(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

Hi Jackie,
I let the pus on the BCG resolved on it own. some stain on bb's clothes. I only make the BCG area dry and put power onto it.

wow u squeeze yr boi pus, must be very painful for him.
Hi Tan SL,
oic. I dun want to on the fan bec scared she consumed lot of wind and chilled. anyway, soemtimes, my place is quite windy, sometimes not.

yup, same here, when my gar is engrossed with drinking, she dun care anything. so when will yr maternity leave ended? mine will be ended on 1/3 and has informed my boss via sms that I wanted to extend (using 06 leave) till end of mar but never got response fr her. anyway,, I will call her next wk cos need time to bottle train my gar then. will u be bf after gg bck to work?
Hi Kym,
u are welcome. that's why hubby said can't be 2 wk liao still pain, I told him that I can't sit straight, need to sit sideway and only felt not painful after a mth.

at least, u still follow up with gyne? is it to remove stitches? for me, i didn't , guess my stitches are those dissolve type.

Relax lar This is the time where u felt its a war with ur bb. cos baby cry at nite and dun want to sleep. patted and bb fall a sleep once put down bb cry. and this last till 4-5hours. This is so call colic baby? Which happens to my girl as well. for 2 months she had been disturbing me cry at nite sleep like a pig in the morning till night and every 1-2am the war starts again. i get very frustrated as well scold my bb.
maybe u want to try using rocker to smoothie ur bb. or use sarong. anyway colic only last mostly for new born till 2mths after 2mths ur bb will sleep peacefully during the night. but day time will be war. They will change thier cycle till they are able to sleep in the night and nap in the after and play in between.

dun get to stress up ok
Hi Shihui,
how come u use wrist to support bb meh? tot use the whole hand, I mean bb 's head will be on the end of the arm mah.

me too, when thinking of gg out, I felt sian cos my gar 's feeding is irregular. if she suddenly cried in shopping or bus, then I 'fainted' man. her crying is those screaming type.

since delivery till now, I only stepped out of the hse twice - one took her for Hep B jab and another time , last sun, went to my MIL 's hse and my gar poo (like satay sauce) twice at her hse.

same, bb is like sponge, aborbing much of mummy's time. luckily, all hsehold are done by hubby.

hmm what color is cradle cap?
when ur bb is 3-6 mths it is more fun to play u will realise he will smile to u more when u play with him just be patient it will be over soon
when u carry bb in ur arms ur hand will be supporting the butt thats why wrist easily hurt.
my ger at 3mths plus refuse to drink milk which cause me to hurt my wrist when i carry her with one arm and feed her.
till now still not recover. i use wrist guard to support it.

craddle cap is something like dry skin u will see ur bb face ur head got dry skin like fish scale it is yellowish.
Hi Catherine Wong,
my gar 's smile really brighten my day. she always start smiling fr wk 6 (this wk) onwards. but another moment, when she cry, it will be terrible man.
think i am so stressed with my CL leaving that i am having insomnia. even in the afternoon, when i have chance to take naps, i also dunno think this think that and cannot sleep. last night only managed to sleep 3 hrs!

alabone, you are not the worst mummy here! I AM! feel so overwhelmed and scared that i need to take care of bb by myself that i am stressing myself out! i think i would be able to handle better if i can just get myself to sleep! help! i neeed sleeep!!

so hor CL too good also got problem because will become too reliant on her! SIGH!
Hi alabone,
my gar dun really have eyebrow also. very fade and dunno why her eyebrow there got patch of yellow thing, like oil. clean her by scurb her with the ear plug or nail bit by bit.

to PM (send massage to me), just click on my nickname and then a browser will pop up.just Click Here to send a private message to afcai.another browser will pop up again. this time, u can type in yr 'love' note (oops...).

same with my gar last nite. I toweled dry her at 7pm and then I quickly went to have a quick bath and let my hubby cuddle her first. at ard 0730pm +, I fed my gar. then she still dun want to slp after cuddle and placed her on her playpen all the way till 1130pm then she slp. tot she will be sleeping then. at 12am, she woke up again, wailing. only got to slp at 0130am. then she woke up at 2am, latch on and drank a bit and fall alsp. later on, she woke up 1hr interval. so tired. this morning, she woke up at 0730am and dun wan to slp till 1030am. slp for half an hr, manage to eat a bit and then bath her. now then she slp. hai....just has my lunch only and bath so cannot take nap.

