(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

tkz for the well wishes. me recover leh.
after all the drama, i lost weight ovr nite! so it's a blessing in disguise???

hmmm, when i was at polyclinic for bb meg's hep b jab, i asked the nurse abt 6 in 1. she told me polyclinic still dun have 6 in 1 leh.

i am not bfing. so bb meg might hv abit of reflux problem coz last nite she puke all over hb again. now we reduce the milk and feed more frequent. will monitor for a day and see how coz she gained weight so PD said may not be serious....

bb meg also drip saliva when placed on tummy. in fact she learn to play with her saliva lately. causing her face to have rashes.

like your PD injection skill not so good leh.
bb meg had hers in polyclinic (by nurse) no blood and she din cry. only waahhhh wen kena poke. after tat fell asleep.

haven found any nanny yet. tis sat will go interview again. i tink i better post notice ard my place leh.
haiz....tat "agent" kept bugging me!! like ah long lidat. sian!

Kathleen so cute! so young noes how to voice her emotion leh

there's no end to our worries after being a mother. i wanted no 2 initially but now i am thinking twice leh.
you power!!! planning for no 3 liao! hee heee....but Mandy is really an easy bb. lucky you!

bb meg also gek alot at nite. so from time to time i hv to check on her in case the she spit milk again. tiring hor?

i din lose weight after the massage but tummy got abit flatter. her charges are $45 per session.

6kg. wah, your boi boi is big

bb meg is 4.2kg now. she is such a small eater, i am happy if she put on 1kg a mth.

even Alabone's Nat have gain more weight...oooops, i am comparing again

Same, my ger will rotate 90 deg, that's y told hb need to block the side if she's sleeping on our bed.

ya, that's the way, hold her shoulder and for our case is hold her head and pull, so poor thing to push her face... Anyway, as she grows, u can carry her facing outside in front of u and make sure she exercise to use the weaker muscle.

Haha, she guai? She's a wolf in a sheep skin...haha, but today she was abit guai lah, I can manage to take my shower now n she manage to sleep w/o much fuss.... hope tonite I won't have nightmares cos she sleeps too much now....
hmm...I did ask the nurse too that why the inject is not on the thigh. she said BCG is on the arm only and the rest of the jab are on thigh.

oic. the yellowish liquid disapper and then blood stain on her clothes. after that, it is ok just see a tiny hole at the BCG.
Haha, all my gals looked like boy at this age. Many ppl told me the next one will be a boy, WHERE GOT BOY??!!! 3 GALS LEH!!!

Ask hb to feed? He lagi no patience. He will carry the bb, shove her the bottle and watch his tv, then after awhile, he will come to me (during commercial break) and tells me bb not taking and asked me to settle her....
bb born in pte hospital are in the thigh / left buttock. Those born in KKH are on the arm... my no. 1 one is on her arm, the rest are on the thigh / left buttock.
Hi alabone,
haa..belly dance, yeah...all mummy here can gather together to form a belly dance performance. :p.

oic. yr boy has not reach 2 yr old yet. my mum said children age 1 - 4 are active, move here and that so need a lot of supervise or else they tended to knock themselve.

same here financial waste too, having a kid not easy, need time,, patient effort and lot of $$.

I have not tried bathing my gar yet cos I still dun want to take risk of squatting. so ask my hubby to do that. yup, 6 in 1 only less than 1 dose than 5 in 1. but 'stories' will be different if one take the free jab fr polyclinic. one need to go every mth.

yup, that's a gd suggestion with regard to the method of weighting issue. same here, I wanted to slp at 1500pm but my gar still dun wan to slp so now carry her latching on(usually, she will slp when like tat) and type with 1 hand. my gar also dun like to slp on her own, need to cuddle to slp. hope she won't like tat in future.

why dun u place a pillow under yr gar for support so that u will be more comfortable. I always did that during feeding to raise her up so that she will be in the same level as my breast.
Hi Vanessa Lu,
some said gal are better so they will be attach to mum when they grow up.even tough when they get married, they will still come bck home.

wow piang,haa yr hubby like tat one. hubby also need to play an impt role in taking care of bb mah. since u are gg to be samh liao, so it shd not be any problem of taking yr time to let yr gar adjust to bottle.

