(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

Hi kym,
these few days, my gar also like tat, she sucked for a few second, then cried and cried. then, hubby place her head onto his shoulder and she slp liao. think she is fussy bec she wanted to slp.

maybe request yr nanny to cook the fish, told her fish is gd for u bec of bf and quite easy to cook, all 'dump' into a pt of water with ginger and veg loh.

cos yr bb knew that the teat fr milk bottle is easy to suck tat why yr nipple is reject. do try and dun give up, see if she hungry, maybe she will take it.

I delivered in kkh. hmm what is 'tissue' reaction? some it might due to the fiction bet the pad and the are which cause it to itchy. yr stiches not resolved type one. till now, I still got lochia so have not gone for my post natal check up.

jia you, bf is not an easy thing, need lot of preservance, "jing shen", support and effort etc.

I also sold some of the items in ebay. guess ebay is better. dunno if ther eis transaction fee in yahoo or not if deal is successfully. ebay is free. just create an a/c and u can post yr item to sell.

oic. quite funny, tot all polyclinic shd be standard, have the same jab. anyway, no diff in 5 in 1 or 6 in 1 just a diff ofjab for HEP B only.
Hi och,
yup, pamper brand is expensive. think mammy poko also expensive. sometimes, NTUc have offer for bb products on thursday. like last time, ntuc offer pet pet brand diapers - 2 for $13.80.

for changing diapers when bb is slp or after feeding, it depends. my gar sometimes will be awake (half eye closed) and back to slp again.
Hi Qian Hu,
oic abt bliss card. thks for info. the discount offer is limited to selected shopping outlets only leh. dun think I will be gg to buy fr those outlet.
Hi Linette,
do encounter the spliting of milk for 2 feeds. so now, after feed if there is no burp, I will let my gar sit upright for 10-15 mins so that her milk flow will flow down her tummy.

hai..y'day dunno why my gar cried almost half an hr and same as today at ard 1pm. then plc her head on my shoulder and she fell alsp then.

I will be returning to work on 2nd of April (one of the day will be taking child sick leave to take bb for jab) loh. boss also approved my leave.
Hi alabone,
haa... my gar poo also got kind of explosive sound. y'day, she poo like a curry sauce again till her bckside and private area all over. before, I opened the diaper, I quickly asked hubby to prepare a plastic bag, newspaper, a small container filled with water and lot of cotton wood and wet tissue. then I placed her butook onto the newspaper with liners under. then clean her with wet tissue first after that then use cotton wood drip in water to clean those small area. so scary man....

she poo every 2 days(meaning the third day then poo. can said poo twice per wk).

my boss came to my hse y'day to see me n bb(cos when she is not free last min to come during full mth). my leave has been approved. will be gg bck in 2nd of apr only.

Thks... I brought her to TCM already, my main purpose is to TCM medicine can help to dissolve her phlegm so that it won't irritate her throat that much... feel tat KKH standard procedure will b blood test, urine test, then see dr n for her case, sure kena suction.....
tkzzz. tink i still dun noe how to post n sell lah
IT idiot....

Kath dun look like boi boi lah. maybe coz no hair but she hv ger feature. n i dun tink she is dark from the pic.

wah, Talia Ann got the angelina jolie kinda lips.
sexy babe

how do you all pack milk bottle out? i felt like i m bringing too many things leh. pls teach me.

wah, today i took bb meg out. after feeding her be4 i got the chance to burp her, she vomited. then after i change her, she pooo. very good training for me lor!!!

may your princess have a speedy recovery.

maybe i shall check out ebay....but most likely tis IT idiot will not able to susceed.
Thks for all thw well wishing.... I"m very lost liao... cos the way she cough sounds very bad. We don't want to take any chance for the cough to be worsen hence 3 days ago we brought her to PD and today to TCM. Maybe we should wait for awhile to get 2nd opinion, but we r so afraid it may develop bronchitis or other illness....
hi vanessa,
it's especially trying for parents when bb falls sick so i really hope reyna recovers soon. and you take care too!

you must be glad the leave is approved. my girl also. sometimes poo so much the poo covers her private parts too. i just wipe and clean with lots of bb wipes. i should learn from you and clean with water too.

