(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

hi mummies,

finally found sometime to come online and chat...this few days kinda stressful coz bb got jaundice until the tongue both side also yellow..got so worried and scared..but he is back only like 3rd day today...hope 2molo he would be alrite at the doc check..

2molo will be heading back to gyane and also bb check up together.

bb having a long hiccup nw..


Munchies: You are doing just fine. Trust your mother's instinct. I also do the same.

Cutting of nails: I wanna cut my BB's nails.. so long but I scared lei. Hehe!!

Maid: Today, my maid performance is better. Dunno what gotten into her. Maybe cos my face a little black too or she overheard my conversation with hubby last night. Haha!! But watever works.

vernie: i jus finish a 1.5hr feed...frm 1.30pm til 3pm...somemore is latch on 1 side only...haiz..

he die die wanna finish 1 side then slowly fall aslep..

nw finish another 60ml FM...


dun worry abt cutting bb's nails. jta - r u pantang? if u r not, then do it when bb slp. use pigeon scissor rather than the nail clipper, k?

jts - i had yet to cut my #1's nail until today cos i cut only when she zzz and i cut using a nail scissor...


Anyone has good recommendation for binder/ girdle? Today was my last session of massage. I got of wearing the binder/ girdle instead of the traditional wrapcloth. So ma fan.

suntan: yeah ! my bb didnt move at all even when gynea push my tummy very hard... hahaha... ya bb popped the next day thru c-section. as my pelvic bone is too small n cervix didnt open wide enough for bb to go down.

Congrates mummy who just popped!!

Jia you to those mummies popping soon!!

Munchies: inform ur gynea, they do a CTG to make sure bb's heart beat is strong and there's not contraction.


i also cut my boy's nails. the CL was saying that normally people dont cut, will drop/break naturally. But the nails is so long, confirm once mitten drop, will scratch himself.

today he nose blocked too, result of last night he puke after drinking milk cos didnt burp him cos he pooed so much. today went to buy the sea salt spray and spray his nose, the mucus came out. then he can breath better.

my number one also had the blocked nose, so the sea salt spray was from doctor.. but it expired so we just buy a bottle from pharmarcy today.


that sounds like good news..this week is the week!! hehehe you better BP whatever u can before u popped and get busy =p


i hv so many bp i had not paid up yet! am actually hvg mild contractions on and off now... wonder if it would get worse at nite???

jellypurin: I not pantang but why lei? Cannot cut BB's nail one ah? I bought the Pigeon scissors.

grace: The nails will break or drop off naturally? Sure or not? Ya.. his nails very long.. and sharp.. I told my hubby that it looks like a claw.


cos some pple pantang, cant cut bb's nail when slpg or at nite... so i ask cos not pantang, when bb slp, just cut! i always do that but my parents will scold me, say no gd and this and that but if not, how else and when to cut leh i ask them....

ok thanks ! was wondering when i shld ask my CL to come. imagine ask her to come then bb have to stay in hosp then waste $$...

pillow - you have elective c-sect right? inform your CL first about tomorrow, said maybe you are discharging three or four days later. get her to standby in Johore...(my CL did not)... If BB kena admitted for jaundice again after discharge, also no choice...

We had a scare last week, thought BB will be re-admit to hospital. HB and I prepared to stay in hospital with BB...was thinking of asking CL to go to her son or her sis for a few days...since nobody will be at home... luckily BB gal need not admit...

Btw, can we do rebonding while breastfeeding? I cant stand my hair le! Feel like doing rebonding after confinement...


heehee actually i was surfing and saw yr names on many BPs..hahahah.. quick pay.

then when on confinement will be very shiok, everyday got present from santa claus.. i love receiving mail/parcels..hahaha


i didnt believe lah. If believe will break naturally, i wouldnt have cut already. anyway, he was awake when we cut, CL hold him then hubby cut. me cannot cut, my hand will shiver one.


reborn or dye hair after confinement should be ok. just that need to pump out the milk and throw after the dye. just once. just in case the chemicals go into the milk. So in meantime, give EBM for that feed.

