(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Robinsons having close door sale on 9 dec. Up to 70% disc. Must be robinsons card holder to enter.
On sale: little tikes ball pit going for $75. Tis is the one I'm going to grab. Haha

Hi ^.^

Letting go:

- 2 unopened tins of Enfapro Stage 2 900g at $30 each;
- 3 opened tins (partially used) of Enfapro Stage 2 at $20.

Use by 14-Mar-2011.

Pick up at Simei/Bedok.

Please PM me if interested.
Thank you!
Hihi gals,
For those who printed the artscow photobook. Is the print dark? Mine is super dark and blurry.. Sianz..Any other photobook website that is better n not so ex?

Date: 26th Dec 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 3pm
Venue: Fidgets @ Turf City

There will be a present exchange so pls remember to bring along a small present worth about $10.

Ps. mummies can say that our babies are Jan babies so we do not need to pay for entry k. =p

from iemik0 & phyl

1. phyl + Hayden
2. iemik0 + Kayson + Jayzon + hb
3. bubblepearl+Gerard + hb
4. merydith + randall + hb
merydith, i've printed 2 copies, and my siblings also ordered few. All turn out good, no complain and they like it!

u try catch another cheap deal and see the quality?
huh izit? When did you print? Hmm..Coz lately they have their new machine..and the prints are all so dark

Maybe I should write to them..
wah!! wat a day at work!After 1 whole wk of Urgent Leave there's so so so much to clear today at office!
Wkend was indeed busy as I also held my boy's 1st bdae party.

Wah! who's going Robinson sale on wed?!?! I also card memeber!Kath is the $75 consider cheap?? haha looks like its shopping time! wat time the sale starts ah??

is the whole book dark or only some pages?? my photobooks so far okie, except for somepages at times...think depends on the photos quality n lighting itself that we upload...

Canvas: I agree w Jowin, it sucks...the quality cannot compare to photos / photbook..
Pas, sale starts from 10.30am.. going to city hall during lunch time to buy some toys for fren's kids..haha..
$75 is consider cheap ah..u hv the mailer?
i think i got....but maybe didnt really take notice...ehh recently been receving alot of mailer leh..TAKA, Haveynorman,etc...no time,all just dump 1 side;p
Apparently the taka one wasn't tat attractive according to my colleague. I always prefer robiNsons or metro. Need to get all zach's bottle replaced. Been a year alr.
our thread seems so quiet! =p

merydith & jowin
d artscow book turn out dark ah? im tinking of ordering one using their credits lei. =(

Date: 26th Dec 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 3pm
Venue: Fidgets @ Turf City

There will be a present exchange so pls remember to bring along a small present worth about $10.

Ps. mummies can say that our babies are Jan babies so we do not need to pay for entry k. =p

from iemik0 & phyl

1. phyl + Hayden
2. iemik0 + Kayson + Jayzon + hb
3. bubblepearl+Gerard + hb
4. merydith + randall + hb
Factoring in pple who dun appear at the last min and kids (meaning those in lower primary below 6 yrs)who dun really eat a lot, ordering for 40 is ok.

So far, Cutlery is ok leh. My guest will reuse them for 2nd helpings. So far, I will always have excess and I will keep the extra. Just in case the next buffet not enough, I dun need to spend $ to buy.
Ya Snowger.. me also keep alot =P
partly, its already paid for.. keep for future use.. This coming party.. gonna dig out alot too.. finished it.. no point keeping liao..no place to store already..

i ordered 10% lesser for my buffet cos i always have ppl RSVP and not appearing N ppl who dun RSVP at all..LOL.. hahaha.. so those coming to Ashlynne bday.. better come early wor... LOL
Kath, wah! i wan to get tt too!yippe!!i jus found my mailer! going early tom...!

Cutlery, so far oso okie for me.Always hv enuff.. my buffet for Kayson over the wkend, i order 30pax for 50guest n more than enuff,i still have to ask some guest to tabao some back..the only issue is drinks will be not enuff.But not a big issue as we have also prepare packet drinks.

But i thnk really depends on caterer to caterer. Like my HB just use another caterer for his company function yesterday (cos our usual one is fully booked). He order exact for exact pax,really just nice only..no extras...
Pas, I kiasu.. Went to robinsons yest n picked out all the items I wanna buy alr. Place them at cashier.. So todae I'll juz pop by, pay n leave. Haha.. Tink my damage is quite bad!! More than 4 toys, earring n brooch n shoes. Tot of buying sk2 leh
How do u reserve ur items by placing the items at the cashier? Do u need to present ur Robinson card or something?
Cutlery, hmm...dunno why mine run out so fast.
Jo: my place no ntuc..have to drive out to get..
pastillies: i order 50pax yet, food not eluff..i suspect my hb's cousins (teenages) are big eater..lucky my mum still cook chicken wing, glutinous rice, fishball and bee hoon to supplement. you order from who? Neo garden dun eluff for me..