hope your bb sleeps at night. nat looks like her brother therefore i think she looks like boy... plus that time she had double eyelids so look more like girl... now her eyelids don't know go where already she look more boyish...

my natalie is driving me crazy these days. she slept for 12hrs straight yesterday. only woke to feed. feed then sleep. 12noon to 12midnight. then, after that, dont want to sleep until 5.30am. keep wanting to drink milk. she is coming to sixth wk on tues. is this her growth spurt?

is mandy still sleeping thru the night? my natalie has totally gone haywire with her timings and i don't know why? i haven't done anything different... don't know how long i can last with her being so wakeful at night. really wanted to just dump her on the bed and let her cry her hearts out. nat prob having her growth spurts now too. i give her same amt of fm and she is hungry earlier...

very envious leh... you can meet your gfs... i only want to go cut and rebond hair also cannot...

just came back from zoo with hb and son. had much fun but really tired coz had less than 4hrs of sleep. but do not want to deprive jared of mummy's attention, so insisted on going to zoo although hb told me he could manage. had a lot of fun actually. jared said three words today, 'fi' (fish) 'bye' and 'bird bird'. so happy he's saying other things other than his fav 'elmo'...
nat also mostly on fm now so when i go out with her, i'd bring:

- a thermo flask of hot water
- a bottle of room temp water
- one milk bottle (v imp. i forgot twice last time. had to buy...)
- container for milk powder (pre-measured amt)
- lots of hankie
- pacifier (if need be)
- baby wipes
- diapers
- extra clothings (if you worry bb may regurge and dirty clothes)
- a blanket.

if i go house visiting, i don't bother bringing hot water and all. otherwise i do.

it's a lot of things to bring one... packing damn xian. but once they grow older, less to pack coz can eat other stuff. like my son, i can just bring him out. just have to remember to bring his biscuits and water bottle.

hope the info helps.

no lah... she only slept thru 4 one nite. tink mandy oso going thru a growth spurt, tho she's reaching 9 wks... v cranky today... cry 4 food every 2hrs, usu is 3-4hrs... wah! so zhun... crying again... then latch 4 a few mins, unlatch...latch, unlatch etc etc... v tiring... haf been giddy since lunch time...

tink it started last nite when i fed her fr 8.30-8.45... then 9.25-11...haiz... in my arms now. hope she's not hungry again...

i wanna go 2 e zoo too!!!
Wah seems like everyone's babies very fussy these days. Yesterday was nightmare for me, Annette kept drinking every hour. Today is better, latch on every 2 hours, and sleep a bit more in between plus she is not so fussy.

My bb also like yours - latch on, unlatch, tug soooo hard at my nipples, and then made a lot of frustrated grunting noises...I wonder why!!??

So fun! Can go to the zoo. I know what u mean by spending time with Jared. My elder daughter keeps going out with her dad now, but I can't go out with bb and them yet leh, too lazy to prepare a whole bag of things. Who looks after your bb when you are out with son and hubby?

Pat pat - poor you. Take care of yourself and the little one. We all know it is not easy, man.
Hi ladies,
Went taka n wisma with hubby n BB yesterday....Was so crowded that we didnt manage to shop ard...Just spent the voucher(which is going to expire soon) than quickly go home already....Shopping with BB ard is really very different....Wonder when i can shop freely like i use to

Hope Reyna is getting better after visit to TCM

Kathleen's feature look like ger ger mah....Anyway BB's grow very fast de. Before u know it she is already a babe

Talia Ann really got alot of hair...N i love her chubby cheek....Sooooo cute.....

alabone, kimi,
My boi hor also like going through the growth spurt...Need to feed every hour....Yesterday finished 200ml of EBM within 1 hr, 1/2 hr later want some more milk....It go on from 8pm to 12mid night...Within the 4 hrs he finish 450ml of milk...His normal feed is 100ml with 2-3hrs...Scary hor...
sigh... we both kena false alarm... thought our girls so nice to us hor?