oic, no wonder before my labour, my col told me that now the jab are all at the thigh liao. then during the full mth of my gar, I told her no lah, jab still at arm. hmm did not know that kkh and private hospital have diff 'style' of giving jab.

so what if the poo stain the bcg at the buttock, will it get infected then?
$45 per session think i can afford! v happy. nvr lose weight not so bad. must get rid of tt bulge tt i have.

wat's going to happen to e other sessions of yours?

it's natural tendency to want to compare. my girl kept feeding n sleeping during confinement time so maybe tt's y...

just now after posting, i tried to put her in her cot, wah, she cried until face all red n no voice! nvr happen b4. scream n scream throughout her bath, while putting on clothes until i carried her then stop. then coz cried so much until shiver. terrible. chiak za bor man!!! then while carrying her, she kept sticking out her tongue... then realised, it's 2.5 hrs since her bm feed!!! so she was hungry. i tot 1.5 hrs only... just fed her fm now kun already... haiz... all my fault. come online here until forgot timing...
Hi bobianah,
yup. my gar born on 8 dec. oic. my offical ml will be on 1/3. anyway, I still got lot of 06 leave (need to clear this yr or else forfeited) so will be taking child care leave one of the day as well to take my gar for jab. hope my boss will approve my leave.
oic, that's wat i do too, but i get much lesser.

my girl spits out too. now i have resorted to carrying her leaning against my chest 4 half an hour b4 putting her down to bed. then watch 4 another 15 min for spit-out. she whines whenever she feels uncomfortable, that will give me the cue to standby towel for her spit out.

she takes the areola in the first few min, then slowly releases to the nipple only. i also burp her after feeding frm one side. she usually falls asleep during second feed, then when burping, she may wake up or end up not burping at all. quite stressful cos scared she might puke the precious bm out and get hungry after a short while.
wow not so gd leh, sucking the nipple after that. this happened to me during the first wk after delivery cos I still not gd on how to latch on correct. that's why both my nipples sore and painful. so u need yr gar to suck the aerola instead of very liitle milk flow fr nipple.

sometimes, my gar stretch herself during feed and then I latch out and burp her then continue the feeding. my gar during burping (in upright posture) also can sleep. so I only let her sit for 5-10 then place her bck to her playpen to slp.

did u encounter that each time after beauty sleep(either a short nap or etc), both breasts (even one is not full) will drip when one woke up? I always have till my clothes wet. always place savelge(dunno how to spell) wbefore I slp.
thanks for the link to the ice cream!!! am trying to lose weight and here you are, sending temptation to me... i tempted by the horlicks ice cream leh. you tried it b4?
Hi bf mummies,
did u all encounter that each time after beauty sleep(either a short nap or etc), both breasts (even one is not full) will drip when one woke up? I always have till my clothes wet. always place savelge(dunno how to spell) wbefore I slp.

not only that, when I looked down(with body facing down), milk will drip too. dunno why. gravity pulling huh....
wow not so gd leh, sucking the nipple after that. this happened to me during the first wk after delivery cos I still not gd on how to latch on correct. that's why both my nipples sore and painful. so u need yr gar to suck the aerola instead of very liitle milk flow fr nipple.

sometimes, my gar stretch herself during feed and then I latch out and burp her then continue the feeding. my gar during burping (in upright posture) also can sleep. so I only let her sit for 5-10 then place her bck to her playpen to slp.

did u encounter that each time after beauty sleep(either a short nap or etc), both breasts (even one is not full) will drip when one woke up? I always have till my clothes wet. always place savelge(dunno how to spell) wbefore I slp.
tell me abt it... i'm experiencing it first hand now. really must follow everywher he goes leh. else don't know what he doing. he even climbs up the cot to try to grab his sister's hands to sayang her. nice gesture, but dangerous for him (coz scared he falls) and dangerous for natalie (coz scared my son pull her hand or hit her head)... so now everyday like maid like that. follow here, follow there. if one person look after, really must bring him in to toilet to bathe and pee. sigh... but he at times very cute, then we forget about him being naughty.

yeah, i do prop up my girl with pillow during feeding. here at my mum's pl not too convenient coz i have to hide in my bro's room coz got computer!
luckily he go work so i can use his room. otherwise, don't know go where to pump bm.
last evening i experienced engorgement again afte not having it for so long. then only one side of the breast will leak milk. how come not both sides? last time nv pump for 12hrs breasts feel full only, so how come now lesser hrs got engorgement?
will be temp SAHM for 20mths.