can't help, at this pt of time, we have to be patient with our little ones. cos they can't communicate with us but only thru crying they can express their need. my hubby snapped a few pic of my gar crying, next time let her see why she cry. bathing also cry, lonely also cry etc...I also always told myself can't help, need to be patient. but on the other hand, if the bb smile at the mummy, it will melt our heart, right.

so u are a teacher?
the yellow patch is craddle cap lor. use bb oil to clean it everyday as and when. leave it awhile and bath ur baby.
Hi Qianhui,
Thanks for the update of the table.

my gar 's 1 Mth weight/length as follows:

if u are free, pls update for me. thks veri much.
Hi Catherine Wong (natea),
thks for the info provided. no wonder, my gar started to have this few days ago. tot it is kind of dirt those oil type in adult face.

ok, will use baby oil to clean her.can one leave the oil there the whole afternoon?
Hi och,
wow, yr bb so soundly alsp, can slp from 0530pm till 10+pm. the longest hr of slp for my gar is fr 1600pm to 0800pm man. I came across the book saying that bb do sleep most of the time and sleep also help bb to grow.

hmm bf bb dun often poo cos the nutrient in the milk are mostly disgested and absorbed. so maybe u can ask the doc if it is healthy or not.
Hi Qianhui,
with regard to the qns on when to take 5 in 1 and 6 in 1, if u are refering to polyclinic, here are the info which I get fr the nurse:

am not sure if the health book fr NUH is the same as mine from KKH? I got a list of jab listed on the health book under national immunization program (something like that). if one is to follow those listed jab, polyclinic provided free injection except Hep B and those 6 in 1/5 in 1 loh. reason being that it is a standard immunsation program required by sg. eg, why children who take jab during their pri sch day do not pay?

for 5 in 1 jab, it costs $285 and it is taken on bb's 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th (3rd HEP B dose) and 18th mth.

for 6 in 1 jab, it costs $320 and it is taken on bb's 3rd, 4th, 5th and 18th mth.

for hospital (KKH), 6 in 1, it costs $433 for KKH patient and cost $450 for non-kkh bb. this include the development assessment. bb only returned to hosptial during their 2nd, 4th and 6th mth.

so where do u choose to take the jab for yr boy?

haa wow, really pei fu u can bring yr bb along for shopping man...dun u find it troublesome to bring so many thing? I only stepped out of hse twice sicne delivered loh. so sian when thinking of bringing bb out, maybe when she is older and no bf for her.
wow, mandy is sleeping thru the night already? mine still wakes up at night. hm... now i feel v. bad. maybe i should hv woken her up more yesterday, then she wouldn't hv taken only 3/4 of her daily intake of milk. i usually just let her sleep, cos she will make up for the missed feed somehow, n her total milk intake stays constant. but yesterday, she was totally konked out. i just found out that the medical definition of sleeping thru the night is to sleep 5 hrs! my gosh, so i can only hope for madeleine to sleep for 5 hrs straight? jialat.

do u change diapers every feed even at night? i dun leh, sometimes feel quite bad cos mine is a gal.

thanks catherine n dentinox. i've been wiping off the olive oil with a towel but dun see much improvements.

i also cannot decipher my bb's cries. those vocab that i can decipher r sounds she makes when she's not crying.
the only cry i know is her hunger cry, cos she wun just cry, she will arch her back n thump her feet in anger.

ace is so big! growing v. well! madeleine was the same weight as ace at 1 mth, but she's far far off his weight now. think she's only 5.5kg now.

sayang, sayang. can empathise how frustrating it is. i also had those nights when i cannot even lie down on the bed.

must complain abt madeleine. she has decided for the past two days that she wants to see the world behind me. so now, try carry her upright, but her neck isn't strong enough, so her head keeps lolling all over the place. want to make her lean against my shoulders also cannot, she will arch her back n feel like she's falling off my grip. carry her in any other position n she will cry. my wrists r hurting so much now. feel like stripping her of her diapers n spanking her.
yah, my bb will fall asleep for long periods if the weather is cool. she usually starts sleeping between 5-6pm. but hor, she still wakes up every 3 hrs in the middle of the night. wish she will postpone her long nap time to middle of the night.
hi alabone,
dun blame urself.. i also got shout at my boi b4. nowsaday most of e nite, my javier will perform his crankiness routine for a least 2 to 3hrs b4 he can settle down to sleep.

most of the nite he willing to fall asleep after 1 to 2am. there were times his crankiness act up till 4am. then every 2hrly wake up, i latch on him for 15mins, he fall asleep. headache.. my javier cant sleep longer b4 he wakes up for milk. sometimes in the daytime when his crankiness act up, he refuse to drink n keep crying. hav to pacify him then he willing to drink. guess taking care of bb really mus hav good patient.

