(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Robinsons Sale

Went to the sale yesterday...damage wasn't much becos it was too crowded and only managed to grab some pigeon biscuits (20% off) etc...

Philips Warehouse sale/ Wing Tai factory outlet sale

So is it over yet or no? Hehe.. Oh BTW I have this mailer about Wing Tai warehouse sale ( Topshop, Topman, Dorothy Perkins, Ms Selfridge, Warehouse &
Adidas etc)from 1 to 20 Dec, it's up to 80% off...anyone interested? I can forward it to you...

All dim and dark leh..

I ordered 35 pax buffet for 30 ppl end up not enough to eat. ..yah and all the plates and cups not enough. Lucky I got spare
Hi Rachel
I bypass Wing Tai Warehouse sales and pop in... errr.. nothing really much attractive...
rachel, u can try.. perhaps there are something suitable for u. I just find it in a mess to find any clothings.. alot are huge one..
Any idea which hotel is good and near shopping places? I heard hotels in Pertaling Jaya is btr than those nearer KLCC? *Hmmmm....*

If I do passport tmr, then I wanna bring my ger to Msia on 17 Dec, do you think i can get it in time? Cos 3 working days rite? Got any failuer rate? (i.e cannot get passport by 3 working days?)
Hi Snowger, quite alot of good hotels at KL. I prefer bukit bintang area. Lots of shopping. Such as JW Marriot, Park Royal, Berjaya Times Square, hotel istana.. Royale Bintang is budget but nice.

Can get within 3 days la.. My dad ever went ICA and show them air ticket and said he need it immediately =P.. they will help
Really uh? Ok ok... Keeping fingers crossed. Gotta get her passport done soon if really wanna go. I thot tat weekend just nice cos 20th got wedding dinner in JB... so book out on 20th n go down to JB lor...
I dun wan to see... see alr i v kek sim... cos my dotter cannot even wave good bye not to mention recognise any alphabets...

I just apply my gal passport on Monday n I collected it today liao. But I deposit the application over there cause I cant seem to take the photo to their requirement.

Also, if u apply today, u can collect on 17.12.09. The date is shown at their office. But do go early to collect the passport cause I reach there at 10.20am n there is already 188 ppl in front of me. I waited for 1.5hour though I went to do other things 1st. Haha...
ypg, they can make appt online. when i did for zach, it was 0 waiting time..the moment i scan in the appt letter, the machine issued me with a number, it was called immediately.

Hehehe..zach can shake his head to signal dun want..funny. His hand gesture oso can say 'no more'.

Last time can still pat pat his tummy to signify he is full but lately he dun wanna do that liao..mabbe he is always hungry?

ya super solid rite? .. I also made the appt to do pick up online .. so NO WAIT at all. damn happy. I hate waiting at these govt type offices. somehow, damn a lot of ppl all the time.

so yes, snowger .. it's actually really easy to apply for the passport online via their Apples thingy .. then also book the appt to pick up the passport online ... wa, super convenient. I hate parking in those open air carparks cos the vehicle gets so warm .. but in this case, barely any wait so I was a happy chicky.

eh, zachmommy .. zach so cute can indicate he doesn't want anymore ah? .. hehehe !! clever boy!!
hi mommies
Now i v v heachache over party planning..

anyone tasted four seasons catering before?

for 60 adults 40 kids (excl babies).. how many pax shld i order??

wave bye bye maybe she knows but dun like that action ma...

mine worst..have been teaching him to kiss..but recently I find out he dun like to kiss coz when we want to kiss him, he use his palm and push our mouth away..everytime.
mer, when my hb tries to kiss zach, he will push him away too but he will not do so if i kiss him. guess he likes female to kiss and not male, which is so normal.
My son very cheeky one leh. He will always 'wink' and smile at female, be it young or old. jia lat
hahaha kath so funny...zach so cute..yah he got the cheeky look too hehe.

haha I also stressed..end up I went to buy the doodle board.
lil etoile unavailble at d date u wan ah?

four seasons catering quite inconsistent wif quality of food. my office one was nice but for Jayzon one was horrible. blacklisted them. =p
Yar lor... Land up my hb so worried went to ask PD... Cos he say my ger can't sit still. Then PD told him it's normal for kids this age to be curious abt surrounding and always on the move. And it will be wierd if the kid can actually sit still for v long... LOL!

Tat day my colleague told me a Dec baby performed how to pick "alphabets" at his house. Then I told him "aiya, the kid smart lor". :p I dun wan to be too stressed abt this cos I more stressed abt her growth. *keke

I belong to the same group as u... Me worse, I din buy flash cards. My mum bot the 'Baby can read' for her. When i try to use, she will just snatch the card from me and try to rip it apart... :p In the end I just keep lor...
try not to worry too much about what she cannot do and focus more on what she can do. until now, my daughter still cannot call me mummy. once in a while, she will make a mamamamum sound, but it's addressed to no one in particular. in fact, i feel that her general speech development is quite slow. but she is an early walker, could walk at 10 months, so i try to focus on that instead. it's fine if next time she turns out to be an athlete but not a debater.

i am a lazy mum too. Didnt read for my boy. didnt havd flash card too. When i have my elder boy i still do try to read to him though he is not interested. and i did flash card with him. But for Ervin the most is watch tv loh. Watch thomas, barney, brainy bb vcd. That is the easy way out (though i admit is bad).

