(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

hi mummies,

post natal massage shld start aweek aft natural birth or 3weeks aft c-section tat's wat the massage lady advised me.

my boy wans to latch every 30mins interval lor...then realised he sometime jus wan comfort sucking...so i offered him the pacifier...works wonders...tho it take awhile for him to learn how to suckle on the pacifier...

watever tough time u think u might hv now will go away once bb n u r more accustom to each other...in abt 6mths, u will b a very experience mummy oredi...

for those bottle fed bbs, mummies must prepare the colic phrase....very long hrs of crying...can go crazy...but it will pass, got time read up more on how to handle...

yaolan, i only let my boy slp frm 3rd mth onwards....cos the neck is more strengthen then...i rather carry n rock him on my arms...

i agree with jellypurin, shld jus accept help wenever there is during the 1st mth, cos u need the rest to recover as well as promote bm supply...

bbmermaid, how old is your bb? i thought we shouldn't give bb pacifier until they are older? i also find sometimes my bb just want to comfort suck. quite tempted to give her pacifier.

hi mummies, if its inconvenient to go all the way to TMC to see lactation consultant, you can ask them to visit in the comfort of your home.

but of coz additional charges apply.

Babycoco - ppl discourage giving pacifier cos they scare that the bb may get addicted to it & difficult to stop when he grow older... U may consider giving your bb when she really need...once bb fell asleep just remove it... u try to control your bb... my boy only use it at night... after 4+am feed... cos i heard from other that is also not good to let BB cry for too long...wind might get in...

jasline: I wake up every 3 hours now to latch my baby on... after that still pump to drain the breasts. Its super hardwork and at times just want to give up but then I keep telling myself that the hardwork is first few wks, then when breastmilk supply is established.. it will be easier. You can pump out extra for your CL to feed baby at night. For me, I can't even sleep through the night now as I worry breasts will be blocked in the morning.. damn painful.

AK: I did my first session of massage today. Its my 6th day since I delivered. Mdm Ida is very good and helped me to clear my blocked ducts (hello,damn pain). But its good for the breasts and now much softer than how I felt previously. She also did the wrap for me.

breastfeeding: Mommies, that are bfeeding.. I really have question mark as to whether my son is taking enough from my breasts. Cos after he stops suckling, I can still pump quite a big amount (100ml). Im storing those pumped milk and so im worried hes not getting enough. I know having a good supply of milk is a "healthy" problem, but then it is also giving me alot of discomfort due to frequent blocked ducts and hard breasts. I told my hubby I am going to pump and pump and pump and store and store and store and hopefully I will have enough for several months supply. Cos when I start working I want to stop breastfeeding.. else too tiring since I need to pump very regularly to clear the breasts.

Sleeping habit: My son when he sleeps, he lets out soft but short cries. Like "waaa" then stop. Any one else have this problem? Im a super light sleeper so whenever he cries out, I surely wake up to check on him.

All in all..... DAMN SHACK!!!!!! =(

hello mummies, alot of you have popped! congrats..

my confinement is ending in 3 days time. full mth party on this coming sat. i want to say is my confinement is not a proper one. said that my mil will help out. but she only come for 2 hours daily, to bring my lunch, bath my gal and feed her. my DH help out by bring back dinner from mil's house, wash bb clothes, brew tonic soup. Most of the time i am alone with my gal, nite feeding still done by myself because DH needs to work, dont want to disturb him. Yes, i felt cheated, should have insist getting CL. Cried serveral times due to the stress - low milk supply, crying baby, not enough sleep...

accept any help comes along. my dad came to help me often, bring my gal out to sun while i doing massage.

get enough rest if possible. try not to get fuss up on little things. sure can get over confinement, over alone with your baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i give me boy at ard 3rd week aft birth, i think...cant remember...cos im not worried abt addiction, cos he will b off it wen he's ready...good esp the time wen he's teething.

my boy now will auto spit out the pacifier wen he dun wan it.

honestly, i rather he's addicted to the pacifier than the smelly pillow...cos pacifier if forget to brg out can always buy it easily, the smelly pillow, u forget u hv to drive all the way hme to get it....tis how i see it...so not everyone will agree w me lah...

Jaclyn, is normal to have such noise.. it is called 'sleeping noise'. said to be slowly go off till 3rd mth. not to worry. my gal also have sleeping noises everyday. got to know how to differentiate what is real hunger cues, what is sleeping noises.. not to worry..


congrats on ur bb's first month.

actually, it does not matter how ur confinement is done. to me, i had mild pnd with my #1 and i was just like u, cried many times and help was almost never on the way for help even though i was living with my own parents BUT i had learn that no matter what, i shd always find myself in all these circumstances i am in. if the thing that wouldn't kill me made me stronger, sure i have what it takes to better and overcome it!

congrats to you for surviving motherhood too!

i super agree with jellypurin. we are modern ladies with a host of education and career. we are definitely stronger.

its a fine line between tradition and superstition. to me, stay happy, enjoy the little one is more impt than focusing how one does her confinement. a lot of confinement myths was done in china horrid weather conditions that is just passed down without much thought.