Guess we are having the same problems. After my CL left, I was alone and stressing out myself. Scared I am unable to handle my baby. And keep crying till my hubby was quite worry thought i am into depression.

The day my CL left was a nightmare, bb cry and cry till i am so fustrated and kan cheong. Dunno what she wants. No choice get my hubby to fetch my CL to take a look! Wahahah.

Too depends on CL during confinement time and she is damm good with bb.

My gal went to nanny on mon & tue due to i am totally stress out. But i am quite disappointed on the ways she handle my bb. So i decides to try to take care of her now.

Now i am cultivating my patience and try to relax handling her. 1 day i will look fine and another day i will look stress out.

Hi och,
wow, taking a nap at 5-6 pm is quite 'risky' I mean what if bb dun want to slp at night. that's my case when my gar slp so long fr 1600-800pm man. then she is quite active then and manage to get her slp only 2am. poor mummy man... usually, will carry her and log in. now she is sleeping fr 1330 till now. later gg to take a nap before she woke up cos I just finished my lunch and bath 1hr + ago.

for me, I dun change my gar diaper every feed. only change her twice during the night. usually, she toweled dry at 1900pm then will change her diaper only at 12am or if in betw she poo then another 'story'. the next changing time after 12am is abt 4am liao.
*Pat, Pat*....It really tough to take care of BB at this stage but am sure Nat will grow out of it n be a good ger. I saluate u, if it me (touch wood) would have surrender and wake hubby up

Ya lor my boi boi very poor thing....This lousy mummy go and squeeze out the pus and clean with alcohol swap....SUPER PAINFULLY for him...But this morning his BCG is flat n nice nice liao

I just went to weight BB using home lousy weighing machine....BB is ard 5kg....How u feed Ace?? I also want to pump my boi
Hi Catherine Wong,
maybe my hand is shorter mah cos I think I can reach her back only with my left hand (use left hand better to carry). then my the other hand placed either under her buttot or over her tummy.

if latch on, usually will sit on the sofa /bed or support chair then place a pillow on my lap to raise up the same level with my breast. so won't be hurting my hand and I can sit comfortable this way. the only thing is my legs will be cramped or uncomfortable after sitting for long time.

my gar did not cry thru night but just dun want to slp, eye big big tough kept on yawning, dunno why. can even see a bit eye bag on her eyes still dun wan to slp.
manage to capture my javier laughing when talking to him. when i get angry wif him, i will look at tis pic n really melt my heart : )

dunno leh, that's the sleeping pattern my gal prefers. the nap just extends into her night time sleep. yesterday night, she stirred at 11:30pm to ask for milk, finished her bottle then went back to sleep again. this went on every 3 hrly until this morning at 8am, when she decided she wanted her early morning stimulation n be carried upright.

think i change her less than u do. when she's taking these super long naps, i change her b4 she falls asleep, then i change her at 11+, n then i will wait until 8am liao. is that too long to wait? of course if she poos, i will change her lah. she won't allow me to sleep when she poos.
Just came back from Jurong Point with Evee. Using pram for first time with her. Previously use sling but think she is getting abit heavier for my shoulders. Long time never hold pram up and down the escalator..just now kalang kabo even the one standing behind me on the escalator worried for me. Can't really shop long, Evee started crying after 15-20 mins and on and off when i stop to see tings..haiz...haven't buy any CNY clothes yet.Dunno how to try clothes with her around, cannot push pram into fitting rooms, too small.

Och & afaci, envy you all bb can sleep for so long, my bb at most nap 15 - 30 mins each time during the day. Tried all methods but still din manage to get her to nap longer.

