(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Latch On vs Bottle Feed

I am doing both and bb is OK with it. No nipple confusion. Initially I was a bit concerned and wanted to cup feed/syringe feed him (which can be very slow). Somehow he is OK with both, so I just use bottle for EBM & FM.

For mummies who need to return to work, it is good to introduce the bottle earlier (think after 1 month). Otherwise, it will be difficult to wean the bb coz they will be too used to our breast and will reject the bottle. This is the advice I got from a friend who is a mother of 2.


For those who BF - your supply are quite good liao comparing to mine... I only manage to pump 20 - 30ml (2 side added together) currently.. maybe I didn't get enough Zzzz....

Ann - Do fenugreek really works? think i got to try too


Understand cabbage will decrease milk supply if we place them over our engorged breasts. How abt if we consume them? Will it hv the same effect?

AK -- try to wake bb up as much as possible. u wont know how much bb take in but monitor ur bb diapers.. averagely about 6 diapers a day for this stage shud be ok. my bb change diapers every feed cause its heavy liao and poos every or alternate feeds.. if bb wants to latch longer, jus let bb latch. remember, bfing mommies dont look at clocks.. dont control ur bb intake by the minutes.. let bb take as much as she wants.. sometimes, it could be growth spurt.

as for massage. i also went for csect, and i jus had my massage today.. so its about 2 weeks lor.. gynae told me next week then massage.. but i got her in earlier cause gynae say my wound heal liao.

after she massage.. my lochia got expelled again.. which is a good sign i feel.

Fau -- cabbage causes wind. not only will u be bloated, ur bb will be more colicky.. try to avoid cabbage at this stage...

keropi -- drink plenty of fluids.. it will help ur supply tremendously. fenugreek helps too..

vernie -- yup.. its true.. get ur bb to latch for the first month to get the milk supply in..

what i suggest is.. a mth before starting work, latch in the mornings and afternoons.. then bottle feed in the nights... let bb get used to it..

when returned to work.. let ur bb latch whenever u are home so u can keep the supply going.

because bb got growth spurts for the first year.. we need to still latch the bb to get the supply bb needs..

hope it helps..

AK - i don't combine the EBM until it's time to feed her. so sometimes got 4 or 5 bottles with 10-20ml each in the fridge. abit waste space, but i think it's not advisable to combine until you warm up the EBM and prepare to feed.

my EBM and latching times a bit off. I tend to give EBM in the day and latch when she wakes up for feeds at night heh. makes me a tired mummy. so i take afternoon naps when she sleeps in the day.

oh and so far my girl doesnt have nipple confusion. but i try to alternate between giving bottle and latching so she doesnt have too many consecutive bottle feedings...

Rachel: MAH got lots of brands. I chose Nan Pro 1. I saw their cupboard.. full of different brands of milk.

baby_yen: I am like you too.. only my 1st pump of the day is alot.. as the day comes to an end, my pump is always 50ml one. But dun be upset la. Will get better.

keropi: I also dunno fenugreek work or not.. but I just take it as supplement lo since when in hospital, the replacement gynae (cos my gynae outstation) recommended it.

babycoco: If you wan fenugreek capsule.. u can buy from Guardian.. if u wan to put into coffee to brew kind.. can get from Mustafa.

babycoco: many places have but i got mine frm GNC.

For mommies with iphone, may I suggest you get this App called Total Baby. Its super useful in recording down everything you need [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i can even sync with my hubby's iphone so whenever I record down or he record down, all we need to do is to "sync" and it will transfer the data over to his iphone or vice versa ! Super useful!

Hi all

For those who delivered at TMC, anybody rented breast pump fm TMC? Just wonder it's those kind of powerful pump or it's the normal kinda like medela? how much per day to rent at hospital?

hi keropi

i bought a medela pump already, it's jus that i went for a parenting class, 1 mum advised me to rent a powerful pump fm hospital (i dunno which hospital is she fm) but she said the pump wrks while she's lying down and it's powerful. heard fm her that the pump rental is 20bucks/day.

forgot to ask her which hospital.

ann, serene, jaclyn thanks. will try guardian first. i think my bm not enough. find that bb still very restless after bf. gonna supplement with fm now.

ling, when i was in the hospital, the lactation consultant told me no point to pump if bm not in yet. we brought our pump to the hospital, but end up didn't use it.


i was told to stimulate the breasts for milk by using the pump or let the baby to latch on to stimulate the flow even if there's no milk.

see how, maybe let the bb latch on.

So envious of you all...discussing abt BM le...

I'm still waiting....*sigh*....

Still stuck in office n dragging myself to work each day...

so envious of you all....discussing abt BM le...

i'm still waiting....*sigh*

still stuck in office...dragging myself to work each day....

suntan - dun have to standby a tin... before you discharge you asked the PD to get you some ready to drink FM to standby... from there you can buy your powder FM after you discharge...

geri - i wanted natural but den last visit to gynae inform that my placenta has not move up muz so hv to opt for c sec within few days time as placenta is aging so gynae dnt wana delay further,,,, but glad that she is safe n sound to this world

mommies-those that hv child-hood asthma..ur child paedietrician might recommend Nan HA FM. coz at first i choose similac but my bb doctor told me to change to Nan HA so that she can hv more antibodies..

I've just finished my post natal massage. My therapist did not apply any pressure on the abdominal area at all. Only application of the herbs and binding was done there. But the feeling if being bound is quite uncomfortable. Now I am forced to sit straight and I can't bend at the waist. And less than an hour after the massage, Blood clots were expelled from the womb.