Jaclyn - my boy give out that noise too... for the 1st few days I will wake up & see...now i know he is sleeping even he is making the noise...I continue to sleep... think the more we spend time with him the more we can catch their pattern... easier for us to handle when CL is gone..

Yep I also agree. All these confinement traditions and rules are driving us up the wall. I insisted to my MIL that I can't take alcohol and ginger cos im bfeeding.. somemore baby have jaundice now. Yet every meal still come with alot of rice wine. I try to explain to her, she argues that rice wine not very high in alcohol content (however I can still taste alcohol strongly). Haiiiii !!!

My hubby is very supportive and try to talk to her but she also don't listen. Its those "i know better" type of attitude. Sigh.

Theres this book that doctor gave us.. it tells how there is no need to feed water, why baby sneezes (not cos its cold), why we shouldnt wrap baby up all the time etc. But that book is in English and no chinese version! Else I surely give my MIL to read. I think they only listen when it comes from the doctor.


hang in there. confinement will be over soon for you too. since u dun stick by most of the rules, just enjoy ur time with your son and have a happy confinement! go out, have a sip of nice drink at a nearby cafe and nurse ur son as u watch the world go by ... that's what i intend to do man!

heehee, i had sashimi in the first wk!

from my #1 confinement time, a useful trick we use is the PD says so. everything is the PD says so. period.

if we subscribe to the confinement rules without thot, all we have of are memories that are uncomfy (to the extent of torturous) instead of the priceless solitary moments with the baby.


i so wanna whack the sashimi after i deliver man! i had been watching too much japan hour and all they feast on every episode is the yummy sashimi. watch already i am just salivating but hated the fact i cant eat now...

Hi Mummies

I have been a silent follower of this thread and this is my first post here to seek some help and advice from you gals.

I have given birth about 2 weeks ago and have been trying to breastfeed my baby but there are too many challenges faced.

On the 4th day after giving birth, my breast become engorged and as a first time mum, i do not know what to do. I tried to massage, pump and put cabbage on my breasts. Luckily the engorgement problem got resolved the next day. From then on, i am unable to pump out more than 30ml of breastmilk on both side. It is really demoralising.

I have diligently pump out every 2-3hrs, allow my baby to latch regularly, massage, use hot towel before feeding/pumping, taking fenugreek etc but milk is still not coming in. And i have been drinking alot of fluids (red date drinks, milk, soups etc). I really do not know what is my problem and what i should do.

As my low milk supply can't meet my baby's demand, i have been spoon-feeding and cup feeding him with formula milk. But i really want to breastfeed my baby. And my in laws and hubby are hoping that i can breastfeed too. I have heard that i need to stay positive and send the message to my body to produce more milk. But how to go about doing that? I tried to relax and get sufficient rest and sleep but milk supply is still not coming in. And somehow i start to feel guilty that i am not fulfilling my baby's needs. What should i do?

For my case, do i need to seek for lactation consultant? My baby is latching correctly and i am using Medela Pump In Style Advanced. I will usually pump for 15min per session. The flow is usually quite fast for the first 10mins. Then after that the flow will slow down and come to a stop.

Whenever i massage my breast, milk will start to drip. It looks like i have alot of milk that it overflow but it is just a false signal. The flow comes fast and stop fast too. And i can never get more than 30ml of milk from both sides.

Will lactation consultant in TMC be able to help me on this? Any advice from mummies here? I am really desperate. And such desperate feeling is making me feel depressed and tired. I know that i have to stay positive but somehow it is getting more difficult now as days goes by and i am still not producing enough milk.

i have sneaked a few pcs during the 9 months :p i had it at Inagiku , assuming it is super fresh.

yesterday, i checked the breastfeeding.org.sg, on sashimi during BF. thank goodness, its safe! so sashimi here i come after my delivery!

Jellypurin, true true.. but really easy to slip into depression.. gald that i manage to pull through. more challange to come..

our daily routines - pump/latch, measure milk supply, feed baby, counting bb feeding times, counting bb sleeping time..... *faint*

really easy to give up BF.. got times i really wanted to give up. everytime have to pump after bb feed. trying to catch up the demand. tiring!

Pillow, ya! i simply dont care. wear shorts and tees, sometime spag top. blowing fan. anyway pump i need to be topless anyway.

Jaclyn, same! i just tell my mil.. doc say bla bla.. then she wont argue. my mum also same kind. but my mum i can tell her off.

something funny to cheer mummies here. u know what i thot of packing into my hosp bag? no one can guess it. a beach mat.

my hb looked at me, what the hell are you thinkg ???? you have not even put your PJs in !

hmm, coz bb's present for my #1 is a farmhouse. and TMC room floor is not carpeted, so i was thkg of laying a comfy beach mat for him to play ! i am packing like going for a 3 day 2 nite holiday manz! from story books, to tidbits, to beach mat ????

jolin: yes its worth going to a LC.. they really helped me with my bfeeding problems.