nat also... i've resorted to feeding her 110ml of fm now and she still wakes for feed earlier than expected. can only last 2.5hrs leh. then coz she regurge milk i don't dare to feed her so soon, she cry and cry like no body's biz like that... aiyoh. last night my mum went to my pl to stay, she got woken up by her cries lor. told my mum she keeps wanting to feed then my mother call her 'tan chi po'! so funny.

glad you know what i mean... when i was in confinement, my hb kept bringing jared out coz he was quite cranky at home. bring him out can also tire him out so that he slept better. then i was so upset i couldn't spend time with him... so now, although v tired coz slept less than 4hrs last night, i still insisted on going. i exchange kid with my mum lor. she's the one who helps me to take care of my kids. so now, whenever hb and i want to go out, we have to bring either one of them. go out with nat, jared stay home. go out with jared, nat stays with my mum. brought them both out last weekend together... quite alright but alot of things to bring and go in and out of car damn troublesome... coz i can't carry anything heavy, hb strapped on with lots of things... c-sec v troublesome...

linette, kimi, jackie,
poor you ladies, i know the frustration when bb keeps latching... like cannot even go away for a moment like that...

bb really feeding alot leh. luckily you have enough ss. if me... my bb starve already.

hope bb will get well soon!

had fun at the zoo coz we brought jared to look at animals we taught him in books. he especially enjoyed the animal show and clapped along. v fulfilling day i had. also, it's the first time i go to the zoo with hb since knowing him! so memorable today. hope you ladies had a nice day today too.
currently staying at mom's place.. hubby going overseas working again.. so shift to mom's place.. wah.. like moving house lidat.. one luggage full of stuffs to bring.. :p staying at mom's place is no longer as simple as it used to be.. :p aft we "deposit" bb at mom's place, hubby n i went shopping together.. finally.. got some couple time..
bought a few nursing wears for new year.. den went foodcourt eat dessert.. dessert taste yummy even though it's at foodcourt onli.. coz really can relax n slowly eat.. dun need to worry if bb will cry anot.. :p

alabone, och,
bb still poo aft almost every feed lor... sian leh... change until i sometimes wish to bluf myself into thinking tt i din hear the "poooo" sound... :p

ur bb very cute... her sleeping pattern is like my bb..

ur bb so cute...

hope Reyna recovers fast.. u take care too..

ya lor.. shopping with bb is really different... :p everytime when we bring bb out, we will juz get the necessary stuffs n quickly go home.. like fight war lidat.. :p
gan, hehe... one of those rare times which she look contented.. :p

afcai, no..that was her hair since birth..very little right? thats why during first month hubby insist dunwana cut hair cos he is afraid that she will have problem growing her hair back..eheheh now then ur gal start to get impatient har? I think all of our bbs start getting impatient for food long ago :p You mean selling things in yahoo is not free har?

MBB, heheh..u go tell my hubby. He had been boy-boy-ing her so many days. Anyway, she supposedly look like me, and i don't look like a gal. Last yr shave my hair for CCF and I actually look quite handsome :p Actually she is quite dark in real life..the pic not indicative..

MBB, actually u can also prepare a thermo flask of warm water that can be for both drinking and preparing milk...then dont have to prepare hot and room temperate water. For my mom's pl, I throw alot of stuff there (wet wipes, blanket, extra clothes etc) so that I will be super light mode when I go there.

Managed to borrow a Ameda from a friend and tried. Quite disappointed. Cos in the end still have to do hand expressing..plus still need to pump 30min to get the milk out beforehand..so I think I will have to stop bf-ing when I return to work liao..cos don't think I can escape mgt's eyes when I am absent from my desk for so long...

Vanessa, so what did KKH doc say?

Shihui, and I thought she's the only one with the dangling in the air sleeping pattern.... :p sometimes i wonder if it will cause her harm in the long run.
hahah. you same like me. last time when bb was pooing so often, i thought to myself, i could have been out of the room and didn't hear it! but of course i still change la... scared later her backside red red...

how come i never thought of that! mixing right temp and bringing it out! thanks ya. and i've been doing that for almost a whole year!! so gong leh. i also like you. everything bb owns double. two sarongs, two cots, everything double. so when bb stays at my mum's or my own pl, don't have to bring anything. anyway, my mum and i just stay one block away. so still v convenient.
Aido, hope Reyna is ok..

