(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Mooncake-Baking Hands-on Workshop

What better way to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival than baking your own mooncakes! You will learn:

1. Baked Mooncake with Macadamia Pine Nuts & Lotus Filling
2.Yoghurt Snow-skin Mooncake with Truffle Fruit Filling

All materials provided

Date:16th Sept
Time: 1.30pm - 5pm
Venue: Phoon Huat & Co. Geylang Lor 23, One Sims Lane, #01-10

20places only!

1. phylicia
2. iemik0
3. zachmommy
4. bubblepearl
S&S, 29 Sat 09 12pm

I cannot make it!!! Anyone want to take over my place? haiz..i have to email them to see if they have other slots open for me

Spreeists in this round include

LuthAdel's fren Katherine
at this point in time, nothing is OOS
order has been submitted and being processed !!!

Will update everyone with payment details and such later.
Hi Sam,
Wah, that's realli a lot of stuff, thank you so so much for ordering & collecting for us!!!

Jowin, got fondant making class, i went before, were there for like 3-4 classes.. they got different baking class like every week...the classes are available online...phoon huat used to have a shop at sembawang mrt, so i bake quite often then, now the shop was taken over by starhub... so sad, so i seldom bake liao...the classes were very fun...the plc is just opposite alijunied mrt stn

Mooncake-Baking Hands-on Workshop

What better way to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival than baking your own mooncakes! You will learn:

1. Baked Mooncake with Macadamia Pine Nuts & Lotus Filling
2.Yoghurt Snow-skin Mooncake with Truffle Fruit Filling

All materials provided

Date:16th Sept
Time: 1.30pm - 5pm
Venue: Phoon Huat & Co. Geylang Lor 23, One Sims Lane, #01-10

20places only!

1. phylicia
2. iemik0
3. zachmommy
4. bubblepearl
5. ah_bur
I bought young parents mag. Tink daniell is one of d finalist for d mag cover. Daniell Ng rite? Congrats!

Thanx for offering to help. Hehe. Will check out hw many boxes in total for ours. Lolx.

Oh. They gave u plastic bags ah? Ok. Shall ask from them. Hehe.

Pigeon wipes
Im still waiting for kinderland to call mi to inform tt our stuff has been delivered. Will update once i receive news k.
Hopefully items can b received n sorted out before sat so can pass to mummies when go for stage n such class. Hehe.
Wah... u went for market talk is it? How u noe is commit sucide? lol... Anyway it's sad to lose a good teacher. There are not many around...

I guess how you look at it. My hb dun find it stressful... Just a lot of admin work to do lor...

LOL can meet at the foodcourt just downstairs our block... Ur boi anti social? That makes two. My ger oso. Tat time I got baby gathering at my place. she was zzz away... :p

S&S Trial,
So excited! It's my girl's first trial for classes... Anyway anybody still want to go for the julia gabriel one? I thinking of going so thought can org another one...
Chantalle, Jappooh .. ya lor. can u imagine ...?? Bring my market trolley there ?!! ... if I had used that, dunno how many trips I must make ... hahahah!!

Ah bur, when u want to come and collect your wipes ??
I transfer the $ to u. Plus my contact details... When do u think the loot will arrive? I am on leave for 2 weeks starting from end sep. so can travel to woodlands with my little one to collect... LOL...

how are u gals collecting the stuff?
Mooncake-Baking Hands-on Workshop

What better way to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival than baking your own mooncakes! You will learn:

1. Baked Mooncake with Macadamia Pine Nuts & Lotus Filling
2.Yoghurt Snow-skin Mooncake with Truffle Fruit Filling

All materials provided

Date:16th Sept
Time: 1.30pm - 5pm
Venue: Phoon Huat & Co. Geylang Lor 23, One Sims Lane, #01-10

20places only!

1. phylicia
2. iemik0
3. zachmommy
4. bubblepearl
5. ah_bur
6. crabbieong
I'm keen on the JG trial! if u doing another one...but but but mostly likely be wkday issit? since stella previously mention no wkend trial class slot... means must see the date then see if can take leave or not...
Just saw my group leave schedule for dec, super super packed liao, everyone "fighting" for dec holiday leave;p

my boi started taking IFC porridge, but horr...funny thing he only takes 4-5 tablespoon.. but when i feed him at hm he can take almost 1/2 bowl..
hey ladies
mi & snowger tinking of having another mega mummy & baby gathering as we missed out d previous one. details below. =p

Mummies & Babies Gathering!!
Date: 2nd Oct (Fri)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: ??

