Nothing hapPened, just that I not used to it. Music wonderland only requires e kids to sing song and do action, but junior school is so demanding. I didn't practice with Shauna too. My only saving grace is that e songs are on DVD and my kids are tv addicts. So they have been watching the DVD without having me to even coax, lol.
I found out that e Yahama keyboard can only be used for a year. If we are to continue, have to buy even more expensive keyboard. So I ended up getting a cheapo one from kiddy palace. The best part is that I finally opened it after keeping it for a few weeks in the storeroom. Shauna bang on e keyboard for a few mins and told me that she is tired. Faint. Then didi continue with the banging. After that, it is back in my storeroom.
After I got used (not Shauna, kids are amazingly adaptable. Lol) to e junior school, I do find it not too bad. Isaiah likes music so much, I think he would enjoy.