(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

Heya Afcai, need some advice on BF

My baby is now 1 week old. Started on latching for first few days, but, baby suck very hard, and my nipples got too sore, so switched to electric pumping. This was fine for about 4 days, I saw my milk SS go up gradually each day. But, today, my SS suddenly stopped. In the morning, it was fine, I could pump about 6 ozs, but in the afternoon, when I pump, there is no milk at all, I could only do 2 ozs in 2 pumps.

When I feel my right breast (which is the one that has more milk), I can feel that it is quite heavy, but there is just no milk coming out. Not sure if this is what u guys call blocked ducts.


starluster, i also try to use lift whenever i can but for JP, if wanna take lift will have to take to carpark then go into the shopping mall troublesome so took the risk to use escalator. I am thinking of places to go but i think some places in orchard dun have ramp only stairs will not have strength to carry the pram with bb up the stairs.

MBB, how much sleep does megan have in the day?how about at nite? Evee can sleep thru the nite for about 7 hours but i read that bb about her age need about 15 hours.

afcai, most times carry evee also dun work esp when hubby carry.

wah! reopen factory! bravo! i dont even dare to think about it. will pm u my CL contact later. rem to book early lor. as for now she is already booked till july liao.


wow! sleep thru for 7 hrs already! so wonderful! pls share how you did it!
bb meg (btw her name is Megdelene, dun wanna confuse w Calynn's doter whose name is Megan) sleep like 9 to 10 hrs at nite but in between must feed her lah. sometimes once, sometimes twice depending on her last feed's timing.
the good thing abt her is she drink her milk then goes right back to sleep at nite.

daytime she cat nap between 15 to 30 mins. on a good day (like yesterday, she nap once for 30 min followed by another round for almost 3 hrs).
realy depends on her mood one.

tis 2 days less fuss in the daytime. today she cat nap also but she is willing to play by herself in the playpen.

i also read tat bb nd 15 hrs of sleep to grow thus i was very anxious to get her to sleep more.
never mindlah. as long as she is gaining weight n dun hv panda eyes, i will relax abit.

i meant juz in case i need to open factory by accident only.
actually i hv declare factory close liao but you never know rite?

i dun accept pm, pls email me [email protected]
wah man! u gals sure can chat man! so many postings!!!!!! gosh... am gonna take v long to typr out this reply...

here goes...


u flat head meh? how 2 tell? or maybe grow up liao become round? cos e other time i saw u, in look flat leh! ok ok, will try 2 massage her head until round round or really become alien!

ay, y u so early tink bt reopening factory?? wat's happening at nite huh? hmmm *evil grin*


MIM a bit cramped leh. tink better dun bring stroller. but i saw ppl bringing lah. small one like those aprica or combi, if it's like peg perego or quinny hor, no space to manuevre one... 4got is fitting rm is big enof 4 a small stroller, it's e curtain kind...

i scared o latching outside cos scared cannot find nursing rm. mandy can get q cranky n take a while to latch on plus my milk will spray here spray there. imagine one passerby kena sprayed by my milk, so pai seh rite? so unless i's sure there's a nice big nursing rm lor. my stroller q big, dunno can fit into small nursing rms or nt..

starluster, qianhui,

ya lor. q tiring bringing bb out. went marina sq on wed. in e end, spent most o time, feeding bb, walk here walk there look 4 diaper changing rm... go up n dn escalator oso tiring... haiz..


wah! if it's me, i'll oso cry!!!! n i won't dare to wake hubby but i'll secretly wish bb cry loud loud n wake him up so he can help... then i'll wish i faint just when he wakes up so i got all e excuse to rest... but we all noe these things du happen lah! hah hah...
u gd lah, tong whole nite urself! all e best 2 u tonite. hope it'll b a gd nite 4 u...

ya lor...me oso always tink o doing this doing tt. but once bb cranky n i dun get enof sleep leh, i'll tink to myself, sleep is still more impt...


u came too late. i JUST bot my ergo carrier!


no lah. she slept thru only 4 one nite n kinda freaked me out. in fact, i's hoping she won't do tt again, at least in e near future... n yah, she din... chey... i oso just found out sleeping thru means 5 hrs... oh wait, tt means it's nt e 1st time mandy 'slept thru' lor. but usu she feeds at 4-5hrs interval at nite. so nt too bad..

i change her at every feed at nite too. i nv noe when she poo or pee one cos she doesn't fuss, dun seem to bother her. so auto every feed change lor!


hiyoh, ur boi so cute. he's got nice masculine features, will grow up to b a handsome man!


mandy like ur gal oso.... as long as it's food, she will chomp! heh heh... gd lor... these kinda ppl wld nt starve next time..
too many postings and too little time to reply to everyone.

thanks for encouraging and supporting me. hb wakes at 6 to prepare to go to work so bu ren xin to wake him.

but you know what kimi, i was hatching exactly the same plot you were thinking.

going to go out now with son. hope tonight will be a better night.
Hi kym,
first congrats for yr new born and welcome to this dec thread. the first 2 wk will be a tough experience whereby bb and mummy learnt the bf skill.

it is gd that bb suck hard fr the beginning. my ss only came fr 4 day onwards. as for yr sore nipple, I do encounter it for the first 2 wk cos nipple has not get used to it and also I realised that I latched on incorrectly. one must let bb take the aerola instead of nipple. open yr bb 's mouth big big and push her mouth toward yr aerola so that bb will grab the whole aerola.

