(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Thanks mummies for the input. Think I have taken 4 cups of water already n today is only the 8 day of confinement . Can't stand drinking red dates water only as it doesn't seem to quench my thirst . Arghhhhhhhhhhh

Babycoco - u more steady than me. I always feel guilty after drinking it but I console myself by saying better than drinking coke!

Red Dates Water -- i asked my MIL not to put any sugar inside so it can help quench some thirst. if its sweet, its very hard to not get thirsty after a while...


Serene - no sugar added for my case. My mum has tried to adjust the recipe but me still find it thirsty after drinking it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

So happy! Finally confirm my BB chn n eng name today. hb later gonna go n make birth cert for him. Wat documents do we need huh?


bring ur original ics/marriage cert and there is a document that ur dr wrote to certify on live birth. u need to bring that to ICA/hospital


I think I also leh.. going to TMC...

i got feeling tat my water bag burst..

got gush of water continuosly flow out 2-3 times.. and wet my pantry liner until it cant hold...

Cheese - u going to get induced?? Am 3cm dilated but I choose to wait it out... Doc ok with it since I'm only hitting 38 weeks tml.

hi mummies,

my cost of delivery (induced but end up emer c-section) of my 1st born at kkh was ard 8k+, cos i stay in A1. total nite stayed was 3days.

for longan, there's actually 2 types. those tats dried r not sweet (light brown). can ask the TCM.

water, i drank h2o, soya milk or oj b4, during n aft bfg, even during confinement. shower 2 times a day n wash hair every day. i even went under light rain....so far, i feel fine leh. think my bones wld give ways wen im over 50s.

dun hv the so call, water belly which old pple usually say wen u drink water during confinement...

but i binded my tummy for 2weeks lor...helps alot....

1st time bfg mummies will b tough, but dun wori cos with perserverence, u will succeed....2nd time mummies, bfg is alot easier n supply r a lot better too...

oh, for those gg or hvnt deliver, mayb u wld like to get ur hubby to inform the delivery nurse tat u want TBF and if they shld give fm 2 ur bb, ask them to CUP feed...

Hi Afternoon gals, will be reporting to TMC later as im 3cm dilated. Actually doc say can chk in at 10.30pm tonight but later he call me to inform that i better go for ctg check b4 2pm.

i'm having a mixture of feelings now... excited, scared of pain .....

bbmermaid, thats v encouraging to hear BF is better round 2. my frens are complaining its the same , cracked nipples, engorgement, etc. aarggh. i shall see when my turn this thurs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

looking fwd

fazzy just let those comments in one ear, out the other. Most important is that u dun stressed urself ok? U know lah, most human beings are very nosey in nature

jasmine your turn will be soon! Happy delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

plain water during confinement I've been drinking lots since I delivered. Find that the red date tea too heaty-sweating buckets even with aircond at very low temp. I'm also drinking fried rice tea-erm dun really know the exact name but it's fried dry white rice, black beans + ginger. from my Msia aunty, supposedly good for getting rid of wind, I think? Can't remember

Jaclyn happy birthday!

I'm being discharged today but baby can't come home with me due to her jaundice. Need to go under the light. sigh...expected coz jaundice usually sets in 3-4 days after birth and she started showing some yellow on her face yesterday. at least now she knows to let her tongue down to latch on and my milk has kicked it. Find that I get very thirsty after every feed, even though it's only colostrum

Oh ya, PD told me to supplement with FM after BF if baby's weight keeps dropping- she has oredi lost 300g but no worry. He said to bottle feed preferably with NUK teats to avoid nipple confusion. Said Avent teats may give that problem but once BM fully kicks in, just latch lor. Now dunno whether to go get some NUK teats or not

Ica, i think better that your bb stay in the hospital. we didn't have the heart to send my bb to hospital, till today still jaundice. so sad to see the white of her eyes so yellow still. Don't worry about the weight, my bb also lost about 250gr within the 1st 3 days. but she's slowly gaining her weight back. And yes, the NUK teats are very good. i've been feeding her ebm & so far she doesn't have nipple confusion.

Just gave birth by emergency c section on a Sunday and my tmc doctor charged $ 2500 for his professional fees. We thought that was a bit on the high side, any comments?

Hello mummies!

Cheese,Yvonne, u both hv d same edd n May is on d 23rd.. All of u making me more nervous as my edd is tmrw but still no sign of baby wanting to come out... haiz. feel like crying...

hello mummies,

Just wondering any mummies who hv yet to pop is still working?

My last week of work before i start my ML next week (Wk 38 this week for me).

Really tiring & yet somehow I have a feeling I may be the last few to pop, tho' my EDD is 27 Jul.

happy birthday to u, Jaclyn!!

Mrs Long - Rachel here, still working (Now week 38 Day 2) Will start maternity leave on 19th July, next monday.

My EDD 24th July.

So sian rite? still have to work ~~


Ya, same here. Last week of work but still hv lots to do.

My legs feels like lead tdy...dabao to hv lunch, instead of going out to eat...cuz weather so hot somemore.


my sil who had the same edd as me also went to c-sect her #3 today liao... she had contractions this morning... i feel sian cos i am like last one standing...

i actually dun mind working to past time leh... but feel so lonely that i am waiting...

Jellypurin & MrsLong,

Are we the last few who are still waiting?

Every nite can't slp well...coz really don't noe what will happen next...kekez...as in when bb going to come out ~

I also dabao lunchie back to office. Now feeling slpy @ work le.


hiaz... what to do? our ah boys just want to stay in there for as long as they want to until they are ready to see the world...


Haa ya I think they r too comforty inside le. But nowadays I m so tired in the afternoon n I need to nap. Then when it comes nite time, I can't sleep!!! Very hard to break this trend.


Ya. i heard my colleagues told me abt that too...they ask me to slp more now! If not when bb is out, i wont have the time to slp.


You started your maternity leave le?

jaclyn : happy birthday!

Fazzy : *hugz* you must stay strong for your baby's sake ok? When you feel frustrated or depressed.. juz come here to vent it all out! We are here to lend a listening ear alwayz. Some pple are juz insensitive and blunt! They dun understand that opinions are like onions.. they can make pple cry!

I also hate it when my breastfeeding session becomes a public show! So now I will lock the door behind me lor! I was so pissed that once after I'm done and came out of room.. I told me sister very loudly that... "If I'm okie with being half naked and breastfeed in front of others.. I wouldn't have went into my bedroom to breastfeed le... breastfeeding is not a public show so some pple ought to respect my privacy!"

ica: welcome home! dun worry... baby will be alright. Though its very heartache to see baby baking during photo therapy. Your milk also came in quite fast. Mine came in one almost one week later and bb also keep losing weight. So I supplement with FM. It is true that NUK teats will help to avoid nipple confusion coz my bb doesnt suck well when she was first formula feed with the disposble nuk teats.. but once the nurse changed the teats to the normal ones (juz straight without contour kind).. she finished her milk in a blink.



ya man... 6 more to go... sigh... i am getting paul the octopus to help me do a prediction soon since he is such a darling at predicting the WC winners...