BB feed on FM after clearing all the EBM....Without FM my boi would have starve lor

Ya lor, BB really make a great change to our lifestyle. But it very fulfilling to see BB grow n smile. Everything else doesnt matter liao
how is reyna? i hope she is better.

ur bb not strange, my bb also like that. that's why nowadays, i dun wait for her to cry for milk anymore. when she stirs for a while, i will give her her milk liao. that way, she remains drowsy n i can put her to bed after her feed. i also can remain drowsy, so i can fall right back to sleep too.
if i wait for her to wake up, she will be fussing for a couple of hours after that. quite afraid to change her diapers too, cos we sleep in aircon room, changing her diapers will involve stripping her of her sleeping bag, taking off her pants etc. very afraid she will wake up n start fussing again. but there's a drawback to this lah. she may drink less cos she's still sleepy.
tkz for the list of bb items to pack

i guess there's no way to cut some of the items hor? except of the room temp water (which Bloom suggested).
i tried tat yesterday, the bag is slightly lighter and mixing milk is easier too

wat abt the bottle? do we take it out from the sterilizer to air dry it or not?

wah, you cut ur help bold har? got pic to show? very brave of you!!

me too! at nite, be4 bb meg start her loud speaker, i shove the bottle into her little mouth liao. bb meg normally made abit of sound pre concert, so tat's my signal

tis few nites she sleep pass her feeding time. my mum said tat i am stupid to wake her up for feeding.....haiz, i also dun noeleh coz daytime she din drink extra either.
abit worried tat she is not drinking enough.
Vanessa, hope your bb get well soon. Understand your feeling now.. as I do faced it last time.
Sure KKH doc will help you..

You must take care too..
<font color="0000ff">MBB</font>
in order to sell items in yahoo auction, u nid to hv a yahoo acct then go "auction" &amp; click on "sell Stuff". Actually there is anohter place u can sell ur sell. cfm they buy from u but dunno price good anot lar. the web is www.babytown.com.sg but i know they are undergoing moving out of ofc. So i think u can call them or what lor. they do come &amp; collect but of cos got charges levied lar.

<font color="ff6000">Vanessa</font>,
ur poor bb. kena cough ar.. poor thing.. TCM of cos got med to cure lar. but bb leh 1mth + oni got their med ar?? cos i thot all med from TCM are very thick one.

<font color="0000ff">kimi</font>
envy u leh. ur bb can drink alot leh. altho i seldom latch her on except afternoon cos i will heat up EBM &amp; give her in btl if ss is alot in fridge... but she up till now oni drink 70-80ml still leh. dunno ok anot. I make FM at nite to give her.. give her 90ml but she will reject the last 20ml. I dun dare force her to drink scare she vomit out mah.

oh ya hor.. sylk today gg back to Italy... Sylk,good luck &amp; shall meet up if time &amp; everyone agrees with our dec mommies when u back lor hor.

Recently, my bb slp halfway liao then wailed out very loudly.. dunno isit hv bad dream.. once she scream v difficult calm her dwn one.. y lidat ar? or isit got fright cos bb hands tends to hv alw frighten fright lidat..
uy bb still poo alot ar? y mine poo every 2days.. somemore is aaft i helped her massage..chiam ..last time gave her S-26 she poo alot once chg to Enfalac she poo 2day once but is super alot one..

Anyone knw whr still sell nepia NB pamper ar? the website hv no more link to nepia liao.. now using dryers wee wee S but feel is big leh cos long lor.
the TCM plaster doesn't work for my wrist... in fact, it's too strong for me.. 3rd day into pasting it, got burning sensation on my skin.. when i peel out, it's very red lor.. think the medication "burnt" my skin...

mine oso sleep until like drunk lidat... head dangling there.. but usually i will put him on bed lor.. so it's onli for a brief moment.. :p

so i'm not the onli one who wish tt i din hear his poo.. :p but sometimes i really dun change leh.. but tt's bcoz 10min will bathe him.. so ask him to tahan abit lor.. :p else later keep changing nappy.. alot to wash leh.. :p

true lah.. aft seeing bb smile n all the new things he learns everyday, it's really interesting..