Did u get the tea? Better to have some on hand before u birth. Very useful.. =)


now u know my weakness... actually inquiring and buying things for #1 lah... too bad i have a ger as first born, i basically splurge on her... but i like getting bargains when i can... my ah boy... he has so little compared to his sister... that is what #2 is lor... get all the hand me downs... and i like pink better than blue :p

jellypurin, u mentally prepared your #1 already ?

my boy becomes more sticky these days. las nite, held me v tightly to zzz. in the past, he can zzz well on his own, dun need me one. but last nite, he insist i zzz w him


not at all... i will just take a step at a time to ease my #1 into this .... i am hvg a tough time too... these days, she will stick to me like glue too and wants me to play with her, bath her and many other things, which i cant do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i am so big now...

jelly: hahah..coz he need to sun 10mins every morn...so after sunning for 2 days he really turn quite dark...instead of the fair complexion he had when born...

jellypurin: Oh.. the pigeon scissors packaging also suggest we cut when BB is asleep lei. But then my CL say if pantang then can only cut after one month. I not pantang but my grandparents are. And they will sure nag one.. but I wanna cut lei.. see so long.. cannot tahan.

Grace: I also very scared lei. So scared I cut his little fingers. Hehe!!

Recongnizing of sound: Do u all scared that BB will recongnize CL's voice? I really scared lei cos if BB recongnize her voice then when she is gone, I scared BB will cry and search for her. Got such thing or not ah?

jellypurin: Omg so excited for you. Whole today is the day!!! =D

cutting fingernails: I also bought the pigeon scissors already.. but till now abit scared to cut cos baby only 1 week old and he moves his hands and legs with quite alot of strength. Very scary! MIL says cut only during 1st month.. think by then his nails become claws.

Ann: I think no need to worry about that. Your CL staying only 1 mth right? Be more weary that he is sticky to your maid since the maid more long-time.

Sun tanning: I also need to suntan my son. I do it twice a day somemore... once before 10am and 2nd time after 5pm. Hope he won't turn charcoal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Skin peeling: Any mommies experience this? My son's skin seems to be peeling alittle bit.. he is smooooth all over but the skin seem to be dry and abit peeling. I am going to apply some baby lotion see if it works.

milk bags: Can I ask experienced mommies which milk bag is the best to use? I bought 2 boxes of Medela milk bags and damn regret! Just today I pump into the bag to freeze then when I propped them up to stand so that I can remove the pump, one of them toppled over and I spilled almost 20ml of my precious milk. Sighhh.. now I know where the phrase "crying over spilt milk" comes from because I almost cried. Also im supposed to tear along the perforated line but it always tears wrongly and not swee swee one. Very pissed with it. Waste my $$.. i bought 2 boxes of 50s somemore =(

Ann: got such things..so it's best to talk more to bb...after feeding try to bond with bb loh..

mine start to recongnise voice n smell liao...he will open the eyes super big when another person carry him but won't make noise..

if i carry, he will feel comfy n will even smile when ppl talk or play with him...n even fall aslep while i carry too..<--this is bad loh..

jaclyn: i tot the storage bag suppose to be air-tight like zip lock bag like tt? mine is pigeon brand de..i saw gt 2 zip lock seal to prevent spillage wor..

lasery: I havent zip it cos i using dual pump with dual bag ma.. then i put both down standing up (supposed to b able to stand up wat!) somemore leaning against something. Cos I need to tear along the perforated line first then can zip.. before I knew it, one of the bag topple .......... sim tia! Donno how to juggle both bags without putting one down leh

jaclyn: Skin peeling is normal for the first 10 days or so...my boy was like that too...after about 10 days, the skin is smooth already...my CL apply baby oil all over his body after his bath..


hahah, we have the same weakness. dont worry!!

my ah girl has a 3 door wardrobe.. so i dont need to explain much. ah boy has all the handme down from a fren. we exchange clothes, cos her newborn was a girl and mine is a boy. so save $$.

ah boy has only few new clothes =)

As for preparing number 1... mine took awhile.

basically i got her a scooter, something she wanted for a long time then say didi give her.

She is better already. the first few weeks were bad.. she will wake up at 4am to ask for milk too. normally she sleep thru.


erm, how to describe the taste.

its not exactly the nicest. it tastes of abit of peppermint smell and some herbs.

but u know, whatever to increase milk will work for me..hee


yah we use the pigeon scissors lookalike to cut the nails. best cutter! my number one also use it. haha must get someone with steady hands, mine will shake.. =)

as for CL voice, i think some extend will bah but mummy will always win. so dont think so much. i cope myself with number 1 after CL left. everything will fall naturally.. dont worry =)

As for Milk Bags,

I am using Lansinoh Milk Bags.

