(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Ceres, if you are feeding within 24 to 48 hrs after expressing, just leave it in the non-freezer section of your fridge. Put the bottle of milk in hot water to warm it up.

Kat: ok tks.. if put in bottle warmer also okay right?

Anyway haven't popped. Want to know more incase later "hand busy, leg messy". Heh.

Morning mommies. Baby just had her feed but I still need help from the nurses each time coz baby is so used to having her tongue up instead of down... makes latching a bit of a chore... sigh... but we'll persevere. LC says hv to re-program her system to not rely on bottle. Baby's sucking reflex is good, just that she can't get her tongue down and out. Also I've a short nipple

Serene u're sooo right! No SOP when it comes to BF. And not exactly like what those pregnancy books say- made it sound so easy

Mommies who are giving BF to babies - keep up your good work. It's tough but we're tougher! jia you!!

mummies, when warming up BM, careful abt using hot water. i understand that heating up BM >45 degrees will kill the antibodies in BM. hence bottle warmer is handy (which is also the purpose) in setting the temp when re-heating your BM.

also wondering if those bbies born bigger size say 3.3 kg and above, their "demand" of milk tends to be more and needs feeding within the day of delivery already hence milk of mummy which only kick in say day 3 have to top up with FM on day 1 even? coz they always say day 1-2, babies need little and just on colustrom. but on day 1 itself, the babies already screaming their heads off for milk after 8 hrs from delivery ??

Good morning mummies.

Woke up at 6plus in the morning to pump milk and take care of BB cos CL went to market to do marketing.

After finish pumping my milk, around 7plus, BB start to cry. Hungry liao. Went to carry him, suddenly one of my dogs bark and I looked at my bedroom.. was so surprised hubby was up. He never wake up so early on a Sunday morning. He helped me carry BB while I warm up my EBM which I had pumped out last night. He even helped me to feed BB so that I can go wash up.

Seeing hubby trying to spend more time with BB warms my heart.

My in law house will start renovation on 12 July.. so they will be sending the maid here today to stay with us and at the same time learn how to take care of BB. I feel like my house is overcrowding with strangers and seriously I dunno what to do with the maid. Hai... hope everything goes well.

Kat: You are so hardworking... I will sleep my way through the night if I could. But when my breast is engorge.. there is no way I can sleep thru. I always massage before pumping. The only way of massage I know is the way that the nurse taught me in the hospital. Still waiting for my turn to do post natal massage. Hopefully can help me produce more milk if I really do have blocked duct.

Munchies: Your CL is really too much. I would not tolerate such things.. U should really ask her to go home. We pay them so that CL is here to help us and not to demoralise us. Better ask her to wake up.

Pillow: I have a bottle warmer but my CL dun use it lei. Haha!! Maybe after she left, I will open it up to use.

During the day of delivery, BB never wanna drink more milk lei.. he only come for feeding every 3 hrs like that.


my #1 was 3.65 while #2 3.67kg. I did ttl bfing while in hospital. Bb tend to be sleepy in first 3 days so don't really cry for milk bah. Anyway, my #1 started to feed alot after I got discharged. I remembered I gotta feed every 2 hourly or so. Some nights wee hours when I was very tired, my hubby gave him 1 bottle of FM but he was mostly on BM. He went on to feed very well and weight since then always ard 90%. when he was warded for jaundice and I couldn't produce enough for him, I asked nurses to supplement with FM. He was drinking 90 ml to 120ml then!! Even PD put down a remark on his chart which was hilarious,a guzzler.

morning mummies!

do you all wake up in the middle of the night to express? I express every 3 hour and my last session at nite is at maybe 11pm or 12am and i will wake up at 3am to express, then 6 or 7am to express again. I'm so tired about this routine but have no choice since always so engorged and leaks if i do not wake up in time.

mummies here... so nice to read that able to pump out that much milk... i still not able to do that... still having very low - few ml only - my bb gal still got to take formula milk to fulfil her intake... as she is really a heavy drinker... hahahaha...

Morning Mummies,


Wow I also not that hard working at all.. to express the milk out in the middle of the night.. I will try to sleep thru out the night... However when my breast is engorge, I will have to wake up & pump out.. I do put breast pad thru out the whole day juz in case it's leaks....

almost 2 weeks liao, the amount I express is like 30ml to 50ml only... Haiz...

