(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Atomickitten - I got a indo maid, no experience. she is married with kids. Hopefully is of great help to me... Going labour n takin care of bb is v stresss already, now got maid also is a stressful thing...

Seems like bb has not engaged yet, if need csect I also duno which one to choose, GA or Epi.


Ann - As long our baby is above 3kg, it is save to deliver them at week 36th and above. Too big we will be in trouble.

I really hope my Bb dont grow 500g per week.

If he really grow 500g per week meaning by end of june he will be 4kg already as week 32+2 days he is 2.377kg. And if is that big i tink end of JUNE can deliver him out.

I hope my gynae can really excess me on 18th June and discuss.

Legs upper parts are having cramps when stand too long or sleep one side too long. When stand and walk normally i feel the urge of peeing. Little urine only.

These are the timing my bb super Active kicking punching turning bla bla bla

7-8plus morning

12-2plus - afternoon

10-1plus - past midnight

As long he is moving around that timing i am not worried. He is happily dancing and telling his mummy that he still got place to grow and move.

Actually Ann, you gynae can induced you already if he want fast JOB since you dilate 2cm, but i tink since you only week 34, he prefer to let nature to take its own course. The longer bb inside the Tum Tum the lower the risk of premature baby and infection.

Your gynae is pro natural.. Thumps up for him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ann, yaya.. mine is dr fong also.. ya i think more active person seems to bring labour forward.. i didnt really exercise only did a couple of home yoga session, plus daily train rides, house chores, walking alot.. probably that cause my early dilation also.

i kinda wanted my gal to come out soon.. because walking is really real pain for me now.. baby pressing down, pressing the nerves, making my leg pain most of the time, especially left leg. plus more V sharp pain now. but have to walk more to trigger labour.. so contradicting..

Ann, you better rest more.. try to keep the baby inside as long as possible. at least bring down the chances of bb staying in the special box ya.

Pris: Sorry not gonna buy the diaper shell. I found one 'valcro' type one (stick type) at 9.20 and now having 20% discount so my hubby say buy it cuz i think the one you buying is button type. Sorry!

Ann: Sorry what is dilated? is it open or?

Rabbit: How to define active? i've been walking out to lunch, shop, wkend go out eat & shop, squat down pick stuffs... hmm consider active?

Ceres>> Where did u get it? I dun mind popping by to take a look since I think it'll be quite hard to gather enough people to the the bulk order. Thx!

Pris: Isetan sells it. Brand is Baby bear, it's stated as diaper cover. I got it at Shaw house Isetan but i think any isetan also sells it.

Kiddy palace also sells the diaper shells. But it's the plain type n only comes in white, blue or pink. But it only cost $3.50. so if u r not lookg for those fanciful type, can drop by kiddy palace for a look.


velcro not as secure as button... but since you buy it, then u use it first lah... u will know what i mean.


is ur seller melissa? if you want i can give you this lady's contact. she sells the same diaper shell w/o moq

ceres : Can I check with you whats the material inside? I mean the material which will be in contact with baby's butt. Coz I intend to get the diaper shell from Bumwear as they are very comfortable on the inside but its very pricey...

Ann : I'm so envious of you coz your bb grows so fast and is ready to brave the world le! My bb very smally gal still.. now I aim to eat 6 meals in a day and drink milk + eat red meat ..and I also increase my intake of carbo.. hope by next appt.. bb would ve grown more..

AK-mine too eh.. but just hope they are well and healthy when its time for them to pop out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just back from my BW. So shiok.. now so smooth and feel so clean. Haha!!

Serene: My gynae wasn't going to do a VE but after hearing the symptons I am having, he decided to do one to be on the safe side. And luckily he did or else I wouldn't know I am dilated and my mucus plug is gone.

Cheese: Dun worry so much abt BB's weight.. when BB is ready, your body will know one and go into auto pilot mode.. so dun worry. Now I just let nature lead the way, dun wanna think or worry to much le. If can delay till 36 weeks, then good. If come early, I also cannot do any more thing to stop it.

Cheerymum: Having lots of discharge is ok but if the colour is brown then better alert your gynae on it.

CT: Ya.. my gynae quite pro natural cos my hubby always ask "so does it mean she had to do C-sec" everytime he hear abt BB's weight.. haha!! My gynae always tell him "Still got chance for natural, dun worry. We will take it as it comes."