what I know is during confinement, I intake a lot of fluid as follow:

morning: red longan dates(can increase ss), milo, bottle of essence, mee sua soup
noon: red longan dates
night: fish soup, brown rice water (brown rice add water)

by drinking lot of fluid, sleep and remain clam (not stress up) will increase yr milk flow.

it is normal that sometimes ss suddenly stopped and then came in a gush which I experience like u at that time. do remember the more u let yr bb latch on, the ss flow called let down reflux will stimulate on it own. u can feel the tingling feeling when let down.

from what u have mentioned that u felt yr right breast heavy, it might be block ducts. try to use a towel and drip with hot/warm water (fr heater also can) and place it on yr block breast, massage it. trust me, few mins later, milk will flow out. I only encountered once for the block duct. is yr bra too tight which cause it to block? as advice by nurse,do also massage yr aerola, nipple and breast before each feed.

do feel to ask any enquires (if I have missed out), we are here to share and learnt.
Hi Afcai, thanks so much! what u say about the latching makes sense... I think baby didn't take the aerola, and just take the nipple, then in the end, the sucking motion creates friction for the nipple. Problem is, after 4 days of drinking from the milk bottle, she doesn't seem to want to latch on anymore, but I will perservere.

For fluids, my nanny doesn't allow me to drink water, so, I only drink red date water. She also not very into soups leh, so far, she only cooked soup once or twice in the 8 days. Anyways, the nanny is going back on Sunday and a replacement is coming, so maybe the replacement will cook soups for me. Anyways, my husband says he will smuggle some water into the room for me later.. erhahaha!

I always do the warm towel massage thing leh, in fact when I was previously pumping, I did it in b/w intervals and found it works. But I tried today, and still no use. Quite strange, macham like someone switched off the main water supply, and the milk just stopped flowing. And, I go braless all day, .. haha.. more convenient. Anyways, tomorrow, I am going back to the gynae for checkup, so I will drop by ParentCraft and see if they have any advice.

I will update you again! Thanks thanks!
wow qianhui,
so good can bring bb out shopping. i dun dare as i scared javier will cry halfway shopping. now my mil staying wif us, she surely disapprove mi bringing bb out. say bb too young to go to places wif alot of ppl.
but i bringing my javier to causeway point next week. heehee.. he is turning 2 mth old. hope he will be guai guai when mummy bring him to shop shop..
Hi Kym,
u are welcome. hope some experience which I encountered help.

yup, as what the info at bb centre uk website stated, it is better not to intro bottle feed or pacificer till bb intro breastfeeding or else it will be difficult to intro breastfeeding later on cos bb will learn that bottle teat is much easier to suck as milk flow is easier than nipple (whereby need lot of energy to suck).

but dun give up, do try to latch on maybe at night when bb is 'blur blur' fr slp.

yup, my mum also said cannot drink water during confinement mth so I did not take water. do drink fish soup or eat lot of fish which will boost up ss maybe u can require her to cook fish soup.

try not to drink water if u wan to drink, then drink hot one. haaa so interesting description that u stated switch of the milk' supply.

I only wear bra when I go out (only twice since I delivered on 8/12) or when there is visitor. yup, it is indeed conventient to go braless when bf.

where did u deliver?

u may like to check info for block duct at http://www.babycenter.com/refcap/baby/babybreastfeed/8494.html
yup, acc to the singhealth website, the consultant fee is different or varies fr polyclinic. someone do wrote to forum to enquiry why. forgot what the person in charge replied. think it may be the rental for the place.

quite funny someone mentioned tat polyclinic do not have 6 in 1. maybe not all polyclinic have leh. one go singhealth website and call to check.
i always hav camera on stand by. took many many foto of him. guess i too possess on my bb. nowasday whenever he finish his fed, he will b in good mood. i will start talking or singing to him. u can try tat. surely can capture his smile.
Hi starluster,
thks for the bottle tips link, quite informative.
did u supervise yr bb when letting her slp on her tummy during daytime?

wow, then bb 's buttok must be itchy loh.haa same like the bb, stare at something and forgot to suck during feeding time. haa.. something like that my gar also sometimes stare at the window grill, sofa, cushion etc. dunno what's there to see?

haa.. cos I post a qns to dunno which mummy to ask if she encounter any yellowish liquid coming out of the BCG. then this become 'hot' topic to discuss.
Hi alabone,
same here, too many posting so need to scan the message one by one.

so surprising and hoping this will last. my gar today did not fuss. maybe y'day, already fuss till today slp most of the time. today, as usually, after bath, I placed her on her playpen, I told hubby to look after and went for my bath. surprising she lied on her playpen, smile and look here and there then fall alsp on her own. she woke up only at 2100pm then after 20mins feed, I placed her bck to playpen and slp. hope she will remain like that.

ok, gg to catch some slp liao cos hardly have afternoon nap.
To mummies who delivered in KKH,
may I know have mummy here collect their NTUC goodies bag in selected NTUC fairprice this mth?

the dateline for collection is 2 mth from the birth date. I have yet to collect cos acc to my sis, she told me that dec goodies bag is not so gd. so I am wondering what's there in Jan?
Hi KarenP,
I only applied ru yi oil once a day after towel dry her in the evening.

