(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

that time i already told duno who in here le.. as i was interested in sean lau one.. then i call them up and i change my view on them cus its 5 photos only. and in CD only 5 photos. i see liao. i was like FOrget.. dun think i wil want it. lol.. so must ask very carefully will get all the photos blah blah blah. normally comes to photograph i will ask alot. lol..

stella.. i was not angry with u.. i was ANGRY with them.. coz they tell me cock n bull story send the softs to korea to touch up and all then develop in korea and send it back to SG by DHL... well.. so angry lor..
i going off to taka fair...wanna trade in the pigeon bottles....anyone wan me to see anything?sms me okie....if need me to get anything just let me know...
How much and what is in your package? I see mostly like industrial standard to give back only 5 photos (soft copy).

I oso v du lan with my bridal studio tat time! I topped up almost another 2-3k over the org package to get wat we want. Felt so cheated! DAMN! next time my sister go sign up for such things I will be there to ensure she dun get ko-tok... :p

Sean Lau oso 5 photos I think... If they return all do they touch up all or only the 5 photos? High Res is printable to 5R only?

My ger oso dun like us to keep changing her clothes...
Mooncake-Baking Hands-on Workshop

What better way to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival than baking your own mooncakes! You will learn:

1. Baked Mooncake with Macadamia Pine Nuts & Lotus Filling
2.Yoghurt Snow-skin Mooncake with Truffle Fruit Filling

All materials provided

Date:16th Sept
Time: 1.30pm - 5pm
Venue: Phoon Huat & Co. Geylang Lor 23, One Sims Lane, #01-10

20places only!

1. phylicia
2. iemik0
3. zachmommy
4. bubblepearl
5. ah_bur
6. crabbieong

we need minimum 16 to start the class oh.. hope can la.. =)
Mooncake-Baking Hands-on Workshop

What better way to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival than baking your own mooncakes! You will learn:

1. Baked Mooncake with Macadamia Pine Nuts & Lotus Filling
2.Yoghurt Snow-skin Mooncake with Truffle Fruit Filling

All materials provided

Date:16th Sept
Time: 1.30pm - 5pm
Venue: Phoon Huat & Co. Geylang Lor 23, One Sims Lane, #01-10

20places only!

1. phylicia
2. iemik0
3. zachmommy
4. bubblepearl
5. ah_bur
6. crabbieong
7. iris
I didn't ask le...

So how? Can i transfer the $$ to u via OCBC? If not, gotta see if i can do atm transfer during weekend then...

really huh .. terrible ..

Hmn .. strange .. my overall experience wit them was pleasant .. till today still .. They were friendly and get to wat i wan immediately ..

Didnt say anything abt editing in korea.. except for the frame.. they do import from Korea .. The owner will go down to buy new frames every now and then .. So, we'll be getting a new frame design .. They're not pushy .. didnt really ask us to go for premium package ..unlike other studio .. top up tis and tat .. so they leave it to us to decide ..

And when i request him to touch up the non-developed photos (abt 60 or more in the CD) .. he willingly do it for me .. so, all photos will be touched up .. Printable up to poster size ..

hahah, lets compare what they give u ?? Which package did u take? I took the $700 package .. ( BIG frame with 3 collage photos, 3 table standing photos , all photos touched up in CD)..
Hi Phyl,

Can let me know if the mooncake class is on. Seems like respond not very good leh. I don't check the forum often. Appreciate if you can email me at [email protected] to confirm. btw, do we make payment when we go for the class?Thanks.
Hi Katharine, put ur name down first. if not on i will PM u. =)

If need payment, i will let u gals know when we have at least 16 ya! =)
Below are the standard package. If more ppl interested then i ask for discount.

Regular Studio Portraits at $150
- Up to 60mins sessions.
- Maximun 5 ppl.
- All captured images in CD in Web friendly format (low resolution softcopy for selection).
- 5 pieces of original high resolution digital images in CD.
- 3 pieces of 8R enlargement prints including touchup version of high - resoulution of softcopy images.

Premium Studio Portrait Package at $338
- Up to 2 hrs session (including makeup and wardrobe changing).
- Maximum 5 people.
- All captured original high resolution digital images in CD (average 180 images)
- One style of Makeup & Hairdo for one female adult.
-3 pieces of 8R enlargement prints including touchup version of high resolution of softcopy images.