1. iemik0
2. snowger

any suggestions on where to go? =)

the last time both of you mentioned that you had spotting, and werent sure if it was menses...have you got your full blown menses yet?

Did the full blown menses come in the same week or was it delayed by another month?
hey ladies
mi & snowger tinking of having another mega mummy & baby gathering as we missed out d previous one. details below. =p

Mummies & Babies Gathering!!
Date: 2nd Oct (Fri)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: ??

1. iemik0
2. snowger
3. Jowinbaby
4. Fabbie??

any suggestions on where to go? =)
Yeah. I'll call to enquire for a class. Then let you all know so we can all go fight for leave! :p Yeah, most people with kids sure fight dec hol to go overseas. I'll oso be one of them... ALl the more since my hb is a teacher!

So far I have u, me n iemik0 who are interested...

U cook the porridge? Maybe ur bb prefers the porridge u cook over the IFC one...

My aunty came about 1mth (or more) after I had the pinkish thing... It was one off and I thot it was mens. But no more aft that... Then aunty visit me now... Damn not use to the pad manz...

My baby is anti-social coz he scare of strangers, haha...

He likes to play and laugh a lot, but when he see strangers, he will stare hard. Depends on his mood, he might smile at the stranger, but when the stranger try to carry him, he will cry.
i juz switched on my hp & saw ur sms... oh really? daniell got selected for voting competition too?!?!
wow, so excited can't wait to go back spore & buy a copy of mag to see... :D

last time u said ur lil kayson also got selected rite? gong xi gong xi to both us... haha!

i'm also keen for JG trial class, if u r organising one do let me know ya...
Date: 7 Nov, Sat
Venue: Not fixed

1) ypg (My Gym)
2) fabbie
3) reddates
4) luthadel
5) Jappooh (My Gym)
6) Jowinbaby
7) joanne81
8) ikeike
9) izu
17)rachel (both also can)
my boi not selected in d end. haha. its a gimmick from d studio which we found out a couple wks afta tt. kekez. nvm la. will vote for daniell!! =p

btw, how's his blisters? getting beta? fluid intake ok?

Aiya, still want to invite u all who are willing to give face (赏脸) to my gal's 1st birthday party at East Coast chalet on 4 Oct, Sunday. Now u all want to organise a gathering on 2 Oct, think maybe u all too tired to come my gal one. Sobs sobs...


Yalor, teachers can onli go overseas during school holidays & usually very expensive.


Congrats! Congrats!

iemiko, jess,

Congrats to u 2! I just bought the Young Parents magazine, not yet read it. Will go check it out. Wonder if there is public voting?


How are ur boys? Feeling better?
correction typo erro, not tablespoon, it's 4-5 teaspoon only..very little hor?! dunno why he take so little at IFC..hehe ya but tt's what HB says too
dunno true or not la, but makes me feel so happy tt bb prefers my porridge over IFC...think he maybe not used to IFC one..

ya i also "fight" for dec holidays, already block 1 wk during Kayson's bdae..hehe.. worse, even nov also so "packed"

BB gathering...i want!!! wah! the last round at Adel's plce our bb only started flipping, now all crawling all over the place liao ah...
eh must be on fri 2nd oct ah?? "diao" = take leave again..
I'll already be on leave on 1st oct Children's Day cos Kayson IFC declare close on tt day..
KIV must go n see if can take 1 more day on 2nd oct or nt....

my AV came back the moment i went back to work wor..didnt hv the luxuary like many here to not have AV for so many mths..n i was still exclusivly BF back then lor..sianz.....anyway got use to it liao..it now reports very on-time everymth..
huh gimmick from e studio? how come like tat one?

iemik0, ypg,
my elder boy's blisters dried up liao, should be recovering soon, so far he is ok ler, never complain of pain of itch, and still very active as usual... while daniell's one juz started only, the blisters start to appear on his feet & hand, & a bit in his mouth... his fluid/food intake drops a bit... hope this thing will get over very soon...
ya lor. they wan us go down take more pics. afta tt, they got send email to all participants as well. hb called sph den found out its a 'gimmick'. hehe.
oh pas
yours very on time?? my 2nd time.. it went 1.5 months instead of the normal 29 or 30days..

