(2008/06) June 2008

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>新春衣著吉利顏色 (auspicious color to wear on CNY days)</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>鼠 (rat)</TD><TD>牛 (Cow)</TD><TD>虎 (tiger)</TD><TD>兔 (rabbit)</TD><TD>龍 (dragon)</TD><TD>蛇 (snake)</TD><TD>馬 (house)</TD><TD>羊 (goat)</TD><TD>猴 (monkey)</TD><TD>雞 (rooster)</TD><TD>狗 (dog)</TD><TD></TD><TD>豬 (pig) </TD></TR><TR><TD>立春 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>紅 / 棕 red/brown</TD><TD>淺紅 </TD><TD>淺紅 </TD><TD>紅 / 棕 </TD><TD>紅 / 淺紅 </TD><TD>紅 / 淺紅 </TD><TD>紅 / 棕 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>紅 / 棕 </TD><TD></TD><TD>白 </TD></TR><TR><TD>1st day of spring</TD><TD>white   </TD><TD></TD><TD>light red</TD><TD>light red</TD><TD>red/brown</TD><TD>red/light red</TD><TD>red/light red</TD><TD>red/brown</TD><TD>white </TD><TD>white </TD><TD>red/brown</TD><TD></TD><TD>white </TD></TR><TR><TD>初一 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>紅 / 棕 </TD><TD>淺紅 </TD><TD>淺紅 </TD><TD>紅 / 棕 </TD><TD>紅 / 淺紅 </TD><TD>紅 / 淺紅 </TD><TD>紅 / 棕 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>紅 / 棕 </TD><TD></TD><TD>白 </TD></TR><TR><TD>1st day</TD><TD>white   </TD><TD>red/brown</TD><TD>light red</TD><TD>light red</TD><TD>red/brown</TD><TD>red/light red</TD><TD>red/light red</TD><TD>red/brown</TD><TD>white </TD><TD>white </TD><TD>red/brown</TD><TD></TD><TD>white </TD></TR><TR><TD>初二/三 2nd &amp; 3rd day</TD><TD>綠 / 淺青 green/light green</TD><TD>米 / 黃beige/yellow</TD><TD>綠 / 淺青 </TD><TD>綠 / 淺青 </TD><TD>米 / 黃 </TD><TD>綠 / 淺青 </TD><TD>綠 / 淺青 </TD><TD>米 / 黃 </TD><TD>黃 / 米 </TD><TD>黃 / 米 </TD><TD>米 / 黃 </TD><TD></TD><TD>綠 / 淺青 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>green/light green</TD><TD>green/light green</TD><TD>beige/yellow</TD><TD>green/light green</TD><TD>green/light green</TD><TD>beige/yellow</TD><TD>yellow/beige</TD><TD>yellow/beige</TD><TD>beige/yellow</TD><TD></TD><TD>green/light green </TD></TR><TR><TD>初四 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>白 / 淺藍white/light blue</TD><TD>藍 / 綠 </TD><TD>藍 / 綠 </TD><TD>白 / 淺藍 white/light blue</TD><TD>綠 / 淺青 </TD><TD>綠 / 淺青 </TD><TD>白 / 淺藍 white/light blue</TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>白 / 淺藍 </TD><TD></TD><TD>白 </TD></TR><TR><TD>4th day</TD><TD>white   </TD><TD></TD><TD>blue/green</TD><TD>blue/green</TD><TD></TD><TD>green/light green</TD><TD>green/light green</TD><TD></TD><TD>white </TD><TD>white </TD><TD>white/light blue</TD><TD></TD><TD>white </TD></TR><TR><TD>初五 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>淺藍 </TD><TD>淺藍 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>綠 / 淺青 </TD><TD>綠 / 淺青 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD></TD><TD>白 </TD></TR><TR><TD>5th day</TD><TD>white   </TD><TD>white   </TD><TD>light blue</TD><TD>light blue</TD><TD>white </TD><TD>green/light green</TD><TD>green/light green</TD><TD>white </TD><TD>white </TD><TD>white </TD><TD>white </TD><TD></TD><TD>white </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">babycupid, i think 1 member only allowed 1 FOC if not wrong, please confirm with abbott as i only read thru once the email, so not very sure about the T&amp;C</font></font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">fennie..leng leng... *hit my head* sleepy and blur.</font></font>
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">leng leng,
sorry i blur now(ioio), it is sushido, the website is www.viwawa.com, many games there also, last time shycloud like to play wahjong</font></font>
i tried.. but it stated the evoucher is not match against my ic number.. so i guess we mus haf receive the evoucher den can buy.. if not cant.. i did not receive any.. :S
no need to purchase from cisco,
this is one of the more popular system;

This may give you a clearer picture;

You can purchase from here;
Then look for a contractor,
any electrical installer can do it.

Anyone in here??

