(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

i m so impressed with all the babies progress in terms of words.

bur, definitely they understand what we are saying. it all depends on whether they wanna listen or not. Haha. For Zach, he is very stubborn. If he want sumthing, he really wants it..like last nite i put him on his own cot, he cried his lungs out.. aft 5 minutes ltr i carry him out again. He was angry at me this morning. He sat quietly in the car, dun wanna look at me at all.. darn

hi all, me also long time nv post...

i very headache with daniell today, dunno wat's wrong with him... the whole day he only drank abt 150ml FM, and few scoops of solid food... the moment he see milk bottle, he will turn his head away, even i try to force him to drink he also dun wan & seal his mouth tide... u know how i made him drinking tat 150ml? i distracted him by letting him watching cartoon video clip fr my iphone, but he took damn long to drink and i must also hold the bottle for him... n juz now i used the same method again but cannot work anymore, he drank only 30ml, that's all! super jialat... i dunno why he suddenly 'behave' this way coz he still drink & eat normal yesterday but suddenly a huge change after he woke up this morning.... haiz!!!!!!!!!!!
Jess.. same.. today.. Ashlynne reject milk.. whole day.. did not even take a bottle of milk.. only take solid. why eh???

At least u still managed 150ml.. mine zero

Yes, yesterday still taking 4 bottles a day and today.. NONE!!! I very sian.
i'm back from my trip!! wah! fun time shopping!! but really really no joke to be travelling with baby...esp when caught in jams & u have a screaming baby in the cab....anyway.. i wan to "complain" too...Kayson can say "Dadeeeeee"or "Deeeee" or"Papaaaaaaaa" but dun wan to call me too
yalah daniell took 150ml of milk but how can milk make him full compared to solid food like porridge? somemore it's 150ml for WHOLE DAY...

for me if they reject one but take another one then it's fine coz at least there are something in their stomach, but daniell reject BOTH, whole day only 150ml (somemore force drink one) plus 2 spoon of solid.. I'M WORRIED!!!
Eu Yan Sang Brown Rice Si Shen Powder
Bought in Singapore
I bought too much for my baby would like to exchange for ntuc voucher
I had 5 bottle with me
One bottle exchange for $5 ntuc voucher
if interested kindly email me
hahaa... all of us mummies here just waiting to hear that magical word from our bb. Bryan loves to talk and when we adults talk, he will join in and sometimes repeat the words we used.

This morning I was surprised to hear him say apple when he flipped his picture book and showed it to me.

Some other words that he is comfortable in saying are Baby, Duck, Boat, Door, Bune(his own language for balloons hahaha), jie jie (both for my cats and for my neighbour)etc.

I do notice that he will watch our lips when we try to teach him new words or items and after that he will try to say it out. So we will just say the word again slowly. Sometimes he gets it right away but other times he will just use his own gibberish hahaha
Jess, hi-5..nowadays, Gerard hate to see his milk bottle. his last meal is at 6pm which is porridge...

so tired today, Gerard is cough and vomit 3x last nite.
Good Morning mommies...

So long never post, office was so busy dont even have time to peep here..

Some babies are fast..

My boy still cant walk by himself, stand sometimes if he willing he can do, but only 2 seconds, or 3 seconds, after that.. he dowan to do it anymore.. I guess he is just lazy.

Word that he can speak also not many, but his fave word is Gai Gai (walk walk)... he sees everthing also Gai gai.. shoes, watch, keys, bag.

Have a nice day..
hayden is super good at ignoring!! he can say nan nan which is food, can shake head when he dun want, can give anything i ask for. he still doesnt want to speak but his understanding is very good. eh.. e.g.

go take shoes- he will go take his shoe n clap with his shoes

go pom pom- he will crawl to the toilet

go find daddy- he will crawl to my room

go to your highchair- he will crawl to the balcony

eh.. this is provided he is in a super good mood and is not ignoring me.. keke

hayden knows how to turn off switches.. so when i turn his nebuliser on, he will off it.. keke.. n we just keep turning it on and offing it for 15mins.. keke.. at least i succeed in nebbing him..

tara, kaka for hayden is yucky.. haha.. he also knows how to pick rubbish from the floor and pass to me.. but in school, he will pick up rubbish and eat. then stick out his tongue for his teachers to see.. zzz

Vote for Hayden too! kekeke
hi, any mummies celebrated their little one's 1st birthday with a Chinese traditional process- 'pick an object" to see the future prospect? If u know what I mean... see the kid will grow up to be accountant/ teacher/ banker etc.. I find this interesting & would like to carry out but clueless about what are the usual items to be placed for the child to choose, any advice?
Healthy Times:
Hi gals, so paiseh this time took so long. The company is v busy due to the festive season (i.e. xmas). Delivery will be on the coming Monday evening. So collection is any time aft Monday.

And I will need to do some refunds. DAMN! They are OOS for CHocolate HUgga bears AGAIN!!! And some jars (what's new)...

Collection @
Redhill: Anyday after Monday. Usually evening.
Bishan: One day in advance notice. Collection can be at MRT (aft office hrs)
Other collection points: Let me know...
Phyl, you have things to get from carrefour right? I saw this promotion

18 - 20 December 2009 (3 Days Only!)