If wan to get back softcopy with high resolution additional of $100 but no touch up.
stella.. my overall experience was good until they gave u pics n din give me when i asked them. Maybe i din pay them so much so i second class citizen la.. i bought all the softs that i like from them and got 28R n 2 5R.. altogether... $250 nia.. so prob they chop u more so they do everything for you lor.. keke.. nvm la.. my son cute in the pic can liao.. cannot be bothered with the rest! =)
Baby U:

I did talk to the owner, if we've a group of mummies keen on Baby U .. I can talk to him and give some special package for all ..

let me know if anyone keen ..if so when i do collection, i can check with him .. He said he can give discount .., so maybe if anyone keen may come up with a standard package and see if they willing to accomodate ..

No lah ..perhaps, i was tellin him might have other ppl interested if my bb photo is nice ..so, i'm sure he wants more business .. and wanna me to promote for him .. so, he gave me soft copies first .. but only a couple lah ..

anyway, ur bb pixs is nice .. tat is all it matters !! still well spend rite ?
hi gals,

who every haev good package deals post it here. Then we can see which to get..

i interested in the baby U also. If have discount let me knw.

your $250 include the 2 8R and 2 5R and all softcopy? How many softcopy are them is high or low res?

yes, he said he can give discount .. so perhaps, you all wanna propose a package ( maybe Phyl package).. and I can talk to him??

so, cos if too many variation in the packages, its diff for him to give discount ..

maybe can use Phyl one as a standard package loh .. and if we can have 5 or more.. i'm sure we can get gd discount ..
Hi all!! i have found a outdoor photographer! not bad. i quite love his style. his usual price is $220 and he will give us discount $20 bucks if we 10 person sign up. so let me know!

We would be pleased to offer you the following (with at least 10 sign ups):

Natural Light Package : $200

1. 1-1.5 hrs session (Each session lasts between 1-1.5 hrs, we will gauge accordingly and we definitely dun rush thru a shoot, we space out our time btwn each family in order not to compromise on the quality, tis one u can rest assured.)
2. Outdoor/Indoors (Pls note that if client request for places like sentosa for shoot, they will have to bear the admission exps)
3. Up to 5 family members (pets can be included)
Online Gallery Selection (up to 7days) in web format
4. Weekend shoots only
5. 8 edited pictures (in high res) (As ours is of a no-frills photography, we do not cater to prints at tis point but we give more edited pictures instead!!)
6. All images (basic touchup - high res) returned in CD/DVD. (The number of frames that we normally take are at an estimate of 100 and above. All images except those blurred will not be returned

Any additional edit/touch up for each pics - $10
Any artwork/collage - $50 onwards

now they are only free on sept weekends and nov onwards.. as Oct they are fully booked.

Their webby to view! let me know ya! Thanks
nope they dun.. we print out ourselves.
i just edit my post..
5. 8 edited pictures (in high res) (As ours is of a no-frills photography, we do not cater to prints at tis point but we give more edited pictures instead!!)
hi gals..
I saw the website fabbie gave..

This is more journalistic,not the studio type with concepts

Depend what style we like lor

Fabbie, i like it when all images are return and i can do up my own collages. No need to print for me, no problem , cos i can print it at special photo laboratory, my friend always recommend us.

Not bad after all..

But why only $20 discounts .. LOL

I've a comment on outdoor photo shoot though ..

When we're taking the outdoor shoot at Baby U .. its pretty challenging .. cos of the hot weather and mummy wanna dress bb in their nicest ( which might not be airy clothing) .. they r super grouchy .. so not sure it'll be 100% ready for 8-9 mths bb ..

Like what Kath experienced.. me and my hubby were also acting like clown .. dancing, singing just to make them smile and laugh .. super tough and tired u know .. Evan would smile when photographer not around but will get into "serious" mode when he sees photographer ..

just my 2 cents worth of comment .. so consider that factor if u wanna go for 100% outdoor photoshoot .. make sure its early morning when the weather is nice and windy ..
Thks...will transfer it to u this weekend!!

