(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Snide remarks on BF - I heard tonnes from my own family members, my CL and my MIL.... not really snide la, but quite negative remarks like...

your BB still so skinny after so many days of BF...

Your BB jaundice still not recovered....

YOur BB does not drink enough...

You should supplement with FM...

blah blah blah... and the comments goes on...

ignore them lor... though sometimes you will need to your BB situation and adjust accordingly...

at first I started with TBF for night feeds, gradually i let CL to feed her EBM (also because i got enough EBm for night feeds) via spoon feeding in the evening...

Today I let her start to bottle feed EBM...hopefully my gal wont get nipple confusion lor

Ok finally here is my birth story!

Thursday, 1 July:

4.30am - Woke up to pee. Been having a habit of peeing at this exact same time for the past few nights. Sat down on the toilet bowl and before I could pee, a huge glob of stuff came out from below. I stood up and peered into the toilet bowl. I was taken aback to see a huge bloody discharge at the bottom of the toilet bowl. I called out for hubby who quickly woke up and came into the toilet and checked out the bloody discharge. We decided to ignore it first and I put on a pantiliner and went to bed.

7.00am - Woke up to go to work. Went to pee, and I still had the discharge. I had already taken off all my clothes and was standing at the basin brushing my teeth. Suddenly I felt liquid dripping out of me. It was clear with a pinkish tinge, and sticky and slightly viscous to the touch. Told hubby about it, and we quickly washed up and left home for hospital.

8.30am - Reached KKH Delivery Suite and registered myself. After waiting for a while, I was brought to the triage area where they strapped me onto the CTG machine.

9.00+am – My gynae came to check on me. Baby’s heartbeat is doing good, but there are no contractions at all! She did a VE and confirmed that there is no dilation. She did a litmus test and confirmed that my water bag has broke. Litmus paper turned blue due to a more alkaline nature of the water bag. Gynae told me that she has to induce my labour and I frantically asked if her I can wait as I was only 36 weeks 3 days which would be considered a borderline preterm baby. Gynae said cannot coz there would be the concern of possible infection. I got dressed while gynae went outside to explain to hubby. She asked us to go and grab a bite first as it was already 10ish am and come back to the Delivery Suite after that.

10.00+am – Went to foodcourt and had something to eat… not much of an appetite…

11.00+am – Went back to office to handover my work to my poor colleague (I work at KKH)

12.00+pm – Went back to Delivery Suite and got warded into one of the labour rooms (Room 22). Changed out of my clothes and got strapped onto the CTG.

2.00+pm – Midwife inserted medicine to start the induction. Medical officer came to do an IV catheter for me for drips as well as drawing blood for cord blood banking purposes.

Between 3pm to 8pm – No contractions at all! Not dilated at all!

8.30pm – Nurse started oxytocin drip and slowly increased the dosage every 30 mins.

Between 8.30pm to 1.30am – Contractions started and got worst and worst. Initially I used deep breathing to cope, but progressed to entonox which didn’t help much! Midwife did a VE and I was only 2 cm dilated! Discussed with hubby on possibility of me hanging on for at least 8 more hours to be fully dilated without any other pain relief except entonox. Decided that I will probably not make it, and told the midwife that I would like an epidural. Told her the anaesthetist of my choice and she quickly went to call him.

2.30am – Anaesthetist came and administered the epidural. The whole process was painless and quick! Relief came quickly! No more pain! Yay to epidural! I could at least doze off and get some rest.

7ish am – Gynae came to check on me and did a VE. Only 4cm dilated! OMG. She manually dilated my cervix to 5cm which should then progress quite quickly. Thank goodness for epidural otherwise she wouldn’t have been able to do a manual dilation, coz it would hurt really bad! Gynae instructed nurse to turn up the oxytocin drip to maximum strength! Meanwhile I got my 2nd tube of epidural.