maybe can apply more depend on bb's situation.
Pat pat..poor u...I can understand totally, cos last Sat, it was me! Annette didnt sleep from 1am to 6am, and I also cried while feeding her during the night. Also kept vomiting. But after that, so far so good. Although she is still not sleeping in the day. Spek with your hubby and thank goodness this is the weekend, and check if he can help look after. Or perhaps look after your son and check if your mom can look after bb for one night while you catch up on ur sleep?
My baby like yours. Whole day didnt sleep more than an hour...I wonder if it's healthy for them and how can she grow big like that! The moment we put her on her cot or even in the sarong, she will wake up! But when we carry her, she looks as if she is in super deep sleep, sigh. She just fell asleep finally at 8pm just now but I think she is about to wake up for her feed.

Good luck everyone for tonight. I think everynight we need to wish each other luck and pray for each other!
I apply the oil once a day after her bath in the morning. Perhaps night time is a good time to apply as well, like what Afcai did...

He can smile some times back liao.. if good can shake his rattle, play a bit, n talk talk, or he sleep then it’s peaceful life... But when he cries & cries.. it’s very pissful..


Blisscard is FOC wan for those eligible ppl in south west cdc.. $38 cash card..

Och, Jackie,

I dunno why leh. My mum took care of Ace wan… Maybe he kanna over fed… coz I dun latch him ma.. he is being bottle fed.