Qianhui, didn't know the bf rooms is within one big room with the diaper changing stations, actually i wanted to ask if the pram can be pushed into the breastfeeding room.so its big enough? think most places the pram cannot fit in.
dun envy me lah. besides the 6pm nap, my bb seldom naps during the day. if she does, it's at most an hr in the afternoon.
Hi och,
did u manage to peek into her diapers if it is full? one of the time when I forgot to change her during the night, when I changed her in the morning, her diaper is really heavy man.

my gar will struggle and show some kind of expression and remain still when she poo.she will not slp then. that's her syptom. but surprising only one time (the day before y'day), she fell alsp after pooing. before that I knew she was gg to poo as I heard the farting (lau siao sound) so I quickly went to have my bath as she will take some time to finish pooing. really have hard time cleaning if her poo is like curry sauce.I needed to use lot of wet wipes man.

what brand of diaper did u use? mine use pureen dry 5.
i use pampers cotton care at night. usually her diaper is full by the time morning comes, but as long as there's no poo, she doesn't fuss. if there's poo, she will cry at the top of her lungs without exception. i use pet pet during the day. ur gal only farts when she poos? mine farts all day long n especially if she is crying.
can u can leave the oil there the whole afternoon or dun wash away. its to keep the baby moisturise instead of dry.

bb is trying to adjust the differents between day and night so give ur bb sometimes. cos bb used to our tummy thats why they don't know which is day or night. but soon they will change and get used to day and night.

my girl will sleep once lights off.
Hi och,
is it a brand call pamper cotton care? only heard pamper premire. hmm no gd loh, cos scared that her urine will cause infection if left there for long time. sometimes, if the diaper is not change for a period of time, one can smell the urine smell. usually, will use nappy cloth during day time for my gar. not really farts when she poos, she will fart louder than usual when she poo. normally, of cos, she fart (sometimes with sound sometimes not).

luckily, she never poo during day time (touch wood, hope she will not poo during day time).

fr the table that Qianhui has updated, wow, see that yr bb is quite heavy during birth.
Hi Catherine Wong,
oic. I have applied the K & J bb oil (sample fr KKH) on my gar' eyebrows just now.

yup, during preggie, bb will usually active at night cos mummy got no movement at night when she slp. when in the day time, mummy at work so tend to move here and there and rock bb to slp. that's why bb always slp in the day and active at night.

first 3 wks after delivered, my gar was afraid once light was switched off. she will cry and then my mum (during confinement at that pt of time) will cuddle her.

Am currently training my gal to slp on her own, pat her when putting her on her playpen. but it took really a long time before she slp or not successfully.
dun need to train one at certain months i think 3-4mths they will start to change. no matter how u disturb ur bb she will die die want to sleep during at night. if u dun let her sleep she will cry non stop.
usually no chance for me to save on diaper... bb juz likes to poo in the middle of the night.. :p poo twice.. so although my original intention was to change once ard 12am for it to last till 6am the next day, i can never achieve it.. :p each night, bb will need at least 3 diapers...

me not gd mommy too lah.. last night bb was crying his lung out while i ignore him n go pump milk... i juz anyhow place him my bed n left the room.. he was lying on the bed with hubby.. in the end, hubby got woke up by his crying... poor hubby... :p but i dun care lah.. i already engorged till dripping liao.. die die muz express.. else anything oso no mood to do.. :p
that's the only time, my gar took quite a long nap during her full mth. haa.. bec those relatives, frenz etc came to see her, she needed to tong' her slp. she even drink lesser tat day till both my breast so full.

other times , she usually nap 1-2 hr, mostly 2 hrs. she just woke up after sleeping for 2hrs and I'm latching her on while typing with one hand.

IMM and john little also have diaper changing rm and nursing rm respectively.
Hi Jackie,
oic. my gar's bcg also flat flat nice nice after bath y'day. some blood stain onto her shirt y'day. I did not do anythg to her but sometimes forgot when carry her, touch her bcg, dunno if painful or not.
Hi Catherine Wong,
oic. gd then. at least, night time can slp thru then.

did u bf yr bb? how is the transaction fr nipple to bottle like? cos I am intending to bottle train my bb next mth.
afcai, 1 to 2 hours very good already. Evee only naps at most 30 min. Now crying away again, simply refuse to nap. Last few days tried the cry it out method. Instead of decreasing in time for crying, hers stay the same or even increase..wonder how come she not tired got so much energy...nothing works..dunno how man.
hallo everyone...wow, really got a lot of postings to catch up and by the time i finish reading, refresh page got even more postings!! :p Can't remember everything...

wah! your ger is such a babe!!! her eyes are soooo big!
envy ah! and her eybrows very defined! my ger eyebrows very faint and she has been dropping her baby hair and growing new ones, so look a bit "botak"..i've been telling her to quick grow her hair for CNY. :p

ur boy is cute and big too! Hey, my ger has the same "will work for milk" onesie...a fren bot for us.

