(2008/06) June 2008

<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">talking abt jab.. we totally forgot abt qyan jab on 6th Jan.. tonight gg sure got scolded by the doc left and right.. i oso forgot abt my hep b on the 11 Jan...</font></font>

Took with a new photographer(MJK) who just recently started a biz thread cos cos finds her style quite dif from the "commercialised" ones... I think she took hundreds of pics for us.. cheap, good, accomodating (we took at 7.30am in the morning!), patient with my 2 monsters haha
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">morraine.. ooh ooh.. club of ?? choose a name lah.. ha ha..

piyo.. my that siao doc is siao siao one.. we last yr gg for checkout nv give him mandarin to "bian nian" he down that grumble grumble liao.. and we dragon boat festival nv buy him dumpling..he oso ... n he beat me after i give birth in hospital leh.... saying i am the naughty one..etc.. but he is the siao siao type.. so we used to it liao.. btw i hv got a greeting card and two hand made mandarins to bribe him liao..</font></font>
u shld go for a pd who will call and remind u!

as for the hort park function room, i think may not face green field cos its like in the basement. but cannot be sure also cos only saw it briefly. :p
<font color="ff6000">hmm name of the club.. i shall let piyo have the honour to name it since she is e PRESIDENT!! *lol*

ok i really got to go.. CYA!!

piyo - ashton is ok
all done!!
faintz, of course not pd call lah. the nurses lah! haha.

u stay near hort park? so nice! iliked the place but not near to where i stay so cannot go that often.
find me such nice nurses:p

ya me stay near there but the nearer you stay, the more you wont go hahaha...

I go pump milk 1st ah...

calling for you for lunch!
I plan to go foto shoot with bb soon too..
But tinking whether i shd wear my contact lens.. a bit scared cos due to my eyes problem. but feel tempted cos Ai Mei.. haiz. but hb told me not to wear.. cos he say i wear specs everyday so shd be more natural.
hi mummies,

finally can log in to check today's postings.! ^_^

felicia: oops.. heehee... i too anxious for yu jie n gwen... =P i agree with u.. very tiring to chase after a crawling baby..

babycupid: oo.. so kyan oso can recognise his name? heehee.. yaya.. i tried calling sheryl by her chinese name, she doesn't reali respond too..
I bio-ing BP now. Hehe. hand itchy, want to spend $$ leh. Just now, bought a top from baby fox for my girl. Lots of new arrival. Hehe.
zuen: same here!! shopping at BPs now.. jus last week bought socks n leg warmers..

now planning to buy disney hand puppets n RL dress.. sigh.. spend more money again..

but i console myself saying that i dun buy baby things outside.. hahahahaha.. excuses onli.. =P
sorry, mummies.. need to 'hao lian' a bit..

dun be offended, ok..

BB who can stand on their own
1. Floyce (warrior_angel) - need to grab onto something

BB who can crawl:
1. Qyan (ioio): backward and circular
2. Kyan (BabyCupid): circular
3. Charlotte (feifei) : Front,back,circular,up!
4. Isabel (Krispy): Forward &amp; circular
5. kai (morraine) : everywhere!
6. Rex (jn80jn) : backward and circular
7. Jared (fennie77) : backward, circular &amp; forward
8. Vivienne (Veniz) : everywhere
9. Lucas (tera): backward, circular &amp; forward
10. Jayden (MLP): Everywhere! Sweat for me!
11. Sheryl (angel_z): backward, circular
12. Cheri (Ice):backward
13. Matthew (cactus_79): backward, circular &amp; forward
14. Floyce (warrior_angel) - everywhere

BB who can sit:
1. Yuzhe (Ellysia)
2. Charlotte (feifei)
3. Kyan (BabyCupid)
4. Isabel (krispy)
5. kai (morraine)
6. Gwen (crystal)
7. Rex (jn80jn
8. Jared ( fennie77)
9. YuJie (Felicia)
10. Vivienne (Veniz)
11. Lucas (tera)
12. Jayden (MLP)
13. Sheryl (angel_z)
14. Eunicia (Priscilla)
15. Reanne (janiviy)
16. Cheri (Ice)
17. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn)
18. Matthew (cactus_79)
19. Floyce (warrior_angel)
Morning ladies...

Wow, on leave for more than a wk?! Envy wor...i on leave tmr to do spring cleaning onli..

Tks for the infor...I rem i attended my fren's boy 's bd that too...the kids enjoyed the most there..
Morning, morning.

I put Cheri back on the chart liao. She is agaun no. 16.

One+ week leh. Make sure you still rem how to work when you come back hor.

I tot about doing spring cleaning too. Then again, nobody coming to my place leh. I will just make sure that I make my bed during those few days. Haha.
Re: Crawl
Yday, I tried to entice Lil ZuEn to crawl across the bed using her toy. She was so excited, kept smiling at me. After trying for a long time, still couldnt move. So, she resort to flipping over. -.o"
<font color="aa00aa">feifei, dont envy! Taking long leave to go bak malacca to do spring cleaning leh. But i still xcited about the long leave lah. hehehe.....

Mummies, wanna asked anyone went to Desaru within this few years? Kids friendly? Any recommendation?
Coz thinking to go there during June as a 1yr birthday celebration for YuJie. Not sure is a good place for kids or not. I saw there's some tour (like firefly tour and fruits tour)can be arranged. Looks quite interesting lor.
Any comment?</font>
Wow, early wor..can't sleep?

hehe..lots of things to do lor..sianz..

hehe, hmm..mayb u can teach her how to move her legs for crawling wor..

so when u coming bk?
<font color="aa00aa">Aiyo, ZuEn! Dont be like tat leh! Havnt started my leave, you oredy reminded me about starting to work. hehe....
Well, i must enjoy this long holiday coz for the next 7-8weeks after CNY i'll be suffering coz my collegue have gone for her maternity leave and i'm covering her jobs. So, this holiday is super important to me, for me to recharge!!!!!! hahaha....</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Ice, why this 2 days so early?

feifei, i'll be starting to work on 02 Feb, but was thinking if i shld take another 1-2 days. hehe.... I think my boss will kill me if i extended my leave.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">zuen,
hahah thanks

dun knw ley...maybe happy for new yr..keke

in e middle of e nite cheri drop from bed...haha lucky my hubby sleep on e floor if not...err..cannot imagine...
heard her cryin so quicky carry her back to bed...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">i thk i abit stress abt sleeping cos now cheri move alot during sleep n i always ve e worries dat she might fall so hardly can ve gd sleep...
and i wan my kid to sleep wif mi so i din let them sleep by themselve...</font>

morning mummies!!

ioio, you're going to take your hep B ah? I held back my 3rd dose cos was preggy back then. now I'm breastfeeding but was told to hold back until after I finish breastfeeding. Do you know whether breastfeeding means cannot take hep B? I'm a bit skeptical. I want to complete my hep B course as soon as possible... my 2nd dose was May 2006 leh... scared I need to restart all 3 jabs again...