10.30am – Gynae came by again and said if I’m still not fully dilated, I would have to go for c-section. I was horrified! She did a VE and announced that I’m ready to go! Get ready to push! So the nurses were activated and one of the nurse got me into the pushing position and rehearsed the push. Initially they were concerned that I couldn’t push as I couldn’t feel at all. But Dr had already asked the nurses to switch off the epidural so that I could get some sensation but I still couldn’t feel anything so soon. Luckily the nurse said I was quite good at pushing despite not feeling anything. She told me to stop pushing and everything else happened so quickly that I honestly can’t recall everything.

20 minutes later, I delivered my baby boy with the hubby, gynae and nurses cheering me on! Haha. Luckily he is small at 2.6kg so it was easy for me. The placenta came out shortly after with one of the nurses helping to massage my tummy. Gynae actually asked me to keep coughing to expel the placenta.

Overall, even though my labour was long, it was relatively quite a good experience. Yes epidural is really quite the lifesaver! I didn’t have vomiting as a side effect but I was shivering during the pushing stage. The nurse joked that my side effect is quite delayed. Haha. Hubby commented that when the baby was coming out, there was a lot of blood coming out too! I couldn’t see and I couldn’t feel the wetness so I didn’t realize.

babycoco -- most PDs would advice u not to let bb sleep for 5 hours at a time. 5 hours = 1 full night. they are worried that bb will not have food in their tiny stomach esp when bm is easy to digest.

what i do is.. i will call bb name, unswaddle her or remove any blankets. take this chance to check her diapers and change it and also to use cotton ball to wipe her eyes. by then, she will be awake and remembers that she is hungry. then i will latch her.

when she falls asleep at my breast, i will let her unlatch and try to burp her even thou its not successful, then she will be half awake, then quickly change into another position and let her latch again.

fazzy -- emptying the breast and let it go on for another few mins is also a signal to ur body telling ur body that u need more milk so body will start making more. if ur pump can adjust suction, u can increase a bit to speed up the pumping?

{Jaclyn} -- dun worry, bm itself is sterilized liquid. so its bacteria free. as long as u dont see watery ones its ok. bm poo shud be custard in colour and a bit paste-y.. as for the pain for latching.. for me, i jus tahan for 2 days and once my nipples are seasoned, no more pain and nipples are looking fine so far.. jia you! latching is really a lot better.

munchies -- greenish black is the initial poo that ur bb will have. those are digested "food" that they "drank" in our tummy.. after a few days, it shud clear and become normal poo. if u want it to clear faster, u can let bb drink more. i think bb milk intake is not high, so the Meconium cannot be flushed out efficiently.

look out for bb's swallowing at the throat. if its just comfort sucking, remove bb from the latch. sometimes, we can be latching for an hour but bb is comfort latching for 30 mins... so u need to look out for that.. mean while, pump and pump to let ur milk supply settle down while u get professional advice.

most importantly, its not how much milk we make, its whether bb is growing well or not. if really bo pian, take FM to gain bb weight first.. gradually u can change back to BM when things get back to normal. even thou bm is good, but bb's health is more impt ya..

speak to ur lact consultant and PD about it..

me too eliss! they are asking me to feed this and that to bb..

my mil even gave me the "u r crazy" look when i told her im gg to bf bb for a year! then she later said feng liang hua.. "u at home can la, last time we 1 mth must go back work"

then i told her, even i go work, i will ebm for bb.. then she still give me that look. feel like slapping her at that point. im super pissed off

Hi Mummies, did u let your bb drink water?

My CL say bb dun need to drink water one leh but my boy seem to have pimple popping out on his face after drinking similac..... + lesser poos today... any mum facing this problem too???

I wanted to give him some water to see if it help or not... heart pain after seeing his face...

Eliss: wow so envious that you still have enough to store in the fridge!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I am just able to produce 50ml (both sides combined) every 2 hourly. But cos i delivered only on 7/7.. am praying that its still early thats why. Hope the milk will come in soon!

I also keep hearing stupid remarks.. donno issit im sensitive or what.. but I just 1 ear in 1 ear out.