kath: SK2 dun work for me
Rach, dun need to present the card. It's a service tat robinsons provide. Going the extra mile for customers. Hehe

bbpearl, I dunno shuld try or not oso cos I onie use their miracle water. Wanna try mousturiser. I always switch brand. Current is laneige but not moisturizing enuf. My skin very dry.
kath, u see any improvement using their miracle water? i see no miracle leh..their moisture not bad, v light feel. Dry skin ah, u got try biothem, not bad also
Rach, all toys r on disc ranging fr 20%-30% disc. Then got $20 voucher for regular price.

Bbpearl, first bottle got diff but after so many years onie maintain. Not getting worse or better is ok liao. I'm afraid of pre- mature ageing. Haha
Hey mommies just to confirm..The Robinson's Sale is applicable at their Centrepoint outlet right? I'm gg over today after work...
bbpearl, wahh u order for exact pax still not enuff,really luckily u still supplement with other food...

Kath,I saw urs at the counter! haha! thanks for reminding on this sale! i went back office n show my colleagues,they also wan to go down to get tt...
RAchel,today is cardmember only sale,so alot of discount only for today...quite substantial...thou i didnt buy much toys la..bot milk bottles,teats instead...time to replace them...
sob sob..i terminated my robinson card...cannot go for the sale!

pastillies, yah lor...somemore i nvr get to eat the food..dunno why Neo garden like not eluff. u order from who? next time maybe i can try that one
yup i got tt,next time u can bring ashlynne over n play! this type must "fight" to play then fun,1 person play not so fun;p

bbpearl...oh no..y u termniate robinson?it's one of the best cards i personally find ...at least i use tt n taka more often then the rest.
sure,send u the caterer name le.
Can someone pls give me advice whether I should order my girl's 1st birthday cake from Pine Garden or Ecreative? I can't decide.. ordering a 2kg cake.. I wanna order 2-tier cake but hubby says difficult to cut. The party is on 19th Dec. How??
Pas, u onie saw 3 toys rite?? I end up wif 6 more items n 1 school bag. My fren tompang. Haha.. Did u get the TY bear? Every $200 spend on rob card get tat bear. Haha.. Too bad onie one per card.
Rachel, cardmenber can bring 3 guests in. I tink centrepoint will b so crowded ltr. Wait till 25th dec they'll hv another sale.

Ooh.. Philips will oso hv their warehouse sale soon.
Thks Kath and pas! In that case I will go soon....

Kath, wow...u seem to be so savvy about the sales going on? Must inform if you know of any gd lobangs yeah?
Hi mummies,

all talk abt the robinson sale.. Too bad i cant go today. Tmr no more sales?

bubble pearl,
i am still holding to the old robinson card (which os not the OCBC credit card) which no not need to pay annual fee. They offered to upgrade the card to the OCBC Robinson card but i didnt take the offer.
I ordered from Pine garden their 2 tier Hello Kitty cake, 3kg. Don't find it difficult to cut. Taste wise, PG is marginally better than e-creative. Taste is not fantastic, don't know why so many people rave about it. Sponge cake- still prefer Angie's but their designs are horrible! Heavy cake- Canele's choclate ganache.

I like their facial treatment mask, can see the difference right after using.
wow. lots of sales gg on coz Xmas is coming! i yet to buy d bois' presents. haha. onli bought present for mi n hb. lolx.

philips having sale again ah? i need to get new bottles. =p
I agree with Tamms. I find for their normal flavour cake (i.e. vanilla, chocolate and strawberry with cream) dun taste that good. But I buy the "special flavor" one which is more expensive and it taste better...

I oso got a 2 tier cake - top tier is the Cat Moutain Durian and bottom is Chocolate Hazelnut Crunch. Not bad lar... can see my cake here...http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_n2Iy-1nqFMI/Sx0ZdMhmbxI/AAAAAAAAAYM/lr1Nm5JCWik/s1600-h/cake+only.jpg

Cutting of cake may be messier lar cos 2 tiers... But not difficult lar... :p
Hi Tamms & Snowger,
Thanks for the advice. I was thinking of ordering the Lychee martini & blackforest cake from PG. But since they r quite on par with ecreative, then might as well order from ecreative (at least $30 cheaper) coz I need them to deliver to me.
Ya. E-creative is cheaper! My neighbour's cake was from them and it was much cheaper lar but flavor wise is on the normal side (cos they dun hv fanciful flavours like lychee martini). LOL!

I have placed the order already... Waiting for them to get back to me on whether any items are OOS (I hope not) and when it's going to be delivered to me...

Sorry for the wait. :p