As for development he is so so lar.. Cant walk yet onyl can stand free hand. And call a few of us and can say some simple words nia. The only advance thing is his teeth ba.. Other than that no loh. But slowly he will learn.

So u dun worry too much ok?

my girl too cant sit still for long, and her concentration on things is short. She will gets excited when she see a new toy, but after less then 10 min she will throw it aside. I try to read to her but she will snatch away the book if i take it back from her will "make noise". But now better at least she will not "eat" book. Consider an improvement. So now I will let her hold the story book instead.

Physical development also so so only, can only stand and walk with support. Only yesterday night she manage to walk 4 steps without support towards me. Super happy.

I guess every baby develops at different rate.
when I try reading to my gal, she will snatch the book away. She loves to lick the fur on her touch and feel book. yup all babies develop at their own pace. Some may be faster at certain things but I believe that by about age 5 it more or less evens out. My gal doesn't call me mummy yet. Her favourite word is bye bye and she can walk but she still drooooools... and dribbles all over the place like a 4 month old...
eh change topic a bit. i got emma to wee in her potty today! first time. i'm very excited. hehe..

after she got up from her nap, I found that her diaper was still dry (we're using cloth diapers), so i decided to put her on the potty. at first, she kept trying to stand up, but i starting reading one of her favourite books and after about 15 sec, i heard the sound of her weeing. success!
Yar... I am hoping so... At least she can walk well. SO i guess she will be a btr athelete than debator. My ger oso dunno how to say MAMA and PAPA. So no first words yet, just lots of Gibberish... still waiting...

Emma is so cute! My ger has learnt how to stand from potty. So if she refuses, she'll just stand and walk off... -__-" If she wee wees aft poo poo, it means she finish poo poo liao.

My little ger can recognise her potty. Could be a one off. My hubby saw her trying to reach for the potty (which I stacked with another one). By the time my hb reach her, too late she did it on her diaper alr... :p
My ger oso snatch the book from me. Else she will just ignore me and continue with her biz. Unless I make wierd noises while reading the book then she'll turn and look at me. Aft a while, she'll continue with her business...
Bryan calls me "nan nan" or point to me and says "ehhh ehhh". However, if asked where mummy is, daddy, grandpa, grandma or my 2 cats, he can correctly point to the right person.

Bryan finally walks unaided on Sunday and now he has started to "run". I miss those huggable days :D

So far, these are some of the words that Bryan's managed to say quite accurately:
1. Ball
2. Star
3. Daadeee (daddy)
4. Popo (grandaunt)
5. Bubble
6. mum mum (wants food)
7. Fish
8. Shoes
9. Toy
10. Fan
11. There (when he points answering to our "where is" questions)
12. Uh Oh (when he deliberately drop stuffs)
13. Drop
14. NO
15. Aiyo (from his grandma)

See, 1st word is ball and not mummy :S
jowin & bubblepearl,
haha thanks. He is very quick to pick up words and uses it immediately but somehow still cannot say MUMMY! Darn!
Mummy is not easy to call.. Ashlynne can call my family members except me...

She call the maid " jie jie", then my HB " papa".. my elder bro " jiu jiu", my mum as Mama and dad as "gong gong"...

When she flip the book, she can say kor kor, mei mei or didi if she saw "human" photographs

as for me??? NONE!! she call me jie jie always or call me "neng neng" aka milk..

I keep telling her.. call me jie jie when you are older and we are outside shopping ... not now... LOL

u see la...DARN Too.. LOL

Paiseh, need to check if my HT is ready for collection. Cause my order is actually from the previous order. Hehe... Thanks.


I LOL when u say tell ashlynne to call u jie jie when she is older n u 2 are outside shopping. Haha...

True, mummy is hard to call lah. My gal can onli manage to call ma ma but her ba ba sound even sweeter so my hubby heart melted everytime she call him.
Wow...Bryan can say alot of words....

Emma has managed to say only some words...
1) Mama
2) Papa
3) Kaka (means poop in italian)
4) Go, go , go...
5) Baby

Most of the time she talks jibberish....which I find so adorable....I would prefer that she takes her own time to learn new words...no hurry.....

okie I gotta say this ...
HAHAHAHAHAHA ... "kaka" is "poop" in Italian? really? .. hahhahaha !! who would've thought? .. it just sounds innocent when said that's all .. so at least when u say "kaka" in a mall here .. ppl won't know that you're asking your dotter if she's pooping in her diaper lar.


jowin, luthadel,

ya .. I think Mameeee is the last thing they learn to say man.

Calista also says "hmm" whenever u ask her anything. and she can say "oh oh" and "bye" .. and also "Huwwwo" ...


"jie jie"? hahhahahahahhah !!!!

hi mommies, long time nvr post liao...
wow...all your babies can realli talk...
my hubby yesterdae nite tried talking to nini, he was trying to put her to slp but she kept getting up and scream, so he start asking nini if she wants mommy, she nod her head, then my hubby told her to hug her bolster and wait while he go call me into the room, and she did just that...my hubby say wow..we must start holding conversation with her...cause she understands...hahaha..cause she can nod or shake her head...

nini's favourite words are "no more" with the hand shaking...hahaha