I found that BB recently seems to drink more often... like every 1hr or 2hr..... get hungey easily..

Wanna ask mummies out there do u feel any pain like the nerve pain at the breast there... is not the nipple pain lei.. Why will like tat??


Right now my CL is not bad.. been taking care of bb well.. Thinking that she will have to leave in 2 weeks times.. Make me so worries.. Dunno I can handle BB when she leave or not.. =(

My bb has been very cranky & fussy since last night. Kept crying, pick her up also cry. She keeps quiet when breastfeeding but will start crying after she unlatches. Dunno what to do. Have tried everything, check diaper, burp her etc. Any advice?

Jasline: I have the same feeling as u lei.. the breast area pain like that right? I also dunno why. Sometime I just try to massage abit and the pain will soothe abit lo.

babycoco: Quite hard to know what BB is thinking right? Could it be too hot? Sweating? Uncomfortable? Too much wind in stomach? So many possibilities.

Ann, dunno what it can be, maybe still hungry. How much do you feed your bb now? With breastfeeding can't really tell how much she's drinking, so dunno enough or not.

XbeannieX: "heavy drinker" sound so like drinking beer... =X

Me haven't popped yet but now reading trying to absorb & later try out on BB see which suits him. Think differ BB have differ wants & needs. Mommies have to guess & try until find the suitable way to take care of them!

So jia you k!

Jasline and Ann,

I also have the same feeling, my right breast is like sore from expressing milk (cos my baby is in hospital for jaundice right now). And, worst part is that for the last two expressing of milk, my supply dropped to only abt 35ml. I'm really stressed out. I reached 50 ml yesterday, then dunno how come dropped. I'm also thinking if it has something to do with the soreness feeling.

If we are gg to supplement bb with FM, how do we do that? Cos my baby will fall asleep after latching on. So is it one feed BF, another feed FM?

hi mommies

rgd breastfeeding:

i am on a routine of pumping every 2 hours. thats the only way i can keep up with his demand as he feeds every 2 hourly.

the nights are damn tiring but no choice... hope more milk comes in.

rgd engorgement:

mine are engorged too. sleeping is so hard and i cant sleep on my sides [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Mummies, just to check for those baby ard 2 weeks, how much do you feed ur baby? cos i been tbf and sometimes i want to give him EBM but not sure hw many ml to give.

hello mummies,

My boy was suppose to be born only in August but he decided to come out to see the world on 7 July. Hope to join in the thread to learn more. Everything seems new to me although this is my #2. My #1 is now 16.5mths old. =)

Mummies who are having problems breastfeeding, I just spoke to a lactation consultant working with NUH. She's available 24 hrs, and free. She was very helpful and encouraging. So do speak to her if you need to. I was super happy to find her no.

Sister Wong - 97220376

Hi jolyn, I just feed until baby don't want anymore. For him now at 5 days old, he takes in around 60ml. EBM can store outside for quite a few hours so don't worry too much if he can't finish. Just put one side and drink again during his next feeding :eek:

bbmermaid: 10-20ml is very little wor.. I try giving him 70ml, he finish. Give 100ml also finish! I scared i overfeed him. The prob is i latch him on and he sometimes only want to be latch for 5min. Haiz...

phy , a guzzler? haha super funny !

i remembered my #1 was screaming his head off by midnight on day 1. so checking with other mummies how's their situation. coz at that time, i didnt have much milk and latching makes the nipples so sore that by the time discharge from hospital (he needs FM of 60ml every 2-3 hrs), its cracked...

i try to keep a positive mind for #2. hopefully the experience is different!

these days, weather can be quite hot . in the hse can go up to 31 degrees. so not sure whether if left BM at "room temp" (which 31 is not exactly the usual rm temp) for hours is ok.... safe ?

babycoco, top up with FM, see if he settles better ? then swaddle for comfort ?

Pillow, I had c-sect with epi. Stayed in hospital for 3 nights. Swaddling doesn't seem to work, makes her scream even louder. Ya, now I'm thinking maybe need to top up with fm. Maybe still hungry.

when i had #1, topping up with FM after latch, settles the bb more so i surrender till my milk supply was enough to go on 100% bm. so prolly shld try topping up first , see if works.