Rabbit: Ya lo.. dun wan BB to go into the special box. Hopefully he be good and stay inside for another 1 week plus.

Ceres: Dilated means your cervix is opening up so that when giving birth, BB can go through. Normally have to be dilated at 10cm before can give birth. Sometime pple say when cervix open up to 5cm, then very fast will reach 10cm le. From 1cm to 5cm can take quite a while.

AK: Dun worry so much. I am sure your gal will come out when she is ready. Weight not really that bad cos if lighter, come out then feed her till fat fat. Hehe!! Most imptly is her lung. Must make sure fully develop then can come out.

Babycoco >> The boy likes to go on looooong walks while the girl likes really quick walks at the basement.. I find it more relaxing to walk them one by one now coz when I walk them together, they pull so much. Gets really tiring.

Atomic: inside got some soft cloth but dun think very comfy then the leg area got something like waterproof material to prevent leakage i think. Overall i think not very comfortable type.

Pris: For washing, first mth i think ok since engage CL.

Ann: Huh i thought going to give birth then start to open... u mean even if not yet pushing it starts to open alrdy? Will have weird feeling below? Like airy or?

For BW, i also going to do and next visit will check with Gynae when should i go for and a letter for reccomendation incase Strip wants it.

Sito: Have a smooth delivery and get ready for the coming confinement! We are all so excited for you, share with us your birth story when you have time k!

Ann: Hmm.. Rest as much as you can now, hopefully your bb can tahan and stay inside your tum tum for a little longer. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

F8 mummies: Photoshooting today right?! How how? I bet it must be very fun! Remember to share with us the photo when its ready yah!


Yup its fun, but its ssssooo hot!!!! And we are like zoo exhibits..lol..so many ppl staring at us when we walked pass. Also there are some "ah neh" who kept lurking ard and walking pass us just to gawk at us! So irritating. Luckily they backed off after Geri's hubby told them off. Need to wait for abt 4 weeks for the photos.

Yo sun-tan!

I just saw your nicely taken photo from FB! Sexy mummy yeah.. heehee.. I am not surprised that many ppl will be staring at you mummies, coz it dont always happen! LOL!

Sun_tan, must be a very interesting sight to see so many pregnant women doing photoshoot. Lucky didn't rain.

Pris, I found a bp on the diaper cover you posted. Let me pm you the link.

ceres: Not really, cervix can open before going into labour. No weird feeling below... not airy.. haha!!

minmin: Ya lo.. trying to rest more.. hoping BB stay in longer.

Eversince i got discharged from hospital, every sunday go back my mum's place eat, she sure cook pork porridge for me to eat when the rest of the family eat nice stuff.. eat till so sian lo. Everytime got to ask hubby go buy supper for me.

Then this coming Wed is my grandma bday.. my mum ask me to eat dinner liao then go.. then ask me to eat bday cake nia.. wah lao.. they BBQ nice food lei, U think I will just satisfy myself with bday cake while others dine with prawn, crabs, satay, cheese sausage, otah, etc? I would be crazy to just watch lo.

Hello ladies!

sun_tan: aiyoo i also saw ur pic on facebook. Looks so hot! No stretch marks at all i am so jealous!! Heehee. Of course got ppl stare at you all.. we walk into dim sum restaurant oso ppl stare, dont say a bunch of pregnant women posing and looking good! =D

Ann: dear ann, please rest more now and keep us updated ok??

VE check: Gynae told me that during my nx check up (37 weeks) she will be doing a VE for me and will do a CTG test. Purpose of VE check is to test for strep b as well as to check for dilation. She says if not dilated, most likely labour will be close to my due date (12 july). If dilated, labour will be earlier. Mommies that haven't test for strep b should perhaps request for it at week 37 or so? I think should be quite impt as the bacteria can be harmful to newborns

bak zhang: Yay I am so happy because my grandmom will be making bak zhang this coming thursday and all my aunts + me will join her in making. Then I can eat till im happy! =D

pris: vagina examination. Eh... you really intend to go nappies. Hats off to you. Im so environmental unfriendly because i've decided to go pure disposables.

ceres, hmm.. i also not too sure how to really define.. but my daily activies continued until 1 mth ago then i started to slow down.. handing over the chores to my part time cleaner..

but walking and squating more do helps to bring in labour.