Javier's laugh is really cute...he looks so happy!

Chang, kimi
Ya lor, dunno why, when the PD gave my ger the Hep B jab, got blood... no wonder she really screamed and cried...poor thing. Tok abt BCG, I very blur, only when the PD point out, then i noticed my ger's BCG jab location...it's not very obvious.

Chang, thanks for info on bottle warmer. I think need to get one cos my ger lately have new "pattern". She sometimes drink halfway stop and take a 15min nap, wake up and feed again. So I want to keep her milk warm. Dun throw away 10-20ml BM leh, can combine several expressions mah... Everytime I express oso very little one...40ml, 50ml onli morning then hv 100ml. But i still do it lor...

dun be too hard on yourself. We all have our bad days/nites! U r not a bad mummy... it is normal for us to feel upset and tired. I've been telling ppl that I never realised taking care of bb is so tiring. But it has it's rewarding moments like when bb falls asleep peacefully in my arms, she looks like an angel!

i've been carrying my ger uprite since a couple weeks ago cos she loves looking around! everybody calls her a busy body...haha! And she also can't hold herself up too long so she flops here and there and i just use one hand to support her bum and the other hand support her head/neck/back. Most of her body weight is leaning on my body, So far, my arms not painful.

och, afcai,
I change my ger's diapers before every feed...cos i guess after 2-3hrs or so, her nappy sure wet. I also slap on a lot of Drapolene, so far so good, no diaper rash.

My ger is quite funny, she has no "nipple confusion" at all. I guess I should be thankful. I've been giving her bottle since 2nd week cos of low milk ss and occasionally latch her still. She takes to both rather well and doesn't reject either, tho her latching skills are still not good...not been good since the start and it's my fault for not being able to correct her. My hb say probably to her, food is food, she dun care whether bottle or nipple! haha! :p

ahhh...now i know what cradle cap looks like. My ger's scalp has dry skin flaking and my MIL say it's cradle cap...but i didn't think it is cos it's just a bit of skin flaking off... I'm glad I'm not wrong...
Hi ladies,
Just wake up from beauty sleep
...Try putting BB to sleep on the tummy...He seem to enjoy this position n forget his feed...

My boi's BCG is at the backside...Alway forget when i pat him to bed....Lucky he didnt cry

afcai, och, shihui,
I will change boi boi diaper before feed once in the middle of the night and 1st thing in the morning....Otherwise worry his backside will suffer and kana nappy rash.

*pat pat* totally understand what you are going through. wish i could go and fetch my CL to come and take a look too but i think she went to KL for a holiday with her family already. wahaha!

JIAYOU for the two of us! what i need is to be able to sleep and i sure i would be able to handle. but since young, everytime there are major changes or when i am stressed, i get insomnia.


my bb also got no nipple confusion. can drink from the bottle very well and her latching on is also quite good. guess i should be thankful.


BEAUTY SLEEP! what i will give to have one now. went to lie down from 3 to 5pm just now also cannot fall asleep so decided not to torture myself and turn on the PC instead.
Hi jackie,
I just woke up fr my nap 10 mins earlier. my gar cried and is due for feed (last feed only at 1530pm).

oic. so his bckside got a small red dot loh? so one need to be careful when putting on his diaper so that won't touch his bcg..
och, my bb alsp v little eyebrow then also got cradle's cap. now using bb oil to moistyrise then itchy hand to remove

qianhui, u bring bb out alone?

shihui, let me know if the tcm plaster wks. my wrist also hurt from all the carrying and hand expressing

mbb, i dont even have time to sort and see if i still can wear my old clothes, let alone talking abt whether there is a need to buy new cloyhes

btw rem from somewhere tat ss will drop after menses. by how much?