I just had the most stressful time just now. Both my family and in laws were at my place. I brought baby into my rm to bf. Both my mum n mil, sisters and sill, nieces all followed me inside to watch me bf. That is stressful enough for me. Then I changed bb's diapers. Everyone is scrutinizing what I do n everyone has something to say!! Eg. Nurses at hospital told me not to wear bb's diapers too tight due to the umbilical cord still being there, of course someone had to say I'm wearing the diapers wrongly for her. And plus so many many other comments!!! I walked out of the room after handing to sil to burp and just sat in the kitchen, pretending to eat. I almost wanted to shout out loud!!! Mummies, I keep telling myself that I will not go into depression after birth. But seems like I'm heading that way. I have not spent a day after delivery w/o crying. Sorry this is one way for me to let myself out.

keropi -- that shud be milk rash. try to clean ur bb mouth after feeds. unlike bm, fm are not as easy to digest so you wont be expecting poo every feed.. as for drinking water, im not so sure about fm but since fm does not have fore milk, and its quite heaty, i think it shud be ok ba. but it good to do some research before u do so [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fazzy: hugs dearie.. don worry you can vent out ur frustrations here. We all know what you're going through. Its damn sickening all these "advices" thrown at us. For me when my own family start to tell me this and that.. if it gets too much, I will sigh and say "too many conflicting advices". This will shut them up. But my own family quite sensitive to me so its fine... can't say the same about my hubby's side (isn't it always the case).

So bad that they all follow to watch you BF. Nx time be firm and say you need some privacy. Seriously my breasts have also became public property. My Grandmom, auntie, mom, sis all watched me bf when I was in the hospital. At that time I couldn't be too bothered .. just wanted to feed baby. But now I want my privacy too.

Regarding crying.. its ok to cry dear. I also just had a big sob to my hubby just now. Was having a hard time getting out of bed... felt my entire body from head to toes were aching and in pain. What a tough time for us mommies. Lets all endure it and get through this together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm feeding him both EBM + top up the balance with FM.... he poo about 3-4 times daily...but today... only 1 time... think might be too heaty....cos i heard from other that similac is good but the only con - it is too heaty..

Hai... i will surely not let anybody except my hubby to watch me breastfeeding bb. I can foresee the scenario already and told hubby i will lock the door when i breastfeed. If anybody else come in I WILL CHASE THEM AWAY! tell them that i want to do it alone in the room.

VERY ANGRY to hear that there are so many insensitive ppl around.

Take good care of yourself ok Fazzy! Hugz!

Hello Mummies,

can i knw how was d experience of having induced labour..? my expected due is on 13th july.. been hvng BH but so far nothing happen...


big hugz!! They r all so insensitve! Maybe u can get a 'do not disturb, milking in process' sign and hang it on the door knob whenever u need to bf? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] must stay chill in this period of our lives when our bodies r going thru huge hormonal changes.


if u intend to have epidural straight from the start,honestly u won't feel the contractions. Only when u dilated to near 10 cm then dosage for epi will be reduced for u to feel some contractions in order to push. hmm, but there r some side effects of epi. I'm one of the lucky ones who don't get shivering or vomiting or giddy.

My boobs have also become free for all to see! :/ Furthermore I alrdy have problems latching bb on, all the other unwanted pairs of eyes just stress me out even more!

My own mum doesn't understand the benefits of BF as she didn't BF last time. Told me my BM looks very watery and I told her it's all like that, not just mine alone. Even asked if can mix FM together. I retorted and told her off that why should I mix when I hav enough BM for my bb. So frustrating. Wish everybody can keep their own smart Alec advice to themselves!