I agree, this is more journalistic, and i prefer studio shots better..
Aiya. 20 bucks for all high res photos quite okai liao lor.. infact he got another package. 160 nia.. with 8 edited and high res photos only. but no high res photos together. so you see. just add about 40 bucks u got all high res photos but. its basic touch up. not like those 8 super goods ones that edited till swee swee. hehehe
ya i agree thats why i choose the place at my house. LOL.. studio shot okai lar. but i did last time for my gal liao.. which looks like studio but its at my home. so this time try outdoor shot lor.. hehe
liletoile told me that the ORGINAL package was $280 for all the high res de.. and now they having a promotion that package **Special Deal Promo – sign up by 30/09/09 to enjoy our special rates** so the rates that they are offering is $220.. and plus me asking for 9 more mummies is = double discounts! haha is not 20 bucks nia. is $80 liao. thats what he told me lor. hehe

kaka sam
i always talk like a Ahlian. LOl a ahlian mummy hhaha

Anyway whoever interested.. just leave down your name and email and DATE(SEPT weekends or Start of Nov onwards weekends only, OCT FULLY BOOK) that you want to do the photoshoot then i shall send the list to him.
i like tt too! how does the deal goes? we pay to confirm a slot then we arrange ourselves with them for the wkend timing issit? any so-called validity till when?? i.e must take by when?

the pixs look great!! Wow, tempting leh .. feel like doing another round .. with me in it ..

so, can do the photoshoot at home huh .. ? or evening time at a park ?

I personally prefer natural shoots .. looks great leh .. some of the bb photos playin with mummy .. tempting ..tempting
hi pas..
upon comfirmation a 50% is required. via bank transfer

stella 1-1.5 hr if ya house near the park why not?
take take!! lol
hi phyl.. thanks.

Mooncake-Baking Hands-on Workshop

What better way to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival than baking your own mooncakes! You will learn:

1. Baked Mooncake with Macadamia Pine Nuts & Lotus Filling
2.Yoghurt Snow-skin Mooncake with Truffle Fruit Filling

All materials provided

Date:16th Sept
Time: 1.30pm - 5pm
Venue: Phoon Huat & Co. Geylang Lor 23, One Sims Lane, #01-10

20places only!

1. phylicia
2. iemik0
3. zachmommy
4. bubblepearl
5. ah_bur
6. crabbieong
7. iris
8. katharne
<font size="+1">Great deal on Lil Etoile Photography for view @ http://liletoile.livejournal.com/</font>

Min 10 Mummies sign up then could get Natural Light Package : $200 Usual Price is $280!!

Packages includes
1. 1-1.5 hrs session (Each session lasts between 1-1.5 hrs, we will gauge accordingly and we definitely dun rush thru a shoot, we space out our time btwn each family in order not to compromise on the quality, tis one u can rest assured.)
2. Outdoor/Indoors (Pls note that if client request for places like sentosa for shoot, they will have to bear the admission exps, half session at home and half session beside a park also can.)
3. Up to 5 family members (pets can be included)
4. Online Gallery Selection (up to 7days) in web format
5. Weekend shoots only (OCT FULLY BOOK so try sept or Nov onwards)
5. 8 edited pictures (in high res) (As ours is of a no-frills photography, we do not cater to prints at tis point but we give more edited pictures instead!!)
6. All images (basic touchup - high res) returned in CD/DVD. (The number of frames that we normally take are at an estimate of 100 and above. All images except those blurred will not be returned )

Any additional edit/touch up for each pics - $10
Any artwork/collage - $50 onwards

Once we reach 10 mummies or more.. will submit the list and emails to them.. and u all alias with them ya. Payment 50% once the date confirm via bank transfer.

Need 10 mummies to get $200 package offer.
1. Fabbie
2. Chrstine
3. Jappooh
4. Jowin?
Sam, thx for bringing down the large box of pigeon wipes fr yr place to my car. Sorry to have yr gal cry when she c u out of the house.
mummies who keen to take pics in "JB", yar.. take pics overseas at www.dreams.com.my

i can get a good deal for u as i taken my wedding pics + preggie pics + bb pics (soon) over there,
the photographer Joyce used to work in Mediacorp and took pics for artist.. gee :p

Anyone keen? if yes then i'll ask la.

Sure they will not carrot chop u, and further more the exchange rate now is 2.4 sure is a steal.

P/S: the shop is only 5 mins drive from JB custom, near to Plaza Pelangi