Go quick!!

wa damn sian u know. 7 out of 10 times, AFTER I buy my monthly household stuff from Carrefour, THEN I receive their 10% off email.

I really must go make a friend inside Carrefour who can give me the inside scoop on when these promos happening man.

10% off $800 and 5% off $800 is a decent amt that I could've saved, man. blardy hell.
Yo now artscow got promo for calendar so i did one for my gal! hehee share with you gals.. Think now im only waiting for my PIL's birthday to be put in then im ready to print! cant wait sia!

Ya.. i went in to the cannon that contest page. i see so many of you babies reg.. so whoever i saw.. i voted liao! hahaha..
hello everyone..

How are things? xmas coming so everyone must be busy xmas shopping right? heeheehee i think this year i save abit on xmas presents since we are not in SG but i still like to go see what they have here in the xmas sales. :p

saw on FB on the canon thingy so i itchy fingers also join. voted for those kiddos i recognize also, like calista, bryan, zy etc..
stupid question of the day: how old should our kids be sleeping in their cots till? my cot at lowest config already..

not stupid lar ... lol.

Actually, the cot has a weight limit too. Check the cot assembly manual.

Usually, once baby is tall enough to topple out OR he can climb out .. then it's time to move to a bed/matress on the floor. OR baby gets too tall/long and can't lie comfortably flat in the cot and has to curl up his legs.

Gimmil sales is on again! I just went down and total damage is $110 for 29 pcs of baby clothes n 3 pcs of adult clothes. Most baby clothes are $10 for 3. The brand is Carter's and Osh Kosh.

Think alot of u din go since u r in ur confinement last Dec.
Whr is gimmil??

Phyl, Hayden successfully slept in his own cot alr? Share how you do it? Zach still sleeping in the middle n these few nights he took over my pillow n place on the bed even.
Kath, its at Tampines. Gimmil Warehouse No. 43, Tampines St 92

Ypg, wow u manage to grab so many pcs of clothes. Tot most small sizes?

Jappooh, the HT teddy puffs taste awful. No wonder yr boy doesnt like it. Nw I am stuck w such a big pack.

Eu Yan Sang Brown Rice Si Shen Powder
Bought in Singapore
I bought too much for my baby would like to exchange for ntuc voucher
I had 5 bottle with me
One bottle exchange for $5 ntuc voucher
if interested kindly email me

Location: Jalan Kayu
sam, i'm not sure if my cot has a manual.. hmm.. gals who have my cot, u know the white one.. eh.. wats the weight limit?

Hayden is comfy in it if he sleeps the long side, but he will turn n sleep on the short side n sometimes his legs will stick out..

hmm.. i'm not sure if he can climb out and not sure when he will master it.. keke.. just asking out of curiosity.. keke..

kath, hayden has been sleeping in his cot all his life.. except when my SIL + bf invaded his room then he slept on the floor with me.. b4 10mths, i slept with him in his room on the mattress/sofabed but i left his room after that whole series of h1n1 + chest infection crap.. then i let him cry it out the first few nites.. he is quite ok now.. he will sleep thru but i can hear him cough.. n sometimes i wakie to neb him etc..
Sigh.. I wish I could let him cry it out.. He cried until very 'cham' each time I leave him in his cot.
Funny thing is tat over weekend he can nap in his cot but at nite no lo.. Headache!
Hey Jowin,
Thks for voting for Jordan! I voted for Ash and also for Sam!

Mommies, vote for Jordan yeah? Thks!!

Gimmil sale:
I went to the sales too, bought all 18M to 24M clothes for Jordan..total damage near $90 within the 40mins I was there...thks to Ypg who chopped some clothes for me in advance liao, then i just add in some of my selections then hoila! Hehe...feel like gg again today since they bring out their clothes batch by batch le..darn..
eh.. if u no heart to let them cry it out then gotta live with it lor.. coz as they get older the more difficult it is to make them sleep.. it should also be a good habit to let them sleep in their cots.. keke.. initially hayden also cry until very jialat.. n for 1hr.. then i stare at hubby coz he so pissed hayden cry.. but then i told him lor.. u want to wake up everynite n play with him and carry him to sleep? dun want then dun make noise.. keke.. my hubby then keep quiet lor.. but when hayden sick i will sayang him if he cry lor.. but i will still leave him in his room.. we also dun have the habit to sleep together n i dun want him to sleep on my bed too.. coz afraid he fall..

hayden doesnt slp so it was really tough for me.. i didnt slp more than 3hrs in a row until i let him CIO.. so i was happy that i didnt need to slp on the sofabed n can enjoy my 2k pocketted spring mattress.. hayden likes to wakie at 5am to play and at 1am, 3am he will just cry n wanna be carried.. so him sleeping thru was better than striking toto! keke.. but really gotta tahan abit lor.. not that i'm horrible.. but its just better for everyone's sanity.. bad nites he wakie every 45mins... can u imagine how zombie i was!! hahaha..