"From there" means from hospital? Or u mean after discharge then can go outside to buy? Cos if still go outside to buy, then no diff if i buy now or buy later.

Sun_Tan: I chose similac, asked my PD about it he says top brands all aga aga the same. Its what your baby is ok with. So far my son on similac, no problems yet.

Ling: I brought my own breast pump to the hospital, but in the end i never use. Colostrum too little to try pumping.. will be wasted if not given straight to baby's mouth. In fact now (3rd day) I have yet to try using my breast pump.. probably will try tonight.

saw xbeanniex's baby on fb! sooooo cute!

I still can't believe baby can come out from our vagina, babies all look huge compared to the "hole".. I am slowly giving in to the idea of having epidural now, for those mummies who had epi, any side effect? or perfectly fine?

Shann: I shivered quite alot, while i was on it and 2-3 hours after they took the epi out. I also vomitted even during while I was trying to push. Midwives had to stop inbetween to let me try to puke. Problem was that I was so numb I couldn't even force the puke out.. so quite a struggle for me.

BUT don't let this affect your decision for epi. It literally is a life-saver for me... the pain too much to bear.. for me la hehee maybe your pain tolerance higher [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

facebook: My hubby created a facebook acct for my son.. lol.. mommies u all can add him here if u wanna see all the birth photos .. but warning.. some quite yucks cos alot taken in delivery room too.



I guess i will have to let bb latch on during my stay in hospital. Called TMC & they no longer rent the pump in the ward.

Abt the milk, i ask my gynae which milk is better when he asked me which brand i wanted. He told me all are the same and hospital goes by rotation basis abt the milk brand offered to bb in the wards. He said if i choose Similac, i will get 4 tins of free milk but i need to do homework and record baby stools.

Sun_tan: I chose Enfalac cos my friend told me it was recomended by a GP who said it contains lotsa DHA. 1 facilitator at parenting course told me that Friso is less heaty,

My friend who just attended Nestle talk, told me that Nan is good for bb who have allergies but must start at the beginning and another friend mentioned that Nan is similar to breastmilk.

I grew up drinking S26 and i guess it's a matter of choice hehe.

So many brands to choose (confusing!) & i jus went ahead with Enfalac.

Ling: Frankly speaking our parents did fine when there were way less choices haha. I wasn't given "tins" of milk from TMC. I was given bottles of pre-prepared milk which works just as well. Save the trouble of having to mix your own.

TMC nurse actually asked us what brand we want.. so you just need to decide before you go in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, both my sis and I were FM babies hehe. My mom was working full time so no BM for me!

Wanna check with mummies, did u bring your baby to the hospital paediatrcian or u go to a neighbourhod clinic the 1st time?

I understand fm the nurse that for future vacinnations, it's better to bring bb to polyclinis or neighbourhood baby clinics for jabs as they have updated jabs than GPs.

FM -- i need diff bb reacts diff to diff brands.. take sample packs and let bb try.. even at certain stages, bb will need to change brands again.

Pumps -- i think its not really necessary to bring the pump since we really dun have much to pump and the no. 1 thing to do is to latch the bb to let the milk set in.

Ling -- for first check up, i brought celeste to the PD since he watched over her since birth. but for the jabs, im going to polyclinic to do it..

Jaclyn: in the early days, i dun think our parents know about the DHA etc, hehe. Most important is to ensure bb is well fed.

Now we got choices, hehe...

I hope the hospital still uses Nuk bottles to feed the baby (if i want a mixture of Bf and formula) cos my friend who gave birth last yr told me they use Nuk bottles. Find it troublesome to use spoon or cup.

Ling: yeps. Will you be in TMC? TMC uses Nuk teats for the formula milk. Nurses gave me some to bring back (those 1 time disposable types) to use with the pre-prepared milk.


Hmm...how come i cant see xbeanniex's bb photos on her FB page? And the "hole" will expand mah..hahah..thats why will tear..ouch!


Saw that photo. Nice! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks, Serene. I think 1st few visits will be at hospital PD. Then subsequently, will go to neighbourhood PD.

Jaclyn: Yes, i will deliver in TMC, 3 more weeks to go. Since they are giving Nuk teats, I won't be bringing. So many things to bring (like going to chalet). My friend even lent me her inflatable pillow in case (cos she can't sit after the delivery).

Thinking of going for BF and bath classes during hospital stay cos i need to refresh.

Ling -- no prob.. ya... go for the classes.. its held in the afternoon..

\1(sun_tan} -- my massage lady told me that the binding minimum 5 hours.. i had to remove cause i need to wash for tmr use even thou she tell me no need.. lol.. i cannot tahan la..

Went for my gynae's visit this morning...all is good. BB still head down but not in engaged position yet.

My gynae informed us she'd be away on holiday next Mon - Thu, back on Fri. We were telling BB to guai guai stay inside mummy's tummy until gynae comes bk. I hope my BB dun come out when gynae's not in town!

Suntan - Yes from the hospital...just remember to request... they gave me 6 bottles of ready S26 FM after I asked my PD which brand to recommend. PD said S26 good for weight gain cuz my Keila is small...

Grace - saw the pic, very nice..

Shann - my side effect for epi was shivering after surgery

Suntan, u gotta go to xbeanniex's hubby profile, can see pics there!

Oh... so is vomitting.. i just wish there is no long term side effect like backache or sth..



Thanks, I cant wait to see the rest of the photos =)

Regarding Binder,

I was told to keep for 8hrs.. I try most of the time but sometimes i take it out earlier cos my skin is sensitive and i was get rashes. the first pregnancy, i got rashes for 2 months, 1 week into after birth.