Adding on the table for auspicious day to START WORK

<table border=1><tr><td>新春開工衣著吉利顏色 (auspicious color to wear to start work) </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>鼠 </TD><TD>牛 </TD><TD>虎 </TD><TD>兔 </TD><TD>龍 </TD><TD>蛇 </TD><TD>馬 </TD><TD>羊 </TD><TD>猴 </TD><TD>雞 </TD><TD></TD><TD>狗 </TD><TD>豬 </TD></TR><TR><TD>初四 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>淺藍 </TD><TD>淺藍 </TD><TD>不宜 </TD><TD>綠 / 淺青 </TD><TD>綠 / 淺青 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD></TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>白 </TD></TR><TR><TD>4th day </TD><TD>white </TD><TD>white </TD><TD>light blue </TD><TD>light blue </TD><TD>not suitable </TD><TD>green/light green </TD><TD>green/light green </TD><TD>white </TD><TD>white </TD><TD>white </TD><TD></TD><TD>white </TD><TD>white </TD></TR><TR><TD>初六 </TD><TD>白 / 淺藍 </TD><TD>淺藍 / 米 light blue/beige </TD><TD>淺藍 </TD><TD>淺藍 </TD><TD>淺藍 / 米 </TD><TD>綠 / 淺青 </TD><TD>不宜 </TD><TD>淺藍 / 米 </TD><TD>米 / 黃 </TD><TD>米 / 黃 </TD><TD></TD><TD>淺藍 / 米 </TD><TD>白 / 淺藍 white/light blue </TD></TR><TR><TD>6th day </TD><TD>white/light blue </TD><TD></TD><TD>light blue </TD><TD>light blue </TD><TD>light blue/beige </TD><TD>green/light green </TD><TD>not suitable </TD><TD>light blue/beige </TD><TD>beige/yellow </TD><TD>beige/yellow </TD><TD></TD><TD>light blue/beige </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>初九 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>紅 / 棕 </TD><TD>淺紅 </TD><TD>淺紅 </TD><TD>紅 / 棕 </TD><TD>紅 / 淺紅 </TD><TD>紅 / 淺紅 </TD><TD>紅 / 棕 </TD><TD>白 </TD><TD>不宜 </TD><TD></TD><TD>紅 / 棕 </TD><TD>白 </TD></TR><TR><TD>9th day </TD><TD>white </TD><TD>red/brown </TD><TD>light red </TD><TD>light red </TD><TD>red/brown </TD><TD>red/light red </TD><TD>red/light red </TD><TD>red/brown </TD><TD>white </TD><TD>not suitable </TD><TD></TD><TD>red/brown </TD><TD>white </TD></TR><TR><TD>年十二 </TD><TD>不宜 </TD><TD>紅 / 棕 </TD><TD>淺藍 / 藍 light blue/blue </TD><TD>淺藍 / 藍 </TD><TD>紅 / 棕 </TD><TD>紅 / 淺紅 </TD><TD>紅 / 淺紅 </TD><TD>紅 / 棕 </TD><TD>淺藍 </TD><TD>淺藍 </TD><TD></TD><TD>紅 / 棕 </TD><TD>白 </TD></TR><TR><TD>12th day </TD><TD>not suitable </TD><TD>red/brown </TD><TD></TD><TD>light blue/blue </TD><TD>red/brown </TD><TD>red/light red </TD><TD>red/light red </TD><TD>red/brown </TD><TD>light blue </TD><TD>light blue </TD><TD></TD><TD>red/brown </TD><TD>white </td></tr></table>
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">babycupid,
yes, call them &amp; question them, you have the right as a customer</font></font>
so boring hor...no mood to work..hee..now planning wat needs to be done on thurs...

u getting the similac FM huh?
ya.. if have will be getting lor.. cos bery worth lor.. now i have 5 tins of 1.8kgs le.. kekeke.. so if lengleng helping me to get the 6tins+1 free.. can last all the way till june 09.. kekeke..
I called abbott liao.
Their computer system send randomly to mummies. And they cannot send it to mummies who didn't rec'd the evoucher. She can only send me the usual $3 voucher nia. bo pian lah...
Not sure if there is a min but my cousin booked a "chalet" there. I also saw another bb girl's bday party at the poolside - think only book the pit or something)..dun think it's ex
another option - Hort Park, its near to mount faber. I brought lucas there on sun and there was a 1st birthday going on. They have a function room, quite big, it seems. Nice landscape.
<font color="ff6000">feifei - chevron is not ex, but the thing is the chalet there has not enuff space if u have a long guest list hence u have to end up holding ur party at their function room which is jus next to the chalet oso

MLP - thanks!
tks for the infor ya..hmm..

wow, seems nice wor..

i onli having a small party for both side families lor, tink ard 20pax onli so shd be ok hor..
You can consider Grassroots Club.. got playarea nearby for kids to play too

My cousin's party and the other bb girl's party all quite reasonable size group of guests.. think my cousin's the biggest, ok lah, we just sit near the swimming pool area
Hort Park itself, if i rem correctly. Separate function room from the thai restaurant. It's at the basement. Got to take the stairs down.
Paiseh!!! I got time log in no time reply hehehe Dun bash me! dun bash me! I joking only..I still searching for my batt pack cos I dun believe it's lost.. must be somewhere in my house.. still searching so din reply you :p
<font color="ff6000">OOoooHHhh... how scary BUT i LIKE!! *lol*

ok la i got to log off to finish some work den off i go!!