Hi Jes
oh dear.. you have to take care of urself too.. Rest well.. The poor 2 boys.
Mummies & Babies Gathering on 2nd Oct..haha.. can held a party to celebrate my B-day with all mummies and babies ??
Not sure want to join or not coz had a thought to take half day leave in the afternoon and go for B-day lunch with hb. Later got to collect my fondant cake from 'Ai Mummy' on the way home and celebrate with bb in the night.
<font size="+1">Hi Gals..Here's a little BP.. My cousin got lobang could bring in RAFFERTY's GARDEN which you cant find in Singapore. Let me know if any of you all are interested.. For more info http://www.raffertysgarden.com

Theres no MOQ the max could bring in 70pkts! closing it at 29aug Saturday midnight.

Please do payment before Sunday @ POSB Savings Account 403-11884-2 and STATE your nick name. Once done email me once you transfer or post here also can. Please note that this bp is not link to my babbiee not the same account ya!

Collection: Self Collection at Orchard MRT after 23rd Sept 09

Table below is what she could bring in. Thanks let me know. </font>

<table border=1><tr><td>RAFFERTY'S GARDEN - PREMIUM 100% NATURAL BABY FOOD</TD><TD>Price </TD></TR><TR><TD>Above 4 months</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sweet Potato, Carrot &amp; Apple - (120g)</TD><TD>$2.60 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Apple, Pear &amp; Cinnamon - (120g)</TD><TD>$2.60 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blueberries, Banana &amp; Apple - (120g)</TD><TD>$2.60 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pumpkin, Apple &amp; Sweetcorn - (120g)</TD><TD>$2.60 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Spinach, Apple, Brocolli, Peas - (120g)</TD><TD>$2.60 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Banana, Pear &amp; Mango - (120g)</TD><TD>$2.60 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Above 4 months - ORGANIC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Apple &amp; Mango - (170g)</TD><TD>$3.20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carrot, Apple &amp; Sweetcorn - (170g)</TD><TD>$3.20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Organic Baby Rice + Extra Iron - (125g)</TD><TD>$3.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Above 6 months</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chocolate Custard - (120g)</TD><TD>$2.75 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hearty Beef &amp; Veggie Puree - (120g)</TD><TD>$2.75 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Banana &amp; Vanilla Custard - (120g)</TD><TD>$2.75 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tuna &amp; Rice Veggie Puree - (120g)</TD><TD>$2.75 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Creamy Chicken &amp; Veggie Puree - (120g)</TD><TD>$2.75 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chicken &amp; Apricot Puree - (120g)</TD><TD>$2.75 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cereal - Multigrain Breakfast + Extra Iron (125g)</TD><TD>$3.20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cereal - Multigrain Breakfast, Banana &amp; Apricot + Extra Iron (125g)</TD><TD>$3.20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Banana Milk Rusks - (12 pieces)</TD><TD>$4.90 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Above 6 months - ORGANIC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carrot &amp; Cheddar Mash - (170g)</TD><TD>$3.35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cereal - Organic Baby's Banana Porridge + Extra Iron (125g)</TD><TD>$3.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Above 10 months (up to 3 years)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chicken, Basil &amp; Tomato Pasta - (170g)</TD><TD>$3.40 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rissoni Pasta &amp; Garden Vegetables - (170g)</TD><TD>$3.40 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby Bolognaise with Macaroni - (170g)</TD><TD>$3.40 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sweet Potato &amp; Lamb Cassarole - (170g)</TD><TD>$3.40 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Above 10 - ORGANIC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lentils &amp; Veggies - (170g)</TD><TD>$4.20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Butternut Squash, Chicken &amp; Spinach - (170g)</TD><TD>$4.20 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Above 12 months - DHA PLATINUM RANGE</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Macaroni Cheese, Cauliflower &amp; Peas - (170g)</TD><TD>$3.75 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mini Meatballs with Spaghetti - (170g)</TD><TD>$3.75 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Granny's Apple Crumble - (170g)</TD><TD>$3.75 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Creamy Tuna Mornay - (170g)</TD><TD>$3.75 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fruit Custard - (170g)</TD><TD>$3.75 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rice Pudding with Sultanas - (170g)</TD><TD>$3.75 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

ok la. big picture is good. can see clearly. how u manage to post such big picture. everytime i got to reduce till their requirement. sian...

ur gal is such a cheerful baby. she is laughing in all pix.
Still no period for me so far. After spotting that one time, returned to business as usual.