mine seems to like to poo alot.. :p now really feel tt my nappy is worth the money.. really helped me saved alot on disposable diapers... hahahaha.. :p
morning ladies,

i'm so late today... it's been a miserable morning tho mandy slept thru e nite again. fed her at 8.30pm. then 1.30am then next one is 8.15am liao... really can sleep hor? but nt gd 4 me cos i feed one breast per session. e 8.30pm feed is using my rite breast... so can u imagine e next time my rite breast was 'used' was 12hrs later?

super engorged n pain like hell. in fact, e pain woke me up a few times at nite. tot she's gonna feed liao so din do anything bt it. then 5+am, started 2 haf fever... dunno if it's engorgement fever cos when i woke up it's 38.3deg. engorgent fever supposed to be low grade rite? then there's this super big blocked duct. so painful. i burst into tears while massaging.... haiz.... bb sleep too long oso nt gd....

shihui, alabone,

mien oso still pooing after every feed lah. in fact, she likes to poo while changing diaper lor... so now i've to hold up her legs n wait v long... she'll pee a lot too... she can pee... then wait 4 10secs, then pee again, wait 4 a few sec more then pee again... hiyoh! like tt i dun dare to take away e dirty diaper leh!


it's one off lah... every session drink so much then i faint ar! want me to spent 2hrs sitting there n nt moving n latching n latching...


haf a gd trip! must keep in touch hor!


heard tt u need milk bottles 4 storing EBM. i'v bt 8 of those NAN small bottles w caps. do u want them? but they're recycled ones lah, from KKH.
tkz for the link

call nepia direct, tel: 62262650

dun worry abt Selina low milk comsumption coz bb meg also lidat till now. if overfeed then vomit.
i tink our ger got small tummy lah. good also then next time sure skinny
hee heee
och, totally agree with u abt the drawback on feeding her when drowsy. Last time I will try to pre-empt her too, but nowadays I am so tired only her very hungry loud cries will wake me up ! :p

Oh yes..today sylk is leaving... hve a great trip and login often!!!!

MBB, hahah..no lah... cos that time just left a very stressful job so abit siow and daring to try new things... so did that brave thing of cutting botak.dunwana show lah..very pai seh :p After that next year didn't try again :p

Shihui, i think maybe ur skin too sensitive for the TCM plaster.. anyway since I am stopping bf-ing soon, hope the joint pain will lessen... else sure die cos I use the PC mouse alot will definitely aggravate it when I go back to work. Of course must put bb back to bed after the dangling else I think her neck cannot take it..I think my arm cannot take it too ! :p

kimi, so scary one har... 12 hrs then will get fever???? Yesterday I also keep waiting for bb to wake up so that I can feed her before I pump..end up buay tahan quickly go and pump first. Luckily bb overslept by 1 hr so I manage to almost finish before she wake up (cos hubby having fever so cannot touch/bottlefed her)
u can pump out at nite when she is sleeping when u r super engorge mah... so wont suffer the pain..

thanks for ur info.
ya ya. if overfeed realli will vomit out to let me suffer to clean up the mess esp after bath or after nite time wipe body.
oooops i called aldy.. alamak min nid to order 4packs leh. $50 then deliver. NB got stock aldy. but how come cannot mix to buy their hsehold or other pdts other than pampers. i think the one who answer is a china lady keep emphasis say min 4pkt then can deliver.
forgot to thank u on the info on mim... need to drag hubby along one day. :p

your gal better already after gg to kkh?

ur bb fuss when flow is slow.. mine fuss when flow is fast. in fact she gets very angry. she will make angry noise and tug the nipple long long n then let go. like playing rubberband like that. and now whenever got letdown, she totally unlatch. she oso drink v little... at the breast max is 10mins. after tat, she fast asleep. anyway tat is why i dont try to increase my ss coz she really cant cope lor. totally blur la... not enuf ss oso worried, too much oso worried.