The pram can be pushed into the breastfeeding room inside that big room Maybe my pram small small.. but aiya, sure can bring in wan... I can bring my shopping bags, Pram.. all into.. and inside got 1 chair, 1 chair/table.. and 1 mirror for u too see and make yourself tidy ;p
<font size="+2">Counting down list..</font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>roundnbloaty (p0o9i8)</TD><TD>??/12/2006</TD><TD>Dr Vincent Lee</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>kiost</TD><TD>03/12/2006</TD><TD>Dr Theresa Cheng</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>adora</TD><TD>04/12/2006</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>curious</TD><TD>10/12/2006</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mae (gemi_mae)</TD><TD>11/12/2006</TD><TD>Dr KC Yeo</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cream</TD><TD>12/12/2006</TD><TD>Dr Chew</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> 445g @ 21wk 5d </TD></TR><TR><TD>snowy (weemo)</TD><TD>17/12/2006</TD><TD>Dr LN Sim</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>sunflower</TD><TD>18/12/2006</TD><TD>Dr Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> 590g @ 23wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ying Ling (stormmie)</TD><TD>18/12/2006</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>kermit2006</TD><TD>22/12/2006</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>decnk (ninikiki)</TD><TD>22/12/2006</TD><TD>Dr Thong</TD><TD>Raffles</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berrysweet</TD><TD>25/12/2006</TD><TD>Dr Tham</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD> 2200g @ 34wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>yin (yin2)</TD><TD>28/12/2006</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font size="+2">CONGRATULATIONS to..</font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>DOB</TD><TD>Birth weight/length</TD><TD>1 Mth weight/length</TD><TD>Method</TD><TD>BB Name </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bei Bei (bei)</TD><TD>04/12/2006</TD><TD>10/11/2006</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>C-Sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Leanne</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>QSG</TD><TD>04/12/2006</TD><TD>13/11/2006</TD><TD>3180g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural + assisted</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Evee</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yukiee</TD><TD>02/12/2006</TD><TD>15/11/2006</TD><TD>3120g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural w Epi + forcep</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Anthea</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bloom (bloom75)</TD><TD>24/12/2006</TD><TD>15/11/2006</TD><TD>1800g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Epi C-Sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Kathleen</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>berry (merryberrys)</TD><TD>06/12/2006</TD><TD>18/11/2006</TD><TD>3170g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>GA C-Sec</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Kieran</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Karin Lee (mittyball31)</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>20/11/2006</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>C-Sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Gabrielle</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene (coolman)</TD><TD>05/12/2006</TD><TD>21/11/2006</TD><TD>3165g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural + Assisted W/O Epi</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Javier</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kimi</TD><TD>04/01/2007</TD><TD>22/11/2006</TD><TD>1860g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural W/O Epi</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Mandy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Calynn</TD><TD>05/12/2006</TD><TD>22/11/2006</TD><TD>3110g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Epi C-Sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Megan</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Puffybunny (reyne)</TD><TD>02/12/2006</TD><TD>24/11/2006</TD><TD>2995g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural W Epi</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">YingXuan</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jenny (freesiajen)</TD><TD>15/12/2006</TD><TD>24/11/2006</TD><TD>2560g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural W Epi</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gan (muffingan)</TD><TD>17/12/2006</TD><TD>26/11/2006</TD><TD>2490g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Epi C-Sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Hayley</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ftmtb06</TD><TD>07/12/2006</TD><TD>26/11/2006</TD><TD>2865g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural W/O Painkiller</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jackie (doggies)</TD><TD>05/12/2006</TD><TD>27/11/2006</TD><TD>3190g / 50cm</TD><TD>4450g / 56cm</TD><TD>Natural W Epi</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Jovey</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Muahchie</TD><TD>01/12/2006</TD><TD>27/11/2006</TD><TD>3140g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural W Epi</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Caleb</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Geri Zoe (sweet_heart)</TD><TD>12/12/2006</TD><TD>28/11/2006</TD><TD>3190g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural W/O Epi</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Ariel</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dey</TD><TD>09/12/2006</TD><TD>28/11/2006</TD><TD>3150g</TD><TD>4500g</TD><TD>Natural + Assisted W Epi</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Nathan</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qian Hui</TD><TD>02/12/2006</TD><TD>29/11/2006</TD><TD>3220g / 53cm</TD><TD>5000g / 57cm</TD><TD>Natural W/O Epi</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ace Lim</font> Photos </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherly</TD><TD>07/12/2006</TD><TD>29/11/2006</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>?</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>CF Chang</TD><TD>02/12/2006</TD><TD>30/11/2006</TD><TD>3130g / 52cm</TD><TD>4440g / 58.5cm</TD><TD>Epi C-Sec</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Philson</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dad2B</TD><TD>10/12/2006</TD><TD>30/11/2006</TD><TD>2695g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Epi C-Sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Dawn</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fatbear</TD><TD>25/12/2006</TD><TD>Nov</TD><TD>3165g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>C-Sec</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>och</TD><TD>02/12/2006</TD><TD>01/12/2006</TD><TD>3885g / 52cm</TD><TD>5000g / 57.5cm</TD><TD>Natural W Epi</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Madeleine</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doggiebb</TD><TD>21/12/2006</TD><TD>01/12/2006</TD><TD>2900g</TD><TD>3900g / 53cm</TD><TD>Natural W Epi</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Talia Ann</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qwer</TD><TD>07/12/2006</TD><TD>02/12/2006</TD><TD>3145g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>?</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Karen P</TD><TD>05/12/2006</TD><TD>03/12/2006</TD><TD>3240g / 48.5cm</TD><TD>5050g / 56cm</TD><TD>Natural W Vacuum</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Darren Tan</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>JKJT</TD><TD>12/12/2006</TD><TD>04/12/2006</TD><TD>2705g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Epi C-Sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Jorene</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doremi</TD><TD>24/12/2006</TD><TD>05/12/2006</TD><TD>3250g / 49cm</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>C-Sec</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>feire</TD><TD>04/12/2006</TD><TD>05/12/2006</TD><TD>3900g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Epi C-Sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>JLim (jlimdan)</TD><TD>08/12/2006</TD><TD>05/12/2006</TD><TD>3525g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Epi C-Sec</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Cayden Lim</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Monica</TD><TD>08/12/2006</TD><TD>08/12/2006</TD><TD>3670g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural W/O Epi</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ryan</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gwendolen Chye (gwenchye)</TD><TD>09/12/2006</TD><TD>05/12/2006</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Epi C-Sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vanessa Lu (vaness81)</TD><TD>10/12/2006</TD><TD>06/12/2006</TD><TD>3140g / 49cm</TD><TD>4550g / 54cm</TD><TD>Natural W/O Epi</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Reyna Chua Wen Qi</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bobianah</TD><TD>04/12/2006</TD><TD>08/12/2006</TD><TD>2960g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural + Forceps W Epi</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Hannah Gan Jia En</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>fizz</TD><TD>10/12/2006</TD><TD>08/12/2006</TD><TD>2895g</TD><TD>4200g / 52cm</TD><TD>Natural W Epi</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Caelan</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>afcai</TD><TD>18/12/2006</TD><TD>08/12/2006</TD><TD>2925g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural W/O Epi</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Ting Xuan</font> Photos </TD></TR><TR><TD>Linette</TD><TD>19/12/2006</TD><TD>08/12/2006</TD><TD>3083g / 50cm</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>E Epi C-Sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Annette Yeong</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ginsengmum</TD><TD>02/01/2007</TD><TD>09/12/2006</TD><TD>2485g / 47cm</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Induced Natural W Epi</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Jovan</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>MBB</TD><TD>14/12/2006</TD><TD>11/12/2006</TD><TD>3100g</TD><TD>4200g</TD><TD>Epi C-Sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Megdelene</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sylk</TD><TD>15/12/2006</TD><TD>12/12/2006</TD><TD>3500g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Epi C-Sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Regina</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Alabone</TD><TD>01/01/2007</TD><TD>12/12/2006</TD><TD>2610g / 49cm</TD><TD>4150g / 54cm</TD><TD>GA C-Sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Natalie Claire Goh Zi Lei</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Starluster</TD><TD>15/12/2006</TD><TD>12/12/2006</TD><TD>2455g /47cm</TD><TD>3610g / 51cm</TD><TD>Epi C-Sec</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Sophia</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shihui</TD><TD>25/12/2006</TD><TD>13/12/2006</TD><TD>2985g / 49cm</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural W/O Epi</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Fong Pin Heng</font> Photos </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ruffybear (ruffy_happy)</TD><TD>18/12/2006</TD><TD>13/12/2006</TD><TD>3700g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>E GA C-Sec</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Roy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Diveera</TD><TD>22/12/2006</TD><TD>13/12/2006</TD><TD>2930g / 47cm</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural W Epi</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Shanessa</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Conniemummy</TD><TD>12/12/2006</TD><TD>15/12/2006</TD><TD>3030g / 50cm</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural W Epi</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Isabelle Loh</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stephanie Tham (mummyme)</TD><TD>18/12/2606</TD><TD>16/12/2006</TD><TD>3245g / 51cm</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural W Epi</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Lucas</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jen (eliciatan)</TD><TD>25/12/2006</TD><TD>19/12/2006</TD><TD>3260g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural W Epi</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Selinna</font> Photos </TD></TR><TR><TD>Choo</TD><TD>14/12/2006</TD><TD>19/12/2006</TD><TD>3620g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural W Epi</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ivan</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>deardar (precious_moments)</TD><TD>20/12/2006</TD><TD>19/12/2006</TD><TD>3170g</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural W/O Epi</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>LiL (momtb)</TD><TD>25/12/2006</TD><TD>24/12/2006</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>?</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ewan</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Siman</TD><TD>23/12/2006</TD><TD>25/12/2006</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>?</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>dora</TD><TD>26/12/2006</TD><TD>31/12/2006</TD><TD>2700g / 52cm</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Natural W Epi Vacuum Assisted</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Jing Ting</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>Wedding/Baby Photos &amp; Other Links </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qian Hui</TD><TD> Multiply / Yahoo / Friendster </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yukiee</TD><TD> Pixagogo / Yahoo </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bobianah</TD><TD> Yahoo </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene (coolman)</TD><TD>Friendster </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vanessa Lu</TD><TD>Friendster </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dey</TD><TD> Yahoo </TD></TR><TR><TD>MBB</TD><TD> Yahoo </TD></TR><TR><TD>Afcai</TD><TD> Friendster </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shihui</TD><TD> Yahoo / Friendster </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
hihi ladies,
Trying to catch up reading all the postings while pumping my milk.

