(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Serene: Ya i was thinking my only form of liquid hydration now is the red date longan tea which is quite sour tasting. So my bm probably tastes sour too. Yucks! hehee. Btw im still abit worried my boy not taking enough from me. He suckles for 15 mins then falls asleep. I try to wake him but really can't! Maybe he has some jaundice now thats why so sleepy.


Jaclyn yup jaundice could be the cause of sleepy bb.. my girl is also very sleepy esp during the peak of her jaundice.. i got worried about the amt she drank because theres no sun and PD wants me to bf her more so that she can expel it out. and i got stressed up esp during the peak when shes SUPER yellow.. i got freaked out..

Maybe i share with u what i do..

i take note book and draw a table indicating

1. wake up

2. first feed

3. sleep

4. Left

5. Right

6. Dirty

7. Wet

i will indicate what time she wakes up, what time she take her first latch (cause i wanna know how long she need to be alert and start sucking), what time she fell asleep, how long she suckle for each breast and during that feed was the diaper wet and dirty..

how it helps.. say if bb at that feed only drink 15 mins each, then she will wake up faster than when she had longer latches. sometimes when i panic when she barely cross the "target" i will flip back to the previous records and see if she has such exp before and see the consistency so that i can predict what is going to happen next (e.g. waking up faster).

and due to shorter feeds, she might not poo or pee more, which i might forget why.. i can also look back and remind myself that she had a short feed previously so theres nothing to worry.

after having this table, i feel more calm and relax and able to "Catch" my girl's cue and will worry myself for nothing.

and because i no longer have a mega memory, it helps me to recall many things like, how many dirty diapers i changed in 24 hours to indicate if i have been feeding her enough for the day or not.

i hope it helps.. like i said, it really takes a lot of hardwork but since we are first time mommies, its ok to take the longer route as long as bb is doing fine.

Jaclyn -- oh, if i pumped for that breast, i will also indicate the amt. so i can know what time of the day i will have the most pumped amount and when is my "down time"..

morning gers.i manage 2 latch my bb only few times.after labour m so hungry n didnt..start next day.seem so lost cos hard 2 feed!2dae discharging n nw waiting 2 c pd say bb can go hm a nt.praying hard!

Morning mummies!

I have safely delivered my baby gal yesterday. natural w/o epidural. will share my story soon.

sun_tan can help me update under Siti Aisha Alwi

-baby gal, Alyssa Emelda

-born 13th July, edd 13th july

Congrats to all mummies who have popped.. Can I check, for c-sect mummies, when can we start exercising and carrying heavy things (need to carry my #1).. my #1 is so whiny and constantly asks my hubby to carry her, cos everyone tells her mummy cannot carry her. and then she asks me 'mummy can carry mei-mei?' cos she sees me carrying the baby. feel so bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anyone has details of pigeon warehouse sale? so tempted to go even though it's my confinement. have gone out with #1 and hubby for a short while last week, but have not tried bringing both kiddos out yet. baby doesn't latch very well i think cos of my short nipples, keep slipping out.. so if gotta pump and bottle feed #2 (takes about 25 mins at least!), wonder how to keep #1 entertained. like that how can i ever bring both kiddos out by myself?


u need time to recover from ur c-sect. try to only start carrying stuff and exercising only after ur gyn tells u u can.

Pigeon Warehouse Sale:

Details of event are as follows:


Saturday, 17 July 2010

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Time: 10am - 4.30pm (both dates)

Venue: 84 Genting Lane #05-06 Cityneon Design Centre Singapore 349584

Terms: Cash Payment Only and While Stocks Last!

Your way to our place:

Nearest MRT: Aljunied Station

Bus: 125 (from opposite Aljunied Station) and alight at Kallang Way

Congrats cheese, Yvonne, Aisha...

My BB is in her third week... today she stays awake from 6am till now... after numerous feeding, still does not want to sleep... can see that she's tired and cranky... aiyah...

congrats mummies who've popped!

Eliss, my bb is the same [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] in her third week and hasn't been sleeping much. last night kept me up after feeding at 12am. i rocked her till 230am and passed her to CL to be bottle fed. she hasn't slept since 8am this morning either. and she'll wail unless someone rocks her... is this normal?

