(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hi ya. Just BF baby so hv a bit of energy left to post.

I've popped! Scheduled for csec today but baby came out on her own terms. Hehe

Pls help to update: Hannah born natural + epi + vacuum on 9 July 3.28 am, weight 3.735kg, head 35cm, length 51cm. It's amazing how our bodies can stretch to accommodate baby! And mommies who went natural without pain relief - I salute you!

My birth story started on 8 July:

3am- woke up to pee but had poop feeling. Sat 30mins on toilet bowl thinking wd poop. Nothing so wiped and saw bright red blood! Panicked coz thot it was bleeding so checked "what to expect when u're expecting" book, says to call gynae so I did. Turned out to be bloody show, bright red blood ok. Phew! Gynae said if wanna csec, then should fast if not just monitor for contractions 5mins apart to go hospital. Woke hubby to discuss- we'd wait it out. Went back to sleep, trying to time contractions-to me they felt like BH. All irregular so went back to sleep with cranky feeling

7.30am-woke up to pee and when wiped, still bloody show, bright red but as I wiped more, discharge less red, turned slightly pink eventually. More crampy feeling, contractions irregular

10am- gynae called to ask how was I doing. So nice of her! Told her hubby & I decided that we'd try for natural, if baby couldn't come out, then e-csec. If nothing progressed, then go ahead with scheduled csec on Sat. Ok, gynae then said perhaps I cd go to hospital & hv it check out ie. CTG thingy or monitor movements 1st, if fewer than usual, then only go hospital. Okie

10.30am- drove mom to buy groceries to cook dinner for th day + tmrw's dinner cum early morning brekkie since scheduled for csec on Sat

Throughout the day, life as usual. Baby still very active. Had lunch, went to sleep, woke up to pee. Still bloody show but dark red/brown blood. Not much crampy feeling

6pm-told mom I'd be going to hospital to hv baby check out, just to be on safe side- couldn't live with myself if anything happened. Mom said to hv dinner 1st b4 we go. Okie as I thot it wd just be 1hr and nurse wd say no dilation, then could come home

7.30pm- arrived at delivery suite with mom and nurse put me on CTG. Baby's heart rate normal- phew! Then Nurse did VE -I was 3-4 cm dilated! I asked "so I can go home?". Nurse "no, at this stage, we won't allow u to go home". Haha! Silly me! So nurse called gynae to inform then gynae asked what was my decision based on that morning's conversation. Had long talk with hubby (he was still at work), decided to proceed with natural, e-csec if couldn't come out. Hubby said this could be a sign as he'd been praying for natural delivery. All so unexpected! My hospital bag still at home so told hubby to bring

3 nurses all got the ball rolling, diff duties-admission, health check questionnaire, drip to increase contractions on gynae's advice to push baby's head down further

8pm-another VE:5-6cm dilated, contractions still manageable. Was thinking if contractions were like this, maybe can tough it out and not take any pain relief

9.30pm- 6-7cm dilated. Getting very painful. Took deep breaths to relax. Hubby & mom said I looked very pale when contractions hit. Couldn't take it anymore, requested for epi. Remembered reading some mommies' post-Dun be a hero! Hehe! Didn't even try the gas

10.30pm- by this time, epi administered, relief started coming in. Yay! Shivered but it soon passed. Managed to rest and sleep. Now VEs seemed such a breeze- no more discomfort. Hehe. Contractions, dilation going well

1.30am-fully dilated but baby's head still not down enuf to start pushing. Continued with drip. By this time, had pressure in pelvis, quite discomforting. Nurses said so I cd feel when pushing start

2.30am- 2 nurses came in and pushing starts. Had to imagine that I had major constipation when pushing coz couldn't feel a thing! Nurses very encouraging.