I am now reading the Gina Ford's book. it says a problem with bb latching for very short while is they only get the foremilk, and not the hindmilk. and this results in them being colicky and unsettled. moreover its the hindmilk that makes them last longer so without hindmilk, they will be crying for more milk. so her suggested method is latch on 1 side of the breast for at least 20 minutes to reach hindmilk before offering second breast. but for few day old bb, should be short and frequent as our milk not in yet, will end up ruining our nipples when we latch on empty breasts. hope this helps !

the book also recommends pumping after latch as bb will go thru growth spurt around 10-14 days. so if we latch and pump, it will keep up the supply during growth spurts...

Jo_lyn, same, same. My bb also 15days old today. Last night I top up 40ml and she seemed to be ok. Will try again today. Think maybe it's growth spurt, so she's asking for more milk?

sun_tan: first 2 days I latched but the latch is wrong so my nipple damn pain until crack n bleed. Tomorrow I am visiting Lactation consultant to get some help with latching. So bo pian i just pump out first..

babycoco: is it alot? hehee I don't know! I just try to pump every 2hrs to meet his demand.. sometimes can't but I won't go and stress over it lah. Just top up with formula if can't. Already pumping at 2 hrs interval is quite a chore especially at night.. my boy poos during feeding time.. its almost a routine for him. Wonder if so much pooing is bad?? Its yellowish mustard like and alittle seedy sometimes. :|

Hows amelie? Is she cranky? Might be cos of colic? Or wind in the tummy. You can try using Ru Yee Oil.. rub alittle onto ur hands and hold over her tum tum (don't touch her though). Try see if it works. Baby cry for many many reasons and us new moms really need to figure their cries out.

babycoco - Did u try pacifier? Though i know is not good to introduce pacifier.....but my boy can't sleep at night w/o it... he will cry & cry... so no choice the CL gave him the pacifier... after he fell asleep liao then we remove it...

Regarding BF - So envy those who can pump up to 100ml... so far i only can pump max 40ml... Do all mums that bf have almost the same amount of milk for both side? i have problem with my right side.. not muck milk coming out from there? maybe got to consult the lactation consultant about it... For TMC mummies.. where to look for the lactation consultant huh?

jaclyn, amelie's finally sleeping. sigh ... also have no idea why cry until like that. it's worse at night cos we're tired, and sleepy. hearing her cry just breaks my heart. ya, i tried ru yee oil, also don't work. which lactation consultant are you seeing? i'm also thinking of going to see one.

Pillow -- normally 4 days..

ica -- yup.. once bb is out, we shud not have any rules to follow.. we just follow the flow with the baby.. as long as they are satisfied, we will be most happy liao..

babycoco -- thats growth spurt dear, keep latching. it will be ok after a few days.

baby_yen -- it could be. use a warm cotton ball to clean bb mouth after each feed. i got lazy for 2 nights and bb had milk rash. after i continue the routine, milk rash subsided.

Jo_lyn: my bb's 17 days old now. PD said she should be taking about 75-90ml every 2-4 hours. around one month should be 100-125ml. that's if we give EBM la. if TBF, then just let her take as much as she wants. hope that helps!

Jaclyn -- its a good colour if u are on total bfing. it means bb is getting the full set of milk (fore and hind).. bb poo every feed for bfing bb are normal. cause our bm is very easily digested so they poo very frequently [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Cos i am still considering if i should do 100% EBM instead of trying to latch, cos one side of my nipple is inverted and i dunno if i would manage to latch bb on the good side or not. And if EBM, i can at least monitor the intake.

Have some qns with regards to latching and pumping. If i do latch my bb and follow by pumping out after latching, what shall i do with the excess milk? When should i feed bb with the excess milk too?


actually, bb no longer latches with discipline liao.. meaning.. no longer like a few days old bb who will latch for strictly 20 mins each side and goes to sleep.

shes 14 days old as of today. whenever i try to switch sides, she falls asleep. so i decided to let her latch on one side as long as she wants then the next feed, i let her latch on the other side. but sometimes, she gets a bit kuai lan and unlatch that side... so i put her on the bed for a while, change her diapers to get her awake then try again but if she still dun wan, i will offer her the other side. if she still dun wan and cont to sleep, i will just let it be.

remember, for total bfing (latching) bb, they dont drink the same amount every feed. sometimes they jus want to drink 15 mins, sometimes 30 mins.. we just follow the flow. as long as they get into deep sleep and feeling satisfied, u jus fed bb well.

and also, bb is growing everyday, their pattern also change everyday. so dun be discouraged. in fact, follow their cues and u will get the hang of it soon.

as for bb celeste, she change her pattern (even feeding position) every other day. sometimes its not tat she dun wana latch, its the position that she dont like.

bfing needs patience.. jus keep going.


