(2008/06) June 2008

Ice, my boy is moving alot when he sleeps too. He is now sleeping on 2 cot sized mattress put together, but he is still rolling off them. 3 times in the past month, he has rolled/moved off them. But the mattress is only 2 inches high, so it's okay, and our flooring is laminate wood.. not as bad as marble, or tiles which can be harder.

BB who can stand on their own
1. Floyce (warrior_angel) - need to grab onto something
2. Gwendolyn (crystal~07) - need to grab onto something

BB who can crawl:
1. Qyan (ioio): backward and circular
2. Kyan (BabyCupid): circular
3. Charlotte (feifei) : Front,back,circular,up!
4. Isabel (Krispy): Forward & circular
5. kai (morraine) : everywhere!
6. Rex (jn80jn) : backward and circular
7. Jared (fennie77) : backward, circular & forward
8. Vivienne (Veniz) : everywhere
9. Lucas (tera): backward, circular & forward
10. Jayden (MLP): Everywhere! Sweat for me!
11. Sheryl (angel_z): backward, circular
12. Cheri (Ice):backward
13. Matthew (cactus_79): backward, circular & forward
14. Floyce (warrior_angel) - everywhere

BB who can sit:
1. Yuzhe (Ellysia)
2. Charlotte (feifei)
3. Kyan (BabyCupid)
4. Isabel (krispy)
5. kai (morraine)
6. Gwendolyn (crystal~07)
7. Rex (jn80jn
8. Jared ( fennie77)
9. YuJie (Felicia)
10. Vivienne (Veniz)
11. Lucas (tera)
12. Jayden (MLP)
13. Sheryl (angel_z)
14. Eunicia (Priscilla)
15. Reanne (janiviy)
16. Cheri (Ice)
17. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn)
18. Matthew (cactus_79)
19. Floyce (warrior_angel)
hi mummies who ordered the foogo from babylove,
i cant find the thread anymore leh! i was still posting in it yest but today i cant find it anymore in Closed BP.
Morning Mummies!

Hmm I try not to MIA as often ah okie.. cos too tight up reading online & msn if i can.

BB Nicole 1yr old birthday
Guess I will do a simple affair with friends & family at my new place which we will be shifting sometime in April. That is the reason I hardly come in forum cos too many things to settle now
pai say

No need feel hao lian. Should be proud of your child development as what other mummies here are too

The list goes on....

BB who can stand on their own
1. Floyce (warrior_angel) - need to grab onto something

BB who can crawl:
1. Qyan (ioio): backward and circular
2. Kyan (BabyCupid): circular
3. Charlotte (feifei) : Front,back,circular,up!
4. Isabel (Krispy): Forward & circular
5. kai (morraine) : everywhere!
6. Rex (jn80jn) : backward and circular
7. Jared (fennie77) : backward, circular & forward
8. Vivienne (Veniz) : everywhere
9. Lucas (tera): backward, circular & forward
10. Jayden (MLP): Everywhere! Sweat for me!
11. Sheryl (angel_z): backward, circular
12. Cheri (Ice):backward
13. Matthew (cactus_79): backward, circular & forward
14. Floyce (warrior_angel) - everywhere
15. Nicole (Cynthia): forward, backward

BB who can sit:
1. Yuzhe (Ellysia)
2. Charlotte (feifei)
3. Kyan (BabyCupid)
4. Isabel (krispy)
5. kai (morraine)
6. Gwen (crystal)
7. Rex (jn80jn
8. Jared ( fennie77)
9. YuJie (Felicia)
10. Vivienne (Veniz)
11. Lucas (tera)
12. Jayden (MLP)
13. Sheryl (angel_z)
14. Eunicia (Priscilla)
15. Reanne (janiviy)
16. Cheri (Ice)
17. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn)
18. Matthew (cactus_79)
19. Floyce (warrior_angel)
20. Nicole (Cynthia)

Forget jabs again? Aiya can never expect nurses to call us up for follow up one la.. BUT now I send nicole to nearby GP -- MY FAMILY CLINIC, they do call me up to remind me of her jab! Hmm I missed her 1st prevenar... think gotta do it after CNY yeah.

Anyone bb still haven sleep through out the night ah? Dono why my nicole siao siao lately. Keep waking up for milk. figuring is she is teething cos she still in TEETHLESS CLUB! Maybe she is like her jiejie, 1st tooth out at 9mths...

