.25pm n wait 4 contraction 2 start.mild contraction kick in n nurse check at around 6.15pm was 7cm dilate.stil mild contraction at 2 to 3min interval. At around 8plus contraction kick in,so pain!use breathing method n waited 4 doc ang 2 check,bt am 7 to 8cm stil. Bt i cant wait,nurse ask me 2 start my shitting.less than 10pushes,bb out! Then 5min placenta out.im relieve!

hi mummies,

agree with kerop's PD, cos instead of constantly using wet wipes for cleaning bb's buttom, u can use wet cottons balls. cos bb's skin very soft. some wipes r very rough. esp for bf bbs tat keeps pooping...the wet cottons balls r alot better n more economical too.

if u change bb's diapers every 2hrs or each time its soiled with poop, then i think not so easy to get nappy rash. try to air the buttom for a few secs b4 putting on diaper...

Desitin is best...get frm BP, cos its like $11.90 (2oz) at guardian, BP is ard $10+ (4oz) lor...

for wipes, i like pureen..cos i find its very moist as compared to brands like j&j. but pigeon is good too, but more pricey.

kkh's pureens always hv offer. go chk it out...

i got gfrd tat nv latch her bb aft the 1st week n can give epm till her bb is 8mths old lor. no subsitution of fm at all too. she jus keep pumping out her milk...she say aft some time, her total epm for a day can b 1800ml lor...

cherry.sue -- no prob! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sore nipples -- when i first latched at tmc, nurses told me that even at that time im having the right latch, it will sore cause its not seasoned yet.. i kept applying bm on my nipples cause it was bleeding and my nipple have some dark scape (dried blood).. after 1-2 days, the dark scape dropped and i machiam have a new nipple and painless!! haha..

if, u are having the right latch but nipple pain, wait and see how. but if bb is not getting the milk (wrong latch) and ur nipples sore, u really gotta look for a pro to help. if not u will have a grouchy bb who is hungry and a painful nipple and of coz, lack of sleep..

dont pump too early.. latch, feed then pump is ok. cause we still need to latch bb to signal our brain on the supply. pump is not as efficient as latching. but if have probs latching, look for a pro or pump and take fenugreek.

btw, best time to lose those extras kg u gain during ur pregnancy is 1st to 6th mths aft delivery...aft tat, very difficult oredi....need to do exercise lor...

oso dun think cos bfg, so u can eat w/o discipline hor....jus eat wisely...

hey, if u hv more than 1 yr of membership with MHF, u can join the spree.

cos its actually more fun to shop n cheaper to get things too (jus hv to wait for shipment only)...but b careful...can b very addictive....dun say i nv warn u lor...

hi for those who did post-natal massagae.. can i check if your massage include some wrap? is it jamu wrap?how long is per session n how many session are there? and how much? when is a good time to start massage huh? can I do it after confinement?

morn mommies

yesterday went to see my SIL's bb... the feeling is so surreal. her lit ger even gave me an opening present by pooping while i try to sayang her... so cute, yet i suddenly got hot with the reality - i will have to clean up my lit boy's poop everyday... v v soon!

my SIL's bb was weighing close to 4kg and 53cm... v tall bb... and she is v cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i wonder how mine will look like


when i had #1, my massage lady was a malay hence she follow thru the jamu wrap and all, which i was highly allergic too. like you, i started after confinement but many of my frens say that best to start during confinement if your delivery was natural.

congrats to lasery/cheese and good luck to aisah!

Morning mummies..

How have all mummies been?? Coppping well?

Wanna ask.. My little boy usually on breastfeeding during day time.. Last feed abt 11pm.. Than at night he will be on bottle feed formular milk... Past 2 to 3 days he had not been sleeping well.. CL was telling me he keep waking up every 1 2 hrs like tat n won't wanna go back to sleep.. CL was telling me that he might regonise mum's milk n formular milk..

I'm so afraid that aft CL go I will be having a hard time.. Wat shall I do????

Bb now like every 1 2 hrs wanna drink milk wen getting older.. Bb now 2week 2 days liao...

Sweetkiss I have the same as u.. I dun like ppl to touch my bb.. Getting worry for no reason.. Cried for no reason too..

My hubby said I give myself too much stress.. Aft tat go back work also worry no one take care.. Haiz!!

Sorry for interuption, i have some nursing top to let go, all SGD 5 inclusive normal postage, if you keen, pm me & will send you the picture.

1) Glamourmom ( the built in nursing bra ) nursing tank - M size

2) Moms R'Us - Black & inner white - side opening - Size opening

3) Spring Maternity - Orange - M size



hugs... it's v common ur baby might be experiencing a growth spurt now and will require more feeding. bcos ur last feed is FM, why dun u top him up with a little but more FM and see how it goes.

i know many of the mommy frens who had CL are worried what would happen when they leave but seriously, u will be able to cope. just have to have confidence about urself.

it's maternal instincts u dun wish anyone to touch ur bb, but trust me, help if offered to you when appropriate is heaven sent so if u cant do it all, let someone else handle bb... ur boy will be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