Roy hardly sleeps during the day.. even put him on the tummy only sleep for 40mins .. haiz.. only managed to iron 3 shirts.. at night still wake up 2-3 times for feed & can stay awake to grunt and disturb you with wierd noises.
my gal slept fr 11pm to 6am.
that's a new record, but i doubt it will last. she has been cranky the whole day today. crying non-stop. her voice is hoarse liao but she is still crying. think she is unhappy that she is being taped again. i let her skin rest for 2 days after making her bleed last time. din know that taping her again will cause so much grief. to make matters worse, my mum is abandoning us to go out with her friends.

she broke another record. 3 days of no poo. how can babies hold 3 days of poo in them? if this goes on, i think i should deduct 100g fr her weight each time i weigh her, cos there must be 100g of poo in her.

oh yah, my bb sleeps facing up if she feels like it. if u try turning her head, she will grunt at u, then go back to whichever way she decides to sleep.

glad to hear u r feeling better. dun feel bad abt losing ur patience. u weren't feeling well n a fussing bb is really not easy to handle. i scold my bb all the time, even hit her hands just now, n i'm feeling perfectly well.

does kathleen usually sleep for 4 hrs? that's quite good, mine still thinks 3 hrs is normal. hope u hv more success tonight. madeleine also scolds me regularly if i dun show face after she starts crying. she is getting to be v. consistent with the "words" she uses. there's a sigh that she gives off after she finish drinking, burped n is dozing off in our arms. she has a "ng ah", that signals we should remove the bottle fr her mouth. there's a "wer" that she says whenever she sees some familiar face in the morning. i guess that's her "good morning"? there's the scolding phrase n another phrase that she uses to call us, e.g. when we r walking away fr her. she uses the same calling phrase on the figurines on her mobile.

mandy is so guai. i am going to send madeleine to learn fr mandy jie jie. only diff between day n night for madeleine is that she is willing to fall asleep by herself in her cot at night. no chance of that happening in the day.

one of my advisor is fr u.s. n she just arrived in sg, so this meeting was called lor. but i dun understand why i dun get any advance warning until the evening b4.

there were a few nights b4 when madeleine slept for 4-5 hrs at nite n she was fine the next day. yesterday, she slept for 7 hrs. i wish every night is like that, then she can cosleep with us even when i go back to work.
oh... it's got to do with what i eat? yesterday ate bee hoon for lunch, then normal dinner food. lots of fish tho. mum keeps cooking fish for me to increase ss. could it be that???
hi everyone, I need some advice on the episotomy wound after giving birth. After 8 days, my wound is still starting to sting abit, so I have to walk around the house very slowly. I have heard some people take longer to heal, so maybe I am one of them.

However, yesterday, *this is going to be abit weird and gross* I noticed that my sanitary pad has 2 patches of blood. I think it has been there all this time, but I just never noticed. But, shouldn't there only be one patch of blood, where the "red flood" releases? I'm not sure if my wound is bleeding.

Any advice? I'm quite worried. My next appointment with the gynae is this saturday.

huh??...stiff neck??...aiyo how...bb philson always slp on his right...if change him 2 his left, after awhile he will change 2 his right again...btw, how we know bb got stiff neck ornt??

ya...my mum oso said if slp on 1 side will ve flat face....later not nice loh...i oso thk it's quite difficult 2 slp facing front cos his head oso pointed

wow...u thkg of no. 3 oredi???!!!!....bb philson oredi makes me hand busy leg messy lor...dun even dare 2 thk of no. 2 :p

actually i oso very kaisu lor...tends 2 compare oso...whenever i read or c dat others bbies do this or dat, i get worried if bb philson ve not done any....;p

mayb u wanna change ur teats to NUK latex teats...dat time in hospital, the LC told me 2 use dat...they said very close 2 nipple shape

bb reyna's eyes look like japaneses
alotsa hair & nice eyebrow...