My bb third week too.. Did't sleep much too..

For breastfeed, we mother won't know how much is given to bb, wat if overfeed n vomit milk out?? Mine happen few time I'm so worry to see it... Always scare he drink too much...

as bb grows, their waking time will be longer, they will be more alert and they can see things a bit clearer so everything is like "wow" to her..

for me, i also experience that. not only theres another growth spurt between 3 week - 6 week, they are growing to be more alert.

what i do is to let bb have some comfort sucking on my bed. she will fall asleep on my bed and i jus let it be for 15 mins before i move her to the cot. sometimes she will keep waking up. as long as she doesnt make noise, i wont bother her. but if she make the ngeh ngeh sound, i will go and check on her. pat pat her a bit.. change her positions or cover her with blanket.. check her diapers too.. see if theres anything she need.

dont over tire urself. i over stretched myself that i was totally flat after 4 days of entertaining her.. but now, i learn to jus listen to her cues.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jasline: pump out for 1 day feeding then take the average. This one is my HB teach me de...

So now i know my BB Claire is taking 60ml BM which will last her 2hrs to 2.5hrs. If on formula milk 60ml will last her 3.4hrs to 4hrs. If mix 30ml each of formula milk & BM, will last bb 3.5hrs.

Jasline -- spitting of milk could be a reflux.. which is normal. as long as bb doesnt spit everything out.. a little is normal. try to burp ur bb every 15 mins or everytime bb unlatches. what i do sometimes is to lift bb up to a sitting position so my letdown is slower and she will have time to swallow and move her milk down.. do it slowly and try to keep bb at an angle but not flat..

thanks Serene.

Just read this too:

Also keep in mind that babies do outgrow their fussiness. "It usually begins about two weeks after birth and peaks by the age of 6 weeks," Shu explains. "And it's usually gone by 3 to 4 months."

9. It's OK to walk away. If your baby is screaming inconsolably and you need a break, take 10 seconds or 10 minutes—whatever is required—to compose yourself. Just be sure your baby is safe before doing so. "Babies don't die from being in a crib or bassinet when you have to walk away," Shu says. "They die when parents get so overworked that they shake them."



serene: my mum is asking me to learn her cues too... my HB is picking up bb's cues very well... hahaha like waking her up for feeding... As my bb can slp n dont want drink milk... hahaha... so got to wake her up to drink...

Congrats cheese, Yvonne n Aisha,

Mummies, Anyone has a good girdle of binder to recommend? Today was my last day of massage. I thought tmr onwards I'll jus wear girdle or binder instead of traditional clothwRap. So ma fan.

Tmr is my newborn shoot with Allison! So exciting!

xbeanniex -- yup.. picking up cues is super impt.. it really save a lot of time. when i went to my PD at her 1st week, she ngeh a bit, my PD say she wanna drink milk liao.. i was like.. wow.. and i bf her in the clinic..

now, i will know why she will suddenly wake up.. she can even wake up a bit just to fart!! sometimes her diapers is soiled... slowly learn lor.. once u get it... everything is made easy.. lol

serene: talking abt soiling diapers... 1st night i take care of my bb, i didnt know bb poo so i went back to slp having to see bb's butt super red 3 hrs later for the next feeding. -.-ll and best part is bb got cue me by "ngeh ngeh" but i thought bb just want me to cuddle to slp...

2nd nite, the moment i her her "negh" 1st thing i check her diapers, then check her socks n mittens drop or wat, then re wrap blanket - assurance of security, then check room temperature. bb should be sound aslp very soon...

LOL.. ya ya.. the maternal instincts kicks in lor.. i will see la.. if she sounds like shes kek sai-ing i jus let her kek.. then when she gg to fall asleep (means she kek finish), i will change her diapers..

at first i kan cheong, kept changing for her and she kept poo ing.. end up i keep wasting diapers lol

Serene: eh think i did the wasting diapers on day 1 when bb was back too... 2nd night i also waited for bb's cue - totally no reaction...(deep slp) then i change diaper...

my bb no kek sai sound ... hahaha... but she got the farting sound... so got to check to confirm... hahahaha

yep Beannie, I feed her on breastmilk... she seems to be rooting...so i latch her lor...after a while, she seem to doze off so i withdraw my breast...then after slept for 5 mins, she screamed again....feel like giving her pacifier...