3am - baby's head not progressing much and heart rate below 110. I was thinking "aiyo, hv to do csec oredi la" Nurses called gynae & she's on her way. Gynae arrived, assessed me and said "got space". Yay! There's hope. So team got into position- 2 nurses by my sides, ready to push on tummy, hubby by my right to support back and push me fwd, also cheerleader. I prayed "God, pls help me". Gynae git ready vacuum. 1st push, not much, still couldn't feel anything but gynae very encouraging. 2nd push felt baby's head and gynae said she'd had to turn baby so shoulders could come out. 3rd push felt baby's head out. 4th push, all of baby's out, and the next thing I knew, baby's on my chest! Was still amazed that I managed to push her out-gynae had cautioned us on baby's estimated weight of 3.8-4kg during checkup. Had episiotomy + natural tear

Sorry for being long winded [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ladies how are all the mummies doing? I still haven't updated on my birth story... Will do it asap!

For those who intend to pump out their milk in the long term, I strongly recommend getting a good and efficient pump. I was using the Avent manual breast pump which was good too but tiring cos I express every 3 hrs. So Hubby and I decided to invest in a good one. Bought the Medela Pump In Style Advanced with messenger bag. Now I only need 15 mins to express nearly 100ml of milk in total per session.

Baby is not latching well cos I think he's too used to the speed of flow of the bottle. He spent 5 days in the special care nursery so the nurses bottle feed him there. Lactation consultant also said my nipple is a bit short so suggested for me to use nipple shield. But baby gets so impatient and frustrated cos it takes more effort to suck. Sigh. So express milk and bottle feed... No choice. Otherwise I still prefer to latch cos no need to wash pump and bottles! :p

Kat: I think u have the same problem as me too. Nipples too short, baby too impatient. Hai.. but expressing milk and bottle feed is still good.

U so lucky to get nearly 100ml per session. I only get 100ml on the first pump of the day. Do you wake up in the middle of the night to pump too?

congrats ica!

Yest during my gynae visit I checked with my gynae if she does episotomy (cuz i thought i saw phy posting something abt this too....same gyane, so wanted to confirm)...gynae said she doesn't do episotomy cuz she rather the mummies have natural tear!

Then I told her I so scare it'd tear badly cuz my sis tear quite badly!


Hi all

Ytd leg cramp & damn pain keep crying for help. Hubby help massage but the leg keep on cramp back. Super pain! After that i was thinking... Should i go for c-sect! Leg cramp alrdy cannot take it.. Natural birth how? even with epidural i think still pain leh~ -.-;;;

Eliss: Opp TMC got a shop who provide shaving service. They will go your hse shave ur bb hair. After which they will use ur bb hair and make into a caligraphy pen. If i m not wrong, the charge is $50 or $70. U can go check it out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wow big bb!! Glad that u went natural and it was successful! Indeed He is good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm scared of big baby too. Hope he is ard 3kg so easier to push out and sustain no tear. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yesterday check up he is estimated to be 3.3kg.

hi mommies, today is my 4th day, can I check whatever I pump out is it colostrum or already breastmilk? Because the texture of what I pumped feels very silky like not really milk texture. Also I only able to pump like 20-30ml.

I bought the medela swing, but now super regret. Going to go get the Pump in style ... takes way too long for a single pump to pump both breasts.

I remember reading from somewhere saying if it the milk is light and abit yellowish is colostrum. Milk is more of white...

Not sure if i remember correctly.

ceres: thx! Dont worry about not being able to take natural pain over c-sect.. theres always pain relief! Btw, I can't take leg cramps too =D Think about how much faster you will recover after natural birth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jaclyn: Hah~ tks, feel much better. I'm still waiting for BB to choose the date~

Now i try to enjoy, eat what i want & go where i wanna go. Tonight gonna indulge at NYDC!

hi afternoon mummies,

how's ur day doing?

i'm having this nervous feeling and was not sleeping well this few nights..

Was having ache at the pelvics area and tummy seems to be getting heavier day by day..

And i'm worried of having big baby..

Seeing gynae this coming monday and most prob will inform him of our decision of induction.

so now have been talking to bb telling him to tahan abit till monday.. haha

so maybe either mon or tues will pop liao...

but seems like i am getting flu liao.. having abit of sore throat and headache + hubby down with gastric flu for 2 days liao..

worried if monday see gynae dunno can induce anot. sigh...

As for FM, think now the no.1 brand is similac then follow by Friso... If can afford think all will want best for baby ba (BM). but heard that it depends on baby also.. muse see which brand ur baby suitable.. so best is ask the PD.