So stressful... BB nicole wake up at night, Jiejie Natalie recent also siao siao wake up 2x at night! Deprived of sleep & miss own time & gather with mummies here! Depression again...
Hi Cynthia! My boy is not sleeping through the night.. he used to be able to cos he would drink a heavy feed at bedtime, but about 1 month ago, he started sleeping prone and after a heavy feed, he would regurge the milk when sleeping prone and that causes him to wake up. Last time, he would sleep at 730pm with heavy feed, then feed again about 3am then wake at 6am (considered sleeping through the night cos it's defined as sleeping for 5 continuous hours). But now, we feed him a small feed at 730pm, which keeps him full only till about 10pm-11pm, when we give another small feed, then another small feed about 2am-3am, and finally 5am. The previous 3am feed is now broken into 2 small feeds, and the bedtime feed is also broken into 2 small feeds. You're not alone!
Just wondering, how many naps are our bbs supposed to take at this stage? Matthew is taking 3 solid naps, sometimes 2 on the rare occassion, totalling 3.5 hrs. His daytime hours are from 630am to 730pm. Anyone's bb mirrors this pattern or used to mirror this pattern? He is a couple of days short of 7 months old.
<font color="aa00aa">MLP, thanks! Happy Lunar New year to you too!

Btw, advance wishes; Happy Lunar New Year all the mummies here! (in case not able to login when i'm in msia). I'm sure i'll go crazy without coming to this thread! Oh...NO!!!</font>
i opted for reg mail... same as MLP. dunno whether she has posted it leh... sibeh frustrating...

btw... the other day MM said abt SG dipping into reserves... for me, i already dip into my reserves liao... sigh... now ss no longer meet her daily demand... now using my frozen stash wif no more replenishment. i wonder how long it will last....
Good morning!

Tera, obviously someone is really rude. But as expected leh.

Felicia, H CNY to you too! I have not been to Malaysia for so long wor!

Soyabean, thanks for your PM. Got it, I will sms you again to give you my HP no so you can save it! Dun worry about SS not meeting Eve's daily demand, you have done your very best, even better than me.
In advance, here's wishing u,
新年快乐! 万事如意!

Re Desaru
The last time I went was in 1990!! OMG, almost 20 years ago lor. hehe, but got nice memories of the place cos went with my cousins and family. I think it shld be quite a nice place still since now more commercialised got those tours.
<font color="aa00aa">Veniz/ Tera, thanks! Me no mood to work but got mood for LNY! heehee...
cham, cham, still hv plenty of works to be done. *sigh*!

Veniz, no joke for me every mth go bak msia. Just yesterday i was doing the packing and realised too many things to bring back liao, wonder my hubby's car can fit in or not. Then next time need to ask hubby change to container truck liao. Then my girls can play inside as well. muahaha....
Maybe next time when our kids are bigger, we can organise a trip to malaysia???? *blink*</font>
not rude, just trying to act blur and innocent. hee!

get well soon!! btw, i saw the joo chiat prawn noodles last nite on my way home, there was a signboard on the side of the road pointing to the stall. hubby and i were v excited when we saw the board, hehe. its within walkign distance from my place. yay!
Oh forget to add in Gwen
Paisay bit cock eye hahaha... not enough sleep still die die want to log in heheh

BB who can stand on their own
1. Floyce (warrior_angel) - need to grab onto something
2. Gwendolyn (crystal~07) - need to grab onto something

BB who can crawl:
1. Qyan (ioio): backward and circular
2. Kyan (BabyCupid): circular
3. Charlotte (feifei) : Front,back,circular,up!
4. Isabel (Krispy): Forward &amp; circular
5. kai (morraine) : everywhere!
6. Rex (jn80jn) : backward and circular
7. Jared (fennie77) : backward, circular &amp; forward
8. Vivienne (Veniz) : everywhere
9. Lucas (tera): backward, circular &amp; forward
10. Jayden (MLP): Everywhere! Sweat for me!
11. Sheryl (angel_z): backward, circular
12. Cheri (Ice):backward
13. Matthew (cactus_79): backward, circular &amp; forward
14. Floyce (warrior_angel) - everywhere
15. Nicole (cynthia) - forward, backward