i've been mia for few days as been busy taking care of bb n bringing her out kai kai lately.
Last Mon, even bought bb to orchard on my own to meet my colleagues for lunch. But a bit troublesome as need to lots of bb's barang barang like ebm n hot water flask etc.

** can i ask a question?
does any of u try to bring bb out alone using stroller. If yes, where will u push the stroller n bb to if u need to go toilet? If i bring bb out alone, i use the sling to bring bb out.

hi mbb,
wow yur bb meg is such a babe..

i aso love her outfit

hi alabone,
*pat pat* i aso been through wat u've experienced. think this will pass.. sometimes bb has those mood swing n we cant really predict wat they will do next. haiz..
my bb recently becomes 'a sticky glue' esp when she wants to take her afternoon nap. She will be very cranky till i put her sleeping besides me. Several times i thought she in deep sleep, i wander off to do my hse chores. Within ten mins, she cries loudly for my attention again.

Hi Dey,
yur bb boi is so chubby hor

Hi kimi n someone (cant remember who),
so gd that yur bb so guai, can sleep through the nite. Mine still has to wake at least for one feeding in the middle of night. I still hoping my bb can overcome n sleep throughout.

Hi Kimi,
i unable to pm u.
hm.. do u still like to meet up one of these day? Just pm me lor. Pokemon has emailed me her contact n we'll inform her once we set the day n time lor.

Btw, i hv a question for u.
Is Dr Lawerence yur gynae? if yes, hv u went back for yur pap smear? The nurse there told me to call them to fix appt once my menses arrives.
got your PM. thanks for info. went to check out one cc just downstairs my mum's pl. teachers did not impress me. they have 24mth licence but kids were scattered abt and were not really doing anything constructive. charges are $470 (b4 gst) for full day. how much are ryan's cc fees? also, how do i know whether i can use the govt subsidy for cc?
pampers cotton care is pampers premium i think. the nb n s sizes falls under cotton care. it's pretty gd on my bb's skin, but expensive, so i can only afford to use it at night.
my gal usually poos in the day. i'm quite glad i no longer hv to clean bb's poo at night, cos the smell gets trapped in the aircon room. my bb was heavy at birth, but not heavy anymore. :p she has to go thru weekly cycles of orthodontist visits where she will eat badly n sleep badly for a few days, so she isn't eating as well as i like. but so far, quite satisfied with her development, so not stressing over her weight.

eh, must teach me how to hold bb leh. did u arch ur back? how come bb's weight is mostly on u?

so far, i put bb's neck n back on 1 hand n the other hand will grip one of her legs while letting her buttocks rest on the wrist. but my bb will arch her back, so her weight is totally not on me but on my hands. she will push her hands against my chest so that her head can see more, but she's not strong enuf to support her head. n she will deliberately turn her head v. fast to look at everything. i dunno hold to hold her head without twisting my wrist with her. tell her to lean her head against my shoulders she also dun want.

read somewhere that bb like to sleep early. hv u tried putting bb to bed earlier, say 9pm?

ha! glad to find someone who has the same diaper changing practice as me. :p i dun want to change her diapers cos i'm afraid it will cause her to really wake up. prefer her to stay in the drowsy state, easier for her to fall back asleep.

hee, i was also kind of freaked out when madeleine slept fr 11pm to 6am. conflicting emotions, want her to sleep thru, but when she does, i panic.
Govt subsidy for working mums is $150 a mth, non working is $75. Ryan's CC fees ( full day) is $350 after the $150 subsidy. All CC's are entitled to govt subsidy. Avg price is $500-$800 b4 subsidy for full day.
can teach me how to sell my things away at yahoo auction? need to become member?
wanna get rid of a few bb items.