Hi, Mummies

congrats for all that had popped.

now me waiting for my bb to come out.

this morning woke up, went toilet and found out i got some show. Happen to read ICA's post, so i decide to wait n see whether i had any contraction. Went out with hubby to his work place awhile, then went to bb kingdom to buy car seat for my ger so bb will used the old one, then finally sent my ger to my mum's place 4 i decide to head to kkh for a check. was strapped to CTG for an hour, no contraction, was dilate for 1cm, so doc asked me if i want to go hm n wait. decide to come home n wait to see how..


oh i heard of d side effects.. tot of inducing since my edd is on 13th july, 1cm dilated last week but still no progress...


i'm 1cm dilated last monday but baby still too comfortable in my tummy.. abit stress when people start asking whthr i'v popped or not n askin when am i due.... n i'm more annoyed when d keep guessing d date, especially frm my mum... haiz...

hi jo_lyn,

oic, tat's good to hear...but dun u wanna establish breastfeeding b4 u bottle feed? cos the reason ur bb is drinking so much frm bottle, cos its alot easier to "get" milk frm the bottle than breasts.

bb need to suckle to stimulate letdown, then they get milk...the flow is oso slower compared to bottles. and if u always latch on a engorged breasts, its not so pleasing to the bb, cos the foremilk will flow very fast..which can b too much for the bb.

oso if u've tasted the fm n bm, u will find tat fm is alot tastier than bm (diff brands of fm varies). bb is very smart lor.

Fazzy, its ok...dun feel sad..jus tell them u need the quiet time with bb to bf, if not u cant hear bb swallow. jus let them hv access to ur internet n watch bfg video on youtube. tis shld help with their curiosity.

dun b afraid to let them koe how u feel. u can oso let them koe tat they hv their chance last time n its now urs. so let u do it UR WAY. Many pple slip into post-natal blue w/o realising, so jus keep cool ya....


Hb was hopping BB will report today

but i told him, some ppl might have dilate for 2 to 3cm, but still not giving birth yet.

u got any discomfort? wonder did i think too much, having backache, wonder is it due the position i sitting, also when bb move, feel quite discomfort, a bit pain.

Although this is my 2nd child, but i seem like having 1st child. hahaha

for my 1st child, water bag burst by itself, so i skip a lot of steps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



yeah in my full term n i felt that my tummy is too heavy already, when baby move its really painful coz nw they dnt hv any space to move alot n u literally see d movement on ur stomach like waves..

tmrw i have my appointment n hv to see wats d outcome.. dnt wnt to wait till past my due date.. i might do d induce labour..

Aisha: Lets just say, theres no 1 way for all moms. Every woman reacts to the induction differently. Some can take to the drugs and dilate very very quickly, while some take donkey years and end up emergency c-sect due to water bag being broken and risk of infection to baby. So you just need to weigh your odds. If I am you, I will ask myself if im OK with emergency C-sect. If yes, then go ahead with the induction, take not that this is "worse case scenario" and might not even happen. If you are die die dont want to emergency c-sect.. then better to wait patiently for baby to initiate the labour [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Totally agree with Jaclyn. I was induced and was lucky that my labour was very fast, about 2 hours plus only. No chance to take epi, painful but everything was over very quickly. I also considered the risk of ending up with emergency c-sect before going for it.

Aisha, if u read through the birth stories of some mummies in this thread, some did end up with emergency c-sect while some delivered naturally after induction. Discuss with ur gynae and all the best, yah?

bbmermaid: Yaya i trying to establish TBF but the thing is bb started only latching only 5min at every feed. So also not sure what shld i do except to bottle feed him. Trying to monitor if its just these few days. Usually i pump out and store in the fridge. N i bottle feed him when i feel he is drinking not enough. Seems that i gave him too much milk. Heehee...

So far only fed him with FM once when he is in the hospital due to jaundice. Hopefully he has forgotten the taste! Hahaha..

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I hv many BN items for sale ! Do take a look to see anything interest u ?

PM or email me at [email protected] if keen / any queries as I seldom check forum ?

Thks !

flickr website link :


Breastfeeding & Baby items


Baby Clothes


Gift sets


Women Clothes


Re milk intake. My 1 week old only drinks 30 ml every 1.5 hrs to 2 hrs. Sometimes 3 hr. Find his intake very low [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

morning all,

vivi - yes i drink plain water everyday on top of the longan drink... will smuggle two bottles of water in my room. find BF very dehydrating... but that's me la, i oso bathe and shampoo everyday...

jaclyn - got EBM mainly becuz my gal smaller drinker, she will be satisfied after 20-30 mins on one breast..still think she drinks too little...