BB who can sit:
1. Yuzhe (Ellysia)
2. Charlotte (feifei)
3. Kyan (BabyCupid)
4. Isabel (krispy)
5. kai (morraine)
6. Gwendolyn (crystal~07)
7. Rex (jn80jn
8. Jared ( fennie77)
9. YuJie (Felicia)
10. Vivienne (Veniz)
11. Lucas (tera)
12. Jayden (MLP)
13. Sheryl (angel_z)
14. Eunicia (Priscilla)
15. Reanne (janiviy)
16. Cheri (Ice)
17. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn)
18. Matthew (cactus_79)
19. Floyce (warrior_angel)
Oh forget to add in Gwen
Paisay bit cock eye hahaha... not enough sleep still die die want to log in heheh

BB who can stand on their own
1. Floyce (warrior_angel) - need to grab onto something
2. Gwendolyn (crystal~07) - need to grab onto something

BB who can crawl:
1. Qyan (ioio): backward and circular
2. Kyan (BabyCupid): circular
3. Charlotte (feifei) : Front,back,circular,up!
4. Isabel (Krispy): Forward &amp; circular
5. kai (morraine) : everywhere!
6. Rex (jn80jn) : backward and circular
7. Jared (fennie77) : backward, circular &amp; forward
8. Vivienne (Veniz) : everywhere
9. Lucas (tera): backward, circular &amp; forward
10. Jayden (MLP): Everywhere! Sweat for me!
11. Sheryl (angel_z): backward, circular
12. Cheri (Ice):backward
13. Matthew (cactus_79): backward, circular &amp; forward
14. Floyce (warrior_angel) - everywhere
15. Nicole (cynthia) - forward, backward

BB who can sit:
1. Yuzhe (Ellysia)
2. Charlotte (feifei)
3. Kyan (BabyCupid)
4. Isabel (krispy)
5. kai (morraine)
6. Gwendolyn (crystal~07)
7. Rex (jn80jn
8. Jared ( fennie77)
9. YuJie (Felicia)
10. Vivienne (Veniz)
11. Lucas (tera)
12. Jayden (MLP)
13. Sheryl (angel_z)
14. Eunicia (Priscilla)
15. Reanne (janiviy)
16. Cheri (Ice)
17. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn)
18. Matthew (cactus_79)
19. Floyce (warrior_angel)
20. Nicole (cynthia)
good morning mummies, how's everyone's CNY preparations?

BB who can stand on their own
1. Floyce (warrior_angel) - need to grab onto something
2. Gwendolyn (crystal~07) - need to grab onto something
3. Avril (ndzgirl) - will push herself up using support to a standing position, trying to walk holding on to support too

BB who can crawl:
1. Qyan (ioio): backward and circular
2. Kyan (BabyCupid): circular
3. Charlotte (feifei) : Front,back,circular,up!
4. Isabel (Krispy): Forward &amp; circular
5. kai (morraine) : everywhere!
6. Rex (jn80jn) : backward and circular
7. Jared (fennie77) : backward, circular &amp; forward
8. Vivienne (Veniz) : everywhere
9. Lucas (tera): backward, circular &amp; forward
10. Jayden (MLP): Everywhere! Sweat for me!
11. Sheryl (angel_z): backward, circular
12. Cheri (Ice):backward
13. Matthew (cactus_79): backward, circular &amp; forward
14. Floyce (warrior_angel) - everywhere
15. Nicole (cynthia) - forward, backward
16. Avril (ndzgirl) - not sure considered crawling or not cos is not on her 4s but on her tummy, looks like swimming

BB who can sit:
1. Yuzhe (Ellysia)
2. Charlotte (feifei)
3. Kyan (BabyCupid)
4. Isabel (krispy)
5. kai (morraine)
6. Gwendolyn (crystal~07)
7. Rex (jn80jn
8. Jared ( fennie77)
9. YuJie (Felicia)
10. Vivienne (Veniz)
11. Lucas (tera)
12. Jayden (MLP)
13. Sheryl (angel_z)
14. Eunicia (Priscilla)
15. Reanne (janiviy)
16. Cheri (Ice)
17. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn)
18. Matthew (cactus_79)
19. Floyce (warrior_angel)
20. Nicole (cynthia)
21. Avril (ndzgirl)
<font color="aa00aa">hey gers,
there is a blood donation drive today at raffles plc mrt, anyone going? i heading down later at 11am, wan c if any of u wking ard tis area like to join me?</font>
I won't be joining u all for lunch tmr liao..Enjoy urselves ya =)..