in the begining i was very on the ball abt changing diapers till the extend of wasting. later i find tat bb meg's buttock skin quite thick leh.....hee heee. so i start to cut the frequency plus i also dun wanna wake her up in the middle of the nite if she is not complaining

i hv the same question in mind. how to go toilet if i bring bb out on stroller by myself? tats why till now i haven bring bb meg out alone.

it was me who checked w the polyclinic and was told no 6 in 1 jab.
anyway, i hv decided to juz opt for the 5 in 1.
you cant see my flat head but if you touch it, you will find tat my head is not round de. like round on the side then the back part is flat flat de.
whenever i go to the salon, i will get comment like "you sleep on your back alot when you are a bb hor?". good thing is my hair is thick, so this flaw is covered
Morning mummies,
Wow tis morning, my bb vomitted out a lot of milk, almost as if the whole night's feeds are all out. Sigh, so depressing. Anyone kenah such amt of vomitting before?

i just pm u. let me noe if u received ok?

btw, my gynae is dr ang. i went bk last wk but still haf a bit o lochia so din do pap smear. missy oso told me call them when menses come bk. but i'm q confused cos bfing menses might nt come bk 4 mths, so wait so long 2 do pap smear meh? i asked if i cab schedule 4 pap smear once i'm all dry, she said can also... act hor, wat's pap smear 4 huh?

btw, u oso haf fibroid rite? did it shrink after birth? mine shrunk fr 8cm to 4cm..


oic.. my mum's worry is tt Mandy's side of e head wld b flat since she keeps on lying on her side. i can't really envision it happening..

MBB, gan,

i's oso wondering bt going 2 e toilet outside w a stroller. haven't seen anyone doing tt leh. seems like there r lot o things we can't do by ourselves hor? haiz...
Hi ladies,
Suppose to go look for hubby with BB and myself so i can learn and see how i cope taking train n MRT....But hor FIL SUPER WORRY, so end up he is sending BB and me
.....Cant help but feel that his trip to Chinatown with MIL is actually a plot so i wont reject the lift....Aiyo, me 'ma fan' right? Got free ride also complaint.....But than i must start learning to be indepent mah...
kimi, mbb,
can we use toilets for the disabled when we bring bb out in a stroller? at least i would do that lor.

i was also changing diapers every feed, until i got tired. anyway, madeleine's skin also quite thick. hee hee.
och, mbb,
so nice.. u both can save on the diaper.. my bb hor, poo like his papa own the diaper factory lidat...
muz change aft every feed bcoz he poo aft every feed..
den hor.. will be super lucky if he dun poo aft feed...
luckily i use nappy in the day.. else i think he will really poo his papa poor.. :p

u juz need to hav a yahoo email account can liao...
can't exactly rem wat how i set up my auction sale... but it's rather easy coz i juz simply follow thru the steps.. :p
thanks for info again. was surfing net and found a govt website with all available info on childcare. really helpful. thanks for sending the email regarding things i should look out for. v useful.

hahaha. your comment was funny. bb still poos after each feed? that's quite a lot. my bb has gone to pooing once a day only. very thick and a lot. last time also poo during each feed. change diapers until i scared also.

my bb also kept vomiting milk yesterday. there was once it was also half her feed. today didn't vomit.

monitor her vomiting and if it is not projectile vomiting then it is slightly less worrying. My PD said to let bb stay in incline position for 10-15mins after feed. see if that helps.

natalie also lie on one side so it is rather flat now. i prop up the side she likes to lie on and force her to turn the other side. don't want her head to be lopsided...

after checking out some child care with hb yesterday, we both feel that it is somehow safer that i stay home and take care of kids instead of sending my jared to cc. coz the teachers like nv attend to the kids and let them run here run there... good ones v ex and far away not convenient for my mum to bring him there.

so in order to stay home, i still need to do some homebased work. anyone with any lobangs? i am proficient in the English and Chinese Language and can do translating work and tuition for sec sch students.

please let me know if you have any job opportunities for me. thanks!
Hi Afcai,

hmm.. maybe I'll try the latching at night. Yday evening, tried latching and the baby was so angry!! he would suck for a while, then start fussing and it happened many times, then finally, we gave in, and gave him the bottle. :p well, my replacement confinement nanny is coming tomorrow, so I will check if she will cook fish soups for me.

well, for now, I just keep trying the latching. I will feel abit sad if my baby rejects my breasts!!! haha.. and I also need the baby to stimulate the ss as well.