this morning, bottle fed her. quite good, didnt fight. but drink abt 40ml only. so far bottle feed her, she drink less than 30ml. haiz.. i see u all write ur bb drink 90ml, 100ml.. i wonder if my bb is taking enough or not. wonder what is her weight now...

in my case, my mum is the one that always refer my bb as a him. coz so far her two grandchild are boy.. so very use to using the term boyboy.. plus the fact that my bb always in blue doesnt help.

yesterday went to see gp abt my piles.. he was like.. aiyah, so small, nothing much. i m the one in discomfort,of coz he nothing la. chey!
the scenrio u say is what happens to my gal. &amp; i also wondering i got ss what why still fuss. when i press somemore will spray out why still cranky. maybe like what u say ss is fast &amp; she cant swallow well &amp; make those noise like duno can get or anot lidat. then also will pull out the nipple long lidat. then after she unlatch she will scream lor like make her very hungry lidat but no leh got milk leh.
Hi kimi,
u try to pump some milk, so you wont feel so engorged. good for u leh.. i been waiting for the day my bb can sleep thru the night at least 6 hrs without waking. The longest she can stretch is 5 hrs but very rare.

Hi Vanessa,
hope yur bb ger is getting better today.

Does anyone using b.pump, Medela Harmony? I am considering should I get one to be used while I am outside or work. The last time I brought my Medela Mini E to pump outside. I am very diappointed with the suction and it cant really empty my breasts (maybe due to battery operated). Feel so frustrated using it. But I have no probelm using it at home maybe due to adaptor.
I have am an using the medela harmony. to me it is not bad coz it is easy to use and wash and very silent and easy to bring about outside. however..for me.. it will pump sligtly lesser amt then the ameda lactaline that I have at home.
jen, gan,

it's nt tt i dun wanna pump out. usu she doesn't drag 4 so long mah. din noe she's gonna sleep until 8+! i already haf oversupply so i dun wanna pump in case i increase e ss. bb already v fussy cos my ilk too fast n furious...


ya man. 12 hrs fever liao... maybe bcos she was eating at 2hrs interval yest during e day so my ss went up, therefore engorged so fast lor.. sian...
finally managed to sleep 5 hrs last night. it's like the longest stretch of sleep i have had in the last one two week. bb slept from 12.30am to 6.30am after drinking 120ml. pray that its not a one off thing! *fingers crossed*

just smsed vanessa and she said her bb was admitted to KKH last night and she is at the hospital now. hear already so heart pain. hope that bb reyna get well soon!

wah kimi

hope you are feeling better now. so fast fever already. how i wish i could have your "fast and furious" ss. Sigh! guess alot of ss also got problems, low ss also got problems. but if you let me choose, i would still prefer to have your problem of oversupply! hehhehheh!

och, mbb, jackie, shihui

thanks! angelina jolie's lips huh! muahahaha!


vanessa asked me to convey to you that Doris told her that hives are stress related. that's the only thing she got at this time.
Hi Bloom,
oic. many ppl told me not advise to cut bb 's hair during first mth cos her scalp still veri soft, too risky. so hubby's aunt only cut her bck 's hair only 'yi si yi si'.

I came across the conditions to buy and sell things at yahoo that transaction need to pay, dunno buyer or seller pay.
Hi alabone,
yup, at least, I can spend longer bonding time with my gar. hubby said very wasted to use so many wipes to clean the small part so he suggested to drip the cotton wool (those square type) and clean bit by bit.

wow, yr bb sleep for so long, didn't u wake her up in between (for change of diapers or feed)?

my gar also latched on hrly these few days, place her slp nd then woke up an hr and wanted to drink. y'day, so surprising she slp fr 1330pm (after bath - delayed bath liao cos visit fr my boss mah) till 1800pm. hubby and I went to mil 's hse y'day and then plc her there and we went NTUC to buy things. so shiok when did not bring bb along for shopping but on other hand, mind is thinking of her cos afraid she will wake up and cry. so only shop for half an hr and then bought the basket of essence of chicken at $23.80 (quite cheap then usual pricing (usual price $32)) and HL milk. when we went bck to MIL's hse, my gar already woke up and cried. so feed her and she like super hungry, drink quite fast till cough cos starting milk flow veri fast.