I will be collecting the food jars tmr =)..
<font color="aa00aa">mummies, happen to go into the business thread and was caught by subject lose '2inch, and 3kg in 3days!'
Anyone bought the sauna slimming belt and cream before? Any feedback? </font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">good morn.. ioio reporting to smh ..hee..

ice, i want..will PM u later..

cactus.. yes.. mine is last jab cos antibodies is "zero" for hep B so started the jab after giving birth

tera and soya, yes.. i got the foorgo jar liao.. quite smooth for collection as we communicate through phone and sms, she called me when she was able to leave.. not feeling well, told her i am on the way, she then went to her mum's place and waited for me.. so i guess those who nv give her contact, she was unable to let them know about this window period.. she still got a bag of jars when i collected mine as many mummies failed to collect..</font></font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">BB who can stand on their own
1. Floyce (warrior_angel) - need to grab onto something
2. Gwendolyn (crystal~07) - need to grab onto something
3. Avril (ndzgirl) - will push herself up using support to a standing position, trying to walk holding on to support too

BB who can crawl:
1. Qyan (ioio): backward and circular
2. Kyan (BabyCupid): circular
3. Charlotte (feifei) : Front,back,circular,up!
4. Isabel (Krispy): Forward &amp; circular
5. kai (morraine) : everywhere!
6. Rex (jn80jn) : backward and circular
7. Jared (fennie77) : backward, circular &amp; forward
8. Vivienne (Veniz) : everywhere
9. Lucas (tera): backward, circular &amp; forward
10. Jayden (MLP): Everywhere! Sweat for me!
11. Sheryl (angel_z): backward, circular
12. Cheri (Ice):backward
13. Matthew (cactus_79): backward, circular &amp; forward
14. Floyce (warrior_angel) - everywhere
15. Nicole (cynthia) - forward, backward
16. Avril (ndzgirl) - not sure considered crawling or not cos is not on her 4s but on her tummy, looks like swimming

BB who can sit:
1. Yuzhe (Ellysia)
2. Charlotte (feifei)
3. Kyan (BabyCupid)
4. Isabel (krispy)
5. kai (morraine)
6. Gwendolyn (crystal~07)
7. Rex (jn80jn)
8. Jared ( fennie77)
9. YuJie (Felicia)
10. Vivienne (Veniz)
11. Lucas (tera)
12. Jayden (MLP)
13. Sheryl (angel_z)
14. Eunicia (Priscilla)
15. Reanne (janiviy)
16. Cheri (Ice)
17. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn)
18. Matthew (cactus_79)
19. Floyce (warrior_angel)
20. Nicole (cynthia)
21. Avril (ndzgirl)
22. Qyan (ioio) 7s oni..</font></font>

Thanks.. but sometime bit bored la.. nothing much to post.. just all complains hahah!

You too take care yeah. Try not carry too much heavy stuffs and even avril. Delegate as possible yeah.
me too, i also dunno what to write in my blog so i never disclose to anyone of my blog address.

thanks, ya i'm guilty of carrying Avril and i think i continue to carry her even when i'm big.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">cactus.. i am not.. btw beastfeed cant hv Hep B jab? </font></font>
Its like this gal. When i was expecting Nicole, Natalie was only 15mths or so... MOST ACTIVE period as she is learning to walk to run and always fall here &amp; there.. SO only when Gynae gave me red light I try to stopped it BUT will stil carry hahaha. As long just do the right way can liao la.

Update more in ur blog too yeah and can share too as I have private my blog too. Hope to share more to friends too.
ioio, the GP clinic that I go to, told me I can't have hep B when breastfeeding. but when my hb asked an infectious diseases colleague, he said it doesn't matter.. so I'm torn. Cos I don't want to restart all 3 jabs loh.. the period between my 2nd dose and 3rd dose is 1.5 years liao... my 2nd dose was in May 06. Last day was supposed to be Oct 06 but I was preggie in early 0ct 06.so skipped it. I'm thinking if there is another person who say can go for hep b when breastfeeding, I will lie to my doctor, say I stopped breastfeeding already.. just to get the jab done.. :p
i will carry Avril as often as i can as i still feel guilty that so soon she has to share her love already

i have been lazy to keep up with my blog and lots of pictures that i have not uploaded
wow you so early today hor!

you all win liao lor, hv joke among yrself lor and make us blur blur* liao hehehhehee :p

Get well fast fast so can eat all the CNY goodies!!!
ya lor...my GP very funny insist tat i take antibiotics cos CNY coming...wahaha sniffing away as im typing...
can can, jio me when u go for prawn mee next time! ;)

anyone did eyelash extension before? any recommendations? asking on behalf of colleague.