I delivered in Thomson. HOw about you? By the way, I went to see gynae today, apparently, he says my wound has "tissue reaction". I think it is quite common? Anyways, he took out my stitches, and gave me some numbing gel to use. Hopefully, it gets better.

how about yourself, where did u deliver?
kimi, die liao..and i was telling serene that my gal look like her boy..and now u said her boy got masculine features!!! let see if i can upload one pic.but this one does not look at her son.... cannot capture those expressions leh....really look like boy hor..until hubby keep calling her boy boy...



afcai, took my ntuc goody bag in jan (early jan i think). inside only 1 pkt og cereal sample plus some disposable 'cap' for the thermometer..so disappointing. esp when have to ask hubby to go to the specific ntuc to collect (not all ntuc have the bag)

och, i always put her back to bed after each feeding, cos i got to do household chores plsu pumping etc.. 'early enuf' anot? :p anyway what is the 'supposed' bedtime for a bb har?

mbb, i think u need to have a yahoo acct to sell things auction..so far i had only bought things have not sold things yet :p

Linette,my mom said that if the weather is cold bb will vomit too...maybe it was a windy night and ur bb is not wrapped up enuf?

alabone, sorry har..u all always say incline position. Incline means sleeping har? Or 45 degree? Me very confused :p If sleeping position, why can't we just put them back onto the bed? so u r going to be a SAHM for the time being?

yest hubby came back around 11pm+, bb was not sleeping and calling for attention so he carried her walk around, talk to her, let her watch tv..alamat midnight already leh... so i fedup after pumping go and sleep and let him take 1am shift..middle of the night he woke me up and told me he is sick liao..so though today he is at home, he is sleeping whole day after taking meds and i am on my own again.. tuesday will send bb to bbsitter..hope it turns out fine!
hi bloom,
bb looks like my bb nat leh. esp when sleeping like that. so cute.

yes. incline means 45deg. so what i do is i hold her for a good 10-15mins b4 putting her back to bed. but alot of times she gek and gek, milk still comes out. today hubby did a makeshift incline bed for her supported by cushion and blanket.

we can't put them back into bed so quickly coz their oesophagus very short so they will regurgitate.

i want to be a SAHM. but really haven't come to a decision yet. if i can find lots of tuition students then i will stay home. otherwise, i have to find a childcare and put my son there and go back to school... which i'm highly unwilling to now.

hope your hb recovers soon. hope your bb will be fine with bbsitter too. you taking bb back home everyday or only weekends?
Apply for CCL to become SAHM...u will surely enjoy more then going back to work. Ur lucky that your mum is around to help you take care of your kids so that you can give tution. Tution is not an option for me coz Mum/MIL are still working...no one else to take care of bb.

Roy still poos 4-5 times a day and sometimes just after his feed...
at one glance i tot u posted my bb's photo! haha.. my bb oso look like that... esp after she finish her feed. neck back, mouth open. my bb cant really tell boy or gal..and since we got alot of bluish clothing, most ppl think she's a he. her father la... already scanned its a gal but still buy blue clothing coz that's his fav color.

abalone and anyone else that know...
milk coming outta nose issit consider regurgitate? my bb often like that.. esp if i dont hold her incline or uprite long enough after feeding. then she will like choke/cannot breathe kinda sound. v scary. i am still wondering whether need to go see gp regarding this. is this normal??

a bit gross but i remember u all talk abt piles before.. i think i kana piles oso.. got like a small piece of meat hanging out. is that piles? see gynae or see gp? help!!
yup. i totally agree. i stayed home for both pregnancies due to slip disc and enjoyed myself taking care of my boy (though i must admit there were times of frustrations). so now want to take care of him and teach him myself if i can rather than let someone else do it.

i agree i'm lucky that i've got my mum's help. however, if i stay at home totally, i still need to work somehow to earn money. our family cannot depend on just my hb's salary. so if anyone knows of anyone wanting tuition for sec sch el, can recommend me? have >5yrs of teaching exp.

nat doesn't poo as much already. thank goodness. last time i really change diaper until i scared. plus hearing her explosive poo sound also frightened me.

my girl also. wearing hand-me-downs from her brother so also got lotsa blue colour clothes. pple also think she boy...

i've no experience with regards to milk coming out of nose. but i just think any milk coming out means regurge coz not keeping it in. how about you call your bb's PD to find out?

i also had piles during pregnancy. and sometimes when get constipated, piles tend to get worse. so far, have never see a dr to resolve this coz not really bothering me.

bb so fair! so cute! sleep until like that!
you are sending bb to babysitter already? are you starting work soon?

today finally cannot resist the temptation to "kao" out bb's cradle cap. shiok leh!
. i read from here the way to do it is to apply baby oil but wouldn't it be very oily then? my bb got a lot of hair, now i got to even use baby shampoo to wash her hair or else a bit stinko. cannot imagine put baby oil and the hair being oily oily like that.

one of the last pic of bb with my CL (her shoulders lah) wahaha!

Alabone and Bloom,
Thanks. My bb vomitted less today, cos I kept carrying her after feeds in inclined position. However, NIGHTMARE! Today, she kept latching on EVERY HOUR till I am sooo exhausted! Only got to eat my dinner at 9 plus pm and that's cos I threw her into the sarong and hubby rocking her. Sigh, wonder if this is the 6th week growth spurt, cos she just turned 6th week yesterday. So "zun" meh?

My elder daughter used to regurgitate milk from her nostrils as well. I think it's how they lie down, cos even my bb now will sometimes have milk coming outta the nose if she is in certain positions and wanting to spit out milk.

Wah! Your girl very cute leh! Her expression seems like she is in bliss like that, so sweet!