Congrats ica, wow your bb quite big, but you were able to hv natural birth, pei fu. Look forward to seeing picts of your bb.

Ann, yes I pump every 3 hrs diligently. I set the alarm at night too. Sometimes really very tempted to skip that session then I would oversleep a little but still wake up as breasts would feel vey uncomfy. Do you massage your breasts before you express? I would do that, starting from nipples to aerolas to breasts. I had very blocked ducts initially and my breasts would feel sore and lumpy. The LC taught me how to massage and also helped me to massage. So damn painful that I can cry! Realized that it's much more effective when somebody else does it cos when it hurts I would not press as hard. So I get my Hubby to massage for me at night.

Jaclyn, yes dual pump is much much better! Try to sell the Swing away and get either the Pump In Style Advanced with messenger bag or Freestyle. The rest of the PISA bags is not detachable so you have to bring the whole backpack or shoulder bag. I bought mine from The First Few Years at KKH for $669. Apparently the messenger bag is a limited edition. Otherwise you can consider the Freestyle which is good as well. It's a newer model compared to PiSA but sales lady told me while Freestyle is fast, PISA suction is stronger.

Ceres, colostrum is very yellowish and thin and amount is not much. Subsequently milk has a chalky colour to it.

2nd time mummies,

Was wondering if you have considered any contraceptives methods after birth..

I am considering putting a IUS...

Any thoughts?


some cannt be used with breastfeeding.

this one i am considering is ok for bfing mums.

but its for 5yrs, put a plastic device in.

cos i nt planning for number 3 le...

for mummies opting for elective c-section, i asked my gynae to administer anti-nausea med as well as for #1, i feel really nauseous during the epi. my fren puked all over herself. so imagine in "puke" for 1-2 days. aargghhh

hi hi all mummies !! I POPPED!!!

BB Name: Claire

Popped on: 8 july


7 july around 10am: Can't feel much of baby's movement.

1130am: Reach RH. Did ultrasound scan, BB strong heartbeat. but bb dun want to move any bit at all even after hard pushing. at this time i was 2cm dilated.

1215noon: inserted the tablets meant for induced bb (trying to soften cervix so can let bb's head to slip into cervix)

530pm: Broke water bag to speed up the conttraction & opening of cervix.

by 9pm: I cant hold on the pain anymore that i was grabbing n turning on the bed that i have to asked for EPI (now i know y some mummies luv EPI).

by 2am: cervix only opens to 4cm. (supposed to be ard 9cm) my gynea tell me pro n cons of waiting or choose emergency c-section.

3am plus: after discussion with HB, decided to go ahead with c-section under strong EPI, I concious la.

8 july 4am plus push in. bb Claire is out!

But now i know, contraction pain plus bb pushing out at the same time is really pain!!

congrats to all mum who popped.

Just got back from gynae.. only going to hit 38 weeks on tue but doc say I'm already 2-3cm dilated. Dun wanna be induced... so waiting for everything to happen naturally.. on HL for next week. Gynae asked me to walk more now but it hurts so much.. haha.. whole pregnancy ask me not to walk and now he ask me to walk, I dun wan to. It's all an waiting game now.

Hi all mummies,

Congrats again to those who have delivered and for those waiting, enjoy the last bit of the journey! I haven't got time to update my birth story.

Jaclyn: today is my 5th day and everytime I pump, I also only produce 40ml for both sides

It's really really demoralizing cos I'm on fenugreek as well. I massage regularly before feedings as well. My baby is now in hospital for jaundice treatment and she's now feeding 60ml of milk per feed. So I'm quite stressed up abt not meeting to her demands! Help, mummies! Now I regularly start expressing every 3 hrs. Really hope that milk supply will accelerate very soon.

Congrats xbeanniex! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jaclyn: 4th day with 20-30ml sounds fine. I am only pumping 60ml after I latch my boy these days.

Yo!!! I popped!!!

Boy Rayden weighs 3.675kg, 52cm long. He is abit heavier and longer than his brother but both look the same at birth!!! Just tt Didi got a dimple on his right cheek!!

10/7/10 at 1618h.