huh??? got blood ah?....actually i 4got all abt the plaster....few days later it drop off (i oso dunnoe drop at where), i saw the plaster mark then i realised i 4got all abt it ;p bb philson oso cry during the jab....but is not bcos of the jab....it is bcos of his wet diaper...heehee

the warmer cost $79...i oso ve...use less than 5 times till date cos i dun express out my milk....if express out 2 stimulate, will throw the milk away cos only 10 to 20ml, c oredi angry

heehee....ur bb so cute....know how 2 scold mama oredi ah....mine know how 2 make me happy when he did somethg wrong by giving me the i love mummy kinda smile.....nwadays bbies so smart

sleep thru e nite? so far only 1 nite only. i'd rather she nt sleep thru tho, at least nt when she's still so small. end up i keep wondering whether's she's having enof milk today to make up 4 e lost nite feeding... haiz...


wah! ur CL really sounds like a v nice lady. quite nan de hor? this is e 1st time i hear o CL seperatin anxiety! heh heh!


polyclinic can take wt 4 free ar? which one do u go to? 4 me, nearest one is yishun/woodlands... still, must take mrt n all... nt worth e effort lah..

had my postnatal chk up at my gynae last wk... tot my lochia ended liao but morning got a bit. tot i'll go anyway. waste o time lah cos can't do pap smear yet, ended up only chked e size o my fibroid. luckily e clinic's near my place. i cycled there tho. shiok!
but kena caught ine rain on my way bk... *grumble...*


was tinking o measuring tape too but dunno zhun or nt! my weighing scale dun v lousy one... i noe she's 3. sthg kg but 3. wat? haiz... now can only agar agar lor!


u so zai! sure can one lah! but 3 kids v siong hor? wat's their age gap har? 2yrs apart a gd gap?

btw hor, i wanted to say e last time when u posted Reyna's pix liao... i tink she n mandy looks alike leh! but she's got much better skin lah n she's bigger size too! Mandy hor, dunno y, either got pimples lah or eczema lah etc... her face nv clear one lor... so sian...


wah! we've got q a lot o things in common hor! just tt my hubby nt into sports. ask him to jog leh, he'll procrastinate n b v happy if it rains. n he can't understand y ppl likes soccer... n he plays those internet chess kinda games, nt into gaming...

i tink e SAHMs r me, vanessa, choo, lil... anymore besides ruffybear?


how come only sahm 4 20mths? ha ha, Roy's so lucky to haf such a nice play gym... he seems 2 like it hor? so alert n cute!
wow...u get 7hrs of beauty slp ah....envy envy

aiyo...bb madeline is so cute....oredi know how 2 communicate.....mine will go goo goo gaa gaa....but if he did anythg wrong, he will give u his killer smile ;p

glad dat u re ok le.....hope u find a suitable nanny soon

the ice cream looks nice....u oredi order ah???...wondering any mummies wanna try the ice cream....i oso stay cck...mayb we can combine orders for free delivery ;p yummy yum i ve been eating ice cream everyday since after confinement...heh heh heh....now ve cough ;p
do we wake bb up for feeding? coz it's time to feed but she is still oink oinking.
hee heee...today bb meg sleep alot coz i con her. i place her in the stroller.
no choice, b4 her little body reaches the playpen (like a few inches) she cry for father/mother leh.

since everytime i take her out kai kai, she sleep like a log. so i try lor. hee heeee it works

bb meg also.
lucky at nite she is willing to sleep in the cot.
daytime, like the cot got needle lidat.
madeleine so cute one. so young awredy got her special sound gesture.
bb meg only call out loud loud for "maid mummy"

you pay during the last session. so even if you book her for 7 session and last min decide to cancel it's ok. juz pay her watever session you finito lor. she very nice, still call me to check on me

you did your masage awredy?
ppl said if bb ger looks like hb then the next child will be boi boi.
i dun know.....
Reyna grows alot liao. looks like hb??