Sigh, bb sleeping now, think I better go and sleep as well, else tonight might be another battlefield like the whole of today! Good luck everyone for another peaceful night tonight!!!!
this frequent poo phase is a short one. after 1 month, ur bb will start to poo less liao.

kathleen looks so contented! i guess bedtime can be anything between 7 to 9? my bb gets crankier if we put her to bed later. she prefers to sleep between 7-8pm, after her feed. inclined position means at least 45 deg.

my bb's bed is also inclined.
we stuffed the jeans that i can no longer wear under bb's mattress to create a 5-10 deg incline.

i think some regurgitation is to be expected. my bb regurgitates too. both the pd n neonatologist seeing her told me that's quite normal.

ur bb's lips r so full! so cute!
Morning Ladies,
Me no mood today.... bb is SICK! Kena Virus from her sisters again /clipart{angry}!!! Keep coughing and yet dunno how to cough.... PD got no med for her except for phlegm.... am bringing her to TCM at Eu Yan Sang Later at PS...not sure if I had made the right choice.... hb asked to bring to KKH, but I request to go to TCM... not sure if TCM will help to solve our problem....Very vexed....

oh no. poor girls n poor mummy. 4 me, it ink TCM's better at treating coughs but 4 bbs, i dunno leh.. hope they all get well soon...

bloom, alabone, starluster,

so all ur bbs look alike? heh heh... so shld look like serene's bb too? heh heh...


ur bb nt masculine lah! bt serene's is. ha.. she looks so contented... so sweet..


wah! u another one go kao out e cradle cap. naughty naughty.... me oso hesitate to put e oil. i personally wld hate to haf oil on my hair. plus e shampoo nt so strong lor, doubt can wash off all e oil! eeks! maybe just put a teeny weeny bit b4 bathing her? but v sian to try... hiyah... just let it drop off by itself lah...

ur gal looks super comfy w ur cl hor? she looks like a contented little happy bb! n sounds like one too, cos i remember u wrote bt her liking to bathe! ha.. so adorable... u shld videotape it dn u noe... after a while, she might nt make e same movts n sounds anymore... when i'm v free, i oso try to tape my gal fussing, stretching etc..

bloom, alabone, och,

i hold my bb uprite after feed leh, nt incline... my bed is oso inclined.


my hubby wld oso buy blue stuff. usu we'll buy neutral colours n one pink one blue... cos he said dunno no. 2 boy or gal, so buyu less pink stuff in case waste money... chey!


last nite Mandy kee siao liao! dunno y suddenly super hungry like tt!

fed her from 8.30pm to 8.45pm... tot ok liao cos she usu just feed 4 15mins or so. went to bathe. came out, she still hungry... so fed her again... like e more i feed, e hungrier she became... fed all e way till 11pm!!!!!! n all e while she's sukling n suckling lor! nt those suck n stop kind leh! only took a short break to change her diapers.. act at 11pm, she's still a bit hungry but i dun care liao, make her sleep.... scared she vomit out everything... she must haf taken in like 10 letdown worth o milk! crazy rite? 8th wk got growth spurt one meh?
alabone, but nat look like a gal, kath look like a boy leh! hehe.thanks for the explanation for incline..my english not very good :p I am trying daytime for bbsitter so far..hope that she will start sleeping early at night so that I won't have to start asking bbsitter to take care of her at night too!

starluster.hahah..another one that look like kath..when she was at SCN i have to scan for her number instead of looking for face cos all bbs look alike to me :p

doggiebb, bb actually not fair, its the sunlight. Hubby already wondering why we got such a dark skin bb. will be startig work in early feb
i think have the kao out the cradle's cap lah... cannot wait for it to slowly come out of its own... ur bb reminds me of my niece who is oct bb..ehehehhe...

Linette..thaah...thats why alot of pp scare of latching..its like a 24 hr milk bottle job...

och,..wah..if i put her to sleep between 7-9pm she will wake up 3 hrs later and ask for feed then fuss and refuse to sleep loh..why my bb so strange one?

kimi, have to see wha serene says..eheheh
Yesterday, spend whole afternoon shopping @ suntec with my gal friends. Feel so good.

I also bought my medela mini E to pump out my milk while outside. But using the battery operated instead of adaptor, I feel the suction is not strong enough and unable to express he usual amt of BM. Does anyone experience this using mini E pump?

hi och,
i think yur suggestion is good.
Think we can use the disabled when we bring bb out in a stroller alone. thanks

Hi kimi,
pls check yur email on meetup.
yes, we have the same gynae. I did called the clinic n was informed that we can go ahead to do pap smear, so long we dun have more brown stains. I aso not sure the purpose of having pap smear.

As my fibroid, Dr Ang din mention anything on my last checkup n I aso forgot to ask.

Hi Bloom,
yur bb ger looks so content.
Vanessa Lu.
No joke is bb is sick at young age. Should bring bb to KKH. Med is better there.
Last time, my boi was sick with cough and phelgm, went TMC twice(dr Ong), never recover and then bring him to KKH then recover.
KKH med is diff and better I feel and they are proff enuff to treat your kid.
TCM takes a longer period to recover I feel.

Hi Bloom,
wow so u have shave yr bb 's hair liao? for me, I did not do any pump out of milk, just my gar latch on anytime she wanted. she has irregular feeding time, sometime, good mood them feeding is 2-3 hr (like y'day, 3hr interval, can slp more) if feeding time is short then I siao cos will be latching on 1/2- 1hr interval.

my gar really inpatient recently, she will scream when she can't get her milk in time and milk (esp hind milk) flow slowly.