Natural with epi. Gynae asked me push 5 times and then he was out!! A bit of tear. Now right leg still numb from epi.

Hi ladies,

I popped on the 29 June! Natural with epi. I think I am one of the lucky few that did not feel any contractions at all despite dilating to 3 cm. However, I still decided to take the epidural as I was worried that by the time the pain hits me, it will be too late for epi. Hence I had a painfree labour (despite being in labour for 18 hrs).

BUT the aftermath was bad!! I had an episotomy and as I had a lot of prob pushing bb out (in the end needed vaccum assist) , the tear was very long close to the anus!! Plus I had piles from all the pushing. It took me at least 4-5 days for me to be able to sit and walk properly.

I am also hving a lot of probs with milk supply. My supply is very very low . I can pump for 30 mins and only get 10ml from both breast. My Confinement auntie is also not helping by making snide remarks. She will tell my bb that mummy has no milk for you to drink or that mummy's milk is not tasty, this (refering to formula) is tasty. Worst comment i hve heard , when bb refuse the bottle of formula, she will tell bb that this is not mummy's milk, this is the tasty formula milk.

I feel so sad and pissed hearing all these.


pls tell your confinement lady that if she continues this way, she will hv to leave and you will pay her pro-rated. this is unacceptable.

also, hv 2 u been latching ur bb? if you have, perservere! now, try and take more fluids, drink green papaya & fish soup and red date tea, k?

all the best!

Congrats phy and munchies!

Pillow: I'm using medela swing. I pump 5 mins each side for 30'mins altogether. I dun think the pump is the problem right, it being such an established brand. I'm gg to start drinking more milk even, just to make sure the supply goes up.

Munchies: ur cl is so irritating!! But I think there's a lot of these old aunties all like that! My relationship with mil has been fine all these while. But now I'm starting to get hurt by her comments also, like Wah, ur milk supply very slow ah. Last time I delivered, straight away so much milk! Like duh, that's u. And I suspect she might be telling ppl also that my bb is not getting enough milk, that's y jaundice la.

Dear mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I'm bringing in Avent Duo Breastpumps (US sets) at $480 each, with SG adaptor & free delivery (less $20 for self-collection at Jurong). For the month of July, there is additional 5% off for orders of minimum 4 sets.

More information available: www.mybreastfriend.webs.com

congrats to all mummies who have pop...!!

am in my 37weeks and 5 days liao.. still waiting.. next checkup is on coming wednesday... still working.. have to do closing finish then can go on leave to rest...today feel tightness on tummy and slight mensus cramps.. but still bearable.. think should be BH ba... i hope.. :p

EPI - When i give birth to my no.1.. also keep vomitting when i had epi...and shivers too.. i thought i was too hungry... after reading the thread and think back.. maybe it's the side effect.. i looked very very pale and weak after giving birth to my number 1 in 2006...my number 2 i didn;t take epi(or i think its too late liao by the time i want)..hhahah.. i recovered my energy within 2 hours.. hubby and MIL say i look better than when i had my number 1.. more energatic...

Post natal massage

Mummies that are doing post natal massage, did u have more lochia after the massage. Mine seem to be getting more especially after the 2nd and 3rd day of massage. Is this normal?

Congrats munchies! Was horrified to hearvhow nasty your CL is. I know it's easier said than done, but you must not let her remarks upset you. Not worth it.

Congrats Phy. Wow you made giving birth sound so easy.

Jelly, drinking red date tea can increase milk supply?

Hi Mummies,

Have 2 boxes of Pigeon Disposable Breast Pads (60 + 12pcs) to let go, self collect at Bukit Panjang.

Interested, pls PM me.


Hi mummies.. I need some advice regarding pumping. I experienced engorgement on the 3rd day, when i used pump i managed to pump about 50ml from both breasts. Then i dunno wad to do with the expressed milk because i still continue to latch on.. i scared if i feed to bb, she will have nipple confusion or start to prefer bottle to breast.. also since day 4 my baby is waking up every 2 hrs for milk so i latch on and so far the engorgement is bearable. i let her unlatch herself or i will unlatch her and put her on the other breast if she has been suckling for more than 20 mins. But so far the pattern still same, she will wake up every 2-3 hrs for feed. can any mummy share with me your feeding and expressing schedule? i have a prob judging if my breasts are empty or whether bb is getting my hind milk.. lost!!