Eliss- ok by right cannot drink hor. My prev confinement I only drank less than 3 cups but this confinement feels like drinking every hrly

Morning too!! Hope those who r waiting to pop pop soon! I know the wait is agonising! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

discharging today! Yeah! Can't wait to get home! Of coz now life is different with 2 kids. But, shall go with the flow and not be too uptight like last round and then sink into the post natal depression. Really intend to enjoy tPhe maternity leave and get all the help I can and still go out to play[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morn mommies

keeping ebm at room temp - cos of our weather, it is not advisable to leave ur ebm in roon temperature for more than 2hrs. actually, best is to keep the ebm immediately in fridge after expression.


I got rashes the night b4 going for induced birth. Could it mean u r next? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


y can't zzz? The tum tum? Put a small pillow under it and sleep on ur side. Should feel better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my Edd is 13 July too! I went ahead with induced birth coz my gynae is on leave from 12 to 16 July. Also my boy already 3.3kg on scan and I was afraid he might be bigger and harder to push out. Ya, he turns out to be 3.67kg. I was afraid of e c-sect too but my gynae assured me she would not let tt happen in her best capacity. So I proceeded to be on drip and water bag broken on Saturday morning 9am after epidural was adminstered. Contractions started but I didn't feel much. In fact I could still nap. I did feel some contraction pain when contraction was kicking in faster after 12pm. Had dosage increased but bad news was tt I had total numbness in my right leg after tt. All in all, from water bag being broken to giving birth, took me 7 hours.

Like wat the other mummies said, u have to decide but personally I feel tt best to let nature take it own course.

Phy, I agree that the wait is agonising. Dunno when baby wants to come out. I went to see gynae last sat and she said my baby is still not low enough yet.

need to walk more. I hope she comes out soon.

haha phy, at first was hubby's snoring.. but i let him snore la cuz didn't want to wake him up, then, keep going to toilet, yea tummy so heavy, had great difficulty turning, always feel blood gushing into my head no matter how i sleep.. also BH a few times throughout the night, then bb kept kicking when i moved haha..

all these contributed to a sleepless night, luckily not working now, can sleep later!!

Cheese, me too!! Itchy tummy now! I didn't have this problem until few days ago. Yesterday was worse, but Clarins Oil seems to help to control the itch! Don't scratch ho! i just rub rub here rub rub there hehe.. sometimes very light scratch la cannot tahan.. feel so shiok haha!

but if don't drink water, how to ensure lots of hydration for BM pdn ?

i have recorded before pumping of BM, can be up to >1litres per day. so if don't drink water, drinking wat to make up that >1 litres?

sun_tan -- i was at TMC with Dr Lawrence Ang. Single bedded, i top up $3300 cash after medisave.

Diff Latching -- dun give up so soon, keep trying.. once bb get the hang on it, its very fast.

vivi -- i didnt wor.. except when i take medication.

induction -- my #1 came out 4 hours after induction. #2 didnt even after 16 hours, end up e-csect. it all varies, seriously. but the process is... dr will insert pill to soften cervix, then put on drip to increase the dilation (u will start to have contractions).. then every hourly, missy will increase the drip dosage.. then dr will burst water bag. and following on, they will keep checking for dilation (VE). once reach 10cm, will be pushed to deliver. sound simple? i waited 16 hours for celeste, but only 4 hours for julius... just stay positive and everything will go on smoothly

Morning mommies! Im so happy today, its my birthday and I managed to pump 100ml today! Its a record for me.. just yesterday I only managed 60ml. Maybe my breasts know today I am going to bring baby out to the Pediatrician so produce more hahaa!

vivi: Nopes I did not take water.. I only drank 1 full cup of water few days ago. Otherwise totally on the red date drink. However I dont drink the red date drink very hot. Sometimes i drink hot, sometimes I let it cool down.. then I wont feel its so heaty.

vivianne - My cf said can't drink plain water.... so i ask her to boil more longan water for me to drink... heard from other that water will cause retention...