My buddy told me if we get more intimate with hubby, we also can have fast labour.

My hubby scare he hurt the bb. He see my stomach he scared explode.. How to get intimate?

Ann - Our V area already swell preparing for birth. Sure pain man! Some more my buddy gynae can say use lubricant to have more enjoyable intimacy to her.

I was like Pervert your gynae? Still encourage you to use lubricant.. Than she says her gynae at NUH even tell her to stimulate her nipple so that she can also go fast labour.

I told my buddy, change gynae better..

Ann: Remember to rest well!!

Sun_tan: I saw ur pics too!! Nice!!!!!! Seems like u gals enjoy the shots today!!

I went for my PS today too in the studio.. Was so paiseh initially cos gotta go naked. After warm up liao was rather fun! Hope the photos turn out to be nice!!

Jaclyn >> Duh..haha..thx for enlightening me.

Am still toying with the idea of going fully on cloth diapers after the 1st month.

Will see how, if it really gets too tiring I may just give up the idea = )


haa u shld have seen DQ! She is the hotest among us! Even Allison, our PG said tat we shld learn from her on how to pose.. Hee...

Jo lyn,

I m sure urs wld look nice too! Remember to pose on FB when u gotten back ur photos.


it's proven tat having sex n stimulation of nipples can "activate" labour. But didn't heard of it being able to fasten the dilation process..haa me n hubby has stopped tat mths ago. He also no comfortable having sex with junior in tummy. He says it just seems wrong... Lol...

mommies, morning!

re: helper

anyone looking for one? i have a refernce for a transferred maid who is very good with kids. i have her bio with me but i can't hire her as i had already hired one under my name and not until #2 is born.

reason fow her trf is because she was wkg for a family who already had 2 other maids who are indonesians and had been ostracised by them... she finds it hard to work with the two other maids.

if you are intererested, pls text me at [nine zero nine zero nine zero three one]. will send you her bio and all. she will be re=patriated next week if she does not find an employer. thanks!

Gd morn mommies, talking abt cloth diapers, i bought bumwear package at the fair during the motherhood show, nt bad a deal i guess. will do a mix an match of disposable and cloth diapers as i believe alot of friends n relatives n collegues will be giving disposable as gift all those..

AtomicK: the inside piece of cloth tt is in contact with bb is made of fleece. it won't absorb water at all. once bb pee, abt 1-2mins the pee will slip thru the fleece into the insert n causing bb butt to be dry..

wat the promoter said was donit to wash once bb pee on the diaper, can wait until the diaper smell or a gauge of 2-3 pees then remove the insert n wash.


bumwear is a good brand. how many pcs of the diaper shell did u get?

i will only start cloth diapering when all the mecomium is gone... othetwise, it is very yucky...

jellypurin, how long will it take for all the meconium to be poo'd out? my mom also quite keen on the cloth diaper. i think i'll follow your advise.


about a week or so, it should clear... once all the meconium is out, cloth dipering will not be so messy in a sense... hee, at least the poop does not sell so bad...esp if u bf... the poop actually smells quite nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all mommies, morning.. Been very tired & lazy recently.. Baby weight is coming on fast & I feel so heavy now when baby is just 2.2kg.. Wonder how I can survive when it's 3kg+...

F8 mommies - Hope u gals all enjoy the PS.. Looking forward to your photos..

Ann - Wow.. You sound like a tai-tai... Doing mani + pedi, massages & BW etc.. Haha.. How I envy you.. For me, I stop going mani cos I heard it's not good for the BB to breathe all the toxic smell of the polishes.. BW, cos I never do b4, I think I better don't do now.. Hee.. Massges, it's always so diff to book my massage lady & those massage parlour outside, not a lot of people do massages for pregnant ladies..

Cloth Diapering

BUM wear actually semms very good although I have not used before.. I like the material & the designs.. The only thing is the price.. It's too expensive at almost $30 per piece..

I was surfing the net & I saw this... But, I'm not sure if it's good but it costs only $5 each.. http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=3578775155. If anyone if keen, perhaps we can share shipping to try a few pieces each..


Mummies i think Sito mission had almost completed. Yesterday she check in TMC right. Today is her C Section. Hope she & bb are doing fine.. Excited for her ..