Sweetkiss: I feed/latch on demand, generally she wakes up to feed every 3 hours, about 90ml each time if i give EBM. PD advised feeding every 2-4 hours. when breasts are empty they'll feel soft. if you massage/squeeze lightly there should only be a little or no milk coming out. can check baby's poo to see if baby is getting enough foremilk and hindmilk. if i'm not wrong, the poo should be grainy yellow. if not enough hindmilk, it will be greenish?

Sweetkiss -- 20 mins is ok.. but if u want to be sure, check on ur bb's poo.. if bb is on total BF, her poo shud be yellow custard in colour, that means she is taking the "complete" set.. if its a bit greenish it means bb is just taking the fore milk...

for me, i let bb feed on routine.. meaning..

morning - night, i let her feed every 2 hourly or sometimes 2.5 hourly. i will wake her up for feeds.

in the late nights (12mn onwards), i will feed on demand so that i get enough sleep. normally she will wake up every 3 hourly.

as for feeds, cause she start to get sleepy and sometimes quite hard for her to latch on the other side, i have switch to bfing on one side only then the next feed, i will latch on the other one.

initial days, i let her latch 20 mins on each side for about 10 days.. then her growth spurt kicks in. now she can latch up to 30 mins - 40 mins on one breast (i am on one side each time now).. so averagely, its abt there..

20 mins each side is safe. but to make sure, then u gotta check on ur bb poo liao. make sure got at least 6 diapers (wet) changed and the poo colour.

if bb wakes up more often, fret not, its just growth spurt which normally occurs on the 10th day and last for 2 - 7 days.. baby just wants more, then u latch more or longer.

after this bfing exp, i realise that, theres no SOP for bfing. u bf according to ur bb's liking n preference. if drinking on one side every feed can let her drink more and successfully, then go ahead. adjust as ur bb grows.. u will soon get the hang of it.

Sweetkiss, you may want to let your hubby feed the expressed milk at the night feed around 10-11pm. I read once a day bottle feed is ok.. it'll allow ur hubby to bond with your BB too.

I heard from my friend that whether breast empty or not is by feeling wor.. maybe can call the hotline at breastfeeding.org for advice. it's free.

munchies: wa your CL is horrible! I agree with the rest, pls tell her that she can't say such things otherwise you will ask her to leave. I know sometimes its hard to tell her off esp if shes living under 1 roof. Better yet, just get her replaced.

sweetkiss: I am now on 3 hourly pump. I don't latch my baby because my latching is wrong and my nipples get super painful when he latches. In fact my right nipple is cracked and bleeding. So i am going to see the lactation consultant on Monday for some help with the latch. Meanwhile, I pump every 3 hourly .. I can see the milk is slowly but surely increasing.. last time around 30ml, my last pump was 50ml. Then I will feed baby whenever he wants, and supplement FM if needed. Otherwise I am slowly weaning him off the FM.

fazzy: I am also using medela swing. However i don't think pumping 5 mins each side is good enough leh. I pump almost 20-30 mins (constant) on each side. Because for Swing, it stimulates your nipple first, then after 2 mins it goes to "let down" mode which is where the milk will start getting extracted. if you only pump for 5 mins per side, you only get 3 mins worth of the let down. Don't seem to be enough. How about you try pumping at least 20 mins per side. While you pump, you can massage your breast.. (press hard, don't be gentle!).

engorge: My breasts are also engorged! Today is my 4th day after delivery.. i read that it means its the "coming in" of milk thats why will engorge. I try to relieve it as much as possible by pumping and massaging but it still hurts like @!$!!#. Now I paste one hydrogel pad (medela's) that I got with my pump to see if it works... highly doubt it lah. Still painful :|



Thanks for the advice. So I should pump 20-30 mins for each side. I shall try this one out.

Another problem I have is that my baby is a sleepy baby. She falls asleep easily and soon after she's fed. I can't seem to get her up. So that's y she's not getting enough Also