Roy like a rapper
vanessa, chang,

hiyoh! ice-cream ice-cream so tempting!i'm trying to limit my comsumption o choc, cookies, ice-cream n other snacks.... dunno y leh... i've nv liked snacking b4 giving birth but now i just haf to snack on lor! esp CHOCOLATES!!! i used to dislike choc leh! how ar how ar? so i bot lotsa fruits, telling myself i shld only snack on fruits.... siagh... who am i kidding?


Mandy had her hep b jab at polyclinic too. she oso just 'wah wah' when she's being jabbed n then promptly fell asleep... no blood leh..


philson oso has pointy head ar? ya lor, lie v hard to lie it flat hor? but then ppl tell me dun let e bb sleep face up cos they'll haf flat head! but sleep facing side will haf flat face leh! haiz...


i might nt b 2nd time lucky.... i might nt even b lucky 4 long... now we still dunno our bbs temperament yet, still can change. sekali mandy turns outta b little terror then i might rethink bt having even no. 2....


no need to send madeleine here, just send her to KKH special care ward! ha ha! tink she got her training fr there... but i dunno gd or nt lah! sekali she turns out 2 b an insecure kid... hopefully nt!
ha.. he bluff you that he likes it.. can only stay the most 10 min on it then will be ehh to be picked up.
I'm taking 1.5yr CCL so + the ML is around 20/21 mths.

shd go for a #2 so that your gal will have company in the future. we want a #3 abt 3-4yrs time (girl this time).. but need to save $40k 1st.
i also don't know how the PD knew so quickly but he was quite good. could almost immediately tell me he knows bb sleeps mostly on her right side. don't think all bbs would have. last time my boy not like that leh... you don't worry. anyway my PD told me quite mild. not to worry also...

i also want to temp be sahm... hb encouraging, but my mum said where got enough $$. think she's worried if i don't work, wont have $ to give her liao.

gotta agree we have lots in common. only thing is hb into soccer and ex and i'm usually the one procrastinating. heehee. but this time round, quite determined to lose weight so will exercise. but still not as zai as you la. cycle so much already.

btw where do you live? you say nearest polyclinic for you is yishun/woodlands. same here.i stay at admiralty. same as bloom.

also, anyone here tried protrim or jantzen hair salon at causeway pt? wanna go do hair tomorrow and not sure they good or not. me don't like the jean yip after going there once.

if bb sleeps just let her. i always do that. only time i fed her was that night time la. shouldn't have done it...

thanks for info regarding mdm sadiah. she sounds good. how long is per session?

why would mandy be insecure?? with so much of your love and attention, she'll be confident girl!
roy is so lucky. play gym very nice. i don't dare to put nat in her play gym coz her bro will go disturb her... poor her. always have to lie in her cot... poor thing leh...

you still can find time to iron shirt? i've given up all forms of household chores. house so dirty also haven't sweep. hb come home everyday so tired. he's so tired he can almost fall asleep while driving!! so scary. so nv ask him to help with chores.

if i don't remember wrongly, you are teaching in pri sch right?
haha.. his kor kor also go and disturb him..want to lie in the playgym also at the same time..haven't uploaded those pics yet.. so have to move bb to one side so both can lie in the gym side by side.. #1 quite helpful also..at night he will help to push the bb cot from the hall to the room.. coz daytime I move the cot to the hall so can do housework etc.. just finished cooking dinner.. #1 will be comming back from CC soon.. will have to go downstairs to fetch him
Dun worry..It is normal to feel frustrated especially when they cry non-stop..can get on our nerves sometimes..I am just worried if we keep scolding them, they will grow to hate us..hehe..

Sharing with you ladies lastest pic of my boi.. look at his protuding tummy....

i really admire you. taking care of all three of them. 3 right? got someone to help you? even so, it's still v challenging lor. told my hb there will no NO MORE NO.3! i also want to take ccl...

your bb so cute! quite chubby too. so how did he work for his milk??
If my boi sleep past his feeding time, i just let him sleep but very rare lar..his alarm clock very accurate most of the time..when its time, he will wake up and cry for milk...