glad to see i'm not alone. my bb is the same. super wide awake since i fed her at 7:30am. she'll sleep at most 30mins, wake up screaming. i've checked her diapers, room temperature, let her suckle, and she's still screaming. seems i don't understand her cues. i think she's sooo tired that she can't sleep, then she'll scream her head off. this is the 3rd day she's been like this. i think she has eye bags. so poor thing.

ecym: then pump out to feed ba... i now pump out to feed as my gal also fall aslp then start screaming again next... pretty stressful for me hearing her screaming...

afternoon mummies,

i find that my baby who's also in her 3rd week being more awake too.it used to be - breastfeed and she'll sleep when full. now even after she's full her eyes remain so wide open.

oh also, she's developing this habit of wanting to cuddle more. sometimes she wakes up in the middle of her sleep and just cries but immediately stops as soon as i carry her. not sure if i'm helping her develop a bad habit (according to my mum) but i can't take it when she cries.

cherry.sue, me too. i also can't take it when my bb cries. so i always pick her up. sometimes she'll stop crying, sometimes not. i have no idea what else to do. lucky my hb is good at comforting her. but it makes me feel even more of a failure as a mom, you know. don't even know how to comfort my own bb.

cherry.sue -- me too.. i feel that bb wants more body contact. what i do is.. i will go to her cot and touch her and pat her.. talk to her and once she hears my voice, she goes back to sleep. if she wakes up again and make a fuss, i will put her on my bed beside me instead of carrying her.

lets say if she really develop a bad habit, at least i wont have to carry her all the way.

oh ya, after shes in deep sleep, i will carry her back to her cot so that she will wake up realising shes at her cot instead of my bed..

serene, the thing is she sleeps on my bed. i tried patting her but she will stop only when i carry her. i do manage to place her on her sleep wedge after shes in deep sleep. but very tiring to wait for her to go into deep sleep.

serene: 1st night i put bb next to me slp... indeed very sound aslp... but by day break, my mum actually put her back to her cot ... i oso not aware of it... hahahaha...

hi mommies. just came bk from chk-up... me and my bb lost weight... well, not a lot, few hundred grams from each of us... gynae says she thinks this week could be THE week for me so am quite excited. tonight need to go and re-look into my hospital bag and make sure i have everything in there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies, just wanted to check in with you girls your take on gripe water. one of my gfrens was telling me that baby will sleep better if i feed her gripe water every morning since she did that with her boy.

any mummies feeding their bbs gripe water?

cherry, i did give my #1 gripe water but tat was cos she was gassy and kept spitting up. she turned out to be a colic baby, damn difficult..

so far haven't had the need to give #2 gripe water. my take is if no need then dun give lor..


i give gripewater only when bb is showing signs of colic otherwise i dun feed everyday... i dun see supplement necessary for an infant...

any mummies here giving both breastmilk and formula milk.

My bb never seems satisfied with latching alone. She can latch for like 45 mins and still scream for more milk.

So wat i do is i will latch her for like 30-45 mins then give her 1to 1.5 oz of formula milk.

Is wat I am doing right? When i try pumping my breasts, I only get 10-20ml from both breasts after pumping for 45 mins.

counting down to my c-section tomorrow morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think can't zzz tonite.

last nite already losing sleep

counting down to my c-section tomorrow morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think can't zzz tonite.

last nite already losing sleep


If not moving much/decrease in movement, better inform gynae. Last night when i went for my weekly checkup, i also mentioned to my gynae abt the decrease in movement, in the end was sent to Mt A for CTG check. But lucky everything is all right. Got another mummy, xbeannie who mentioned abt less movement then in the end gave birth in the same day right?


Try to rest more today, after tomorrow, it would be busy busy and busy! Jiayou!

munchies, same here...my bb also sometimes never satisfied after latching on for about 30 to 45 min...so i also top up with FM....if he is ok, then i let it be...


suntan>> Oh, think i'll go home & monitor at night also cuz usually BB's super active @ nite, if decrease in movement then tmrw morning then call clinic. Tks.