have u gone for yr post natal checkup? I have not cos still got a bit of lochia - very light brown.
Hi Jen,
my gal also sometimes slp half way and then wailed loudly. it's kind of startled for her, dunno what cause the scare or dream. she will cry a few mins and I will hold her tightly and place my hand on her chest to calm her down.sometimes , need to cuddle her for some time before she go back to slp.
do check out cos I think ebay and yahoo site are the most popular site for sale items. take yr time.

have u gone for yr post natal checkup? I have not cos still got a bit of lochia - very light brown.
Hi ladies,
anyone know whether avent or pureen bottle is suitable for medela mini electric breast pump? must the bottle be medela brand can be use with this medela brand breast pump?

any idea? thks.
Hi Afcai.. what is lochia? Is that a wound infection? The tissue reaction is just my wound reacting towards a foreign body, I.e. the thread used to sew up the wound. After the gynae took out the thread, my wound doesn't hurt that much anymore.

Having a baby is really a roller coaster ride, after I solve my blocked duct and wound problem, I have another problem.. it seems my baby cannot get used to the replacement nanny. I'm not sure if it's a cooincidence or what, but the first day, the replacmenent nanny came, Kate couldn't stop fussing. She kept making frustrated sounds, and also cried quite a fair bit. My husband and I were so tired from coaxing her from morning till night .. and finally, she fell asleep only after midnight. But, she slept all the way until 7am in the morning.. must have been too tired.

Sigh.. she just has to get used to the nanny. Having a kid is really not a walk in the park! :p

btw, do u put the anti colic drop in your baby's milk? The PD gave us a bottle, but I haven't used it since.
afcai, any bottle except Avent should be able to be used with medela pumps. You can however pump direct into Avent bottles using avent adapters. I have used them before.

Kimi, the caps are those that comes with the glass bottles meaning metal caps or do you mean plastic caps?
Alabone, Shihui, Bloom:
Haha, I also have 2 sets of everything in my house and my mom's house, cos she helps me with the kids. Am thinking of depositing my little one there next Sunday then go to the Bird park with my big one. Otherwise, really very sian not joining daddy and her to go out.

Same here! These days my bb sometimes suddenly wailed very loud in the middle of her sleep, but I will pat pat her and then she will soothe down liow.

Not sure if avent or pureen bottle is suitable for Medela mini. Understand that Medela pumps usually need Medela bottles?

My milk supply seem to be getting lesser after this weekend. Just now I pumped about 2 hours after bb latched on - and guess what?! I only had about 50ml of milk!! I was shocked cos usually it's about 100ml to 120ml!!!! SS cut by HALF! I really wonder what happened, so am quite depressed now. Heard that fenugreek supplements can help boost supply, so am going to GNC to enquire....sigh.
some info with regard formula milk

Getting a colicky baby to sleep

Some moms find that their breastfed babies are less colicky if they cut cows' milk, other dairy products, spicy food, wheat products, cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), or irritants such as caffeine and alcohol out of their diet.
Hi kym,
lochia, at first I also dunno what's that till I came to this thread and learn that the red thing like menses tat we passed out is called lochia. as wks passed by, the red colr lochiaill slowly turned brown and then light brown. this will last at least till 6 wks - 8 wks.

oic, so miracle, take out thread, wound not hurt. no wonder, it took me so long for my wound to heal as I did not remove the thread. I believe mine is using thos resolve type of thread that why I dun have any doc's appt after 1 wk.

yup, not only roller coaster but also bb is like a sponge. absorb much of mummy's precious times, everything need to attend to bb and dun have much time left to do our thing. luckily, hubby helped out in all hsehold, dun even have time to do.

what is the anti colic drop for? how come yr bb need it? is there any instruction to teach u how to go abt it?

starluster, jen,
mine too.. he will be frustrated when the flow is fast refuse to drink... aiyo.. easy job for him.. dun need to suck so hard he oso dun want.. :p now if i feel tt my breast very full, i will go express out first b4 feeding him.. at least he will guai guai suckle.. :p

wah.. u tahan so long ah.. :p i sure dun care n go pump one.. at most give bb the expressed milk lor.. :p