catherine, 3-4 mths yhen bb will auto slp at night? that's good! i am almost there! bb refuse to sleep till 102am everynight and iys driving me crazy! donn't know how i will cope when i go back to work!
found some tips on bottle feeding transition : http://www.mother-2-mother.com/bottles.htm. maybe u can try them...
the nursing rooms at seiyu bugis junction big enuff to push in stroller. but only covered by curtain (which initially i tot is better than door) but that day got one small boy pull open d curtain while i was inside bf. grrr... i still dont dare use stroller on escalator. usually use the lift even for 1 storey. i oso wonder how to try out clothing w bb around.. haiz.

it's a really nice shot. javier looks soo happy.. most shots i have of sophia is either sleeping or crying.. haha.. dont really have a smiling shot yet coz her smile always very fleeting and usually when she is abt to sleep/sleeping.

i oso think my bb looks like an alien... somemore a gong gong alien.. coz sometimes her face really funny lor. near botak somemore! oh.. my bb's rashes or ezcema havent cleared either. seems like its spreadin to the body area instead

pat pat.. it's ok. we all understand and we do go thru such bad patches..

my bb oso loves sleeping on her tum tum! but i only let her sleep in that position daytime.

afcai, och,
me last nite didnt change bb diaper for more than 8 hours.. this morning saw got rashes on her buttock area liao

my bb oso very kaypoh... always look here look there. can stare at something till forget to suck. sometimes she stare at boring things... like my bedhead?! just cream color no pattern oso she stare like its so interesting like tat. hehe..

how come u all talk abt bcg now har? i tot that was given at birth (in my case its 2 weeks after birth).i dont even realize she got bcg mark.. later need to go n take a look.

if bb cry super loud durin injection means the pd/nurse skill not good? coz my bb wails at injections.. until no voice type of crying..

pls update 4 me. thanks!
birth length : 47cm
1st mth weight : 3.61kg
1st mth length : 51cm
Hi bobianah,
yup, indeed a lot of posting. my pc is always on till night time. cos sometimes, when my gar latch on, I felt very boring staring at her or at the air so just come online (so much posting to read & clear).

hmm...of cos, nappy sure wet within 1-2 hrs. sometimes, during the day, my gar can change 4-5 nappy cloth within 2 hrs. wow then yr consumption of diapers are quite high man....

gd for u, no nipple confusion, yr gar not fussy abt feeding method. hope mine will like yrs.
hug hug..it's ok. remember 2 days ago, it was me?
my episode happened in the daytime, i also cant take it leh. yours is worst....all thru the nite.

good thing is bb dun remember one. the next morning, bb meg gave me a smile like telling me all's well. i am sure nat hv awredy smile at you leh.

maybe we should try Serene's method. paste all the smilling bb pic ard the hse. when we are really angry, go and look at it to melt our anger.

i change diaper like 3 to 4 hrs in the day unless bb meg poo. nite time, after last feed (ard midnite) i will change her and let it tong till morning (ard 8 am). she never poo at nite, always in the morning or late evening.

but i always apply barrier cream, so far her pat pat is still beautiful

the polyclinic i go to is in Pasir Ris.
hmmmm, even price is diff. weird....

bb evee still dun sleep much in the day? wat abt at nite? bb meg also lah. but she sleep well at nite. my let her cry training only manange to get her to play by herself longer in the playpen

may i hv ur CL's contact?
juz in case i accident and need to open my factory.

dun stress so much. most of us also are clueless abt bbsitting. as long as you know how to feed and change bb, you awredy pass 80% liao.

yeah hor. will bb meg's hair drop be4 cny??
wah, then mah not mei mei lor.
must pray hard hard liao.

hee hee...me kpo hor.
i sms Chang to ask her if she wanna the ice cream coz she dun read post everyday mah. i ask her to sms u if interested.

oic. my gar did not cry but just refuse to slp.so I juz plc her in her rocking chair or playpen but 5-10 mins later, she will cry. once, carry her, she will be ok. hai....she will be like tat fr 1900pm onwards. sometimes, if lucky, she can slp at 2100pm if not hubby or I will need to carry her and sit on the sofa to watch tv till mid-nite or 1-2am. she will slp when craddle and in bet when we tried to place her in playpen, she will open her eyes (pretend to slp) or 20mins will wake up.

yup, dunno why bb got so much energy than mummy. I wanted to have gd slp also cannot. black eyes appearing man....
