(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Rabbit - read from babycenter BH shouldnt occur so regularly 1 leh... u better monitor closely... my gynae said if in an hour can feel 4 contraction can admit hospital liao leh...

Sito - Have a smooth delivery!!!

Rabbit - My gynae told me if no pain, it is not real contraction, so I guess is BH .. but u shd still monitor closely

Hi Mommies !

I m July MTB as well n have been flwg the forum but as silent reader .. hehe.. hope to make frens here and share our birth stories together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eliss, pls help to update my details below, thanks!

EDD: 4th Jul 2010

Gynae: Dr Yvonne Chan

Hospital: TMC

Gender: Boy


I m now in my 37th week, bb weighs 2.65kg and bb's head is already 'engaged' low down in the cervix opening, so doc thinks labour shd be imminent .. anytime next week ... eeekkksss !!! I m nervous as hell ! Praying for a normal delivery via epi, hope I can avoid emerg c-sect .. fingers crossed !!

rabbit: You must be on your way to hospital soon! All the best! keep us updated! When doing CTG.. rem to juz lie comfortably and relax ya.

Pris : haha.. the waitress so xi xin!

babycoco : I can imagine a table full of food! yumyum!

Sito : No worries.. you will be fine! We are all excited for you! Meantime you rest well and can start counting down! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tchoupi: welcomed! You are also pretty near to your delivery! you managed to get Dr Chan as your gynae! Alwaz hear very good comments of her

Rabbit: please take care and keep us updated!

Lunch today: the dim sum lunch was great!! We ate sooo much dim sum + even had a peking duck and the bill came up to $24 each only. Very worth it! I didnt know what i was ordering and all mommies kept saying "stomach still empty" hahaa! It was fun. Very happy to meet you ladies again. We should do it more often but all going to pop soon =D

Sito -- good that a decision is made [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] quick, go eat whatever u feel like eating.. if not confinement cannot eat liao.. haha.. i have alr listed down what i want to eat for the next 2 weeks and i shall accomplish them before i deliver...

have a smooth delivery!

Sito, Rabbit,

all the best! keep us updated ya. so excited for u


glad u're feeling better now. Just enjoy the next 2 wks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so many posts today....but too bz to log in.

Think next time also won't hv much time to log in already. Boss "Re-assisgn" work area Division & I've been given 3 added portfolios on top of my current 2 portfolios.

Other pple workload got lighten but mine got heavier. Imbalance work distribution...make me so upset today...drove home impatiently & wasn't able to concentrate fully while driving.

Am so tempted to resign after my ML.

ica : thankew!

mrslong : How can your boss give you heavier workload at this point of time! Not very considerate leh! BTw.. you're still driving now ah. Maybe should stop soon le. I refused to drive for a week le!

My Bh also gets worse. The tummy soooo thight.

No back pain yet. I never had back pain for both the boys cause my 1st son my water bag leak alot so i bath and go hospital. My 2nd was when i went for 38th week gynae says water bag low as it had leak i dont realized it so admit than induced than sent to delivery ward when dilation takes place. Bot kids i use epidural cause i worry no pain after 5cm, suddenly pain i scared i will pushed out baby using forced and tear all over..

I heard from my friend real labour will be from the back kidney area and sit or stand also cannot make it. I saw my aunt in that stage before. I help her to time her contraction and once it reach every 10minutes and the pain last for 2-3 minutes, i told my uncle to sent her to the Hospital. After 5 hours she gave birth natural no epidural. But her tear was bad.

So this one i was tinking to suffer all the way, i want to feel the pain and i hope i can make it.

Today i am officially 34 weeks... Hmhmmmm .. Next week friday see gynae, if gynae says can deliver by 37 or 38 weeks it will be great.

Contraction: I really think early contraction is not painful one. Seems like a misconception that contraction sure painful. So if anyone of u experience what u think is BH within an hour, better call gynae to check.

I am so looking forward to gynae visit tomorrow. Wonder how much weight i had gain and how much BB had gain.

i am back.. false alarm.. actually i feel is more like misleading lor.. lying down i dont feel the contractions.. then once got up it came again.. kinda wasting my time there.. then did another round of VE check.. -_-"

next time, i just look out for the real thing to come..


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alicia, i still the same.. still 1.5cm..

ct, ya lor.. must piak her backside when she is out.. haha..

dont like the idea of lying on my back during the ctg check. baby pressing on me, very xin ku.. today only mt A very quiet.. only 1 labour ward in use..

Rabbit my bb also dont like the CTG.

It is soooo uncomfortable to lie back like that.

Nurse was like telling me, wow your baby is super active kicking here and there. Than i tell the nurse, baby dont like being strap tooo long, he is in a bunglow house, suddenly kena strap he feel so restricted..

2 weeks ago when i was on CTG, the reading show i have slight contraction. It could be BH.. No dilation yet cause gynae says bb still not mature yet..

rabbit : glad all is fine with you! Well at least now you can sleep with peace of mind. At this stage, alwaz better to play safe[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

All mummies,

latest update, I went to see DR ANG tonite regarding my decision to do EPI C Section next week.

DR told me to do it on MON or TUE 14/6 or 15/6 am,he will confirm the exact date with me tmw.