Haha..he uses his loud and deafening cry..thats how he work for his milk!

wah! ur boi must haf worked v hard so can drink a lot n grow so big n strong! heh heh.... btw, altho it's only his side profile but can see he really looks like u... anybody else said tt b4? so cute n chubby!


scared she insecure cos she always kena ignored at special care mah... tt particular special care like always short o nurses one.always hear bb cry n nobody attending to them... so i reckon mandy got trained there nt to fuss so much lor cos useless! heh heh...

btw, i stay in sembawang. same as gan n pokemon.

haha. i tink my mum is oso nt v happy tt i'm gonna b sahm. cos tt means she won't haf much chance to take care o mandy + her allw wld b cut..
wah... then your mandy was really trained from there since. that's why now she's such a goodie girl, never disturb you.

we stay quite near then. one stop away only.

my mum also. that's why don't encourage me to stay home... sigh. still don't know what to do now...
Yeah I'm taking care of all the 3 - Roy, Ryan + Hb.. No PT/FT maid as I don't like the idea of maid. So morning #1- Ryan goes to CC then I go to market to buy food, come bk clean hse prepare lunch, at the same time tend to Roy. PM- cook dinner + other housework. HB washes the dishes when he gets bk. Just finish feeding the elder boy + bathe him now time 4 my dinner.
Nathan's hard work for milk paid off.....6kg!

1 hr. you dun wan to bind also can ask her to do normal massage. same price/time.
so you are a teacher too, so we have abalone, you and i who are teachers. dread going back to the hectic life in school.

yes, i do experience that, so the breast pads are my saviour, else will be soaking wet with nai. my hb just told me today i smell of milk, hahaha.

now i think my nipple quite 'tough' liao, sometimes when my girl suck, quite painful for the first few seconds, then immune liao. hahah. then when i adjust her properly and the nipple leaves her mouth, can see the milk spray, sometimes all over her face, then it is quick quick get warm towel to clean the milk off her face. so poor thing. so we both end up smelling of milk all the time.
kimi, ahah..but i guess even if he bcomes a SAHD, he cannot latch on ... ur mandy very guai..kathleen would have cry the house down if i missed her feeding by 2 hrs..she will not just flail her arms and legs... not bad that ur hubby is not detered by no 1

serene, understand how u feel..i get very pek chek when hubby ask me why bb still crying. As if i know..some of the stress actually comes from u becos if i didn't pacify bb soon enuf..hubby might lost his temper... so sometimes do wish he is not around.... but then if he takes half day off i can still sneak in a afternono nap :p

mbb, thats not what the polyclinic told me (that don't have 6 in 1)... cos they say we can decide next round..if no 6 in 1, decide for what... my niece used to puke out milk alot..then doc said allergic to cow's milk (somethig like taht) so my sis switch to soy milk. No choice currently that agent still got 'use' lah..so ren3!!!!

och, madeleine's vocab is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!

cf..ur bb smart..my bb never 'reward' me with her smile one...

vanessalet us know how the ice cream goes!

alabone, dey..ahaha..i also wanted to ask dey what kind of work can her bb do//ahahahha

MBB, meg's very attractive leh! eyes can shoot electricity one!
wow! your bb meg already can pose for camera leh! so attractive!!! really v pretty. i want to take q no for my jared boy!! her eyes like can convey message that kind. and her nose looks rather sharp and ting3. mei nu.

tan sl,
yah lor... dread going back to sch leh. really really do... that's y wanna take ccl... haven't been teaching for a couple of mths go back v sian one.

hahaha. you include your hb also!! i also don't want maid. but you really v capable coz don't even want pt cleaner. i may succumb to part time cleaner to help my mum with housework twice a week. i must learn from you man.
how old is ryan? thinking of sending my jared to cc too. and must book in advance to send is it? coz my son reach 18mths only in march. then how shall i go abt doing it? need advice. thanks alot.

Hi Tan SL,
haa.. hubby also said my gar and I smell of milk. at home, I dun wear bra cos quite troublesome for bf as I did not buy any nursing bra. so use handerchief to support and tie a knot at my shirt.

yup, when bb suck initially, breast will pain cos aerola is quite hard.

did I ask u before how old is yr gar? do yr gar sweat during latch on? my gar will perspire till her back hair wet.