I'm on for another gathering! thanks snowger/iemiko for organising.

Mummies &amp; Babies Gathering!!
Date: 2nd Oct (Fri)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: ??

1. iemik0
2. snowger
3. Jowinbaby
4. Fabbie??
5. echo
Mummies &amp; Babies Gathering!!
Date: 2nd Oct (Fri)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: ??

1. iemik0
2. snowger
3. Jowinbaby
4. Fabbie??
5. echo
6. phyl

Its mummies n babies ah?? Friday leh.. wanted to ask if u guys wanna meet on the hari raya puasa 21st..

Mummies &amp; Babies Gathering
I also want to go leh but Friday... can 01Oct instead 'cos IFC close so I've to take leave and I dun think I can take 02Oct after tat :p

Phyl, organise for 21st also lah. Count me in for that
Count me in for the JG trial too...but have to be on weekends as i can't make it on weekday hor.... Thanks~!

Ur gal is soooo cheerful!!

I just realised - what's ur gal's name? U always address ur daughter as 'my gal' so i dun recall you mentioning her name?
Mummies &amp; Babies Gathering!!
Date: 2nd Oct (Fri)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: ??

1. iemik0
2. snowger
3. Jowinbaby
4. Fabbie??
5. echo
6. phyl
7. bubblepearl
Mi lazi mummy. Since 1st is thur den i take 2nd as well to stare at bb kayson d whole dae. Haha.

Organise one on 21st la. Can count mi in! :p
Mummies i cant join the gathering on the 2oct. Cos i haev already took leave on 5 and 6oct as i am going to genting on the 3rd oct morning..

If there is a change of date let me knw..
Mummies &amp; Babies Gathering!!
Date: 2nd Oct (Fri)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: ??

1. iemik0
2. snowger
3. Jowinbaby
4. Fabbie??
5. echo
6. phyl
7. bubblepearl
8. ivy

anyone going to taka baby fair?
Can someone just take out my question mark.. lol. when adding the list again

Ivy tmw or sunday will be going.. hehe anway.. nobody wants that RAFFERTY's GARDEN ah? haha

I'm getting my MIL to get RAFFERTY's GARDEN from australia..let Jordan try first and shall order somemore if he likes it...When does the BP close?
phyl, oso taken by BabyU?? Kinda similar to Stella's boy's pic.

2nd Oct gathering, i cant make it.. but 21st is sept or oct?? aiyah..oso cant make it. I m in KL then..:p
Wow, Tai Tai gathering .. I'm keen but Oct will be a crazy month for me .. I'll be on business trip ... sob sob .. Gonna miss my bb ..

you sure you not preggie? hehe....
i am also having spotting...very little...and I have started to cut down alot on latching already...but my girl doesnt really like FM that much...she prefers latching...everytime, she refuses the bottle, i will flash my breasts...and she will get really excited and latch on....so i am thinking if i should restart my latching again....
tomorrow lor.. thats why.. my cousin hand carry back.. thats why ask you all want anot. hehe.. infact i saw the BP in SMH.. but then close liao. then just nice she can bring in. then ask you all lor. but capped 70pkts nia. if not her bag cant put in so many hehe
tara, mabbe change brand of the FM?

i m so tired todae.. for the past few weeks, Zach juz refuses to sleep. He will sleep after his last feed at 10.30pm but at 12.30am he will wake up crying, bull-dozing his way to me..i tot he is hungry, latch him, 5minutes he will sleep again but wake up again crying.. i know he is not hungry but i dunno wat is wrong wif him.. he always cry until 5am!! then he will sleep peacefully till 9am or watever time i wake him up.
Does teething cause pain onie at nite? I going crazy leh.. i can go without sleep for few days but few weeks i will start breakign down.. hb cannot take it he move to another room liao.. aish..

kath.. different baby lor.. anyway.. all the ppl take from other photogs also same background diff baby nia..