Very excited & anxious for this big day.. will update my birth story once given birth next week.

hi mummies,

I got a brand new set of Avent DUO ISIS IQ breast pump to let go.. US set, BPA free, never used before de. DO PM me if you interested ya.. Thanks

Me still wk 33 so i think i will be a true Jul Mommy! Haha. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bored... dunno where to go today. Anyone know where got sales etc?

Aisha - Normally those due dates earlier July will tend to deliver middle or end june cause bb is above 37 weeks safe to be delivered. Especially those doing C Section .

I also hope to deliver earlier by 6th July onwards as my due date is from 22-26th July predicted by Singapore and Johor Gynae.

Since this is 3rd BB for me, i really hope to have smooth delivery just like the 2nd son [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AtomicKitten & CT, haha.. yaya.. my bb also active.. my DH was saying why the ctg machine sound so different suddenly..

i really hope no more false alarm lor.. we yesterday full gear check in to hospital.. keke..

already looking forward to see my gal.. keke..

i hav a heavy feeling below me n i dun noe where.its like in btw my 2 thighs?any1 feel e same?like sum where swollen like tat eh.

Atomic Kitten & ceres >> Now I still bochup since going on ML soon but I dread the coming bk to work after my ML cuz with the added work portfolio & being new portfolios to me, alot of catching up to do & I think it's gonna sux.

Dun care, my priority will still be my BB, so won't work OT...if boss wants to give me more add but not enuff time, let it be lor. The most kenna scolding or I resign.

I'll stop driving when I reach 36 Wk (now 33 Wk). [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babycoco: i got the corset from my gynae, which is a must if i have c section.

sito: congrats and all the best!!

Junie: Same.. actually my section got another pregnant lady (Malay) she giving birth later by afew mths from me. My boss keep saying cannot give her do this do that... then gimme do this do that. Funny one lor.

Then add project for me... when my section ppl all say no time do the supervisor go put my name ask me do. when i finishing it she say pass to other ppl. Those untouch she say i on-hold. Then those effort i put in for nothing lor.

Very stupid. I also drag to go back after ML. Gonna go try find job during my ML & if ok will submit resignation after i go back then serve 1 mth then go off. Heh.

MrsLong & Ceres,

Seems like we all face the same things... Haiz!! Now I already dun feel like gng to work liao.. On & off keep taking MC & leave..

I think even aft ML, more worse... the more I dun feel like gng back... Thus now i'm thinking whether to take full 4mths Or take 3mths 1st... But thinking of aft 3mths gng back to clear the shit... wow sian!!!

I still tot worse come to worse will prolong the ML & take unpaid.. Hahahhaa.. But shall see how wen BB is out...

R u gals taking full 4mths or half half??? When start ur ML???

I already decided, I will sure quit this job N find a new one.. If hubby agree, I do hope that I can stay home take care BB than at the same time find new job....

Right now no matter wat, we have to endure 1st.. We can't lose the ML benefits that we are entitle for since we work so hard for the company... SO Let's JIA YOU TOGETHER!!!

ytd i was also asking my hubby the same thing. Initially wanna take 3 mths first but now i think i will take full. Cos since my co might renew me on contract basis only, if i take 3 mths i'll have 20 days ML, 6 days childcare and 14 days AL to clear in a yr. Total 40 days, dun think co will let me keep taking leave lor... Might as well one shot take all to be safe.

Me 2 no mood to work. I know once i back to work, sure kena Mentally Torture.

Diving rescue the BIG BOys are part of my job too.

The offshore safety school i am working really know how to make full use of staff man power.

Once i declare i am pregnant, i kena HELL.

No bonus & no increment. Always say i dont work to the fullest. I do admin, i do customer care, i dive and also i take care of participants food.

I also think better give birth faster than start looking for job during ML. Than after ML give 1 month notice.

I will be checking in to TMC tmw nite after 12pm.

My C Section is confirmed on MON 14/6/2010, so excited & happy!!

Counting down..

Haiz... I think most mummies have their own difficult at work... Well lets pray that we can find a better job... =)

Sito.. congrats,Jia you!!

Hope to see ur BB photo here... =)

Sito: Congrats inadvance.

Sweetkiss: i also dunno. I also thinking take unpaid later but my boss won't allow cuz the other pregnant women will be on ML too he sure want me to go back n clear her shit & mine & all other colleague.

Why? cuz they say no time do = me alot time to do.

Jasline/Junie/CT: Haha! we all facing same problem. Boss really bad. Mine i find it funny la. like very side to Malays. He is a msia maybe. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] irritating la.

By the way... after birth we still use the same clarins oil or need to buy other type of cream to apply on the stretch marks?

Sito: congrats! so excited for you too... Have a smooth delivery! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ceres: Ya loh... i dun like to use my pregnancy as an excuse but i really think that ever since i reached my 3rd trimester i have been really losing all mood & motivation to work! i also thought of resigning too but my co requires 2 mth's notice! and it is really bad if i tender immediately after ML. but now really dun wanna think abt all these. just want to give birth, take gd care of my bb and the rest after ML then see how.

Sweetkiss: Now most impt take care of ourselves & later BB then think abt it.

I always remind myself when coy is having trouble they won't think of staff so if we find better opportunity dun think that coy will be short handed or watever cuz when the time comes they also won't think much for us.


wow, ur job requires u to dive??


congras!! Remember to post pics!

Ya, me also thinking if we should still be using the clarins oil after birth cos mine finishing le. Dunno if wanna buy another bottle or not.