Serene, very happy to read your post. I try to wake my bb up every 2-3hrs to feed. But sometimes quite impossible to wake her up. Is it bad if it stretches to 4hrs? Next time she latches on for less than 20 mins, I won't stress out. There's just so much to learn about having a baby.

I have one question on expressing breastmilk. If time is up for expressing (40 mins) but u still see milk dropping into bottle, do u stop or continue expressing? We can't possibly be expressing for an hr right? N will we be sucking breast dry- is that gd?

sun_tan: I also thought of just doing 100% EBM. Even went to get the medela pump in style (byebye $700.. anybody wants to buy my almost-brand-new swing? hehe). However i think the way to increase your milk supply is through baby latching and not through pumping... so i still want to give latching a try. Thats why paying the lactation consultant a visit tmr even though I know its going to be a painful visit.

keropi: I am going to just walk in to parentcraft at TMC. They say walk in theres an extra charge of $10. If im not wrong price is $60+ for first 30 mins and $10 for every 15 mins after that. If you walk in without appt, must pay extra $10. Because I didn't make an appointment and its too late to make one already.. so gotto just walk in since im oso visiting my gynae tmr.

babycoco: Yes sometimes my boy cry until I feel so heart pain as well. But i think no choice, all babies are like that.. we just have to deal with it. Her jaundice totally gone? My son has mild jaundice lvl of 7.4 when he discharged on the 9th of july.. been sunning him daily and tomorrow he has his checkup.. hope its better.

Serene: Ok thanks hehe. But he poos alot.. will ask doc tmr about it. Wonder if breastmilk can cause diarrhoea? Hope not!

fazzy: I dont think your breasts will ever "dry up". There'll always be milk just really really slow as in small drops. I normally stop when I see the droplets becoming slow and small. Its also damn tiring for my head to keep bending down to look... =|

? fazzy, an efficient pump should take around max 20mins expressing. 40 mins is way too long ..

u would bust your nipples if 40mins every 3 hrs

Jaclyn, no still got jaundice, 15.6. PD said since it's going down no need to rent phototherapy machine. Just sun daily & monitor. I read if bb drinks a lot of milk, chances are the bilirubin can be flushed out easily, so I'm sure your bb will be ok.

Hi mummies,

My bb seems never satisfied with latching on my breast. SHe can latch for an hour (30mins on each breast) and still can drink up to 60 ml of formula milk. She is less than 14 days old. Is my supply really low?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I hve tried pumping but the pump just doesnt work.I can pump for 40 mins and get less than 20ml from both breasts.

I am taking lactation medication and hope will improve the supply.

BTW what color shld the poo be? My bb's poo is blackish green. Is it normal?

As for my CL making snide remarks, I am learning to block them out and tell myself, I will give my bb watever breastmilk I have and just top up with formula milk. Meanwhile, I am trying to latch her as often as possible.


munchies - your BB already 14 days old , poo still blackish green? Meconium still not completely flushed out??? Please take a look at this poo indicator


... HAve you told PD about the poo colour?

Like Serene, I tried to latch BB on one breast for as long as she wants, and pump the other breast for 15-20 mins (yield 30-50ml nia)... then after BB does not want to nurse anyway, I will pump 5 mins on that breast to empty it further...

I am latching BB most of the times and pump about 4 times daily - yar my fridge full of glass bottles now!! At times when BB seems not satisfied, will spoonfeed or bottlefeed BB lor... Now CL also feed EBM to BB for the night feed...

I also taking supplements to boost my milk supply. I started off with Fernugreek yesterday and my left breast engorged in the middle of the night...gotta massage and pump out the BM.

I still dun noe how much BB is feeding on right now...according to PD, each day need to add 5ml to her feeds...