Works for me so far. I have used it since number 1. I feed number 1 for a year so far no breaks, leaks etc.

im always busy bodying in the forum while pumping haha...read abt spilling milkbags?..can try standing the bags in a cup / mug instead of leang it against sumting. Then i think wun topple over accidentally.

erm...i manage to get the glass bottles tt nurses feed at the nursery for our bb. then i ask hubby bring hm wash n sterlise them..coz the glass bottles can reuse n reuse n also got the indicater of how many ml given.

ltr i going to pump n store in it straight then use the bottle cap to cap it up.. quite convinent i think. for mummies going to pop can request the glass bottles FM from the nursery too. most impt save small bottle $$..

lasery2k yah i also have alot of bottles but it takes up alot of space in the freezer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Tmc doesn't give glass bottles le... I only got the samples. Luckily I still have some at home. Very useful to pump into the glass bottles then put them in chiller for next day's use.


I did tt after confinement. I pumped andthrew away the milk after that.


ur turn! Excited right?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies

sorry to disturb. i have an unopen small sized mamy poko 84pcs. selling at 21. collection at hougang. do pm me if u r keen. thanks.

Shann: me too. BB not engage & irene say not so soon also. should be in 1 - 2 wks time.

Slowly wait lor.. Dunno BB wan what horoscope, Cancer or Leo.

hi mummies..

i have just popped my boy, Jovan on 10 Jul thru elective c-sect.. just discharged yesterday..

im soooooo tired now... so many housework and things to settle while home.. and last night got to entertain my boy the whole night from 130 to 8am.. ahhhh... nightmare.. luckily im able to catch some sleep during daytime while my mum is taking care of the boy..

by the way.. have some questions need to seek u gals help..

1) issit better to empty my milk after every feed? my boy keep requesting for milk last night non-stop.. im really worried i got not enuff supply..

2) If i would like to store my milk, just store it in the fridge then re-warm? how long can i keep the milk? and do i need to sterilise my pump everytime after used?

im really lost now.. and so regret that i nvr get a CL.. cos mum cant really do much housework.. then hubby got to help up with all the washing and housework.. i got to take care of my boy by myself.. sigh..

oh ya.. and i really cant stand the weather... u gals really can tahan no shower or even wipe ur body? i cant tahan.. already wipe my body next day after my c-sect in hospital.. haha.. and now i secretly wipe my body while my mum is sleeping.. haha..


How is everyone? Last few days has been a blur..feeding, pumping, resting...so tired!

Jaclyn >> Wah u still got extra milk to freeze? Tatz really good!

For baby's dry skin, just apply some baby lotion and it will go away.

Breast feeding >> Brandon suckles for soooo long! Sometimes 1 hr, its like suck suck suck..sleep..suck suck..sleep..

Iwent to see the lactation nurse yesta and when she was with us, he suckles so well. Dunno wot to do, very tiring. In the end I will pump my breast for abt 5 mins and feed the him with bottle.


cos i using the avent duo pump.. so i pump into avent bottles, then pour and keep in milkbags.

then to freeze, i make the milk bag lye down flat. so save space.

regarding glass bottles,

i feel that the glass bottles can only use for 1 mth. cos each bottle is 90ml, max is 100ml.

bb's feed from 2nd month onwards for BM can be 90- 125ml.

my daughter is a big drinker, she was drinking 125ml in her second week onwards. whereas, her little brother is now drinking 100ml in his 4th week.


Shawn has been clingy? Dahlia started being clingy and extra hmm, trying-to-get-on-our-nerves few days before I popped. And hasnt stopped testing us since bb's born [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Sometimes I try to reason with her, sometimes she gets apologetic, sometimes I lose my head :D


Wanna check with you all, how long after the VE exam that labour will begin? I am now 39 weeks and baby has been engaged, but so far no contraction yet, and just now I refused when the gynae asked if I want any VE exam, coz he said will bring the labour forward...need advice badly. Thanks in advance


grace: yap, the glass bottles can use for max 1mth only if feeding milk...but it really save the cost of getting extra small milk bottles for milk storage n bb feeding..

alternative can use to feed water when bb is bigger.

pris: tt's wat happening to me also...he suckle suckle then Zzzz...have to keep tapping his face or shift his head abit to wake him up..

super tired to BF him for 1hr..esp he Zzz then 20sec ltr he ownself start to cry coz the nipple head slip off his mouth...really is (=.=!!)..gotta be super patient..