Jellypurin: you also must jia you! 38 weeks le.. soon ur turn!!

confinement: The only confinement rule im following is to drink red date tea only. I also take confinement food cooked by my MIL and my mom. Besides that... i blow fan, take off my top when I breast feed, eat chocolate chip cookies and cake. I also bathe daily.. my domestic helper will boil lemon grass and ginger for me.. im supposed to bathe in it only but i just bathe with normal hot tap water and then when im done i use a towel and wipe the lemon grass water over myself.. keke. Dont like the idea of washing my body totally with that water especially the wound area.

rabbit: same same.. i can tell my mom off too so my mom don bother me so much. I also always question whether i REALLY need to breastfeed. It would be soooo much easier just to feed formula. Then i always tell myself, anyway both hubby and I are formula fed.. so far we ok ma. Hahaa =D

hehee... as for confinement rules.

this time round i did most of it except i sneak out to watch Eclipse yesterday.

But i also wore shorts and sleevelesses tees/sphagetti straps.

Was such a relieve to be out man...

anyway, this sun will be the end of it all.

My baby's full mth party on sunday.

hi July mummies,

I've came in the earlier months occasionally but not active in this thread. I'm still waiting for bb's arrival, about another week's time. This is my #2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

Sorry to intrude.

I have just tested positive and am looking for a gynae.

I have actually shortlisted Dr Lawrence Ang but would like have some feedbacks from the mummies here who has engage him as your gynae. As I have read raves about him.. =)

Could mummies who were with him share what are his delivery charges like?

Thanks so much in advance!

babycoco: no he was sleeping in my hubby's arms. Actually i just fed him about 45ml of breastmilk via bottle at my gynae's before i went down to parentcraft. This is not advisable though. Better to time it so that theres at least 1-2 hours from last feed. Because I walked in, I couldn't really time it and baby was crying for milk at the gynaes. You can make an appointment and time it. But don't worry about it even if baby is sleeping, they will wake baby up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tinkerbell: Congrats and take care now! Take folic acid! =)

Mommies using Medela freestyle,

Which part of the breastpump do you sterilise? I dont need to sterilise the tubes right since it doesnt come in contact with the bm. As for the breastshield, i need to take it apart before putting into my steriliser? Also, there is this "yellow rubber" part after i take apart the breastshield, must i sterilise this rubber part too?

sun_tan: I just wash+sterilise everything that comes into contact with milk. The tubings don't touch the milk so dont need to sterilise. But once in awhile the tubings will have condensation. To clear that just turn on your pump, dont plug the tubes into anything and let the air clear the condensation. When is your turn to pop my dear..? Must be wait until impatient!

Hi Grace,

So how u find Eclipse?? I went to watch it before 1 day b4 i gave birth... my mil abit unhappy cos said anytime may gave birth still anyhow go out...furthermore cinema so dark later fall down how.... hahah but i never regret watching it... my boy like it too...cos he move alot during the show....haha


Then do you take apart the breastshield and sterilise? Or you put the whole thing into your steriliser? Also when i take it apart, there is this yellow rubber, not sure if it can withstand the sterilising or not. My Edd on 25th jul..so thats next sunday! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] getting anxious..but reading you mommies who have popped, about breast feeding, engorgement, its scary!

Grace, keropi,

I watched Eclipse on sunday...via online..ahhah cos hubby no time to accompany me to watch in the cinema. Find the show a bit dragging and boring..

sun_tan: haha don worry, 1 thing at a time.. labour first :D

Yes i take apart the breast shield and sterilise.. sterilizing is just steaming ma.. so won't be harmful to any parts.


u need to take apart all the parts that has contact with your skin and milk so apart from the tubings, u need to sterilise everything [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i've got a stupid qn to ask...do we need to sterilise the breast pump before our 1st pump (i also bot medela freestyle) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh, so totally no wash with detergent ? just sterilise will do eh ? i mean daily use also the same ? need to wash w detergent?

hi all,

I delivered my bb gal via c section on the 5th july. She is 2.85kg at birth, 49cm tall and head circumference 34cm. She is having jaundice still. Well, I am very busy with my boy and bb gal now. Hope will cope well soon.

Hai for the bb waterproof mat, i have been washing for at least 3 times le, but still very powdery! so irritating...

Jasline -- im on TBF and my bb is about 16 days now.. she start to having longer waking time which i read its quite normal. at times, i will let her do comfort sucking and she will go to bed. if im too tired, i jus let her play by herself and she will doze off..

is ur bb drinking the FM? by right they shud enjoy the FM more than BM..



Not sure why got powder, but i think some mommies previously also complained abt this problem. But after i wash it and air dry, i can see white powdery stuffs on the mat.

